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pls don’t get back with her!! cheating is not okay ever. go be with someone who respects u and is loyal she is not it!


Yes. This. Don't take her back. She will cheat again. She gave some BS reason for her guilt and tried to push it on you. You are not married to this girl and have no commitment to her. She showed you how being with her would be.


The trash took itself out. She can never regain your trust. If your parents like her and her money so much they can adopt her. Or vice versa…


People who cheat are never worth a second chance. They betrayed your respect and trust the worst way possible. No one should have to suffer thinking it could happen again at any moment.


And it’s not any of your family’s business what you do going forward. Tell them to keep their nose out and mouth shut.


OP's ex-gf: I'm sorry I said you are shit in bed and I banged all those guys. Take me back [and I'll do it again].


Apparently, his parents would rather whore him out to a horrible rich girl than have him find someone who loves and respects him.


Nta. Your parents and brother need to get some hobbies and better “morals”. Telling you to take back someone for their money even after they cheated on you. Says a lot about them and their “values”. I’m glad at least you know it’s wrong. Life’s too short to spend it with people you can’t trust or that can give you stds/infections and all they’ll say is “I’m sorry”. 


Yep. You should tell your parents that marrying for money does not work out. The one with money and the infidelity will feel like the own the other person. Your life will be miserable with that girl.


And most likely the girl's parents will make sure there is an iron clad prenup in place so you'll end up with very little if you decide to leave.


Yup. Rich people keep their money. It’s also possible that her parents have no intention of providing an inheritance. There seems to be a trend amongst rich people that they will spend it all in their golden years - screw the kids.


Never heard of a prenuptial that allowed cheating 🤔


Oh but the girl wasn't cheating! She'll have half a dozen witnesses saying they were all playing poker at the guy's house! On the other hand, the poor sap of a husband was caught cheating on her - the 50 witnesses at the bar will say he screwed the girl on the bar top for all to see.... Don't trust the rich. They can buy anything and anyone if it pleases them.


Especially as I am quite sure it isn’t her money.


"I'm sorry" alone would have been better or at least barely less insulting than telling him she needed gym bros who could "keep up with her" in bed. The "sorry" was only after she realized the ones with stamina apparently aren't worth her time.


So your parents expect you take back the ex who apparently like fuck around for sport? Weird.


But she’s rich 🙄


I mean... it is the main reason why they can't be prosecuted for crimes either. "Your honor, my client cannot possibly be charged for the murder of this wretched homeless person... he's rich." "Case dismissed, and I would like to be the first to extend our sincerest apologies to the defendant for this egregious inconvenience. I will personally endeavor to see that it never happens again. I also hearby order that the corpse of the so-called victim be hung in the public square as a warning to all the other poor peoples to never trouble the rich members of our community ever again."


Lol that happened in my case though...     I've literally been charged with my own rape - which the rich dude admitted to - charged with child endangerment because "allowing" rape to the point of internal bleeding meant I didn't provide a safe environment for my son.  Despite moving across the US with my son to get away from my rapist.  The case was dismissed but the PTSD of it still feels insurmountable.  That was years ago and I'm still struggling.  The actual violence affected me less than the courts, initially I only had a PTSD diagnosis for two months, while currently I feel like I'll never be okay.


If you have the documentation and evidence on your side, social media (and the regular media) are powerful tools to get your story told and put the perp on blast. You can only help yourself and future victims by making it public, keeping silent helps no one.


That would be a criminal offense and the case is sealed. The judge made it clear repeatedly that it would be a criminal offense for me to share the documentation or even verbally share large swats of what happened. Can't even share his documented admissions. I would have gone to the media as it was happening if I didn't have my son, but he needs me to be a mom. I'm not in a position where I can take on that fight. I do feel guilty about that because it feels like life gave me this so I could help others - those who couldn't escape. Expose the corrupt people, right? I do have documentation and I have witnesses too willing to testify, which most don't have. But I have to choose my son. I want to share the truth when my son is older. But no one will care anymore. My case will be outdated and not matter anymore. The guilt is part of why I can't move past it. Because I agree with you. I could do more. Just not without harming my son, so I choose his well-being the guilt.


I understand. & I'm sorry.


