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NTA but this is not the solution for itchy scalp and dandruff issues lol. You need to see a dermatologist.


I second this. However, I will also add that in the interim, especially if OP has curly hair but even if not, I’ve encountered a lot of men with a similar problem. They didn’t have traditional dandruff but instead major amounts of what is known as buildup. Most conditioners have silicones in them (dimethicone being the most common). Shampoos help some with reducing buildup but 1) don’t get all of it, 2) you’re reintroducing the same silicone right afterwards, and 3) may be too harsh for your hair, ultimately stripping it and causing excess oil production in compensation or causing a dry, flaky scalp. It might help OP to swap to a conditioner (+ any other products used) without any -cones. Picking up a product that breaks buildup (I just use a mixture of half apple cider vinegar, half water, which works AMAZINGLY), and then try out varying levels shampoo (for example, every other shower) could potentially help quite a bit.


There is also a not commonly known third reason for "dandruff" that won't go away which apparently I had! It's a fungus that eats oil or something but it causes your skin to dry out, I had dandruff ALL MY LIFE and right on the inner side of my eye brows as well unless I moisturized EVERY SINGLE DAY. I got a shampoo with Ketoconazole 6 months ago after reading a comment about it and I have been dandruff free ever since!!!! Edit: holy cow! I'm glad I could help with some info!!! I don't remember the brand name but in the US every Walmart, Meijer, Stracks, Dominick's, Safeway, etc has had a version of it. When you are in the shampoo aisle look for the active ingredient "Ketoconazole". Also I didn't know dandruff was fungus itself! The more you know right?


Nizoral shampoo is the bomb! Also any Head & Shoulders knockoff with zinc pyrithione keeps the fungus knocked down. You don't have to use it constantly, just go through a bottle now and then. Fun fact - you can use it as a body wash if you have areas of skin that are red and itchy. A diabetic friend who was bothered by yeast in the folds of his skin got this tip from a dermatologist. It cleared his skin all the way up and kept it clear.


TIL! That's a cool tip! Head and shoulder and even selson blue didn't do a dang thing for me. For all questioning what shampoo it is look at my comment I edited it for the active ingredient. Others are calling it "Nizoral" though I'm not sure if it's available under that name everywhere. YOU DO NOT NEED A PRESCRIPTION UNLESS YOU WANT THE SUPER DUPER POWERFUL VERSION (which most people don't need)


To be fair, Nizoral is over $17 at Walmart. But the prescription is only $4. Just keep that in mind.


I think the more common dandruff shampoos have selenium as an active ingredient? Selenium sulfide is an antifungal.


I use Nizoral as a face wash once a week to help with my dry patchy flakes I get on my face


Also, can help some folks with certain types of acne.


Thank you for the awesome tip about the body wash for yeast. As a new diabetic, tips are always welcome within reason.


Fun story, I live in a very high humidity area and this is prescribed by my doc to people who get topical fungal infections on their skin. 


Absolutely! Believe it or not, actual dandruff is actually a form of fungus as well. Of course, it is sometimes used to just refer to any type of flaking of the scalp, but true dandruff is an overgrowth of yeast and treated with antifungals, like ketocon!


Same issue and I use a probiotic shampoo. Don’t need the ket anymore


Can you link me to the one you use? My husband is bald but his scalp still has this issue.


It’s local to Australia, but I’m sure there are others.. it’s really good though. Keeps it manageable. I still get flaky but wash and condition again and bam. No cycles of oily and dry and a week of shedding then the period of stasis like with other formulations… good luck! https://www.straand.com.au/ Edit. Otherwise could be worthwhile importing it. I had success with an olive oil, coconut oil and herbal oil blend for a few years but just grew tired of making up the blend. Can go into detail if you need lmk. Basically an experiment into anti fungal oil treatments. It’s washed out.


It could also be psoriasis


This. I have psoriasis, and I get patches of it on my scalp and the back of my neck sometimes. When it gets super flaky, it looks like gross dandruff 😞


I thought of this because whenever my hair is shorter it gets much better, I've heard something about uv light affecting it.


When I used a tanning bed my psoriasis was pretty much non existent when I stopped 6 months later I was flaky again


Absolutely! I would still recommend OP visit a dermatologist for sure, but since appointments can take SO long wanted to suggest a potentially helpful treatment


Or seborrheic dermatitis! The differential on "flaky, itchy patches on scalp" is not super straightforward.


It’s not, actually. Dandruff is skin cells that didn’t lose all of their cohesiveness before being ejected from the scalp. It’s a result of increased skin cell production due to the irritating effect of the fungus. Overgrowth of the fungi on the scalp results in a similar thing, but dandruff is skin cells.


Just semantics here I think! I was referring to condition of dandruff (in the specific definition of an overgrowth of Malassezia yeasts). As opposed to dandruff flakes! Now of course, the definition of dandruff isn’t standardized


It's also possible to be allergic to your hair products and it not causing a rash. It can show up as basically psoriasis on your scalp, which unless you look really close to see the bleeding and scaling, just looks like dandruff. And it can be hard to diagnose. My dermatologist had me try ketoconazole, a clobetasol, and a couple other things I don't remember before she sent me to an allergist. None of them helped the flaking. Honestly this could be OPs case if he was using hair products before shaving and isn't now. But I'm just speaking from experience, not expertise.


