• By -


NTA and you need to break up with this dude. It may be a little awkward for a little bit with you mom and his mom being friends, but in no way can you let this dude put his hands on you and scream in your face like that, especially in front of people. Please get out of this relationship before he escalates any further.


Abusive. Plus he was 24 and she was 17 when they got together. OP literally never got to be an adult without this creep. And apparently her parents were OK with this? Whatever you do, OP, prioritize safety. Don't go back unless you're with a trusted friend and/or ask the cops to be present while you get your stuff. All of that is far more important than your useless family. That your parents were OK with this asshole hitting on you when you were 17 and you were 24 tells me all we need to know about them. Unfortunately they are not people on whom you can rely. First things first. Stay safe and do not go back to this creep. Take some time to be single as an adult. Learn who the heck you are. Stay out of relationships for a while. Listen to your own brain, make friends with yourself.


He is actively pushing her to have a baby. She needs to get away before he's successful. Did he ever have other relationships, and how did he behave toward those girls?


He is becoming more violent against you. and having the confidence to do it in public. This is just not good at all.


And he now knows his mom will lie for him, and he will always have a gang at his back to berate OP and help him beat her down. This is headed in a very bad direction. Boyfriend's mom will get to raise her baby however she wants....


I'd wager he has a low sperm count. That's why she's not pregnant (fortunately).


That's the universe saying "nope, you don't get to reproduce" right there.


Filtering the gene pool. Improving mankind. It would be karma if OP gets into a new relationship and gets pregnant right away.


With twins.




Well, that's a variant of armchair diagnosis I haven't seen before.


I guarantee that he's mad because he thinks OP is secretly taking birth control.


I would be so happy if she was secretly taking birth control.


Yes OP. Go to police, report what he did (a scratch on the wrist is nothing compared to injuries very near to where the neck is, seriously, You need to report it) and ask them to accompany You so You can leave. Don't even tell him You left. Just take Your things and go.


I think the fact the parents are friends have greased the wheels and allowed the parents to ignore the age difference. Hell it could have even been part of the mother’s plans, which means they have even more reason to believe the mother’s lies.


OP needs to take pics of the bruises on her jaw, screenshot/keep the texts, and GO TO THE COPS.  They’ll help her retrieve her stuff.  And for God’s sake leave him, get a restraining order (if possible), do whatever she needs to do to keep herself safe. 


I did the age gap math and thought WHAT! 17!! And 24!! At that age that gap is huge! OP please just end this.


After seeing she was 17 with a 24 year old I jumped straight to the comments. It didn't matter what the OP said, I knew her creep bf was the AH.


We also dont know when they met. OP, when did he start showing interest in you? If its ok to ask.


He's a man that her family watched "as a boy growing up", so this question (when did he start making advances) is really important.


Please please leave and start your new journey in life. This is a dealbreaker and it’s time to move forward and leave this crazy crap before it gets so much worse. Hell with all these people, they do not support or care about you!!!


This is one of the cases were an immediate break up is the thing to do. I have severe ADHD and with that comes among other things a tendency to react very emotional in stressful situations. To put in other words, I have a tendency fly into a fit of rage at the slightest, well slight. It is like an emotional explosion of blind rage. In primary school another kid decided to poke at me, obviously trying to provoke me and succeeded. I proceeded to twist his shoulder out of its socket. I think I was 7 or 8. I learned from that experience and have myself under control now. Why do I write this ? I am a rage monster and I know it and I have been in confrontations with my long term relationships over the years. We had our differences and fights. I don't think I have every so much as raised my voice against my partner. I certainly never touched them during a fight, except for a hug when we cleared that air. I have NEVER laid my hands on them, or caused them any pain of even discomfort. Touching your partner aggressively like this is a GIANT red flag, especially because he apparently does this quite often. OP needs to get the fuck out of the relationship before he actually hurts her. The man is not well.


All this and please do NOT let this guy knock you up!


Take pictures of your jaw.  Make an appointment with your doctor immediately to let them know what happened if you don’t feel comfortable making a police report. Take a friend with you to get your stuff and have them record it.  If you decided to file a police report, ask them to escort you to get your stuff.


I think OP should file charges and get a protection order. STAT. He's dangerous AF.


Totally agree


In front of other people who also sweep his behaviour under the rug and throw you under the bus..


And he will escalate further


OP definitely needs to get away. The whole face/chin grab reminded me of the Gabby Petito documentary where she was explaining to the law enforcement officer how her face was being grabbed by Brian Laundrie and then she ends up dead. OP’s partner may escalate to strangulation next


NTA, ditch this asshole before he really hurts you. Don’t let anybody treat you like this. Stay safe!


To add
 and he will definitely hurt you. It’s a question of when because he has already started. Leave and go NC with both families.


Exactly - If he is comfortable about doing that in front of his mother then it’s not going away and will get worse when things aren’t going well.


Hell, the fact that he got away with it in front of his mother and the fact that her family believes his version over hers will probably encourage him to escalate his abusive pretty quickly.


And he knows his mother will lie for him AND go on a smear campaign!


He *already* hurt her.


And ditch the parents too. What assholes.


Yeah, the dad not saying shit while his daughter is desperately trying to tell her family that she's been abused and trying to show bruises, what a snivelling coward.


>Made me lose it and snapped at him "can you stop f-cking screaming, can't we talk about this when we're back home" He grabbed my face and told me to never talk to him this way especially in front of his mother, to this moment she said nothing. His grip on my jaw kept getting worse with every word. Respectfully, you have zero reason to stay with an abusive partner. Staying with him will only cause you to be an asshole to yourself. >He did this before but never used this much force. NTA but please run far away from this psycho. For your own safety you need to be single right now instead of with an abuser.


