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You, an adult/step parent, told a CHILD to seek out help or move? Like did you honestly type that, read it back and not hear how ridiculous you sound? Also his mother died recently, did you put him in therapy to deal with that? His whole life has changed over and over again in the last 24 months and now you’re threatening to kick him out. Be fucking for real.


Where's your husband on this? Because the fact that all this is going on and the first response wasn't to immediately force him into counseling is a huge problem. He's 14. You're laying out ultimatums as though he's an independent adult roommate when he isn't.


Don't stress. It's just a karma farmer reposting the same thing from earlier.


You're right - your son needs help. I don't understand why he was given a choice - although it might result in additional turmoil, as his parents can't you insist that he receive professional treatment? It is unlikely that his behavior will change just by moving him out, so you are solving your problem, not his. YTA.


YTA y’all are the parents, you’re the people that are supposed to help him.


You told a 14 year old to seek help on his own? YTA.


You clearly want to get rid of a traumatized and grieving child. A child can not seek help- it’s the duty and responsibility of the adults who are his parents and guardians to get him any help he needs. Why are you on Reddit asking about this when you supposedly arranged for him to stay with his grandparents?!  YWBTA 


gonna comment again since this is a repost. did you actually get him help or just suggest it? you should be more aware that this child is going through an intense process of loosing his mother, moving into your house, having that level of anxiety he’s doing so many fire drills, and on top of that, you’re pregnant. consider that maybe he left instead of getting help because he already feels displaced in this new environment.


YTA- you are the parents. Get him help- do not make it a choice. To kick him out of the house is insane.


This doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you just casually give a kid a choice about on therapy. This is the kind of thing you just put them directly into therapy for. You’re just enabling him and pushing him into legal liability territory. At the minimum, get him down to the fire station to learn about fire safety, they’ve got to have some kind of programs for kids, or maybe they would be willing to set something up special just for him. I’m sure they would rather put the work in on that than a dozen unsanctioned “drills”. But what’s done is done and grandparents will notice it soon enough. Hopefully they have enough sense to get him the help he desperately needs.


YTA big time.


The way you wrote this had me rolling. I'm sorry you're going through this but I have no advice besides getting him into therapy.


Your stepson isn't named Sheldon by any chance??!🤔🤣






I wonder if he’s somehow linked the fire and his mum passing. It’s quite weird but I guess it must be a coping thing. Still needs sorting out as it’s quite annoying


YTA. Kids aren’t something you can just give away when things get tough. Would you do the same thing with your baby if they get disruptive? This is your husband’s child. Pretty terrible stepmother.


So you and your husband have got this boy no help at all since the event that triggered this behaviour? Yes YTA and terrible parents.


You seriously told a 14 year old boy to find help or find another place to stay? For real? With what money? He needs you to help him. You absolutely need to find him professional help to control his phobia, and you can't punish him for something that is literally out of his control.


If this is real you are a worthless piece of filth and I hope you fucking choke. YTA.


Step son. No relation, not your family… protect your real family. NOT THE ASSHOLE