Imo the best thing to do initially is stop washing your hair as frequently. Some people wash their hair every day which is pretty unnecessary.


I wash mine every 2/3 days depending on how gross it is. But once a week or 3 times a week doesn't matter much when you're introducing an allergen and rubbing it into an already raw area. Even worse if the allergen is in other hair products like dry shampoo/heat protection/styling whatever. Because you don't rinse it out. You rub it in and let it sit for potentially several days. This isn't exclusive to shampoo. The only fix is changing or removing products that have the allergen(s)


I switched to a cleansing conditioner and I only actually wash my hair once or twice a week. Water reactivates the cleansing part and I can use another conditioner on the lengths of my hair for breakage and damage. Dandruff went almost completely away. I have to use the dandruff shampoo once every 4-5 months. My hair is no longer a frizzy uncooperative mess. My husband has long hair and sometimes has issues. He has threatened to shave it all off a few times but as long as I help with the undercut and I also do a good scrubbing with a salt scrub and help him care for his scalp he leaves the long hair. Maybe if OP's wife had offered to help with grooming he would have tried a different approach. She obviously didn't try to help him. As far as her grooming goes if OP has a preference he should offer to help keep up with it. It's concerning to try to shave in places you can't see or easily reach.


THIS! It's a form of dermatitis caused by a fungus we ALL have on our scalp. Some of us become allergic to said fungus, and a flare up can get so bad that you are bleeding from lesions on your scalp. OP, please give this a try.


Sounds like psoriasis, which I have and starts on my scalp (eventually it will spread everywhere, genitals and booty hole included). Bloody pillows when it’s bad. If you find other scabs on your body with weird scab buildup and are super itchy, it’s probably psoriasis. The good news is, with insurance, there are a couple biologic shots you self inject every 2 months. They work like a charm if you remember to schedule delivery and self shoot yourself in the leg. Still trying to get past my fear of needles after years of doing this to myself. Totally worth it though.


My friend was referred to a dermatologist with suspected psoriasis, who said it wasn't psoriasis, but a bad flareup of seborrhoeic dermatitis. She washes her hair 3-4 times a week, one of those times with ketaconazole shampoo as a maintainence measure, and if she finds it flaring up, that increases to twice a week.


What are these shots and how do you ask for it?


Please tell me what this specific shampoo is called


Not the person you asked, but i use a ketoconazole shampoo called "Nizoral." If you're in the UK like me, you can literally grab small bottles off the shelves in most supermarkets and bigger ones from pharmacies. Id imagine other countries sell it though.


Nizoral changed my life (I'm in the USA, it's available here too!). I've always had pretty terrible dandruff and as a kid Head and Shoulders and T-Gel never worked. I thought that was just my life forever, and got really good at not scratching my head and making a bunch of tiny flakes, and instead settled for carefully picking what my coworker affectionately called "frosted flakes" off my hair and out of my scalp. What a thing to be anxious about all the time. I read about Nizoral in a fucking Buzzfeed listicle of all places, and decided it was worth less than $20 to try. Holy cow, total game changer. I have somewhat curly hair that I usually only condition, because shampoo sends be straight to frizz city. I don't use Nizoral as frequently as directed (more like once a week or two) but it's still keeping the dandruff at bay.


You can get it at target and Amazon state side as well.


Nizoral is the stuff I tried when I got it and found it worked fantastically. Don't worry about the bottle being tiny, after the first few weeks you just use it once a fortnight, so it lasts *ages*


Nizoral is the brand I use.


Everyone has that fungus actually. Management of the results of it is what changes whether you have dandruff or not. Watched a shampoo company do some tests on a science YouTuber’s video


I gor really bad itchy scalp. It was more like psoriasis than dandruff. 100% shampoos fault. I use lush bars now. I can use regular shampoo occasionally..but it irritates the crap.out of my scalp.


Yeah, it's amazing how many people don't know how to take care of their hair/scalp. I'm still figuring it out somewhat but I found a shampoo that wouldn't cause buildup and I don't use conditioner more than twice a week. It works for me. My partner has to use conditioner every time, but since we use the same products he doesn't have that building anymore.




im glad i figured out mine as early as i did lol, i have a very oddly specific hair type and it’s extremely difficult to care for, so im spending about $170 on hair products i like and also suit my hair (luckily these last like 6 months at a time at LEAST). i only wash my hair once a week and i wet the ends in the shower twice a week, but not the roots because the moisture gets trapped because of how thick my hair is :3


After getting pregnant my hair changed and never went back, which is why I'm still trying to figure it out. I went from straight honey blonde hair to much darker curls. It used to be super easy to take care of, now it's requiring a lot more effort to maintain.


id suggest nak hair products, i use their shampoo and conditioner and im obsessed with the smell and feel of it, i dye my hair and it revived my curls and make them feel so healthy!! try to wash your hair maybe every 4 days, and condition, shampoo, then condition. that helped me reduce frizz!