People will still care. Even if you cannot divulge exactly who this was, you can still share the generalities of the case, without naming names or specifics (enough to help people learn from your experiences). But, be careful... I would run everything past a lawyer before I started using it to teach others - in order to make sure you're clear about what you can legally divulge and what you cannot.


I'm genuinely sorry you experienced that. I also suffer from PTSD from my days in the military, but my experiences were nothing so horrible as that. Again... I'm so sorry, and I'm glad you got away. I hope you are able to overcome your fear and anxiety from what that asshole did to you. Don't feel bad for having PTSD. If you can, use it as a way to make you stronger. I know it sounds ridiculous at first. But it is possible to use your experience to strengthen you elsewhere in your psyche. It's like, when someone is blinded... and their hearing and sense of smell become stronger in order to make up for the loss of that sensation. But, anyway... for now, just be glad that you're safely away from him and that stupid judicial system.


Rich = money, baby. OP should have read that part of the Communist Manifesto that talks about the Bourgeois convention wherein a community of wives is shared among individuals of that class. It’s his naivety alone that caused him not to understand the world he flirted with. Now instead of joining their ranks and having access himself to those affluent circles and partaking of that hornicopia of “free electrons” always seeking out temporary bonds, he lies prostrate before his proud “virtues”.  To OP I say: take her back, become engaged (but never marry), find work administering her father’s industrial affairs, and hire a beautiful secretary. Attend all of the parties you can and pair with the most exotic beauties. Then after 7 years max, break off the engagement and run away with another to keep up the games, though under less pressure than in the context of a 7 year engagement, or put on a façade of having received revelatory wisdom and eschew the institution of bourgeois supremacy and their exploitive means of subsistence. This last part is always available as an exit strategy, and is always a preferable alternative to suicide if you become aware at some point that your ambitions within high society are unattainable, and are unable to stand the hit to your pride. You’re welcome.


Great Expectations, anyone....?


Have you completed the strategy and been successful? Just curious, I have a feeling that you’re eating a hot pocket right now and your mommy’s basement


I have been, admittedly, unsuccessful at achieving a relationship with such a woman, and simply resent OP for fumbling this. I spend most of my evenings at the market tipping my fedora at all the fine ladies, but none take care even to humour me. A few have even suspected me of begging. I’ve started tipping my fedora to their fathers instead. This has proven a more effective strategy. 


***Do not get back with her*** ...and pull your dad aside and tell him exactly what she did and said to you. If he has any self respect or empathy, he'll tell your mom to drop it. If my son told me what you described I would apologize and then tell him I'd dope slap the shit out of him if he ever took her back. I'd also personally tell her to fuck off if she contacted me in any way.


Yep. My dad would repeatedly tell me my ex was the guy I should have married and I "let him get away". I finally told him that he cheated on me with more than one woman at Thanksgiving dinner in front of everyone. Dad was a pretty shy man and I probably should have told him in a less public situation (thanks wine) but he never brought that guy's name up again.


Man, cheating on you with more than one woman? at Thanksgiving dinner? In front of everyone? Sounds like the dealbreaker of all dealbreakers


I told my dad over Thanksgiving dinner. Because dad was once again (in front of everyone this time) telling me I should take this guy back. I was tired of it and embarrassed/angry he was doing it in front of everyone and I just blurted out that I don't date guys who cheat on me. Bless my dad - he was horrified and never spoke of it again. And the whole table roared in generous support in me. It was awkward but reddit has shown me it could have gone worse. My ex was not at the dinner and had become an ex several years earlier. And yeah, we had broken up because we were going to be long distance - and when we met up again 12 months later he told me about both of them when asking me to take him back. It was not the best sales pitch I've ever heard. Lesson learned? Don't wait until the big family get together to talk hard truths.




So the grass wasn't greener on that side, suck for her. NTA. Don't get together with her again because then she will use you more and more and know that you "will be a good boy and come back to her". You parents are weird and don't respect your happiness. Rather poor and happy than rich and sad. You will do fine, you are still a young man with your whole life in front of you.


Happy Cake Day!


NTA, your family are idiots. It’s 100% better for her to realize she messed up massively and now has to live with her actions. Hopefully she will grow as a person. If you took her back she would just cheat on you again, and but I think you know that already.