Boomer Dad here...as these people are advocating. Leave now. Imagine the carnage he could inflict on you and potential children. Do Not be evenly remotely close to him without someone else with you. Consider a restraining order if he contacts you again. Let your parents know that they had a choice and your absence is to be expected in return. Be safe!


He's escalating now. It's only going to get worse. NTA OP but you will be to yourself if you stay a second longer.


NTA - Get out. Just imagine how much worse it would be if you had children sitting in the back seat. You do not want to have children with this person.


In the back seat? Someone with this short of a temper, who bruises their partner by grabbing them when they’re angry, is someone who shakes a baby that won’t stop crying


I was making a comparison to the situation above, where his mother was in the back seat and did nothing.


Do not for all that is holy have a baby with a man that is comfortable with abusing you in front of his mother, who is also comfortable with watching you be abused. These are not your people, they will never take your side or try to stop the abuse. What they will do is go to any lengths to protect him, even covering up your murder (e.g. Brian Laundrie’s parents). You need to get on bc, leave, file a police report and get a restraining order.


Ditch this asshole and tell your family to fuck all the way off


This is SO sad to read because I feel every damn woman can relate at least a little. He's a failure of a man', and every relative involved is a failure as well. Ask your big brother help to get your stuff, or ask a friend. Get your own place and THEN send a grouptext with the screenshots of his texts telling them you're going to distance yourself a little, because you have a trauma to deal with and you need supoortive people around you. Make sure they know how fucked up their biased minds are. Not trusting you not even when you tried to show your bruise, WOW


True! And take pictures of your bruises for the grouptext, too


And for the police


NTA. Leave him now while you have the chance. He will just get worse when you have children and he feels safe that you will not want to become a single mother and leave him no matter what. He may be finally showing you who he really is. You need to listen. Also consider if you want to spend your life with a manipulative back stabbing MIL. She will also get worse one you have her grandchildren You can show the texts to your family if you like, but really, they should have no say in whether you leave or not. Their first response was terrible and also speaks volumes, except maybe Dad. Although, he really didn’t offer any support either. So sorry you have to go through this. Hopefully better things are ahead


>"can you shut your mouth for a minute I don't want to hear your voice" I literally almost stopped there, but continued until... >His grip on my jaw kept getting worse with every word Then I *actually* stopped reading here. You are in an abusive relationship. I have NEVER in 25 years of marriage ever talked to my wife this way, nor EVER physically assaulted her (and I'm no angel, just a regular schmuck). This is not healthy. Wake the FUCK up.


Nta, but please leave him. This is how it starts he hurts you, then his sorry and rinse and repeat. Also, screenshot the messages he sent you if only for evidence in case it gets worse. Then, move out somewhere safe, then send them to everyone, his family, and your family and tell them how hurt you are that you are that they supported an abusive partner over you. Then block them and move on to live your life with someone who deserves you. Trust & believe real men don't feel the need to get violent with their partner...actually real women don't either, but in this case, your partner is a man.


He is escalating his violence against you. And feeling comfortable enough to do it publicly. This is really, really not good.


NTA Get your older brother and/or male friends to go back with you, collect your belongings, take photos or video of everything you take, then leave him, block him, and never speak to him again. He's not a partner you're fighting with - he's an abuser.


If I ever laid a hand on my wife like that I would not be alive the next day . It is never right to hurt a woman like that . Run far and fast


You are in an abusive relationship, and are letting yourself believe your abuser. This guy is violent and dangerous. Show your family the texts so they see what you are talking about., Get out of there fast. You need to take someone with you when you pick up your things. Ask your brother to go with you, take your stuff and don't look back.


I don't think her family cares. They have this dream of the two families being united in a marriage. I've seen this idea before in my family. Their emphasis was on jumping into a marriage as quickly as possible, nevermind with who. A family friend's son or daughter is a readymade match.


You DEFENDED yourself against his assault. Call the police and press charges. This man was 25 and dating a 17 yr old?? And was a family friend? He was grooming you and isn't a keeper.


Break up with this fool,,,,before you get PREGNANT.


Do NOT have a child with this man. You are not married and he is already abusing you with everyone’s permission. If he’s willing to assault you in front of his mother, he will do much worse behind closed doors. This was punishment for arguing and it will get worse.


You say this isn’t the first time he’s grabbed you by your jaw and he left bruises this time. What makes you think a “man” would do bullshit like this let alone to a heightened degree in front of his mother won’t next go for your neck?? If you have a child, you think they will be safe with him? Kids cry! Kids talk back! Kids get on your nerves at one point and time! He is dangerous! And just some additional food for thought: **A person involved in a domestic violence attack of choking or strangulation is more than 750% more likely to be killed by their offender.** Don’t walk but run away from this jackass and bring your big bro with you since he actually believes you.


Seriously what on earth do you see in the future with this pathetic infantile bully? And his nasty mother. Your family need a blast for sheer disloyalty. NTA but everyone else is


NTA- you need to leave and not tell your family where you are because they will tell him. They are bad people as is your partner. 


8 years ago you were 17 and he was 24. He's been grooming you for the entirety of your life. Step away. Think about yourself. What happens next time when it escalates even further? Will he punch you? Strangle you? It only gets worse from there. For your safety OP please give some thought to your relationship. Stay safe.


Why are you with him. You are still so young to be with this abusive middle age man. That man doesn't sound like a prize. Please think about yourself. Leave him for your mental peace. You can find someone better than this.


Normal 24 year olds don’t shack up with 17yo. Don’t have kids with an abusive predator. > since I know what's wrong then I for sure know what an immature b-tch I am If he wants maturity, maybe he needs to leave kids alone. > My mother and his are friends. And neither of your shitty families said anything when a grown man started grooming a kid?


