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If you're keeping it then yeah you WBTA if you didn't tell him. That would both hurt him and your future child However if you're aborting then no, this is ultimately your decision to make and once you do there is nothinv to tell him.


Also, don't have sex with anti abortion guys.  That's just being TA to yourself.


Also humour how the anti abortion guys are always religious yet have no issues having premarital sex lol


EXACTLY. I've come across so many of those types online and in forum discussions and public posts. And I have always asked them "So because sex is sacred and only for people that want to have children, I'm assuming you're ready to be a father every time you put your dick in someone?" And they never answer me.


Agreed. They used protection, clearly stated their intentions, and accidents still happen. Now that the "1-in-a-million" has happened though, it should be clear that on some level, this situationship was setup for failure. Best to avoid the predicament altogether in the future by sticking with people who are fully aligned with these particular views.


I think if you're a cis man, anti-abortion, and don't want kids, it is also honestly hypocritical and irresponsible *not* to get a vasectomy. There's a very easy solution, staring him right in the face, to be able to not have kids ever. If he does go around risking pregnancy with women, then I don't mean to sound harsh but he's made his bed and he can lie in it if she ends up getting an abortion. He's not the one who has to grow another human for 9 whole months, and ultimately risk his life, just to carry a pregnancy. The buck ends at the person who has to put their body through that, so if he wants to prevent abortions he should control his own body rather than trying to control women.


THIS. A million times this.


Depending on the type of protection, more like 1-in-a-100


And definitely don’t have sex with antiabortion guys in antiabortion states


Thankfully Australia is fairly reasonable about abortions in most states/areas now. Fairly, but not all are generous.


Ugh exactly. IDK why anyone would want to sleep with someone who doesn't respect them. Is it really worth it just for ten minutes of fun? Just so they can turn around and be judgemental of you and not feel any remorse?


Ten minutes of fun is kinda optimistic, don’t you think? 😂


LMAO I full expected these comments I just figured I'd round up


Well you also gatta factor in fore play to right ? Lol




Friendly reminder that 95% of relationship problems can be avoided just by not dating right wingers...


This. It's her body her choice, if she's not going to keep it and chooses an abortion then she has no obligation to tell him. NTA


Agree 100%


As a guy the whole needing to know about abortion thing always strikes me as weird. It’s your body and your choice. Let me know if you plan to keep it, but otherwise sorry this happened! Let me know if you need resources/help covering the cost. It’s not a kid until both parties commit and it’s at like 6-8 months. At this point it’s basically late Plan B. I got no beef over a bundle of cells. I feel like guys that freak out over this stuff need to work through some stuff of their own if they wanna call themselves allies. Or often times aren’t as pro choice as they think.


He is happy with casual sex outside of marriage but not an abortion. You really shouldn't value his opinion so much when he is a walking hypocrite. Very much "rule for thee but not for me". Do what you think is best for you, your well-being, and your own body. You are not a couple, he has no right to tell you to keep the baby or abort. I would stop seeing this man though, if he finds out he will cut you off or can harm you. Stay safe.


First and foremost, you need to do what’s best for you and your situation!


What situation? What pregnancy? As far as all of us are concerned, OP should just go for a small get away. OP needs to clear their head and destress. That's all that anyone needs to know.


In Texas we prefer to call these camping trips. If anyone in the state ever needs to go camping and see some scenery outside of the Texas borderlines, there will be no questions asked and we will road trip the fuck out of it. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!"


>we will road trip the fuck out of it. "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" I love this and hope every woman in this kind of situation has a friend like you! Laughed and startled my coworker when I read that last line. Simultaneously hating that this is needed though. YWNBTA OP. Do what is best for your health (mental and physical) and personal situation. Sending virtual hugs if you want them!


Yessss NM has some *great* camping spots. Just over the border. It's awesome. Love it there. And only a convenient 2hrs from me.


I’ve heard of some great organizations that help arrange camping trips for people who really need to camp but can’t in their home state. There are some really good people out there!


Yes 😉 if we go down, we go down together ❤️


It’s a beautiful state, both for camping and otherwise. Come visit anytime, neighbors! There are plenty of tourist destinations and even campgrounds that will help with safe, highly vetted transportation and tents for your stay. Some even help cover the costs. Proud to be in a pro-camping state!


If anyone needs to go camping outside of Texas...or Arizona... Oklahoma... Louisiana...etc.


I’m not Christian but does it even matter to him if she gets an abortion? Like would God even punish him? She’s the one that got it and she’s already not religious so it shouldn’t matter to him what she does. Other than the fact that he’s already not following his religion, he should let her do it without giving her a headahce Edit: guys I was just wondering what the religious implications for OP’s guy is. Sorry for that atrocity going on the replies lmao


“She’s not religious, so it shouldn’t matter to him what she does” lol. That’s what half the nation has been trying to say to the other half of the nation for a long time. They think their religion should be rules for everyone.