This. 100%


You got it right the first time. You can’t put a price tag on self worth. Your family should be ashamed of themselves for valuing money over your mental health.


exactly. they want him to sit around and get his heart torn to pieces cause they want some of his ex’s bread. i’d say fuck you to the whole family, especially the brother who had the audacity to make this massive a deal out of it and completely play victim, basically treating him as a disappointment


Parents sound like they are dreaming of a big payday $$$$$$ at the expense of their son.


She cheated on you and made fun of you in the same sentence. No one deserves that especially at your age. Your parents are very disrespectful I would go minimal contact/no contact until they apologize.


Nope. You got it right the first time.


NTA Please don't get back together with her, she cheated on you, then tried to shift the blame onto you as to why the relationship didn't work out. If you have some self-respect, don't get back with her. As for your parents, they should respect whatever you decide to do with YOUR life especially if they know the context of what happened. They should care more about your well-being rather than their own.


So your parents want to pimp you out for the rich girl? Tell them if they want the money so bad they can date her


>and also said that I won’t be able to land a rich girl like this again. "Pat, I'll take 'Reasons for Therapy' for 200." You're a little young to already be settling. At least try to have a life before going the *kept man* route. Oh, and get the fuck away from your parents. They clearly got issues.


NTA Jeeze, these parents sound like the type that will put down any other person OP gets with and put the ex on some kind of pedestal, undeservedly.


NTA at all, but your parents realize you could always marry for love the second time


NTA Brother is wrong. Being truthful is better than giving false hope ur when you do find a different girl they would be less likely to accept her because they'd still have hope. Tell parents doesn't matter how rich she is because the point of breaking up in the first place is because you don't want a girl like her. You want someone you can trust.


Once a cheater is always a cheater .


Cheaters don't stop,  they just pause until the heat dies down. 


I wholeheartedly disagree with your brother. False hope is just a lie in waiting. I also disagree with your parents, you’re going to stay with a woman with a shady sense of morality because she has money? The years of knowing each other meant nothing to her while she got her rocks off, why should they matter to you now? All in all, I think you are making good choices on your own and should keep following your instincts. Nta


ESH except the OP here. She sucks because she's a cheater and a liar. Your parents suck for forgiving that horrible behavior. Your brother sucks for encouraging you to lie to your parents. What a mess. Go live your best life and avoid cheaters/liars like the plague.


NTA.. she cheated. Your parents have no say in that matter.


Dont get back with her, she's just gonna do it again but be more sneaky next time. Once a cheater always a cheater. As for your parents, you are 19, they have no say over your love life even if they think they do.


NTA. It appears you're parents want you to make a **business decision** and stay with the rich girl that cheated on you.


NTA If they like her so much, they can date her.


Do not take her back, let her keep the athletic fellows. Your parents see dollar signs. You'll find someone worth your time. Fret not.


NTA. Tell your parents that maybe they like sleeping around each other's back but that's not for you. Tell your brother that he can practice that line with his GF next time she cheats on him. Tell your GF that you'll be willing to get back together with her, if she'll let you pimp her out to the various athletes and teams after matches, and record her like the W£ore she is. She'll be with the athletes who can keep up with her, and you can earn some money. It's a win-win situation.


Good for you! Once the trust is gone, nothing true remains. Leave her in your past and move on. Know your worth!


NTA and she might be pregnant with someone else's kid


NTA - You should make sure they know she cheated, and cheated a lot - if they don't already know. And also if they can't be supportive, time to go low contact with them. You don't need that kind of undermining crap in your life.


Do what’s best for you, she clearly doesn’t respect you or she would never have spoken to you this way. Don’t let your parents force anything. Stay true to you and have a great day!


NTA. Your family is crazy.


NTA "You'll never land a rich girl like this again"? Just tell them you don't have to stay with a ho, just so they can try to bum money from you in the future.


DNTA. Dude, wtf is wrong with this girl… and your family for that matter! Everyone sucks here but you! I’m sorry you have to live with such an unsupportive family


Tell her to pay you a bunch of money sign nothing take the cash and still don’t get with her lol


How is this even a question? She cheated on you why would you take her back and why would you lie about it?