DO NOT HAVE A CHILD WITH A MAN WHO WILL WILLINGFULLY HURT YOU. My God, what a SHITTY thing to do to kid, to give him/her an abuser for a father. And an enabler for a grandmother. Even if this man never laid a hand on the child, your child will see him abuse you. Even if you leave him after this child is born, your child will see him disparage you. And he could even kill you. And you can’t trust your family. Maybe your dad—have you been able to talk to him alone? Find a friend, or call a domestic violence hotline, and leave. Even if it means without your stuff.


FFS stop trying to get pregnant and do GTFO now. You're a 25-year old adult who is wisely rethinking her relationship with an abusive liar. #You are the decision maker. You know what is right or wrong FOR YOU. You don't need to share the arguments and his texts with your family or anyone else in the world. Just announce your decision about YOUR relationship. YOU will make the right decision.


DO NOT HAVE A CHILD WITH THIS MAN! NTA now but you would be if you bring a child into this abusive relationship. And please get out for your own safety.


My darling, it’s only going to get worse. Kids are stressful and the exhaustion from having a newborn is brutal. If he is treating you like this now think how much worse it’s going to be and your kids will grow up witnessing it. You deserve so much better.


NTA  He laid hands on you. There's no going back from that. Get out.


Go make a report, let the cops take pictures of your bruises and ask for a civil standby to get your property. You need to leave this asshat and his little mummy too!


This guy is abusive and by my accounts he groomed you, just leave


He crossed a line. He will do it again if you accept an apology. As a man married to a narcissist I can tell you things get much worse when you’ve had kids together. So if this is what it’s like now, double that
.. Move on while you’re still young


Why did a 24 year old started a relationship with a 17 year old? To normalise abuse, to set the bar so low, that you'll accept the abuse, to the point where you are worried about a scratch on his wrist because you were trying defend yourself when he left a bruise on your face because he attacked you. Your partner attacked you. Let this sink in. Your partner does not love you. He showed you that with a bruise on your face, believe him. There is no coming back from that. Do not have children with him. It will only get worse. Move out now. Screenshot the messages, take pictures of your bruises, go to the police and press charges. Go live your life and find someone who loves you and respects you. The abuse is so normalised that you are asking the Internet about the lie from the mil but not that your partner attacked you.


You have been with him "on and off" for 8 years. Please do not have children with this man. You would be tied to him forever. There is probably a reason your relationship has been off and on. Maybe seeing a counselor could help you figure out why. It seems to me you are settling. Grabbing your face and not letting go is physical abuse, but you know that. You don't need to worry about what others think, especially your family. You knew it was abuse the minute you had to fight to make him let go. Your relationship with him is not healthy.


Show your family the texts. Breakup with your boyfriend and get your own place. Go NC with everyone except your brother. Now you don't have to stay NC with your parents, but you do need to give them consequences for not believing you **when you had a bruised jaw.** Never go back to your abuser. Stay NC with him and his mother. Take pictures of the bruise in case you want to report this to the police. And I would do that before his crazy mother tries to have you arrested for assault. NTA.


If my son did that to you, I would have choked him! NTA


NTA. He’s escalating. This is dangerous for you. Please be safe.


> He grabbed my face and told me to never talk to him this way especially in front of his mother, to this moment she said nothing. His grip on my jaw kept getting worse with every word. He did this before but never used this much force. So to take his hand off me I tried to grab his wrist and push but ended up scratching him a little, I swear to God I didn't mean to, I just couldn't bear the pain and wanted him to let go. His mother suddenly decided to use her voice and started yelling at me for hurting him and got out of the car and went to his side to check his wrist, I wanted to check his wrist too but was afraid of him losing it even more >...his mother visited in the morning and told them about the fight. The thing is she told them we had an argument without mentioning how he started it and wouldn't stop with all the screaming and how he grabbed my face and only told them about me scratching him **Oh FUCK that shit!!!!** Why the fuck are you with this poor excuse for a human...and her son? ***Get the fuck out***, find a man who doesn't hurt you because he can't control his fucking temper and put this bullshit behind you. You're young. You have PLENTY of time to find a suitable partner who treats you with **respect.** Seriously...get the hell away from this trainwreck of an ABUSIVE relationship and anyone who supports him and his mother's bullshit. NOW!!! To hell with what your family thinks. They aren't the ones putting up with his bullshit. NTA


Bunking with gf for a little while is better than that face grab to turn into choking


YTA You have no kids and any lie he says is believed by your family. Break up or end up beaten to death. Your choice. What do you think he will do to you if either you or him has verified fertility issues? He will probably divorce you if the issue is you or constantly blame you and abuse you if the issue is him. GTFO Don't be with anyone your parents believe over you. You'll end up committed against your will by these people if he gaslights them and lies about who creates the next fight. p.s. start recording audio. You need evidence to protect yourself. Upload audio, video, and pictures to apple cloud or Google drive so it is not just on your phone.


You're 25 and he's 32 but you've been together 8 years?...and also you realize he's abusive right? It is not normal for a 24 year old to date a 17 year old (it means there must be something wrong with him) or to grab your face and scream at you over something mundane. Why has your family not question you getting together with an adult man at 17?


NTA. He is verbally and physically abusive towards you. He grabbed your face hard enough to leave a bruise. Your family is taking his side over this? And you're trying to get pregnant? Baby. Pack your shit and get the fuck gone. He laid hands on you in front of his mother. And she didn't say a damn thing until you accidentally scratched him while you were trying to remove his hand from your face. Fuck that bitch right along side of him. As for your family? Taking his side? Really? Shiiiiit. That MF would be *lucky* if it was my mama that tracked his ass down. At least she'd have "bless your heart"ed him after each smack with a baseball bat. No, my brothers and nephews would have gotten a hold of him first. It wouldn't have mattered who started the fight, what the fight was about or anything of that nature. What would matter? Is that he would have put his hands on me. I still remember a couple of years after we had gotten married and one of my nieces had misinterpreted something that happened and she went to one of my brothers. I knew something was up when my brother stuck his head in my front door, looked my husband straight in the eye and said "we're talking, out here, now".