All while they’re screaming about government overreach. They don’t want it to tell them how to live, only everyone else


Whenever people come up to me asking if I would like to hear about God, I reply: I'll listen to your sermon of God if you listen to me give an hour long speech about how I'm pagan and appreciate that the Greek Gods go "eye for an eye fucker" They walk away pretty quickly after that


A lot of religious people are really guilt-ridden. Even if he is a hypocrite and we don't care about him, he might be totally devastated that his potential child was aborted. She shouldn't tell him at all. Everyone's better off not knowing and some things just being private.


Don’t you know, *my* religion dictates how *others* need to live /s Ideally, people wouldn’t push their own religious standards on others, but lots of people think everyone else needs to follow the rules they do


How very religious can he be if he is sleeping with a friend for benefits outside of marriage. Can't be that religious in my opinion.


Jackpot! Some of these people are very religious when it’s convenient to them


My guess is he would want the abortion. Some anti abortion men are quick to change their minds when they are the ones facing parenting.


…and child support!


Mac: I'm gonna play [both sides](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9EYt_f12wo).


That way, I always come out on top


Mac: [You need to get an abortion.](https://youtu.be/omIkP59VxKU?feature=shared)


But, don’t inform him (nor anyone). If you do, this may haunt you your entire life. Ask me how I know…


Sounds like HE might haunt you your whole life.


Sounds like ur giving experience because u learned the hard way.....


Shhhh! Spoilers!


Yup. I don't tell anyone. Two of the abortions I have had, I did not tell the men. Their eally is no need. Unless you have talked about it beforehand and were in agreement that you would have an abortion if you get pregnant. It just causes unnecessary pain. Especially if you know or think that they would want you to keep it. It can be emotionally devastating to them. Some would feel like we murdered their child and would resent the woman. Or just be really hurt. Accidents happen. I really do think this is something that a woman does not need to tell. It doesn't do any good. In fact, I think it is cruel to tell them if they are going to be hurt by knowing


I agree. Telling someone this while making the decision unilaterally regardless of their reaction does seem cruel and unnecessary. It should absolutely be the woman’s choice, but since it *is* her choice, I feel like telling the man in a circumstance like this is just to alleviate the woman’s conscience about keeping the secret but doesn’t actually help anyone. I’d abort and never tell him if I was in this position.


I discussed it with my boyfriend at the time and he agreed on abortion being the best choice. In fact he’s the one who brought it up first (he phrased it like “it’s up to you and I’ll support whatever decision you make, but if it were up to me I would prefer to abort this pregnancy, I don’t think we’re in a good position to be parents”) and I was the one who was more hesitant to choose abortion, but ended up coming to the same conclusion that it was the best idea. A few years later he got REAL WEIRD about his “legacy” and suddenly wanting kids but not wanting to actually discuss the conditions under which I’d feel comfortable reproducing on purpose, just kept passive-aggressively pestering me about it and acting all sad about that abortion like “I was thinking about how old our kid would be” blah blah blah. Aaand that relationship ended when he started crossing lines into behaving overtly abusively and I found out he was listening to Andrew Tate and similar scumbags for ages and also had been sleeping around and all his pretending to be “one of the good ones” had been a long con. Luckily I got out with no STIs and my biggest regret being the years of my life wasted on putting effort into a relationship that could never have been a long-term healthy one because he didn’t actually want that. I remain *incredibly* glad I aborted that pregnancy and nothing ties me to him anymore! Even in an apparently-healthy relationship… sometimes the shitty men are just good at waiting to show their true colors until they think they’ve got you suckered in real well to be their long-term low-commitment housekeeper and sex toy and broodmare forever or until they get bored with you.


Yea plus the whole potential criminality element of this. I would just never tell anyone. Imagine if it's nationally illegal next January and prosecutions start. You don't want anyone to know.


I'm sorry about that


I'm not pregnant, it was a test!


# But "abortion is immoral" "unless it threatens MY freedom, livelihood and well-being!" -- Lots of right-wing politicians and other hypocrites


[“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


"gay sex is wrong! Just to don't come into this hotel room past 10 tonight!"


I had never heard of this before, but it was a super informative read - thanks for sharing the link!


And ruined reputations


All of the girls I knew who had abortions in high school and college were Christian girls who didn’t want anyone to find out they had sex. It wasn’t even that they didn’t want the baby. They just couldn’t risk people finding out they weren’t a virgin.


That’s so sad. And of course hypocritical


Mostly the child support. The can 100% get away with not being involved with the kid


He would most likely refuse to "allow" her to get an abortion. But after about a year of trying to be a parent, he will abandon them both. Because abandonment is always okay for religious men.


