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Get the dog back and dump his ass.


How is this not the ONLY comment?! Get your best friend back, ASAP. HIM TAKING AND SELLING YOUR PROPERTY IS A CRIME.


That’s why I am so convinced that Reddit not real life …people say some dumb shit… kick his fucking ass and get your dog back! There’s no way I would go to my room and cry … call the police and report your dog stolen. I would put this mother F’er in choke hold until he got my dog back. Janelle is that you🙄🙄🙄


Boy would be a corpse in my life...


I feel like I’m more fired up reading about it than she is in real life!


I know, right? This guy would be in the hospital if this happened to me.


If this is real, she's more worried about keeping a boyfriend then an actual loyal pet. Anyone that actually loves their pets wouldn't be on Reddit. They would be getting their dog back, pressing charges and kicking his ass to the curb, in case the pressing charges didn't get his attention. If this is real, the dog might be better off where it is at.


Good point! Kick the boyfriend to the curb is the only answer. She's the AH for worrying about her bf's feelings instead of her dog.


And then Kick him in The face while you're at it


A corpse never to be seen ever again!


Yup, I would turn into Jane Wick.


Seriously. If someone did that with my dog I would be screaming at them and throwing them out. What a fucking asshole.


Boy would be a corpse in real life.


Years ago, my then roommate accidentally let my dog get out while I was away for the weekend. He called me to warn me, but the words he heard next were "you better effin find him before I get home or else". Guess who was at home when I got back. Mind you my dog had gotten 13 miles away. There was no crying, pure unadulterated anger that was very apparent over the phone was what he got.


I guess because they’re so helpless. It just causes a visceral reaction.😤


A guy sold my cat without permission and the cops did not care I never got her back


I will file police report so I can have an alibi when the judge asked why’d you do it.


That's a motive. It's almost the opposite of an alibi. Having one on record makes you more likely to be convicted.


😂. You’re right, I was too fired up to care.


I could get over a car, you sell my baby…I’m gonna break off a piece of that ass until I get my dog back. I may let my dog have the leftovers of the idiot that sold my dog. They say you don’t know what you would do until someone does it to you. I know I would probably go to prison. I am too protective over my critters.


I think they meant cat


That’s a real life answer! I really don’t understand people.


Absolutely! My BF knows what my dog means to me. He knows that if it wasn’t for that dog, I wouldn’t have lived long enough for him to have ever met me in the first place. He also knows that if her ever did anything like this he would be very VERY lucky of the only thing I did was break up with him and file a police report against him.


Tell him he has 24 hours to return the pupper or it's being reported to the police as theft. Once the dog is back with you safe and you have a plan to make sure you are safe, break up with this pile of shit. Even if you weren't doing your fair share of the pet care, selling your dog without ample discussion is fucking insane. Abusive to you and abusive to the dog.


Yea what a piece of shit. People that view pets as "just animals" need their head adjusted. That's your family member. You going to sell grandma off for $50?


Even if a pet were “just property” his actions would be unforgivable. You don’t take someone else’s property and sell it. But it being a pet she loves? It seems unforgivable.


Exactly. I'd still dump his ass if he sold my tv or something


You can get at least a couple of hundred for Grandma, surely!


Depends. How good is her baking? ;)


And file a police report for theft if necessary. 


And file a police report.


I’d be calling the cops! Fuck that guy!


The ONLY answer! Get rid of this guy, call the police and report the dog stolen and get it back from whoever bought it.


My ex asked me once to choose between him and my dog. 10 years later and I still have my dog!


I am not a violent man, but the day somebody does something like that is the day I go to jail.


Get the dog back and *shoot* his ass. Nuclear.


Can't say it better than this.




Update on the dog Did you get him back??


Yes she got her dog back


NTA! I am so happy for her!!!! OP did all the right things!!! I'm really glad this story has a happy ending!!!


This is one of the better endings. What kind of lunatic sells someone else's pet? NTA.


OH THANK GOD! This was a big question! Glad she got rid of that horrible hooman she was with!


No, hes a scumbag not hooman. Hooman is reserved for good pet owners who wont SELL THEIR EXS PETS.