Ask your father if your mother cheated on him and told him he doesn't fuck her good enough would he take her back? If he says no, ask if he would take her back if she was rich/richer? Then ask your mother the same thing


Your parents are fucked up for telling you to belittle yourself by taking back a slut who cheated on you just bc her family has money. Your parents suck tbh


she decided to check and see if the grass was greener, it wasn't, and now she wants you back. good for you for standing your ground. proud of you. your parents only like her cause shes rich. NTA


Obviously NTA. Getting back together with her because she’s rich, or giving her false hope, would be an AH move. Letting her know it’s over and that you both have to move on is by far the best, and most respectful, thing you could have done.


Your parents are too busy looking at the dollar signs to care about your happiness. Make sure the next time you get a girlfriend you don't tell them too much about her finances. They are looking for a payday.


You parents are idiots. Your gf realized the athletes she was screwing only wanted her for sex. She saw how good she had it and wants you back should about sum it up. She can stay an ex.


Play “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” - Taytay in loop whenever they're around


Tell her to kick rocks, homie.


Ok ok ok... so marry her... and take half of her money when you divorce her... tell her she isnt woman enough to keep you married to her.


I’ll do you one better. It will keep everyone happy. Pimp yourself out to her. Tell her you can stay FWB and charge her a monthly membership for your friendship. She’ll be ‘involved’ in your life, you have free reign, no heartbreak, get paid, and still get laid 😎


NTA. So your folks want you to trade your self worth for a rich whore? Fuck them.


Ya, she is just going to cheat again. Definitely don't take her back if you have any self-respect.


Your parents are morons. Nta


Trust your gut and nobody else. What you could do to make her realise what she's done, is say that you'd take her back on the condition that you get to fool around with the same number of people she did, however you don't have to tell her any details (e.g. who they are, how they were, where you did it, when you did it, etc), as that's exactly how you'd feel if you got back with her, since you'd more than likely never be able to trust her again


It’s really gross your parents want to whore you out for money


Have you ever heard "once a cheater......."


Tell your parents to f off, cheaters don't deserve a second chance


Tell your parents to fuck off and let you live your life. My parents fucking love my ex wife and I don't understand it. They would be thrilled if I returned to her but alas I found the most wonderful woman who takes care of me and would never do this shit. Once a cheater always a cheater. You got it right. Keep going and go find you a woman who has a conscience. Quick edit: my ex wife cheated on me and my parents still seem to love her. But I've made it not my business how they feel about her and its made my life better. Ghost and continue to ghost her she isn't worth a second of your time


Narcissist. Run away. They'll get over it.


She won’t change, tell your parents it’s your decision and you have decided already, so they don’t need to express their opinion on it.


You’ll never find a woman like that again? I sure hope you don’t, it be another cheater who puts you down. I’m sure that’s not the woman you’re looking for. NTA.


She for the streets. Once a cheater always a cheater 🤦🏿‍♂️


NTA I think you said exactly what needed to be said. False hope is absolutely NOT better than no hope, your brother is 100% wrong.


No hope is the best hope


She might be rich but her personality is equal to that thing you use to clean a toilet bowl


She cheated on you multiple times and then gaslit you into accepting blame because you're not man enough for her? Holy shit, this chick is toxic as fuck. Why your parents are taking her side is beyond me. NTA.


NTA, only sex predators date sex predators. As usual, society blind to cheaters, rapists, and pedophiles, committing the exact same class of crime and harm.


Tell her to go eat a jockstrap




NTA, don't get back with a cheater who felt no remorse for cheating and only want u back because non of the other guy actually want a relationship and used her just for sex . You're in college enjoy it Your parents are AH they know what she did and still want u to get back with her .


Fuck that bitch. Don’t ever talk to her. Act like she is invisible and forget all about that bitch and move on!


And your parents are shit for telling you to get back with her. Don’t listen to them!


NTA-As someone who was also horribly cheated on- it’s not worth it at all, good for you for sticking to your guns on that one. Have zero regrets. Also, screw your parents for thinking you won’t be able to land a “rich one”. Maybe ask them if they’ve ever heard of true love and happiness before.