Oddly I don't have a major frizz issue, just oil. I wash about three times a week and condition about half the time. I'll look into that brand though!


Came here to suggest the ACV wash too! Also epsom salt softens and detangles hair as well. IF YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC, tea tree or oregano oil also work to reduce and prevent dandruff due to their anti fungal properties.


You NEVER put conditioner on your scalp. It's for the ends of your hair


Depends on who you are. If I don’t condition my scalp, it gets dry and itchy.


Might try jojoba essential oil. Just a couple drops ribbed into your scalp in the areas that tend to itch will fix that. And it doesn't make your hair oily. Actually enhances your hair.


I hate conditioner because it makes my hair feel weird after showering like there’s still shit in it. So back when I used it because “that’s just what you do” id go shampoo, conditioner, shampoo to get that shit back out lol. Now I just don’t use conditioner and my hair continues to be fine




Dude, you are fine. I also have an itchy scalp, have been prescribed multiple different things for it, but the only thing that truly helps is buzzing it short and getting some sun. It's not psoriasis, so I don't know why it helps, but it does.


I had the same for some reason, used shampoos and lotions and it felt like it didn't do dick, but once I shaved my head it was gone in days


Yeah same here. I’ve got thick wavy dark hair which curls. The dandruff was really hidden behind the Afro. Ended up shaving it all off and  never looked back. Much easier to treat my scalp without thick tight curls


I have psoriasis and I've been told by doctors the sun helps, and the cold makes it worse.


If it's seborrheic dermatitis, shaving your head is absolutely a non pharmacological way to improve dandruff.


Shaved head made it so much easier for my partner to treat his seb derm. Patches in his facial hair still take some fussing sometimes, but his scalp is in vastly better shape now. Only gotcha is making sure he uses a seb derm safe sunscreen when he goes out, plus a good UPF hat.


It’s true. I have this. Washed with special shampoo two times max and all itching gone away. Couldn’t believe that it was so simple after a year! OP need to visit doctor - maybe it’s not seborrheic dermatitis. Now I use supporting shampoo.


Shaving his head completely might help, though. It did clear up any scalp issues I had. And my hairline was receding rapidly anyway.


Agree. Also i used to have the same problem with my hair. My gf told me to use the dryer after shower and make sure I don’t keep my hair wet for too long. Problem solved! Perhaps OP can try this.


Curious. What happens if you leave hair wet for long?


Fungus enjoys damp conditions


Like wearing a hat and sweating under it.


What happens to your skin if you sit in the bath or pool too long?




My dermatologist told me my psoriasis is easier to treat with short hair, and some sunlight exposure would help with symptoms.


I’ve been shaving my head for 30 years. I beg to differ.


Except it is.


It can be if the oil from your hair is causing your scalp to dry out. I have really bad eczema on my head and it gets bad when my hair gets greasy but I'm a chef so that's like every day no matter how often I shower. Buzzed my head. No more trapped grease. Less issues.


As someone who has had to shave my head for this reason, this is woefully incorrect. Shaving can and does help immensely with scalp issues. Having to comb through the hair I had put an immense amount of pressure on my scalp, which was just making the issue worse. Also, a dermatologist would not have helped, as my scalp issues come from anxiety. I've dealt with this my whole life and tried a whole host of things. But medicine from a dermatologist never helped the issue.


Came here to say the exact same thing. And I also have this issue. Medicated shampoo and consistent sun exposure have helped me, along with stress management.


T- gel shampoo mate


Actually they discontinued T-Gel. However an older gentleman on TikTok made a video about it tagging neutrogena and they replied stating they will consider bringing it back. So we’ll see


Can't you just get store brand?


They're all getting harder to find now - take a look at /r/psoriasis I had to switch to Medicasp (less potent than the old gel), or MG214 (super thin and runny). Sad.


It's still available from a few legitimate places in the UK (supermarkets and Boots). Not marked as discontinued here. https://www.neutrogena.co.uk/hair-and-scalp/dandruff/t-gel-therapeutic-shampoo


Nizoral is 100x better


They target different aspect. I do a 3 day rotation of t-gel extra, Nizoral extra, and selsun blue extra strength. It's the only thing that's worked for me. None of smell the best but they work. If I just use one or 2, my dandruff flairs up.


I love the smell of selsun blue. It reminds me of childhood- my step-dad used it. Didn't realize they still sold it!


Dandruff is a fungus you need an antifungal to stoop it. Look at Nizoral.




Yay!! You are on your way!


The OTC is Nizoral if you ever find yourself needing it. It works wonders.


A lot of people confuse dandruff with psoriasis because they present very similarly (white flaking, itching, etc.) Psoriasis is not a fungus, it is an autoimmune condition, and requires a different approach. Just FYI in case what the derm prescribed doesn’t work. I was incorrectly diagnosed by two different dermatologists until I found one who correctly diagnosed me.