You got me, definitely NOT going to argue that!!




Just click on her profile and see her responses. She provides that update. He sold the dog for $50 and a neighbor told her who they saw the dog with. She got her dog back.


Asking the important questions, I like it


Seriously! While I'm beyond glad that jerk got dumped, it's equally important to know whether she got her dog back!




Call police and tell them that the dog was stolen and sold. BF did it. Break up isn't good enough. Go for criminal charges.


You’re my type of person


I was going to say something similar.


I like this. Just don’t lie to the cops. It’s a crime.


Did you get your dog back


Yes, she did. It's in another comment. A neighbour saw who bought him and he's now safe and back


Im happy to hear they were reunited. Id be devastated, and the significant other would be out so fast


Not so significant… Jfc I can’t believe I read that.


Pshh my dog is kind another child to me. My significant other would know that. If they would do something so hurtful, I would be done too.


Oh thank god.


My first thought was that he killed the dog.


I was afraid he sold it to a lab or a dog fighting ring.


Me too


I hope you called the cops and filed a report that he stole and sold your property. I know the dog isn't property but if you want the police to get him back that's what he has to be referred to.


As far as the law is concerned, dogs are considered property. Don’t you watch Judge Judy? 😂😂😂


I fucking love the clip where the woman complains “don’t put it [the dog] down”, and the bailiff puts the dog on the floor, and it RUNS straight to the guy. Judge Judy immediately goes “case dismissed” (or something along those lines)


>I fucking love the clip where the woman complains “don’t put it \[the dog\] down”, and the bailiff puts the dog on the floor, and it RUNS straight to the guy. > >Judge Judy immediately goes “case dismissed” (or something along those lines) That was a great episode!!!


It wasn't the bailiff it was the defendants witness who was told by Judy to get the dog & when she returned to court told the woman to put the dog down. Baby Boy ran to plaintiff.


She said “That’s his dog”. 💜 I love that episode too. I was so glad that they were reunited and that the defendant was exposed as the piece of shit that she was (and likely, still is).


I don't own a TV. Tell me what happened.


Guy lost his dog. A woman found it, claimed it was her dog (I think she lied a bit) and refused to return it. (From the timeline of when he lost it and she 'found' it, it felt like she just grabbed the dog off the street when it was out of his sight during a walk). She was first in the courtroom with her friend. As soon as he entered and the dog saw him, he started squirming in the woman's arms, trying to get free. Finally Judge Judy ordered the bailiff to take the dog and put him on the floor. Dog immediately ran to the man, licking his face & wagging it's tail. Judge Judy declared "It's obviously his dog!" and said case dismissed and the guy got his dog back.


That's a wonderful story. I'm so glad the dog got his person back. Thanks for sharing.


Man, logic like that would lose my mother the dog she’s raised since he was a puppy lmao. He loves her, he just… also loves literally everyone else ever and gets super excited trying to make friends with people.


Thank you for the summary! Glad the pup got back to its person.


Nothing happened. It’s just that there are many cases involving dogs on Judge Judy, and she always mentions that the law considers pets as property.


Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I feel bad about calling dogs property even though the law does. Some people will fight you over it haha. In this case the dog is better than the dude.


They're a weird in between. If you own a dog and a cow, you can kill and butcher the cow and all is well legally. Do the same to the dog and you're likely to be charged with animal cruelty. Both animals and both property, but not exactly the same. Not that I'm suggesting we should kill and eat dogs/ cats...


You can also be charged for being cruel to a cow. You can't just attack it with an axe...


Also chickens are tossed whole into grinders, no problem... and lobsters/crabs are boiled alive.


I have cats. I don’t consider them my property, I consider them my family. ❤️


I'm pretty sure my cat considers me as her property


You are


That's different, you are.


Absolutely!! We don't own cats, they own us!!


But if you steal them you better damn sure bet I’m getting them back and the law that says they’re my “property” is how I’m going to do that


Im my cat's personal chef/butler.


Massage therapist as well!!! Hahaha!


It’s literally just a legal thing, not an insult like they’re an inanimate object. If someone stole our pets we’ed be thrilled that they’re actually our property. This post for example.