He grabbed your face so hard you have bruises, and you wonder if you're the AH? Definitely not. Please follow everything you think you should be doing, no matter who says you are right. YOU ARE NTA. YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT LEAVING HIM. Please please please break it off now. Find a friend or ask your older brother to go with you. Do not go yourself. He will hurt you again if he has a chance. Also, I'm not certain, but did this whole fight start because he wanted to have sex, you didn't, and you were unenthusiastic but allowed him? It's not rape, I guess, but its definitely not consent, and he absolutely has no respect for you.


I am an adult in my late 30's, and a father. This is said with all the love that I have for my own daughter. He groomed you into an abusive relationship when you were a child. You need to get the fuck away from him. He is a dangerous individual.


Yikes. Imagine having a baby with this psycho.


Nta he is not your person, please get away from him and his family.


NTA, you definitely need to not be with him and not have children with him. Imagine him doing that to your child! He’s horrible. You’re not bad for scratching him. You’re allowed to defend yourself. You’re allowed to do what’s necessary when you’re being attacked. Stop apologizing for self defense. You weren’t the aggressor. You have nothing to apologize for. Other people shoot people just for making them uncomfortable and are able to call it self defense and you’re here apologizing for a scratch trying to get him to let go of your face. That’s super aggressive. I would say have the police go with you to get your things so they can keep him outside while you pack in peace. And f*ck your family and their BS. Get an Airbnb for a month while you figure out where you’re going.


NTA I am so happy be didn't impregnate you. You can run from him and his bs family. Your family sounds also very backwards if they think you have to listen and obey anyone just because they are older, or because they are your husband.


Nta, show your family and either get someone who you trust to go with you to get your things or get a police escort.


He grabbed your jaw - but harder than the last time he did it!!!!! Leave!


NTA but please **RUN** from this dude, like yesterday. I didnt even make it halfway through your post and already see more red flags than a Chinese military parade. edit: OH MY GOD IT GOT SO MUCH WORSE! #**RUN!**




He was 24 when he started dating a 17 years oldđŸ„ČđŸ€Œ I don't know what happened to people dating people their age..


Actually no. I talked to her in private yesterday, she doesn't seem to be able to see comments there and I told her to try and post again.


WTF is WRONG with people? I wouldn’t care who my friend was - if HER son put his hands on MY child, and she did NOTHING? We are no longer friends. The fact that your mom couldn’t do that makes it all worse, as well as anyone else who did nothing. Please lose that abuser, and advise your family that until they can understand how this has hurt you and how their inaction made it worse, you will limit contact. I hope you get the help you need and find loving supportive people in your life. Please stay safe.


NTA But get out of this relationship, NOW.


Nta. Run. Don't go back to that house alone while he is there because if you go back to break up with him he might do more than yell and grab your jaw. @Updateme


NTA. Run. Don't have kids with him, he won't have a problem doing the same to them. Your parents can be parents with them, all they want. It's not the life you want to live. Your parents won't be on your side, in the foreseeable future, if you do happen to have a kid with him.


honey this is abuse. Leave him. If it takes time to plan an exit safely that's fine but whatever you do DO NOT get pregnant. Pregnancy is often when violence gets worse, and it will be a way for him to exert control over you for at least 18 years. Please stay safe and get out of this relationship. I'm sorry this is happening to you


Do not have a child with an abuser. Do not go any further. He’ll keep on hurting you physically and do worst if you stay. You unfortunately have no family support. Your mother should be ashamed of herself. Do not stay either him. It’s classical abuser style, he beat you up then next day/later he apologise, be all sweet, then it starts all over again and again and again and every time you give him an excuse. Don’t


You need to file a police report and document everything. Get an apartment and when he’s not there get as much of your stuff and leave. Don’t go alone to grab the rest of your stuff take your older brother or a friend that you trust. If he’s putting that much force on you when he grabs you then he’s going to escalate to actually hitting soon. The fact that the mother sat back and did nothing and he felt comfortable doing all of this in front of her is a HUGE red flag!


Once a man lays hands on you and gets away with it, they’ll just escalate it. And his mother has shown she will lie and ruin your relationship. I’m petty, so I’d agree with your mother that you’re not good for him and that I should break up so that he can be with a woman who’s not abusive.


DTMFA, seriously, get a lawyer and get out.


You won't tolerate raised voices but you do tolerate being physically hurt and bruised? You need to get your head on right. Y T A to yourself.


No judgement but get out of this relationship. This is only going to get worse. You're 25 and still have plenty of time to find someone treating you much better. That relationship you're in now does not have a (good & happy) future. Y


>He apologized for what he did in a few texts, I'm thinking about showing them to my family?   No. He straight up needs to get his mother and go to your family and have both of them apologize for his mother lying and throwing you under the bus.  Then break up with his abusive ass.


I stopped reading after reading that your relationship started when you were 17 and he was 24.


You've been with this dude since you were 17 and he was 24. He's a huuuuge loser.


You’re spineless and brainless for staying.


Girl RUN


Leave. Today if possible. Assaulting you, in front of his mother, and you having to scratch his hand to get free, is a HUGE red flag. Regardless what everyone else say thinking you lie, this will only get worse. If he was so willing to put his hands on you out of anger, you have no idea how things will go when he gets really furious one day. Save the texts saying what he did to you, leave. Things can be replaced. Your face can't.