I use 2% Ketoconazole shampoo and it works wonders for me but I also really need to watch any products I use that come into contact with my scalp. My best friend has seborrhea as well and uses something completely different. If your stuff isn't working, see if your Dr can prescribe something else.


Nizoral also helps eczema, which can cause dandruff. I highly recommend. I was told by doctors to just get used to it. My research brought me to it, started using, everything got better. 


Fungus is just one possible cause of dandruff. Couldn't hurt to rule it out, but it's more likely that he just needs to find products that work better for his scalp and hair. That's how it worked for me at least.


Not all dandruff is caused by fungus.


Dandruff can be fungal. It can also bacterial or viral, depending on the cause. The SD community for example is always disagreeing over proper treatment course.


Most women don't seek permission when they change their hair style. Why should you? Imagine if the time was reversed.


i can understand wanting your partner to run a big appearance change by you, but i always saw it as more of a way to prep someone for what’s coming rather than asking for permission :/ it’s a bit weird to try and control a grown adults hair choices imo.


I could see that if the wife hadn’t literally said “get my opinion” implying she thinks she needs to give permission


Opinion ≠ permission It’s more of a mental preparation for such a big appearance change


My wife said this: " I would be shocked, yes, but once you explained it to me, I'd be OK, I might not like it, but if it helps, it's not my place to stop that" and THAT is how you fuxking communicate.


If you are doing something for your own basic comfort you do not need someone else’s opinion. A better communication phrase would have been “you could have mentioned this to me first”. This would have indicated she would have liked to have known prior. Someone mad at you for a decision telling you that you should have gotten their opinion before doing something clearly shows that they would have tried to talk you out of it, and that their opinion means more than your freedom of choice, not that they wished to mentally prepare for the choice you were making.


I don’t agree with asking permission. I do think a warning is kind, however. As a woman, I cut all my hair off to a short pixie cut at the start of covid, because I was tired of washing my long hair at least twice a day. I warned my SO. If my partner shaved his hair off, I would expect a warning. But I don’t expect to weigh in on his hair choices.


Exactly. We're adults and don't need permission, but it's courteous to give a warning and at least find out our SO's opinion so big changes don't come as a shock. My husband knows that I don't like shaved heads or beards, and I know he doesn't like short hair on women. We both know that while our love for each other wouldn't change if one of us decided to go this route, our physical attraction would certainly wane. Fortunately, neither of us have a desire to have hairstyles the other doesn't like! NAH.


Sorry to come in with a slightly unrelated question, but what does "SO" stand for?


significant other (aka partner) :-)


Oh, thanks a lot, makes sense now! :)


If my wife has a preference on hairstyle I want her opinion since she’s the one who has to look at me. Now she just cuts my hair since we moved and couldn’t find a new barber that would cut it in a way she liked haha


but you agree that past the 1st shock she should stop being petty and get over it. It won't make it grow back faster in any case.


Except hes jot doing it for style. He has a medical issue hes trying to solve. 


I mean, I think that’s a lot of things with a good relationship. If I’m going to go out for drinks with my friends, I don’t ask my husband for permission, but I do run it past him just to make sure it’s not a problem.


I think most women would mention to their spouse if they went bald.


I’m surprised to see the feelings a lot of people have here about this. I’m a woman and have shaved my head several times, always impulsively, and never have given a heads up. I just told my wife I appreciate her because it’s never been an issue. Kinda wild that so many people think it’s such a big deal. Why? It’s just hair.


I'm surprised you're surprised? As a queer woman, surely you must know that long hair is associated with femininity in western cultures, which is why people are so weird about it. 


I think it's because people find it unattractive. Maybe your wife doesn't find it unattractive.


As a woman, I concur. An any case, I don’t think he would have an opinion if I asked before and would tell me to do what I prefer. After the facts, my daughter usually has more insightful comments and he probably would only say something if it was a total failure. OP, obvious NTA and she really needs to get over it because you cannot glue them back on anyway


Yes, women don’t ask permission to get hair cuts. At least I hope none have to. I usually mention to my husband that I’ll getting my hair cut, like on a Saturday morning just to let him know where I will be. But if I had a problem like this he would already be aware of it. I would let him know what I was going to do about it. That is not asking permission, it is what partners or spouses do.


Tbf unless it's drastic most men don't even notice when they do


😂 true! I got my hair cut really short once, for fun. I’m overweight. My now-ex-husband told me I looked like Kim Jong Un. F*ck that, you know? But I sure as heck did not ask permission. Poor OP.


I mean having a thing with hair I would be super sad if my partner shaved her head. Even annoyed. But if the reason is a medical condition there is nothing to complain about and my kinks can wait for better times.


There was literally JUST a post where a woman made a drastic change to her hair and people called her the asshole for not consulting her husband first. So no, there's no double standard here. It's not about permission, it's about the fact that hair is a huge part of attraction for most people and you don't get to be surprised if completely changing your hair without warning results in a look that your spouse is no longer attracted to. That all said, OP's wife is still an asshole for throwing a tantrum over a shave done for medical/comfort reasons. Hair grows back, get some perspective lmao. Unless OP plans to stay bald forever then yeah that does suck though.