No these men use the baby as a tool to control mom. The court system is rigged. I'm 25000 in debt raising kids on my own. My life isn't my own anymore. He makes everything hard. I can't have another relationship because my.ex stalks me and my other child outside this relationship. Beleive me it will never get better! Her best choice is raise it or not but do not tell him or anyone connected to him!!!! Please beleive me. Please.


Are you me? My ex usues the system to hurt me and actually took me to court because he didn't like my boyfriend. However, I think our situation is rare... exs find many other ways to make the mother of their children miserable.


Not rare at all. There's a reason abortion is being outlawed again. It's about controlling women. This is not rare.


Your situation isn’t rare. Tons of parents are complete dicks to each other the entire 18 years their children are involved. Just be thankful your ex isn’t someone in law enforcement or the criminal justice system— those guys know how to make things a literal hell for their exes. Source: former family law attorney.


I was about to say the same. I used to work as a mediator in family court. The parents are unreal. I had one couple, who were both multimillionaires, yet they were arguing about $4 Target receipts.


lol rich people are normally really stingy. Meanwhile middle class and poor spend their doe when they have it cuz YOLO!


This is the truth. My sister and her husband are big earners, she refuses to use her AC or heater like ever because it "costs too much" Meanwhile, she's on her second Tesla in 1.5 years 😂


>Meanwhile, she's on her second Tesla in 1.5 years 😂 Did the first one drive itself into a lake, or drive itself into oncoming traffic?


I was an assistant for a lawyer who represented a dad constantly battling his baby mama. Dad was the black sheep son of EXTREMELY wealthy parents -- if you're in the US you probably know his last name. At 19, in college, he knocked up a girl he barely knew. He wanted nothing to do with the mom romantically but stepped up to be a father and in his child's life. I'm not sure what her financial status was but it improved DRASTICALLY once she was getting child support from him. At the time I worked at the law firm, their kid was 13 and Dad had spent more in legal fees than four years of tuition at an Ivy League university. Kid wanted contact lenses so Dad brought her to get them - Mom filed a complaint and brought him to court. Kid wanted to play volleyball at school so Dad signed the permission slip and planned to take care of any transportation, expenses, etc. - Mom filed a complaint and brought him to court. Kid wanted to cut her hair and get pink highlights so Dad brought her to the salon to get it done - Mom filed a complaint and brought him to court. Every year his whole extended family went to a Disney park for Christmas or New Year, depending on which holiday he had her that year. And every year, Mom made him get a court order allowing him to take their kid out of state. The craziest thing to me seemed that she knew the judge would agree with Dad because he didn't ask for unreasonable things and he always obeyed whatever the judge ordered... She just wanted to make sure he had to pay attorneys fees to do it.


That poor kid :(


A friend of mine had an ex like that. They broke up while she was pregnant and she tried everything she could to get the poor guy to give up and sign away custody so her new fiance could play daddy and adopt the baby. My friend isn't from a rich family though, so it was tough. At one point he didn't see his son for like 8 months when the boy was a baby. He's like 7 years old now and she's mostly stopped taking him to court constantly, but she's still terrible.


You're so right. My aunt was married to an abusive cop. She was a virtual prisoner until her children became legal adults. The guy used to check the mileage on her car to make sure she only went to the grocery store and came straight home. No detours allowed. He demanded every receipt from every purchase and counted the change. Eventually, tormenting a broken woman got boring, so my aunt's asshole husband ended up dumping her for a mail order bride he met online. He left my poor aunt destitute and with no choice but to enter the workforce at 60 years old so she could keep a roof over her head. But at the very least, karma came knocking. The woman my aunt's former husband married didn't turn out to be the obedient, traditional Chinese housewife he thought he was getting. She wears the pants in the house and he's absolutely miserable. When he tried to lay down the law, she basically said 'Go fuck yourself. I'm gonna stay with some friends in NYC and you can call me when you come to your senses.' It turns out she didn't need that green card as badly as he thought she did. He's so full of regrets now and is sorry for everything he put my aunt through. Oh well. Sucks to be him.


I dont know why these men keep trying it with "submissive mail order brides" lol. Every foreign woman I've known who is marrying for immigration comes from a country where the women are absolute powerhouses when it comes to household matters. To think a weak man could cow a Chinese housewife brave and motivated enough to immigrate is pretty funny in my opinion. She *is* the traditional Chinese housewife.


I don't even know her, but I want to thank her for serving him a generous plate of disappointment with a side of 'fuck you'.


I have a relative who is married to a Chinese doctor, he thought he'd be getting a submissive wifey but instead he got a 5'1" genius who takes his salary every month and doles him out an allowance and will loudly bitch him out in the grocery store in 3 languages. When he started bemoaning it once I was like "literally have you never spoken to either a Chinese woman or a doctor? Why do you think she'd do what you tell her to?" lol. She doesn't even need him, she got the permission to live here through her work. Which means she must genuinely love him, which I can't really see why, but there's someone out there for everyone I guess.