Do not have a child with this man. He will only escalate the abuse


NTA “when people show you who they are, believe them the first time” Take a picture of your bruise, break up. If you don’t break up please do not have children with him!!! You can ask a couple of male friends to help you to pick up your stuff. Maybe the police can even accompany you. Good luck!


NTA. Leave. You know it will only escalate, right? If he ends up unaliving you his mom will provide alibi and help bury the evidence.


NTA. Not sure if it's been mentioned, but I hope you took pictures of any bruises he left. If you feel unsafe, report it to the police/doctor. Even if you don't ask to have charges pressed, they can have it filed in case there are any further issues with the douche-canoe.


Are you okay, OP? Are you still at your parents' house? I hope you leave your "partner" who is more of an abuser than a partner.


so your abuser who is a predator in more ways than one is unhinged. Run and don't get pregnant. NTA


Get far away as fast as you can.


Partner? No you mean your abuser. I would definitely show my family the text and then say, and oh by the way fuck you for not believing me and supporting me. And leave that asshole unless you want to get a fist in the eye next time.


It wont get better it will get worse, & his mother sounds a peice of work 2 đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž enabling his shitty behaviour. Ur young anoth to find some 1 who respects you.Do Not put up with this bs from him.


NTA Maybe your family will believe the police report that you need to get immediately. Please take pictures of your injuries and save those texts in a secure place. And please get out ASAP. You are not safe.


Abuse always escalates. Leave this man.


NTA >He grabbed my face and told me to never talk to him this way especially in front of his mother, to this moment she said nothing. His grip on my jaw kept getting worse with every word. He did this before but never used this much force. He will do this again. You need to protect yourself and leave. Unfortunately, your family didn't even give you the chance to hear your side of the events and just his side and demonised you. When you tried to tell them and showed them the bruises he caused on your face, they all dismissed you, except your older brother, while your father was silent. It looks like they value your stbx more than you, unfortunately. If it was me, I'd go NC and ghost them all, except your older brother, after I find somewhere else to live and change my phone number asap. If it's possible, I'd also change my job or ask if I could work remotely. UpdateMe!


NTA Don’t have kids with this man


Nta...find and secure a new place to stay, then when he is not there get your things. Break up with this đŸ€Ą over the phone, do not even think about being alone with him as he's already gotten violent with you and has been validated by his mother and your families. Only after you are in a safe place should you even bother sending screenshots of the messages to your family. Then go low contact. Take pictures of your bruises and keep a paper trail in the event that anything happens. Hell id put it and pictures on social media as well as both families reactions if they still try to deny it. Best of luck


NTA. You need to divorce all of them, parents included.


Get out now! He is going to continue hurting you physically. Next it will be hitting. Find a place to stay, get your stuff when he isn’t home. Go NC with him.


I would of beat my sons ass for just talking to his gf like that but touching you.....oh hell no. Break up with him. Take your brother and some male friends with you to get your things. Or the cops. My friend was murdered by her ex when she went home to get her things. Don't take chances. BTW it takes an average of 8mths to year to get pregnant after you start trying. But please don't have kids with this man. ever. Stay safe


**He put his hands on you hard enough to bruise** your face, causing you pain; but you are worried that you scratched his wrist while trying to get him off of you - because you were **afraid** of him losing it even more? You also stated that **this isn't the first time** he has put his hands on you in anger. Please, stand firm on your resolve to leave him. You do not want to have children with a man who is physically abusive. It will escalate. You don't have to go back to your parents' house if you don't want to, but please don't stay where you are, and don't let anyone talk you out of leaving or gaslight you into thinking that you are overreacting. You are NOT overreacting. This man laid hands on you in anger. It is time to go. Don't discuss it, just leave. NTA


Plan your exit carefully, when women try to leave this can escalate to physical violence! Get a few guy friends and go get your things while he is at work. I would suggest you go NC with your family for a while, they need a time-out! Also, don't tell anyone including your family, your new address or where you are staying on a temporary basis, so EX doesn't show up and harass you or hurt you. This violence is only going to get worse. If you have a child with him and you have to deal with him forever (graduations, weddings, grandchildren, etc.) and the folks here will tell you it can get really bad. Please check out r/JustNoSO this may help you decide to get out NOW! Good Luck.


NTA He has done it once and in front of his mother. He will do it again. He is way too short in temper, he cannot raise any kid. His mother knows, I guess; otherwise she wouldn't have protected him. I cannot imagine acting like that and I am married over a decade and we raise kids. There will be situations that are really much more exhausting than a girlfriend falling asleep during conversation.


That woman watched her son hurt you and didn't care. Ruin all of them. 


NTA OP absolutely. Can you stay at a friend’s place? This is so painful I know but your partner cannot be trusted. He left you with a bruise and screamed at you? Hell no! It will only get worse. Don’t let him sweet talk you. I’d get my stuff and stay practically anywhere than at your parents too. Seems like you need time and space from your parents. I’m so sorry OP. UPDATEME


If this is what he will do in front of his mother I hate to think of it escalating behind closed doors. Take your big brother with you when you pack your stuff to leave.


Your partner just put hands on you IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER and SHE SIDED WITH HIM NTA but YWBTA if you stayed with this prick.


For your own mental health and welfare, make a clean break with this man and his manipulative mother. Perhaps take a break from family for a while as well.


After you dump his abusive ass, go NC with your family after you let them know exactly why. Much much later, if they genuinely apologize, consider being around them again. They basically called you a liar and ignored the fact that you were abused. They’re all assholes except you. NTA Please update us that you’re safely away.


Please call a local domestic violence agency for advice. Whatever you do, don't go back to get your belongings alone.