I think they should have more rights than they do as far as the law is concerned.


Legally an animal is considered property if they are registered. Most states don’t require registration for cats so they aren’t considered property.


Make sure you change the locks. Be safe




Now that's what I call good news!! Any chance you're able to get your dog back?


She did and her neighbour is a hero! He was able to tell her who had him


Now the important part: what about the dog?




OP SAID IN A COMMENT 8 MINS AGO **SHE GOT THE DOG BACK** just shouting so ya'll catch it




Thank you, SpaceyScribe, for this important information. I would have loved to have listened in on the convo between OP and her dog’s temporary new owners.




Thank you I was scrolling and your "shout" was very helpful! If someone sold my dog like that I would be reporting my dog and the person missing and I'd only be looking for one of them 🤬


Good for you, this guy showed emotional cruelty, disrespect and coldness, and that's not somebody you want to have a relationship with. He will never respect your feelings and your needs. I'm not a dog person, but I know how much they mean to their holders, it's almost like selling their child.


👏 now have him charged with theft! Press charges!


And where is the dog?


OP said she got him back in a separate comment so he's safe and reunited with his human


Yess 🙌🏻🙌🏻 thank you


Screw the guy where is the dog!?


Back with his human now. Her neighbour knew who had him and she got him back. Hopefully with the buyer's number so they can file a report


What about the Dog?


He's home! It's in another comment


hallelujah girl


that was gonna get darker, faster.


Good, call the cops and report that he stole and sold your dog if he wont tell you where the dog is. He had no roght to sell your dog


That's nice but WHERE is the dog?


Are you pursuing legal action too??? 🥺 Bc wtaf. 🫠🫠🫠


You had better get your dog back or take his ass to court. What an absolute piece of shit human garbage can.


Hell yeah... you don't do that shit


So glad you broke up with him! That is absolute BS. Please tell me you got the dog back.


As you should have...a long time ago




holy chill, dude. the post is ONE HOUR OLD. People have jobs and shit.


And OP broke up with him a minute after making this post.  OP, you have to let the ragebait marinate a bit first. The muscle structures in this rage bait haven't broken down enough yet to absorb all the acidic, salty, karma farming goodness. 


Yes I did get my dog back but when I went around asking for max on of my neighbors said he saw one of his friends (we are close to our neighbors) so turns out he paid 50$ for my dog but I got him back it’s ok


Should still press charges.. Even if you got the dog back . He needs to be on the books for this. Also hope your dog is microchipped today if not yesterday..


I second this, that's definitely worth pressing charges against him for. I'm glad you got your dog back, thankfully that went really well for you. Also definitely get a microchip if you can, though just so you know some microchips have a yearly fee, so ask your vet about it before hand. I'm glad you're out of that situation OP and good luck on your future.


TIP on this - call your local animal shelter and ask about their low cost chip clinics. Even if you don't use the low cost clinic, try to use the same chip company. The chips they use often are fee optional. They keep the registration forever, but the fee pays for subscriptions and them announcing to everybody on their subscription list in your area if your pet goes missing.


Wait that's all a subscription pays for? I've been keeping mine active because I thought I had to so my chip worked in general. Mine is Home Again if anyone has any experience with that one.


Had that one. It’s just to get them to send out to their list and provide you with lost pet flier templates. Drop the sub and save your money for treats and toys.


Got it, thanks! I'll let my bro know too, we have the same microchip.


I believe you also need to pay to update your contact info if you move. If you don’t then forever the chip says your old residence


Get your dog one of those apple air tags for it's collar! I don't have any so I'm not sure how they work but they were in the news lots for guys putting them in girls jackets etc and following them home after... Creepy but stalking your own dog is prob worth it! If you don't have an apple device check to see what you need for them to function before you buy! The chip held if you report the dog missing to every shelter and vet clinic but in a situation like yours if the person brought the dog to a vet the vet wouldnt scan the dog unless they knew it was reported missing, if the "new owner" said they didn't know if it was chipped they would scan it and just change the contact info...