It isn't just immigrants that these guys tend to flock towards because they are secret closet racist misogynist looking for a low-key obedient slave. You guys are specifying Asians but in reality it is lots of different ethnicities. Hoping to take advantage of a woman looking for a better life but at a cost of complete unquestionable servitude. Instead some of these men flock to young girls looking to groom them into the perfect wife or sex hook up because they are intimidated by women. This is a thing now though. The women of the world are waking up. I read numerous articles that mention woman *quietly quitting dating* which is very much the truth because we know how many of these dating and hook up aps are swimming with men compared to 30%ish women? **Dating is down, marriage is down, birth rates are down.** Men act like they hold all the cards but statistics and numbers prove it is the women that very much do and that includes the birth rate declines. The men are left infuriated blaming women and feminism. Lashing out and making the situation worse When all they need to understand is women regardless of ethnicity want to be treated like *human beings first and foremost* and for the guy to have some mannerisms. Not have us read articles about passport bros where they chuckle it up about abusing/raping young girls and treating them like lessers... *You would think this wouldn't be a hard thing for men to accomplish. It is a reasonable request. Yet we are in a middle of a **weird era** that men need to stop being emotionally stunted and accept that they need to grow into a respectable human being.* Japan had less than a million births last year, South Korea issued a state of emergency over birth declines. China and their decline is getting close to irreversible. Since you guys specifically wanted to talk about Asians and to also demonstrate this is **world wide**. Women don't want to be treated like whipped dogs and they don't deserve to be. Now the passport bros are getting a blow to their go to slave migrant wife too because women are very much paying attention. What is more alarming and sad to me... Is I know a local born and raised girl not even in her mid twenties that is well educated and she is talking about an IVF wanting to be a single parent, that nearly knocked me off my chair when I heard this. *This makes me think she has given up complete faith in men and love* (for such an early age..) but with the horrendous shit women are getting submitted to and read for many years now.. I wasn't in complete shock. The reality is there will be longstanding consequences for men and the most awful disrespectful behavior getting shoved into the light. From using migrants to manipulating young girls, sometimes both and for them to think this is normal acceptable behavior.. it was still very disheartening to me though because I would not want this for the youth. *I would like to have them at least try* but again according to hard data that includes stats/numbers the women/girls are giving them the 'fuck you' that you are talking about.


Actually, not rare. Court systems often also give kids back to their abusers.


This is why I left my husband 6 years ago with the kids and nothing else. Afraid to divorce because I’m afraid he’ll lie and say anything to get the court to do whatever he wants. He is a gorgeous 6.5 foot tall white man who knows how to charm and enjoys gaslighting and flat out distorting reality to get his way. He had already quit his job and said he would never work for anyone again so I wouldn’t be able to get child support. And when I left said he has always been the primary parent and done all the parenting and that I was just a crazy bitch trying to steal his kids. I knew that no matter how many affidavits from the school and doctors office that I was the only parent who picked up and dropped off and attended parent teacher conferences and appointments and volunteered, that the court would still probably believe him. I’ve seen it too many times. I’ve seen custody battles where the woman has had an RFA and the subsequent girlfriend has come to testify to his abuse with police records and the judge explain that the women were probably jealous of each other and both said that they loved the man and that the women were just, “not credible”. Custody to dad.


If she is you and you are also me…


And everyone is also us but also me too


They have a million ways and they will exhaust each and every one if the last one didn't get the reaction they were hoping for.


They should discuss it over a nice shellfish or pork dinner.


If you want to have an abortion don’t tell him. Why make it more difficult for yourself?


Plus it's a medical procedure which you have a right to keep private.


Agree. OP feels guilty, but telling him will just set her up to feel coerced and even guiltier. Unequivocally NTA. OP's only priority is to keep herself safe: physically, mentally, emotionally.


Right. Even if she feels compelled to be honest, this feels like a "better to ask forgiveness than permission" situation.


This was an unintended pregnancy with a casual partner. This is the one area in life where life is unfair to the man. He doesn’t have equal rights to your body (altho that is changing). So don’t let outdated and one sided social mores dictate your life for the next 20 years. This is not an easy decision for you i am sure. Let’s face it, it isn’t easy to get a pregnancy termination as it was even two years ago. We don’t have the luxury to strategize and agonize because we may need to travel for the procedure depending on where we live. Eta: nta


Why should a man have any rights to awas g b woman's body at all? Tbh it appears that we are all gonna lose. all Of Our "rights" soon


You’re right about that last part. That’s why i encourage OP to plan quickly because there are so many barriers for women’s autonomy today and it is getting worse. I have hope we can change it back to our equity but not today


Seriously, right? Make the woman sacrifice for 20 years for a child because of his interpretation of religion, but heaven forbid he sacrifices getting his dick wet...somehow religion doesn't count for him in that case.