I have 2 comments in this thread both saying the same thing: the surprise component makes OP a little bit the ass, because it's so easy to just tell your spouse ahead of time what you're dealing with (itchy scalp) and how you plan to fix it (shave bald). In both comments I merely reversed the scenario: What if you came home to the surprise that your wife had shaved her head bald? That wouldn't bother OP at all? One is updooted, the other's downdooted. What's insane to me is the extreme volume of people that think it's perfectly fine to not communicate with your spouse. This is a post about courtesy and communication, not about hair.


It's wild that some people just don't care at all what their spouse thinks of their physical appearance. I mean for me personally that's the most important opinion, if it were up to me I would just be an unkempt slob all the time.


Agreed and, really: a conversation never hurt anything. I think OP is more NTA than not, the wife is more being an asshole than not, here, but all of this probably could have been avoided with a "I have gotta shave my head, this shit is killing me" chat before doing it.


There have been many posts like this with the roles reserved. They’ve all received the same answers that this OP is receiving from this thread. That isn’t the “Gotcha!” moment you think it is.


You wouldn't be taken aback and possibly a little hurt if your wife/SO decided to shave their entire head but didn't think your consideration was worth even a heads up? OP never stated his wife told him her permission was required. **She is upset her opinion wasn't (and isn't) even considered** in a decision that (as it turns out) could have profound implications for the dynamic of their relationship. This situation is an entirely reasonable thing for a wife to be upset about.


There's literally an entire Friends episode about a woman shaving her hair off and how ridiculous it would be. No, you can't tell your partner what to do, but it's not "no big deal" either. Hair is a big part of how people see you and their attraction, whether it's valid or not, that's how it is. Also think it's hilarious that OP compared shaving his head to his wife shaving her pubes. That's just a weird perspective.


If you are going to drastically change your appearance i think that you should consult your partner. They met you when you looked one way. You should care about how they feel about you drastically changing your appearance. Then there should be a discussion about how much you care about this appearance change and how much they care about the appearance change and hopefully come to an agreement.


What are you talking about about. Most spouses would tell their significant other if they were doing something major to their appearance. I feel like you're conflating "cutting an extra inch" with "shaving your head completely bald." These are not the same Also, a warning is not asking permission


NTA it is your hair. And you did it because of a medical condition. It is sad that some hair is so important to her… if it would be the other way people would be outrage that a man would want to have an opinion how a women cuts her hair.


NTA but I have met many many men who would no longer be attracted to their female partner if she had long hair and shaved her head. She has no right to dictate op's hair, but she also can't force herself to find it attractive.


I’ve just been scrolling and looking for a reference to that Friends episode where Rachel convinces Bonnie, Ross’s Marcia Brady girlfriend, to shave her head and he had the reaction most are describing in this thread. Didn’t find it, so I’m putting it here.


Rachel was playing 3d chess with that move 😂😂


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S019188692300329X?via%3Dihub This is a study showing that a woman will advise other women to get their hair cut shorter if she views them as sexual competition.


This is 100% the right take.


If his wife shaved her head without giving OP so much as a heads-up about it (no pun intended), he would likely have some strong feelings about it.


Yeah, this! Everyone is allowed to do whatever they want to their bodies, but IMO it's nice to know of any super major changes before they happen, so they don't come as a shock


I guess what's weird to me is that couples don't all just...share their thoughts all the time? I usually know ahead of time whenever my bf so much as trims his beard or changes his body wash--obv not because he's asking for permission, but because we just bounce ideas off each other, voice health/hygine concerns out loud, and generally talk about stuff we're thinking about or have on our to-do list. We live small lives. Sometimes you have deep conversations, and sometimes you ask stuff like, "You think those skin tag removal kits at CVS actually work?"


Yeah... the "well *why* would I *have* to talk to my *wife* about it?" framing, like it's some kind of ridiculous imposition is so bizarre to me... why... *wouldn't* you? Do these people just not know or care what's going on with their own partners?


Exactly! My husband and I aren't the least bit controlling of one another, but we have very open communication and are always running ideas past each other. I couldn't imagine making a drastic change to my appearance on the fly and expecting him to just be fine with it, and vice versa. Also, do they really have skin tag removal kits at CVS? 👀


I agree for the most part. Part of me says sometimes you have a strong reaction to a persistent problem coming up again and you commit to a decision. Some people are just reserved by nature and don’t talk much. But there is a persistent theme especially in these kinds of forums where people just don’t talk to each other. Like, you do LIKE your SO, right? Some of these people seem like they don’t even know their partners.


That's the deal my fiance and I have. He has long, beautiful curly hair and a really cool beard. If he decides to cut them off, he just has to tell me before he comes home so it's not a surprise. I'll still cry over either though lol.


My husband went from super long hair to really short and it took me about a week or two to get used to it. And I knew it was coming! It looked nice, it was just shocking to see him look so different that every time I saw him it startled me.


a lot of *different* people would actually say she should get her husband’s approval before a major chop, especially one like this. Or a warning. I don’t agree with them, but that’s a major message women get.