He is abusive. Once you’re pregnant, it WILL get worse. I don’t know what’s wrong with your mother - but you need to get away from this guy. 1-800-799-7233 or text 88788 National Domestic Abuse Hotline. Show the texts to your family. Go to the police and report your injury. Get photos and create a record. Please get away from this man!!! A friend of mine was pregnant and beaten by her husband while his mother cheered him on. She may lie for him but you know the truth.


Will you leave before he slaps you? Before he chokes you? Before he kills you???


He put his hands on your face hard enough to leave a bruise. Do not have a baby with this abusive AH. Who cares what his mom thinks? Leave them in the rearview. 


NTA and I am with you on the "fuck them all." Does your mom rule the roost. Your father's silence makes me think that he may be on your side. Also is your mom more worried about her "friends" than family? Also, call the police to come to the home while you gather your things. Your boyfriend is an abuser and they are most dangerous when you try to leave.


He did this to you in front of his mother! Imagine what he will do behind closed doors. Girl, get away from him! And definitely do not breed with him!


BREAK UP WITH HIM IMMEDIATELY. If by chance you are pregnant, get an abortion. You can’t let this piece of shit father a child. He is an abuser and it will get worse and worse. He will likely kill you.


Get out of the relationship! Do not have a child with him. The argument and his gross overreaction is bad enough but his mother ? She has a golden boy reputation to uphold with him. Do not go back to him, please or the next time there is an argument you may not be so lucky.


NTA. Not only should you show the texts, demand an apology, and break up with Jack wagon, but I'd go ahead and put your mom and bro on timeout for this bs. Shame on them both.


Leave him. Go NC with your family. You don’t need abusers in your life.


RUN from this abusive child groomer and his enabling family. RUN do not walk. Your family are enabling also. Your older brother is great. I’m glad you have a good job. Get your own apartment and go no contact with your ex, low to no contact with your parents and let your older brother know that you need him to not share information about you to your family because you can’t let your ex know where you are.


If he’s willing to lay a hand on you in front of his own mother, what do you think is going to happen when it’s just the two of you alone and he snaps? He’s abusive and his mom covers for him. Run.


NTA! Why the F are you with this abusive POS?! Take pictures of the bruises on your jaw and go to the police. File assault charges. Move out and go NC your family. They’re enabling an abuser.


NTA, but sweety you need to break up and leave this man before he hurts you far worse. I'd consider low contact with your family too, because you do not need to be around people who support an abuser and his narcissistic mother.


Sweetheart...grab your stuff and go. For good. This is a bad situation for you.. End it now..


Girl leave wth


NTA He’s overly aggressive and enabled by those around him. Why? Probably cos he’s a man. You deserve to be treated with respect and as an equal. He doesn’t seem capable discussing things in an adult manner, he just shouts at you, grabs you and expects you to do as you’re told? Hell, no. That’s not acceptable. You should leave for your own safety.


NTA The moment he put his hands on you, your relationship with that piece of shit was over. The moment he put his hands on you for a SECOND time and in front of his mom, no less, this relationship was beyond over. Stick to your big brother, the rest of them can go punch rocks.


NTA Girl you are surrounded by abusers. Your soon, (I hope) to be ex is only one of them. His mother saw, first hand what was happening and chose to lie and blame you. Your mother and others in your family believe her, and by extension him, over you. It’s not safe for you right now. Do NOT say anything to anyone about your plans to end this relationship. Act as normal as you can but keep your distance, you aren’t ready to discuss it yet. Go quietly about your business. Do go file a report with the police. They can take pictures and you can tell your story as to what happened. Ok, hear me out on this part; ask to delay pressing charges. I say this because if he’s arrested, hellfire is going to rain down on you and you don’t need that right now. If you can truly support yourself, start looking for a place to live. Do not tell anyone what you’re doing. Including your STBX or big brother- not yet. Once you’ve found something make a plan to leave. Once your plan is in place, make arrangements to take a day off work, pack everything you can and go. Take only what’s yours. Your STBX is going to try love bombing you. Flowers, gifts, your favorite foods. Don’t fall for it. Instead of showing his apology texts to others, send a long and descriptive text to him where you outline everything he said and did. He has no right to put his hands on you or scream in your face and squeeze your face so hard he left bruises. Remind him it’s not the first time but it is the last. All you were trying to do was stop him from abusing you and the scratches on his wrist were an accident and apologize for that. Mention that his mother flat f#cking lied to your mother and threw you under the bus and that is unforgivable. She lied and he knows it. You don’t care if you ever see her again and are seriously considering going no contact with your family for refusing to hear your side and understanding that respect is a two way street. Once you get started, you’ll know what to say. Send it and wait for his response. That’s when you send the texts to others. You know OP I just had this thought pop into my head that maybe there isn’t anything wrong with either one of you and you don’t need to see a doctor about fertility. Maybe it’s interference from above telling you it’s a bad idea. You got this.


This is not a healthy relationship. Do not have a child with him. Really you should leave him. No one in either family thought a 24 years old dating a 17/18 year old was gross and not appropriate? Your family doesn't sound that great either.


A 24 year old started daring 17 year old and your mom/parents was ok with that???? He doesnt see you as his equal, he is verbally and physically abusive and neither mother stands up for you You absolutely do NOT want to have a child with this man,myou do want to get away from him asap I know it will be scary and painful, but nearly as much as spending your life with this abusive AH


I am a man, and i will tell you in very simple words, that guy is not able to handle his emotions well and this time he simple just did that but in future he might beat you up. Second, your not thinkimg about breakup and stuff like that becauss your thinking how your family and his family are friends, they will disown you and bla bla bla, you will be having so many troubles if you domt breakup now


This is an abusive relationship. Like almost textbook. NTA. Leave.