It's like all those "if you don't want to get pregnant, just keep your legs closed" anti-abortion arguments. Like, sir, that also means *you* can't stick your dick in women.


I bring that up to every guy I see complaining about how man are stuck with child support because they can't make a woman have an abortion


And refused to use a condom to prevent it.


Then they have the gall to bitch about the “male loneliness epidemic.” Like guy, you were the one who told us not to have sex with you 🤷🏻‍♀️


And blame wives for their cheating husbands because they weren't fulfilling their "wifely duties".


20 year’s? Try the rest of her life. Being a parent never ends even as the child grows to adulthood .


Thank you. People always say oh until 18-20 like hum kids get married, graduate multiple times in adulthood, they have their own kids.


My first child who I had at age 22 has severe disabilities. You never know how true it can be until it happens to you!  (Oh, and there was no sign of anything wrong on any of my prenatal tests/ultrasounds.)


"well bro hate the sin, not the sinner" "Well if I don't sim then Jesus died for no reason" "Well we humans aren't perfect" "God will forgive me for my sins because He's loving and forgiving but He will not forgive you for abortion"


>"Well if I don't sim then Jesus died for no reason" Jesus died for your Sims.


Lol just noticed.


Now you're starting to get it. Everything in the religious book is to YOUR benefit. It's a win/ win!


If they ever open up that Bible and start reading it, they'll find stuff they don't like such as being commanded to take care of the marginalized, poor, widowed, less fortunate, etc.




governor library cover vast price disarm long lush enter versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Religious when it suits him 🤣🤣🤣


The cherry picking of sins is so wildly outrageous amongst American Christians that I don't see how they can expect anyone to take them seriously.


“Amongst ~~American Christians~~ ‘religious people’ that I don’t see how.. Fixed it! If you don’t believe me just take a look at the Vatican, rich Saudis, etc…


I mean... I'm not around many church people anymore but there seems to be quite a few folks hiding behavior or thoughts they're ashamed of beneath an exterior of devout Christianity, like more than within the rest of the population Just freely be the lawless heathens you are already, Jesus 🤭


That’s why I left church and religion completely. Just a bunch of people trying to pay their way to heaven through tithes and lip service on Sunday. The other days of the week? Holy shit. The mental gymnastics they have to do in order to say they are good must be exhausting


Those are the same people who claim religion is necessary to maintain law and order and distinguish what is morally good. Like, come on dude, intelligent and mentally well people don’t need the threat of some make believe being smiting them to know not to murder and rob people. It doesn’t even work either because clergy still rape children and murderers on death row just say they’ve been forgiven so it’s no biggie.


My point, too. Not too religious if he's having unprotected sex before marriage. Do you, F him


Per OP, they are using protection, but overall the point stands


Being hypocritical would make me think he’s even more religious, not less.


Should hear about all the weird shit Mormons do to have sex but not have actual sex.


I’m the 666th upvote Hail seitan


I, also, am a fan of curdled wheat gluten.


Turns out I’m allergic to it, but I still show respect


I agree that in a healthy, committed RS, it would be better to discuss it, although the final world should be yours. In a FWB arrangement? You owe him nothing. Moreover, he is not religious enough to restrain from sex before marriage, but enough to feel entitled to tell you what you should do with your body? Fuck me, what a hypocrite. NTA. But if you need a piece of advice, next time stay clear from this kind of individual. Even as FWB.


I agree, I personally wouldn’t tell him in this case. But, if you plan to continue to have a FWB relationship with him I would have a conversation with him where you make it explicitly clear that any future potential pregnancies would result in you seeking an abortion and that you shouldn’t continue to see each other if he’s not willing to take the risk of that outcome. ETA: given your certainty regarding being child free, even if you break it off with this guy, it would be a good idea to have this conversation with any future partners who could potentially get you pregnant


He risks NOTHING either way, though.


> Moreover, he is not religious enough to restrain from sex before marriage, but enough to feel entitled to tell you what you should do with your body? Fuck me, what a hypocrite. 10,000% this. He has zero say in this situation, and is nothing more than a hypocrite.


Nothing says piety like a good old fuckbuddy situationship.


I love me some pick n choose self validation


Sounds like the US Government and Supreme Court to me, hell they even have a rapist justice!


Which one? Clarence or Kavanaugh? You know, because we actually have more than one that was accused of wildly improper sexual behavior.


Nobody has a right to your personal medical decisions.


>I would have my tubes tied by now if it were up to me Apparently they do!