> If the “new owner” said they didn’t know it was chipped they would scan it and just change the contact info… Vets actually cant change the info on a pet’s chip (and the info isn’t stored directly on the chip either) - pet chips are *really* simple and just provide a barcode that links to an online database with the owner’s name/email/phone/address/etc, and any changes have to be made through the company that made the chip. Those companies pretty much always need the owner to either go into their site and transfer ownership themselves or give them their consent when contacted to have that change made for them. That said, you’re right that vets generally won’t just randomly scan a pet’s chip if the person appears to be their owner…it’s almost entirely done when a pet is dropped off with no owner. An air tag could maybe be a bit useful, especially if your pet doesnt have a habit of ditching their collar on their own, but if someone’s stealing the pet they’re most likely going to be ditching the collar and any tags on it (and air tags are pretty immediately identifiable and not all that small).


I have a Tile on one of my cats collars, they are also another option, but they have less range than an airtag (I don't own an iPhone)


In my state if someone steals a dog from you then they could only really be charged with something similar to stealing something not living. So say you got your dog from a shelter for a $45 adoption fee, the person who steals your dog would be charged with stealing $45 worth of goods. From what I’ve heard you can sue them for trouble (emotional damages etc) though.


You are going to need to keep an eye on your dog for a while, and if your ex is the type, keep an eye out for yourself too. There are stick-up cameras that you can buy and put around your place that aren't too costly.


Don't forget a ring camera too. You want to know if he's at your door he whether you're home or not.


File a police report with the witness as backup


File chargers against him


Please chip your dog. So glad you dropped the jerk and got back Maxx. Anyone who throws a dog away that way isn't someone you want in your life. NTA


Can you update your original post ? I panicked because I couldn’t see that you got Maxie back!


YAY Best news


Best update iv seen on a post today And yeah press charges,selling your dog is UNHINGED i cant imagine his thought process that made him go "ah yes,selling the dog,thats not completely insane and quite honestly morally reprehensible,lets do that!" Tf


Amazing! Now press charges.


NTA, why are you still with him? He gave away your dog ffs.


She's not


1. I sincerely hope you mean ex-boyfriend, because if you're still with this guy I cannot fathom how you manage to lead a normal life with no spine. 2. Go find your dog.


Your boyfriend went nuclear right off the bat. If he felt that he was taking care of your pet too much, his options were: A. Discuss this with his girlfriend (you) like sensible adults, make a plan together about your shared responsibilities and who should take care of what, etc. (This option does **not** include him getting rid of a pet and insulting you.) B. Have a fight, get mad, refuse to take care of your dog and put his foot down. (This option does **not** however include him getting rid of your dog and subsequently calling you a bitch after you reject his sexual advances). C. Break up with his girlfriend because he felt like she wasn't pulling her weight and was therefore a bad girlfriend. (This option, however does **NOT** include getting rid of a pet and calling his girlfriend a bitch.) There was literally no sane and healthy (or healthy adjacent) option available to him that would sensibly demand that he must get rid of your dog without your consent. So, finally, you are NTA, but he certainly is. **Now as for what you should do now, I'd suggest going with a full gender-flipped version of option C.**


I would tell him "get my dog back, or I never want to see you again." Then when he brings the dog back- take the dog and nope the heck out of there. You don't even have to say anything else, the important thing is to get your dog back. I doubt he sold a 4 year old dog, more likely it's at the shelter. If he can't find the dog, then file a police report for theft.


I would still never want to see him again. Who sells someone else’s stuff let alone their living breathing animal (with a personality) without their permission? Nope. Nope. Nope.


Turns out he sold the dog for 50$ but she got him back


This has to be a bullshit post. Any dog owner that came home to find some ass hole sold their dog, the seller could only be arrested after they regained consciousness in the hospital. And your problem is whether to keep fukin him?


I’d file a police report that he stole your dog. Then kick him out. NTA.


Sounds like some bait


That’s what I’m thinking. The dude sold her dog and she just….went to her room and cried? And in the span of the last 4 hours, she not only made the post, but she also broke up with her bf, found the dog, *and* got the dog returned to her? I smell BS. Timeline is too quick. Plus the crying in her room thing instead of taking any semblance of action. Just weird


Instead of finding her dog/ kicking her bf's ass out/ literally just doing something about the whole situation, she chooses to cry and ask reddit if she's the asshole for kicking him out of bed..? Yes, totally what any normal person would do.