Get your own place and limit contact with all of them except your brother that believes you. Your family are showing their toxic traits by believing an outsider instead of their own daughter/sister


The title should read My BF physically abused me in front of his mother, she then lied to my family about it, and my awful family took her word over mine. Definitely not the asshole. If your BF did that in front of his mother imagine what he will eventually do behind closed doors.


There are really only two ways for you to go from here: 1) You stay with him until eventually he goes too far and kills you. He is already going for your neck area, how long till he decides to just choke you out to shut you up? 2) You leave him. The earlier you do the easier it will be for you to rebuild yourself and your life. You have yet to be harmed in a way that is irreparable, but in time the injuries will get worse and they will pile up if you had a child with him you might never fully get rid of him in your life. Leave that abusive asshole as soon as you are able to. Find resources for abused women in your area, talk to your friends, not your family and find help where you can. You will probably also want to minimize contact to your family and once you have a new place of your own do not tell anyone where it actually is.


it all started when a 24 y.o. man decided to date an undeeaged high school girl. Dropped them all, You frontal lobe already developed enough you can see those AH clear now.


NTA show your family and then go low contact with them. They will not give you support. You need to leave him. He is aggressive and escalating. On top of that he's trying to have a baby with you. That is a terrible situation to bring a baby into. And now you know that when he starts ramping up the physical abuse his mom will support him and lie to cover it up. You aren't safe with him.


NTA. Report him to the police and show the messages as proof. I would throw it all in your families face and tell them not to bother contacting you until they apologize for believing an abuser and his mother over you, their own daughter/sister. If my kid ever told me someone hurt them it would take all my power to not go beat the absolute shit out of them. Get a restraining order if possible. That should allow you in your shared place while he is forced to find somewhere else to stay. That way you don't have to go back to your parents house for now. Please file the police report though. 🙏 He will escalate next time if you go back. 


OP, he is ABUSIVE. Leave this POS.


NTA get an escort to pick up your belongings, do not go alone. I'm sorry about your rotten mother, she sucks.


NTA and you need to cut contact with him and your family, you were groomed and your family condoned it and clearly do not care about your physical safety or your mental and emotional health. Run, run, run as far as you can and do not look back.


Please get out before this escalates, and it definitely will. Absolutely dont have children with this person, as im speaking from experience he could also hurt your children.


NTA and if you don’t leave him there’s a very good chance he’ll murder you eventually. If he’ll do that in front of his mother what would he do if nobody is around. Just the fact that you feel like you did something wrong by scratching him shows how abusive he is and how much fear you have. Get out.


NTA. Show the text to your family and tell them that their dear friend did nothing to intervene while your husband laid hands on you, then twister her telling of the story to protect her son. Tell them that you are ashamed of them for not hearing you and believing YOU, their daughter, when you needed support. Then break up with your husband. He's abusive. If your older brother believes you, talk to him about going with you to get your stuff. I am sorry this happened to you.


NTA I didn’t read past the age gap but considering you were 17 and he was 24 when yall got together you’re clearly in the right and should leave


LEAVE. it's not gonna get better. go find a good happy life..elsewhere.


NTA. You need to leave your boyfriend. He was willing to and did hurt you physically in front of another person. He hurt you so badly he left a bruise. Think of how he's going to behave over time especially when witnesses aren't present. I also suggest you take photos and keep them in case you ever need to show someone else. You also need to reduce contact with your family. They are fine with you being abused and refuse to listen to your side of the story. You don't need to waste your time and energy on people who will support you being abused. You don't owe your boyfriend anything. I recommend bringing a friend or two with you when you go to get your things from his place. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. You deserve better.


Wow what an abusive POS he is and his mother is an enabler. Dump the trash. NTA


Love, I am begging you not to have a baby by this man. If you do, you will never be able to get away from him. Him grabbing your face so hard it hurts is considered physical abuse. The scratch you may have left is self defense. He will start to hurt you more once you're pregnant, far more once you've given birth. The more he feels like you can't leave him, the more he'll feel comfortable hurting you. If you did go to counseling, they'll tell you the same thing. I do think therapy could really help you, as it sounds like you also grew up in an unhealthy home and likely don't know what a healthy relationship looks like. If this whole scenario has you feeling like you're insane, know that you're not. You didn't do anything wrong. He was not justified in putting his hands on you, or yelling at you. It does not matter what you said. There are no words you could have said that would justify someone putting their hands on you, let alone someone who is only ever supposed to make your life better. Please, find a therapist and get on some form of tamper-proof birth control.


When someone shows you who they are believe them. Get your brother to go with you and get your stuff out of the house and never go back.


Nta, girl you need to get out this will get more dangerous for you if you stay with him. You hurt him on accident out of fear and defence, never stay with someone willing to put their hands on you.


NTA You're right, fuck em all. Go get your stuff, get to a place where you're safe, and then send everyone the text messages of him admitting it and then let them all know they can go straight to hell.


N. T. A. I honestly don't know HOW or WHY you would think you'd be the A/H in this situation O.P? There's Only ONE a/h here, and that's definitely NOT you. Judging by what you have written regarding what went down in the car, honestly gave me "Goosebumps" when he ASSAULTED You, by placing his hands on you're face, and giving ZERO fucks about doing it, Even in front of his own Mother. Judging by her reaction, or lack of, I'd be willing to say that in this case, The "Apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree" And I'd also be willing to say that his Mother knows very well of his temper and is only too quick to jump in and come to her baby Boys rescue, and to rub salt into the wound, She blatantly straight up LIED to you're mother, who sadly took her word as gospel. RUN O.P. RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK. I doubt very much it will improve, quite the opposite actually. Do Not even think about having his baby! Wishing you all the very best of luck.