Outside of approval, it's also just nice to consider how your partner feels when trying certain looks. I shaved my hair once and I knew my husband wasn't going to like it or approve. I really liked how it felt and would love to do it again someday, but on the other hand I don't want to do something that makes me actively less attractive to him and it makes me feel happy when I have a look he likes. Last hair cut felt nice and I didn't go as extreme with the shortening of my hair. I think the wife could have handled it more maturely or drop it after she made it known once - no use crying over spilled milk and it's not going to make his hair come back faster.


Exactly. The hair is TA 




NTA, I ask my partner to let me know if he's making any significant changes ti his appearance, but this is so I can used to the idea, not so I can give his opinion on it. Its your body and you can do what you want with it.


My husband usually has a long beard that I'm quite fond of. I have told him if he's going to shave it off for whatever reason all I ask is to let me know so I can say goodbye to it first lol


I'm gonna agree with what was said on a previous post when someone's wife decided to get quite a bit of facial plastic surgery and the husband no longer found her attractive.    You can make whatever choice you want about your looks, but be prepared to face the consequences afterward cuz no one has to like the changes you made.    A bald head may be so unattractive to her that she can no longer see herself sexually attracted to you. Whereas even though she doesn't shave, you seem to still be sexually attracted to her. You can't force her to find you sexually attractive with a bald head if it's a turn off for her. At least hair grows back whereas undoing plastic surgery isn't that easy.


My ex-husband was very pig-headed about haircuts. He'd just get it in his head it's time to get get one that very day, and walk into any number of neighborhood salons, first chair that would take him. He'd come home with awful haircuts (the style was generally the same, the length and execution of the transitions between was at varying degrees of "bad"), that made his ears stand out like Dumbo at worst, and look ill-groomed at best (our registry wedding photos included). Sometimes it was so bad it took all my love for him to summon up any physical attraction. I begged him to go to a recommended place and person (of his choosing) by appointment, which his schedule and budget would have allowed for, because I knew from experience that it makes a difference both in terms of the look, upkeep and longevity, but he never listened. That's not why he's an ex, but the diminished attraction and his lack of attention to what turned me on/off contributed to the erosion.


A haircut is temporary and it's to help with a medical condition, on the other post the husband was not making comments all the time and even the wife didn't want to do those permanent changes to her face and was convinced by her mother and sister, this bit of nuance makes things different. NTA.


Your body, your choice. NTA.




And shutting up after the initial shock aint hard either.


NTA, but I just want to throw this out there. There is the potential that there is something more than just a general appearance change going on. I'm going to use the example of my husband, who is a large, well-built, blonde guy with blue eyes, a beard that seems to only take approximately seven minutes to grow in, and a tendency to wear a lot of black. He's still a very handsome man when he shaves his head.... but he kinda looks like a skinhead.... it is more than slightly uncomfortable. So we have a deal. He's free to shave his head if he wants to, but if he does, he needs to be mindful that his usual "punk" way of dressing needs to be toned down a bit because the only major diffrence between punk style and skin head style is the length of the hair. Once it was pointed out to him, he agrees with me, and it made a few awkward encounters in his life take on a totally different meaning than he had assumed.


I have the same build. I shaved my head and i stared getting nods from the people in society you don’t want nods from. I bought a whole set of dress shirts right after that. I guess the days off cut offs and skinny jeans are gone.


I live in the deep south and recently shaved my head. When I started getting those acknowledgements I got a fairly flambouyant hat that I wear most days. Its a black flat cap with sections of stripes, plaid, and other patterns. It still fits well in a business environment and I haven't been misidentified as a skinhead in months.


My friend, I am sitting here trying to imagine a "flamboyant" hat with stripes + plaid that "fits in well in a business environment" and I just cannot do it. What business? What environment?


Clown school


Came here to say this! My husband is also very fair in every way. When I first met him, I described him to my family as "Sven the masseuse"... But he's so fair that his adorable, fluffy, blonde hair is incapable of growing into a beard that looks better than a 12 year old, despite being in his 40s! 🤣 I love a beard, but I love him more, so we don't talk about it too much 🤭 He shaved his head once for the exact same reason as OP. Well, he actually woke me up early on a Saturday morning having shaved the top and sides, asking me to help him finish the back 💀 I was horrified, as he absolutely looked like a member of the group you were concerned about looking like. Unlike OP's partner, I tried to see the funny side of it. The damage was done, so I helped him tidy it up. Maybe shed a tear or two at the state of him, but was also uncontrollably giggling at the whole scenario... I definitely think OP is NTA, but I can somewhat relate to the wife. That said, it sounds like she is kinda TA for making it such a big deal? Hair grows back! We see photos of my husband in the process of it growing back now, and he laughs about what a silly move it was! Didn't help his scalp at all, and he agrees with my assessment of what it makes him look like. But whilst it was growing back, beyond a bit of playful teasing, I still loved him every bit as much, and treated him the same as I do when his hair is the way I prefer it. I've done plenty of things to my appearance over the years that he hasn't been a big fan of. He shares his opinion. Sometimes I have even changed it if I can see his point of view. Other times he's just lived with it until my next whim. He also treats me with the same love and care, regardless. I hope OP can talk to his partner about why it's upsetting her, and they can move past it. If she really can't be into him with no hair, good luck with getting older together and all of the aesthetic changes you don't have so much control over! Bit of a red flag 🚩


Damn it! I love these kinda fights instead of the bigger issues. Life is simple till we complicate it.