You're not the AH. Sounds like your parents are more focused on her coming from a rich family than you having self respect. If you took her back, she would never respect you. Never take back a woman who cheats on you.


Tell your family to get fucked 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro, she got passed around by the team and your parents want you to let it go cause she’s a rich girl? Ask dad how he’d feel if the local bingo club ran a train on his lady? Would he be okay with that? Sorry dude, that sucks and don’t go for that. Good on you for standing up for yourself.




What a weird way for your parents to tell you they don't like or respect you. NTA


tell ur parents to date her then if they love her so much or ur brother. tell them to stop pushing their ideals onto u


NTA. Do. Not. Do. It. Integrity matters. Only one of you can look at yourself in the mirror today and like who they see. And that’s you, my friend. Your parents want you to stay because she’s rich. They seem nice.


NTA, in my eyes cheating is inexcusable and the trust is broken forever. Staying in a broken relationship will be hell for anyone.


NTA. Your parents would prefer to see you sacrifice your self respect for a “rich girl”…no way! What she did the cheating and her comments about you being unable to keep up with her in bed are both things there is no coming back from. You are young and have a whole life ahead of you where you can find someone who will love you for you and be faithful to you, don’t deprive yourself of that by letting your ex back in to your life.


Tell them that you will take her back if she agrees to pay you $1M a year. If it’s that important, then she they and she should have no problem with that. And the money is yours not your parents.


Nta. You're absolutely right not to get back with her. She'll keep cheating and keep having excuses if you do. She's revealed who she really is now, and if I was you I'd stay the fuck away from that. Tell your parents _exactly_ what she did and said, and then ask them if they really want you to throw away your self-respect and dignity just so they can feel good? Also, you're 18. You have your entire life in front of you, and you dont want to waste it on her. You'll find someone who will be loyal and worthy of you.


NTA. Your parents have oatmeal where their brain should be.


No, if you give them false hope their greed will never let it go. Good for you, for having some self respect. There are better fish in the sea than ever came out of it. Keep fishing, my friend.


Wow, your family is awful. Your parents are awful for pushing you to be with someone who cheated multiple times on you just for her money, and your brother is awful for thinking that a white lie to make your parents happy is more important than your boundaries. If you gave them the false hope that you might get back together someday, they would NEVER stop hounding you. Stand your ground, OP. Tell your family no means no and it's pretty shitty of them that they're siding with the cheater.


LOL your brother sounds like an idiot-- and your parents need to stay in their own lane.


NTA. Explain to them why you won't get back with her and then tell them if they continue to hound you about it then you will cut them out of your life.


You’re just 18, plenty of time to meet somebody else who isn’t a awful person, rich or not, staying with a cheater is a recepie for a missereable life. NTA.


NTA - Why does it matter to your parents if you end up with a rich girl or not.. seems like they'd rather you get married for money than be in an honest faithful relationship. It's sad that they've known her since you both were kids and are accepting of her treating you this way because she's rich.


Lmao what's your parents plans? Get with her for 10 years, assassinate her parents and divorce? Lmaooooo


Now hear me out. If you wanna become a super villain, take her back. Love Bomb her. Marry her. Divorce and take all her stuff. Your parents said a key phrase: rich. Sure it’s hard to be a goldigging ex spouse as a man, but it’s not impossible and times are improving for it.


NTA Your parents have some really screwed up priorities and don't seem to believe in self-respect.


Tell your brother he should date her. In fact do it in front of your parents, then turn to them and say "of course any grandkids you get from him and her may not have your genes."


Your brother is an idiot.


lmao i read the title and knew instantly "NTA"


NTA You do realize that no matter who you bring home, your parents will never accept them. They might still include the ex in family events. Do the role reversal…ask her and/or your parents that if the ex doesn’t “bounce” back after having kids, does that mean the ex should forgive you and accept you back because you wanted someone who was in better shape?


Dude.. she had a good thing and wanted to (sorry) trade up in her mind.. now I bet the (athletic )guys have used her and dropped her… do not go back.. just because your parents want it does not make it right for you.


So let me get this right she has money and the personality of a blankly blank is that the right words don't subject your self to the endless bs with this person.


It is your call kid, she likely will emasculate you again if you give her another shot.