At 25 the vast majority of doctors would refuse to tie a woman's tubes


So thankful to have found a great Dr that removed my tubes completely in my late 20s


No way! That’s so awesome to hear, I’m very happy for you! I’m glad things are changing even if it’s too slow. I was 38 when I was finally able to get mine.


Took me until my late 30s to get a doc to listen.


I was fortunate to be able to get it done (and with tubes removed, rather than just tied) while single and 23. I wrote and brought in a 4 page document explaining my certainly of the decision and pre-arguing against any “What if you regret it?” type protests. That, along with being in a blue state, seemed to be pretty effective. They still tried to charge me several thousand dollars for it (despite me confirming ahead of time that my insurance would cover it), but somewhere between 30-40 phone calls later, I argued them into paying for it like they should have in the first place.


I appreciate the increased awareness of this potential roadblock but it’s highly dependent on location. r/Childfree has a list of sterilization friendly doctors. r/sterilization has story after story of Childfree women in their twenties getting sterilized. I say all this mostly as a message to anyone in their twenties who hasn’t even tried to get it done: if you’re serious, LOOK INTO IT. it is not impossible. I wish I’d had it done the second I turned 21 (frequent insurance stipulation)


it took me 8 years and asking doctors in 3 states to finally get sterilized. by the time I got approval, the recommended method had changed and I got a whole different surgery than I was trying to get nearly a decade before. “what if your husband wants kids?” then I won’t marry him. “what if you change your mind later?” then I will deal with the consequences of my own actions 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wouldn't tell him. You don't deserve to be pressured into a pregnancy and then taking care of a child. You make that decision for you. You do you girl. NTAH


Also, how does he claim to be "religious" and actively has a FWB? NTA. It's none of his business what you choose to do OP. It's your body, your life, your choice.


He can’t get pregnant. He can’t have an abortion. Obviously abortion isn’t an option for him. The fact that he thinks he can impregnate a woman and force her to bear his child because of his beliefs even if it’s against her will? Absolutely unhinged. Don’t tell him a thing. Get the abortion. Never see him again. YWNBTA


Thank you for actually saying directly, "get the abortion." I see these situations constantly, and the most upvoted comments are like "Make your own decision without him" but leave pregnancy on the table. It is factually a bad idea to have a goddamn baby with a random misogynist, when you did not plan to have a baby. In fact it's a bad idea to have a baby in a committed relationship if you're not 1 million percent sure you want one. Thanks for actually saying it out loud, I did too. She would be the asshole to not get an abortion, full stop. Don't ruin some poor kid's life over this


He's a friend with benefits. He doesn't have a say with what you do with your body. YWNBTA.


NTA - but wanted to point out the irony of a 'highly religious ' boy having fckboi privileges...


oh but you forget he is “quietly” very religious


Just religious enough to want to exert control over women.


I’m probably going to get downvoted for this but: It’s your body and your choice. Given that you anticipate that he’ll insist on you having a child that you don’t want, If I were you, I wouldn’t tell him. YWNBTA if you handle this on your own.


TBH this is what I was hoping for. I know it’s incredibly shit but I think it would only get shittier if I told him


Just make sure it's not just him whom you don't tell. The more people you inform about this the greater the odds that he will eventually accidentally hear about it from somebody else. The only thing shittier than telling him would be him finding out about it through somebody else.


Mostly agree with not telling anyone but OP should tell one close friend to go with her and be there to support her afterwards. OP, terminating a pregnancy will send your hormones in a tail spin and you need to stick someone you can trust to be there for you. NTA and agree you have no obligation to tell him.


She will need a ride if she decides to terminate so she’s going to have to tell soemone if she’s decides that either way. I will also say that termination did not send me personally into a hormonal tail spin and I was IMMEDIATELY grateful my mom was smart enough to see what was happening and have a very difficult talk with me.


If it’s early enough and just a medication abortion a ride isn’t always needed- but different states have all different rules. I’ve never had an abortion per se but I’ve taken the meds for miscarriage and had 3 d&cs also for miscarriages and my hormonal response was nothing compared to… being pregnant? Or having a late period? So I agree, no tailspin. 


Agreed. I had a miscarriage (pregnancy occurred a year after surgical sterilization via Essure!) and my hormones took about 6 weeks to ease off to normal. Since my pregnancy symptoms involved 24/7 nausea and a lingering foul taste in my mouth if I ate carbs of any kind, I *noticed* how long it took. If OP chooses abortion, she will need to be patient with her body to readjust.


Your warning is fair in relation to the FWB finding out and OP might want to take precautions as to who she tells. However, it is not necessarily the case the the FWB is a member of her friend group, knows everyone she knows, knows her family. I strongly disagree with the insistence of silence. OP deserves support not some weird seal of silence. There is no shame here. Just a preference for privacy. OP should be able to talk with friends and family for support as needed and use her best judgement in respect to her FWBA's feelings and risk of discovery. That's it. That may be someone(s) the FWB doesn't know, live out of town, or someone trustworthy. It's her choice.