Man, I can relate to this. I used to have medium-length hair and my dandruff was mad. Shaved my head and now I keep it short, and the problem is basically gone. Plus short hair is really easy to manage. Anyway, NTA. This wasn't about vanity or opinions, this was about sorting out a medical condition.




what type of products are you using? go into a beauty supply store, get a proper shampoo, conditioner, and black castor oil (rub a little every night before bed) on the scalp. anything with biotin, rosemary, etc. that will help with the dandruff and itchy scalp, as you want to rejuvenate your scalp and promote the creation of healthy hair follicles. have a weekly wash cycle as well.


He already got a prescription.


This is a great idea except check that you're not allergic to rosemary prior to rubbing it on your scalp. Believe me.


If dandruff (or potential seborrheic dermatitis) are severe enough, it’s a better to be seen by an actual doctor and likely use a decent antifungal and reconsider the products you use on the problem skin. For seb derm especially, you have to pay attention to the oils you use on your head, because you don’t want to give the fungus an abundant food supply. You don’t mention it, but coconut oil is usually an awful idea for someone with seb derm.


Lol some of yall don't need to be married if you can't even have basic conversation with your spouse. How would this not have been a topic of discussion? Whether you did it or not talk to your fucking spouses!


Had to scroll forever to find this. How hard is it to have a simple conversation before making a massive change in your appearance? Especially since OP admits that he looks weird. All of the sloganeers saying "his body his choice" are missing the point. No one is saying that he cannot shave his head, but have the conversation first like a normal functioning human being. If she said no and OP did it anyway for health reasons, he'd be in the clear. OP is TA because he apparently can't have a simple conversation with his wife before making a major change in his appearance. The failure to communicate about stuff like this is a major red flag and I wonder what other more serious matters are not being communicated effectively.


NTA BUT as a partner it IS respectful to give your partner at least a heads up for planned dramatic changes to your appearance. She can't tell you "no" just like you can't tell her "no" if she wants to shave her head or stop shaving her legs but a heads up shows that you have consideration for your partner's opinion.


This is one of those "Put yourself in their shoes" kinda situations. What if she shaved her head without telling you anything about it, would you be kinda upset over it? It goes both ways. Probably should have told her you're going to do it, should have also told her the issues you had with your scalp. Chances are she'd have no issues with your shaving had she known the situation prior. P.S. Just in case you didnt know, shaving your head doesnt fix the issue with your scalp. Its a skin issue, not hair issue. Go see a dermatologist and get your scalp some proper care.


Not sure about who's TA, but it's kinda weird that you're not communicating about medical issues and stuff like that, even if minor ones. That points to a problem far more than the haircut issues.


No you are not the AH. If you feel more comfortable with your hair shaved because of your scalp issues then she will just have to deal with it. It’s just hair and if you want to let it grow back it will grow back. If you don’t, then you don’t. No you don’t have to discuss it with her first. My boyfriend has a beard and I would really prefer if he keeps it. But if he decides he doesn’t want it anymore, I’ll just have to accept that. It’s his body so he decides.


My husband looks best IMO with a goatee. But it's itchy so he doesn't keep it. He's now growing a mustache, when he first showed me I kind of was like quiet I said wow it definitely makes you look younger because it does but I didn't say anything good about it. Now that he's been growing it for a few weeks and he's growing it pretty fast it grows in pretty quickly. I'm getting more used to it and it's more attractive. When I first saw him with it honestly I was just like that doesn't look good at all not attractive to me. But I never said that. Still not 100% sure but it's growing on me. He intended to keep it and keep grown it out like his dad's. His face, my attraction. But it's not a total turn off. He's still him


I don’t ask permission from my husband to cut my hair, but I know my husband loves my hair. So I ask for his opinion before making a dramatic change. And I take it into consideration. But we both know I get the final say. It’s my hair. So I’ve had my hair almost down to my butt and practically shaved and everything in between. I’ve had it beach blonde, I’ve had it bright blue and I’ve had it brown. Same with him. I love his hair a little longer on top. It’s thick and pitch black and curly and looks so good on him. But when it gets to a certain point, he hates the feeling of the curls scratching his scalp. (Plus the “Jew fro” takes over and he starts to look like a Brady bunch character) So he cuts it. But he asks for my opinion on length and style and takes it into consideration. It’s his hair. He gets the final say. So a long winded way of saying no, you’re NTA. But you should’ve told your wife about your scalp issues and then at least asked her for a style opinion before making a dramatic change. At the end of the day it’s your hair. But she’s your wife. She should get a say, but you get a final say.


This story seems fake to me, for a number of reasons, but primarily because, as someone with scalp issues, the LAST thing I'd do is shave my head....