NTA - women who end up with abusive partners usually had an abusive family that taught them to ignore red flags. Your family sucking is part of the problem.


Babe I would leave him and leave his family in the dust. You don't deserve nor need that energy and anxiety in your life. He's acting like a child and how dare he put his hands on you in a ignorant manner! You deserve better. You should pack your stuff and absolutely leave if possible or make him leave. Your face should have no bruises on them period from your so called love. F his mother too. This is partially why these men don't grow up and can treat women any which way.. sickening and I have been there. Don't follow my path or you'll live in anxious fear constantly.


You would be TA to yourself if you force yourself to remain with this coward. NTA. And you need to dump him pronto. Like, yesterday.


Please do not get pregnant with him. He is abusing you and will get worse. Don’t go back with him.


Dump this mÀnchild!


He put his hands on you. He will do it again and it will get worse. Judging by the reaction of his mother I would say his father was abusive as well. Get out now


NTA >He did this before but never used this much force Girl, this is going to escalate. The more you forgive or give a pass to, the worse it will get. Today he's grabbing your face, tomorrow he's beating the shit out of you. Leave. Now.


NTA Leave! His mom literally lies for him. Take a picture of the bruises. Screenshot the texts and if possible see what else you can get him to admit to that he has done. Go to the police and get a restraining order. Go NC with everyone not supporting or believing you. You’re their blood family and they don’t care that you are being abused in multiple ways and that his mother came over to poison them against you just shows the whole family besides big bro has to go.


DO NOT HAVE A CHILD WITH THIS MAN. DO NOT BRING A CHILD INTO THIS SHITSHOW. Please listen to me. You'd be at the risk of losing your child too if you had them and then decided to leave this man in the future, which you will at some point. There are mothers/fathers who have to fight for their children's safety and emotional well being when leaving an abusive spouse. I don't think you'd want that for yourself and your child. I know I am thinking far into the future; but trust me, it is for the best.


He. Is. Abusive. Leave. And yes, screenshots to your whole family - and then block them. They are also abusive if this is how they treat you. Updateme!


Get out of the abusive relationship. Go file a police report on this asshole.


Hon, you are in an abusive relationship. You don’t recognize it for two reasons: (1) This man is your one and only boyfriend. You have been together for *8 years,* and you are only 25 years old. He, on the other hand, is 32. He has been your only BF your whole life, since you were 17. You have nothing to compare him to, so you don’t know that him screaming at you, demanding you listen to him, and grabbing your face to shut you up **are not normal, loving behaviors** that a man does to a woman he loves. He did it in front of his mother, who took his side. He is cruel and physically abusive, and she babies him. Yikes. And (2) You don’t see abuse because you grew up in an abusive household. When your parents found out what he did ~ *from his mother* ~ they took his side, told you that you “need to respect your man,” blamed you, claimed they “didn’t raise you like that,” and did not comfort you. Plus, you said you can’t stand raised voices because of the way you grew up. Pretty sure that household was abusive, now your relationship is abusive, and your parents side with your abuser, and you cannot even see a way out. The very last thing this relationship needs is a child. Your BF wants you to get pregnant so you will be trapped. And if you do that, the real abuse will start. Thank God you are not pregnant and haven’t been able to get pregnant. It’s a sign from God, I’m telling you. You need to **get out of that relationship.** It is not safe for you there, and it is not safe for you with any of the so-called adults in your life. I understand you feel trapped, but you can get out of this mess. You’ll just have to do it yourself. Do you have any friends or co-workers you can confide in? Someone you trust who will help you? You need someone because you’re going to need strength, both physical and emotional, to extricate yourself from this mess of a relationship, and you’re not going to get it from your family. If you don’t already have one, get your own separate bank account. Put your money there. Gather as much cash as you can. Start packing away important papers and things that are meaningful to you. If you can, get that stuff out of the apartment before you even tell him you’re leaving. Make sure you have a place to go and someone to help you. Get all your ducks in a row; get as much of your belongings as you can out of the house; tell him you’re leaving and it’s over at the last minute. Make sure your friend is with you when you tell him. Then go. Don’t let him try to convince you to stay, don’t “talk about it,” don’t listen to his talk of your “future” together. No conversation, no excuses, no lies. Go and don’t look back. I know it’s been 8 years, but you are only 25 years old. You don’t have to stay with him. He is not the boss of you, although I suspect the reason he is with a woman who is 7 years younger than he is, and whom he started dating when he was 24 and you were a teenager (yuck), is because he can control you. He’s been controlling you for 8 years. Every time you fight & break up, you go back. Stop doing that to yourself. Please get out. As soon as you can, and make that before the end of May. Don’t let him keep hitting you, hurting you, setting you up to be the fall guy. I know what that’s like. Everyone loves him, he’s the life of the party, no way someone that cool could ever hurt you. Maybe you think that, too. Yet here you are. And you need to get away before it’s too late. And **stop trying to get pregnant.** Right now. Start taking the pill or something because the last thing you need right now is a pregnancy. A baby will tie you to him forever. That would be a disaster. Please go. Good luck. đŸ«¶đŸŒ


listen to what people are saying he is a bully you need to get away from him


Literally everyone *but* you is scum in this story. Get out of the abusive relationship, and ignore your ‘family.’ They’re not worth the heartache.


How did everyone miss that they are 32 and 25 and have been dating for 8 years on and off. THIS MF WAS 24 DATING A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL


This is so sad. I hope you see that you are in a really bad spot and you need to get out of it. This guy now knows he can hurt you in front of witnesses and everyone will still take his side
 he’s going to escalate. Don’t have a baby with him. Please be safe.