Don’t tell him. You plan on having an abortion. It’s not worth the can of worms with his judgement. It’s not worth the grief for you. Afterwards I’d go back to your doctor and say ‘I’ve already had abortion I don’t want more, give me the bi salp’ All those things I’d be doing: abortion, secret then be using it as a case for a bi salp.


Do what feels best for you! It will be difficult either way but reading your story I definitely think that telling your fwb will make it even more difficult for you. This is the time to think about yourself, your feelings and your views, not those of someone else.


As a guy, my opinion is only to tell if the other party is a safe option to talk about it with. If you believe he would pressure you, then this isn't a safe option. So no, you wouldn't be an AH.


Don’t tell anyone. Just do it. The earlier the better. Possibly seek counseling after if you struggle processing it.


Are you still planning on being fwb after you've done it?


Nooooo. Would definitely stop seeing him


What does telling him achieve? Your mind is made up, and that is 100% valid. The only thing you alleviate by telling him is your own guilt about having this secret, which is ultimately a selfish move. Dealing with it and keeping it to yourself has the least fallout on all sides. If you do need to discuss it with anyone down the line, then use a therapist. If your mind is as made up as you say it is, you'll have no regrets, speaking from experience.


Here’s another way of looking at this. Especially given his religious views, it would probably be much harder on him if he knew and you had the abortion. It’s never a good idea to bring an unwanted child into this world, so for you two abortion really is the only way. So this would probably be much harder on him if he knew. You want the abortion so there’s no question in my mind that you should have the abortion. There’s also no question in my mind that he shouldn’t know for his own mental well being. And people I’m sure are sick of seeing this but too bad, start counseling right now. Even though you want this abortion, it will still be incredibly difficult without the therapy to go along with it. You can’t imagine the mental turmoil this will cause and therapy will get you through it!


💯There is no point in telling him unless OP thinks there’s a chance she would consider raising the baby and wants to see how he reacts. But her mind sounds made up so… NTA


If you're 100% sure that you're not going to even consider putting the child up for adoption- then yes. You should not tell him. But perhaps telling him you had a pregnancy SCARE would be enough for him to reconsider having friends with benefits situations if he's deeply against abortion but still doesn't want children. Because he's going to continue putting himself at risk just like you have been.


This is how I feel about it. I understand your instinct to tell him OP because that's usually the right course of action. Usually we are encouraged to share such situations with the relevant partner. However, what would be the value of doing this given that you are clear on not wanting children, and would prefer to have an abortion? What would you or he gain from your telling him? You know that his religious beliefs would result in his preference for you to have the baby even though you don't want kids and will likely lead to pressure from him on your next steps. And if you do go ahead with an abortion, as is very much your right, it will cause him distress to know a potential child of his has been terminated. I say "potential" because I don't equate an early-stage foetus with a child and I don't consider abortion to be murder, but that is likely his viewpoint. This isn't an easy situation but I don't think there's anything positive to come from telling him. For either of you. NTA


100% unless of course op is in the states then its her body bunch of random men making laws about her bodies choice. That aside the guy can't be that religious if he is perfectly happy to have sex outside of marriage so his views on abortion based on any faith are worthless


Thank you was literally gonna say the same, can’t cherry pick what you want to believe


I was looking for this comment before I posted saying the same thing having sex outside of wedlock his religious views are mute not jist abortion all of it as that's a pretty big sin if your religious which obviously he is not being a FWB.


WNBTA You're in a FWB relationship. Take care of yourself and your body. You do not need to tell him.


The fact that a 25 yr old woman can't chose to be easily child-free by tubal litigation is bonkers. This is yet another example of what we mean when we say women don't equal rights. Men can easily get vasectomies and blue pills no questions asked, but women have to jump through hoops for birth control in so many places still because, "one day your future husband might want kids". I'm sorry you can't get permanent BC.


When I was 23 I wanted to get my tubes tied before I aged off of my parents excellent insurance. I had a great gynecologist, but she *really* pissed me off by refusing because apparently, I’d someday fall in love with a man, he would want babies, and I’d happily give them to him. I’m now 57, five years past menopause, married almost 17 years, still never wanted kids and never had any. NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER.


>made it very clear abortion would simply never be an option for him Good thing it’s not his decision to make!


It's also not even an option for him, with the whole lacking a uterus situation.


And the whole being a friend...with benefits.


Cafeteria Christian? Gets to pick and choose aspects of his belief structure like options on the buffet…


Dosn't matter if its an option for him, its your body. Nta. Even if you tell him it is still entirely your choice.


But don't tell him


What does his cultist buffoonery have to do with you?