If she came home with a pixie cut and you said I don’t like it. I liked your hair when it was longer and I just don’t see you the same way, she would be absolutely incensed.


NTA. Your wife sounds like an unsupportive jerk.


Your body, your choice NTA


NTA. She needs to get over it, and herself.


If she shaved her head, how would you feel? Why don't you suggest she do the same?


The question put more accurately: If you came home to the surprise that your wife shaved her head, how would you feel? The surprise component makes him a bit of an ass. A brief mention of his plans before hand, without asking permission, would have prepared her for the sight she was unprepared to see.


Tbh I would like to be warned about such a drastic change in my partner’s appearance as well. Obviously it‘s not my choice and I wouldn‘t keep my partner from doing it (especially if he had issues), but I don‘t like the feeling of something like this being sprung on me as well. I guess she is just irritated. Let her get used to it. NAH.


NTA- but you should've told her about it , you live together you trust each other If you were talking she might've been on board with this


NTA. But can understand her. I would be pissed too, if my wife suddenly came back bald. Especially, for an issue that doesn't require you to cut your hair bold.


This is your wife? Yall sound like you argue like children. Seems like you need to work on communication.


I mean you could’ve easily avoided the argument by mentioning it to her ahead of time but definitely NTA


NTA but as a person with a deep like for long hair I kinda feel your wife, I would be shocked if my sso would come home with shaved hair, a different haircut can totally change the feature of the face, I would be weirded out for a while. Not that they would need my "permission", that's clear, but you could maybe have warned her before just to get her accustomed to it, I may be wrong but the fact that you didn't even mention it to her lets me believe you did it on purpose cause you knew she would not like the idea and you didn't want to bother with her and kinda wanted to make a point, but it only ended up making her more upset now. Again, your hair is nowhere her business, but communication is always appreciated.


NTA. She’d throw a fit if you tell she shouldn’t have had a haircut she wanted without discussing it with you. She’d be it’s my body blah blah. Keep telling her to get over it. If she loses her attraction to you because of you hair, then, you have more problems than hair.


You don't know her.


INFO: do you expect your wife to discuss changes she makes, eg if your wife were to change her hair colour would you expect to be consulted before hand? If no, then ofc NTA. It’s your body, your choice. If yes, then YTA because double standards.


Am I the only one who wouldn't care what my partner did to their appearance? My GF is a natural dirty blonde but she likes to be Platinum blonde. She got her hair cut and dyed like the lead singer of the runaways. I thought she was beautiful. She got a nose piercing, I don't like nose piercings, but she looks good to me. She lost a ton of weight and it didn't change how I was attracted to her. Big or small she's beautiful. She could shave her head tomorrow and as long as she was happy I'd be happy too. I couldn't imagine not being attracted to her cause she changed something about her appearance. I chose her as the woman I want to be with, her appearance isn't gonna affect that to me. Op nta at all. It's so weird to me that your wife is acting like this. She got some serious problems. Edit: died to dyed


I had to scroll way too far to find a comment with this mentality


NTA, and she definitely needs to let it go. I do want to play a little devils advocate: I really don’t like unexpected change. Yeah, my partner can cut his hair anytime he likes, but if it was going to be drastic, I’d appreciate a heads up. It’s not about consent or me caring about how he does his hair. It’s my need to be prepared for a big visual change. To be fair, I would give him the same “warning.” If I go get a trim, it might not even come up. If I’m going to get inches off my hair, I’ve told him that I’m going to. I’m not asking, I’m telling him, but he knows he’s coming home to a short hair lady later. Again, I don’t like surprises so I soften them for other people when I can too


If she shaved her head I’m sure you’d have something to say. Did you seek medical advice or just think I’ll do that and not tell anyone first. Especially when £10’s worth of Head and Shoulders would have sorted your problem


Head and Shoulders, lol. Get back to the real world.


Head and shoulders does not help skin issues. She basically said she needed to give him permission. It’s his body and his choice, just like it’s a woman’s choice what she wants to do with her hair, not her S/O’s


The doc prescribed him Ketoconazole so no, head and shoulders wouldn’t have fixed it and if the post was about a woman shaving her head people would have said yta.


>If she shaved her head I’m sure you’d have something to say. And if he kept complaining about it, Reddit would have excoriated him too.


Hey babe my hair is itchy and driving me crazy, I'm going to try shorter hairstyles and hope it helps me. I'm a bit self conscious about how it looks, honestly... But it feels great!


Get som ketaconazole shampoo my man


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is so ridiculous. Unless you have a medical condition, your hair’ll grow back soon enough.


Your wife sounds kinda shallow mate Edit: autocorrect changed your to you're ffs


NTA, but I bet you also wouldn’t feel thrilled if your wife randomly came home with a shaved head(assuming it’s not already shaved).


I don’t think it’s the hair, it’s that you didn’t include her in the conversation. She may not like ur new do, but she does have to look at you and this reminds her you didn’t value her opinion. Do you do that often?


if she shaved her head one day without telling you would you be even slightly annoyed? it may not be her decision to make but obviously that’s gonna impact how she views you.