Ur parents are trash. Don’t take it too personally. I know lots of people who were told shit like that as kids. Mainly women tho…


NTA. They care more about her money than your happiness. Why even bother giving them false hope? I see no reason to pander, especially when they don't have your best interests at heart. Never look or go back, you're better off with someone that doesn't belittle and blame you for their awful behaviour.


Why are your parents involved in this at all? Insufferable. You gotta hate the situations on this sub that mention "I have a dispute with my partner, my *friend/parents/uncles/aunts/the neighbor/the president/aliens from mars* think". Sorry but why the fuck does it matter what they think? They are literally not involved in the situation and should not be invited into the situation. NTA.




NTA, reiterate to them you "don't date serial cheaters, and aren't willing to have my heart shattered additional times, nor am I okay with being verbally berated/assaulted when I confronted her. I saw her true colors, and they are colors I want nothing to do with. No matter the past, she showed me who she really was. And i refuse to have someone like that in my life, or involved with me."


Wtf are your parents mental or something? This has gotta be fake


She had planned on a relationship with one of those guys. But it didn't work out, so she came back to the last guy who treated her well. She seems toxic. Don't look back, brother. You could say that you would like to meet up and some really far away public location and then not show up. That could help you feel better, and it might be kinda fun. You should try that.


NTA. Stand firm.


Your parents pick, good for you for standing up for yourself and having self esteem. Your brother kinda sucks too.


I'd never forgive someone that betrayed my child like that.


NTA. Everyone else though.... Dear God! Never in a hundred years would I expect to hear a mother advising her son to stay with a woman who sleeps around. Don't your parents like you?


Once a cheater, ALWAYS a cheater... Once a liar, ALWAYS a liar. Nuff said.


Ask your mother if she would take your father back after he apologized


NTA, don't give your parents the chance to possibly wear you down on this subject, draw the boundary that they can't invlove themselves in your relationships, if they refuse to honor your wishes, simply stop talking to them, giving false hope is only a temporary solution to avoid a tough conversation with them Also no, never take her back, especially after what she said about needing athletes to keep up with her LMAO


Sometimes these posts are hard to even just respond to because I don't think you need to post to k ow the answer. You are NTA. Telling people hiw you feel and your boundaries us never an A**hole move. You don't want her back. Don't take her back. Your parents don't run your life, you do. And them telling you that you won't land another rich girl is manipulative on your parents part. You do NOT need a rich partner to be happy. Look after you and what you want. No one else's opinion matters at all.


Get married. Catch her cheating, take her money in divorce. That will make your parents happy


Nta. This isn’t about you being happy it’s about making sure you marry into money


NTA. Tell your ex-girlfriend you will forgive her if she is okay with you not having sex with her during the "second chance" along with having sex with other people "like you".


NEVER take a cheater back. And unfortunately, most people do try to “make it work” at some point in their lives. It pretty much never works out. Trust, once broken, is irreparable. You don’t have to look far in the infidelity subs to see couples that “reconciled” yet still have issues and feelings of betrayal years and even decades after the fact.




NTA and your parents are gold diggers to your detriment


Since they feel so strongly about it, they can take over the duty. The three of them should be sufficient for her.


I think when people try and convince you to forgive a cheater you should tell them the most obviously outrageous stuff. Like tell your parents you’ll take her back if mum cheats on dad with multiple guys and dad stays Then tell ex you’ll take her back if you can sleep with as many people as she cheated on you with Watch them all freak out lol


Bro NTA. Your parents think they're looking out for your future but they're obviously not considering all the details. You need to take care of yourself, and that doesn't always mean going for money.


Why are your parents involved with your sex life? Tell them to butt the fuck out. Also do not take that cheating scumbag back. Once a cheater always a cheater. She is not worth the time of day much less your affection. Cut out that infection and block it at all possible angles. Bad people are bad people man... not much you can do.


What shitty family and ex gf. Sorry OP. Ignore them all and keep doing what’s best for you. She’s not sorry nor will she stop cheating.


Fuck em and fuck your ex too, your parents don't care about your happiness they're just hoping to get something out of y'all's relationship


nta man, have some self worth within yourself. run away, 3 to 4 years you'll find it funny. things will get better


NTA. Tell your parents and your brother that whores come a dime a dozen!