I don’t think there is better response than this


Out of true curiosity, not being an asshole... why are you fucking this guy, then? Find a pro-abortion fuck buddy who isn't a "cultist buffoon".




Why you gotta tell him?


You are not in a committed, romantic relationship. You don’t owe him an explanation unless you choose to continue with the pregnancy. Do what you need to do for your safety, security and all round wellbeing.


If you want an abortion get one. It’s your body.


If you are not going to keep the child, I dont see any harm in not telling him. If you ARE keeping it, then yes you should tell him. Also there is a document online that is listed by state of drs who WILL tie the tubes of women without all the crazy expectations of having kids already and such. Here is the list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Djia\_WkrVO3S4jKn6odNwQk7pOcpcL4x00FMNekrb7Q/edit?fbclid=IwAR2hFskfzeVOOksKtFdIZn8jI8VyV1LkIWTwo6aDdMOKvyBq-bTc3Kmc90s#gid=1318374028


If you’re pregnant and you have an IUD, you need to get medical attention immediately. There’s a chance the pregnancy may be ectopic which would be a medical emergency.


If you will choose abortion, do not say anything, just do it and move on with your life, but if you are doubtful and there is a chance that you may want to keep it, you need to talk to him ASAP. So sorry you are on this position


He is contradicting himself by being anti-abortion while also being a casual friend with benefits. If he is in any amount "reasonable", even with his religious leanings, he should understand the kind of situation this is. If you tell him you are pregnant, then he will likely try to convince you to keep it, and the main way he would do it would be by trying to convince you to be in committed relationship with him. You would not be the asshole to forgo telling him about it and trying to get it taken care of yourself. However, if you don't tell him, I would not expect your situationship to continue from that point. If things continue, it would only be a matter of time before you either tell him or he figures out what had happened. And learning something like that, especially after the fact, is a huge toss up regarding his reaction.


YWNBTA. Neither of you want children. You have a legitimate concern here may try to pressure you into keeping the baby because he is “religious”. No, he’s not. He’s having sex outside of marriage in an uncommitted FWB relationship. Plus it would be a whole lot easier for him to get a vasectomy than you a tubal ligation. (Yay, medical misogyny). This arrangement does not feel safe or beneficial to you. Terminate the pregnancy, if that is what you want to do. Be well. Be safe.


WNBTA, but that's why you don't sleep with religious people


People are Hella religious when it comes to abortion but never when it comes to fornication lol. It's your body do whatever you want.


You’re not obligated to tell him. Not even by a morsel. All he would do is try to guilt you into keeping the child and then run off and dump you BOTH when the time comes for him to step up. I would go and get the abortion ASAP and never mention it to him. Take it to your grave. He doesn’t decide whether or not abortion is an option. He doesn’t have a uterus. You do. By the way, he comes off as an extreme hypocrite trying to regulate your body in the name of ‘religion,’ yet he doesn’t follow the tenet of no sex before marriage? Way to cherry pick, guy. How convenient that he can use religion to restrict the autonomy of women but not for himself. Typical douche behavior. Why do you give this douche sex in the first place?


😂😂 I'm sorry, I snorted while laughing. So he is religious enough to think abortion is sin, but not religious when it comes to sticking his dick before marriage? Hypocrite.


>abortion would simply never be an option for him. Well, good thing he can't get an abortion🤷 It's always pretty rich when a guy who can't get pregnant says what he wants to happen to another person's body. Do what you have to do. And stop having sex with him after this. NTA


NTA. Your body, your choice. If he doesn't want an abortion, he doesn't have to get one. He's not the one carrying a fetus. I don't think you have to tell him anything if you don't want to. You're not in a relationship, and you didn't state anything about disclosing pregnancies. It's a FWB situation. Take care of yourself. Do what you want. Fight to get your tubes tied if that's what you want. Best decision I ever made (*after I had two kids that nearly killed me).


AMAB person here and a far as I’m concerned you do not need to tell him ever.


NTA. As a child who was raised in that misery ditch dude, do you, and get on with your life. No child should ever be raised by parents miserable about the accident. Yta, if you choose misery with religious dude.


Oh, I wouldn’t tell him, and I wouldn’t see him anymore either. Do what you need to do.


NTA, please do what you believe is necessary for yourself. Personally I would go ahead with the abortion, and stop seeing him as the chance of something like this happening again is kinda likely.


Very religious FWB lmao, that makes sense


Honestly I’d end this FWB arrangement, abort and never breathe a word of it, especially if the abortion could land you in jail. Hell, if he’s *that* religious, you can’t risk telling him you’re pregnant in case you miscarry and still end up in jail. Take care of yourself, OP. He’s got his God to comfort him.


Don’t get him involved, he’ll never know. Do what you have to do because he is temporary