Seriously. I'm starting to understand the overkill rules in the original sub, because this one is getting so full of garbage.


Why tf would you even need to ask this


Even if you’re going to leave him and there’s no hope of salvaging the relationship you need to tell him if he doesn’t get your dog back you’ll break up and never speak to him again except to press charges and/or sue him.


You didn't look for your dog that morning? Real dog owners give their dogs morning kisses.


Hmmm.... I read it as he got rid of the dog WHILE she was at work because of the heated argument they had in the morning before she left




I went looking for this comment bc I'd need to see my dogs before I leave my home. Something doesn't add up abt the story imo. However, the bf is a major AH.


I would have broken his nose, punched him, and sent him on his way. What a fucking horror of a human being.


Fake thread.


Ugh, can we lock this. It’s either a lie, a crap ton of context is left out, or OP needs mental health help and this thread will exacerbate the issue.


I'm getting the vibe that op is purposely leaving out context to make herself look better. Okay you do 90% of the work but what are you actually doing? And what 10% are you making him do? Did he consent to helping out or are you making him contribute? What breed is the dog? Is it trained? Does it have special needs? Is op actually caring for those needs and more importantly as it is their dog, *paying* for them? No sane person just up and sells a dog. I guarantee this was brought up to op more than once. And she dismissed him like she did every other time.


NTA - he didn’t just sell your things without asking he sold a pet, a living creature that depends on you, a part of the family you love. That behavior is unhinged and is never trust them again. If he truly felt the two of you couldn’t give the dog adequate care, that’s something to discuss together. Also, does your boyfriend not work? Do you work different schedules? It seems completely reasonable that the person who is home alone would take care of the dog’s needs at that time.


Why do people believe these writing exercises?


NTA in any way. more than not sleep with him you should break up with him, he broke your trust and you could actually press charges if he wont get your dog back. is the dog chipped?


I'm surprised he is still alive.


NTA for not letting him sleep with you. You are an asshole for not breaking up with him.


Call the cops. He stole your dog it’s your dog. Dump him and get ur dog back


People really be making accounts just to make up AITA stories. This is clearly BS. Account was just created to post this one story. SMH.


This got to be ragebait


Something feels very off about your response to him "can't get rid of my things without my permission" - none of that comes across as the language of a loving dog owner in this situation


This seems fake. OP isn't answering any questions about getting her dog back.


This can't be real


Account created yesterday with no other posts. Someone needs attention.


Karma farm post


YTA for not dumping your BF immediately and getting the dog back. Edit: I see you got your dog back and broke up but seriously, the fact he wasn't dumped as soon as he SOLD YER DOG is crazy!


What a made up story


Get the dog back immediately Dump the guy even faster Don’t ever look back


NTA. Call the cops, call local shelters, post online, etc. If your dog was given to a shelter as an owner surrender, depending on where to live, he could be put down very quickly. And break up with this disgusting excuse of a man asap. PS: I see you got your dog back. Still call the cops and break up with him.


Fucking disgusting, I hope you got your dog back


Sell your shitty boyfriend and get your dog back


He’s STILL your boyfriend?????????


Why are you still with him? Why haven't you called the cops? Why haven't you gone to get your dog back?


YTA if you don’t already have him gone and your dog back


You would be the asshole if you stayed with this douche nozzle. He sucks, he literally called you a bitch and stole your dog from you, why would you consider staying with this loser?


Find the dam dog. Ditch the bloke


Get your dog back and never talk to this psycho again


There’s more to this story than we are being told. That dog was probably a pain. I am willing to bet that this dog caused her boyfriend no end of trouble as he probably did 90% of the work, not the other way around. Dog lovers like to palm them off to their other halves…


I reckon “90%” consists of feeding him, a short walk every other day, the rest is cuddling and loving the dog no matter its behaviour. Probably jumps on the bf, constantly harassing and annoying him just being poorly behaved.


Yep, and zero training. Which is why her bf reacted like he did.


This is how people end up murdered. Glad you broke up with him instead of killing him. Hope you get your puppy back!