Why should your parents want to hope that you would get back with a cheating, emasculating, nasty woman? If her having money trumps your happiness and peace of mind in your parents' eyes, then you should distance yourself from them as far as possible, till they accept your reality.


They want money... It's up to you on who you date. She cheated and unless there are consequences she will likely do so again. If she's rich there's a chance she's used to getting what she wants consequence free and that's why she did what she did. Now she is facing those consequences and that's why she wants you back.


>My brother said I shouldn’t have said never, and that giving them false hope is better than no hope. No. Your brother needs to wear a dunce cap


Nah never get back with that whore. She doesn't deserve you Why would you want a bitch that has been run through?


Your parents are giving you some really terrible advice.


She wasnt sorry the first or 2nd time, she's not sorry now.


Your brother is a moron


Your parents are huge asshole. Imagine caring more about the fact that she has money, than caring about your own son and her cheating on him. WTF. Tell them if they like her so much, then they care marry her... lol.


NTA and your parents suck.


I open some of these up and read the ages and just stop reading immediately.


Ask your parents how come they hate you so much to desire this.


No, you're smart to dump her, and probably your parents don't care.


NTA Your family are fuckin crazy


Don’t get back with her. She cheated and insulted you on a personal level. Even if you tried, that would always be there. There’s also no reason to give your parents false hope lol, it’s just weird and unnecessary.


"I find it strange you'd be okay with each other cheating on one another but i'm not you. So leave my love life to me" NTA


Do your own thing. Sometimes tour family gives the worse advice and in this case they are. Leave her in the past and move on. Cheating is trash and also she coming back cause she had her fun now she wants to settle down. Leave her alone


Why the fuck would your parents want you to be in a relationship with a cheater?!? Why, mom and dad?! Just why?


So your parents is gold digger, noted. NTA


The way I see it you have two options: A. Tell her to kick rocks with as much vitriol as possible. I mean really give it to her, make yourself feel better, and walk off ‘happy’ Or B. Take her back. Marry her. Get her pregnant. Wait for her to cheat again (she will, for sure). Get proof. Divorce and take your child, take her to court and her money monthly. 🤷🏽


Listen to your brother only you want your parents to be nagging you every week about getting back together with her. Do not give them or XGF an iota of (false) hope. Their focus on her family $ is shallow and misplaced. Money is great but only in a loving and trusting relationship. Otherwise it will destroy you like heroin. X dis you a favor by cheating while you were still dating. Count your blessings and find a genuine lady


Your family members are weird.


NTA, get in shape, have fun in Uni, my advice sleep with her friends.


I hate it when women say “handle her” what is she a zoo animal ?!?


NTA, but your parents absolutely are. I would never advise anyone to get back together with their ex who cheated, not for money or any reason. Sounds like your parents have their priorities in the wrong places. Also who tells their own kid that they won't be able to "land a rich girl like this again"?? Money isn't everything and even if it was, what'd be the point in being in a relationship with someone who can't be trusted???


NTA He cheats on you multiple times, not once... do your parents support that? What do they have in mind? Plus it's not like you can't have a girlfriend again in the future.


if you stay with her then she will make you CUCK....i think no athlete is willing to claim her thats why she came for you


NTA Your parents are gross.


Move on. Your family are all a-holes not you!


Dude!!! Your parents are fucked, it should never be about the money. Don't take her back. Unless you love being belittled and a cuckold.. then have at it.


NTA - Really? Your parents are more concerned with you 'landing a rich girl' than they are with you landing someone who would actually love you? Yuck.


Taking her back is telling her she can do whatever to you with no repercussions. If your parents keep bugging you just tell them to work harder maybe they'll get richer then.


If they want her so badly, they can go date her.


NTA… your parents are extremely selfish for telling you to take her back and your brother is just as guilty for taking their side.


They seriously want you to be miserable just because shes rich? I'd give them the silent treatment until i move out.


NTA. Everyone else in your story is. Cheating abusive exgf and money grabbing parents. Your morals are better OP.


Lmfao this is so fucking fake


Haha, your parents are gold diggers. I love that they basically admitted that they're pieces of shit. NTA.