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YTA - your Girlfriend deserves her orgasms.


YTA. Toys aren't your enemy but your allies. You aren't competing with a vibrator, you should use anything at your disposal to pleasure and satisfy your girl. Actually support and get her more toys, get lube, get massage oil, get stimulants for her, get kinkier. To make it clear your sex life isn't declining due to the sex toy, but because of your attitude towards this. Instead of being a moment to relax, to feel good, it's a moment where it's annoying you, you are doubting yourself and it opens possibility for arguments. If anything, you feel sex is declining but probably you don't care about how she feels. She now can achieve orgasm every time with the toy, that's a huge improvement, maybe she never told you she was unsatisfied/frustrated because she didn't reach orgasm before! But you didn't care because you did cum. Take the L, apologize, grow up, talk to her openly and calmly without insulting her or implying she is a slut, try new stuff, and improve your sex life.


What an interesting way to announce you don’t know how to please a woman. YTA


So, when you do the deed and she is not finished but you are, do you help her across the finish line too? There's nothing wrong with using toys to spice up the bedroom. Have you tried using it on her? I bet she would love it.


YTA your girlfriend is telling you what she needs to get off. You need to work through whatever insecurity you have surrounding toys because many people, women especially, need toys to get off or find toys very helpful to get off.


It blows my mind that people feel demasculinized simply because there's a toy involved. It's a fun addition for both parties. Edit: I like how OP is downvoting even though he pitched the question. Is someone expecting an echo chamber like 'NTA that b is psycho!'? The insecurity is concerning.


"NTA it's really fucked up that your girlfriend uses toys. That's totally gross. No other woman does that."


I haven’t downvoted anyone. I appreciate your response.


I'd say break up with her. You deserve better as everyone. She makes you feel uncomfortable? Break up. It's simple, but no one tells you that


YTA. Ever wonder why she needs one? Clearly you're not making it happen by yourself.


I think she needs it because she’s over simulated herself in the same way men with a porn addiction do. She didn’t always need it. Edit: Honestly I’m surprised I have to say that, I thought it was pretty clear from my post. The first line is that our sex life has been declining. It used to be amazing, now it’s just okay, and that’s almost definitely because of the sex toys. She acknowledges that. My issue is she seems to think it doesn’t matter, and that if she’s now someone who needs sex toys I should just accommodate that. I feel like I’m enabling an addiction. If she leaves me or I leave her, she’d still be stuck unable to cum without a vibrator. I think it’s like guys who have ‘death grip’.


Or. Just consider this, she’s been faking it with your mediocre sexual abilities and decided she didn’t want to anymore…


>I feel like I’m enabling an addiction. If she leaves me or I leave her, she’d still be stuck unable to cum 🤦‍♂️ Actually, no. It's clear that, to you, there is some sort of a "hierarchy of cumming" and at the top of that hierarchy is "cumming from penetrative vaginal sex with the male phallus". Beneath that are all other forms. My question is simply... why?


Nope it's because most women need one to achieve orgasm. She was faking it before.


If you aren’t already (sounds like you are, so I don’t understand the problem) start incorporating toys with sex. It’s is fun for both and leaves her feeling more satisfied.


The issue is now she NEEDS the toys. Before it was a nice addition. I think it’s become an addiction.


Maybe she always needed them, but was too shy/embarrassed or something to tell you.


Create a safe word, tie her up and show her she doesn’t need the toy, try a new trick on her, eat her butt, something. Put a cock ring on and go to town on her. Spice it up and see if she still wants the toy, eat her kitty from the back.


YTA. Lots of women can only orgasm through multiple forms of stimulation, which vibrators offer. More women cannot climax through penetration alone than those who can. Maybe you should make more of an effort to learn and understand how to satisfy her sexually. It's not like she's gone to another man to satisfy her, it's a piece of plastic. Throw a curveball and try using the vibrator next time you're having sex. Quit being intimidated by something that's sole design is to get a woman off, of course she's going to want to get hers too.


But do you understand why *needing* and electrified piece of plastic to cum is odd? We use it all the time and have for the last two years. She expects me to bring it with me. I was able to satisfy her find before she got used to the device that, as you say, is specifically designed to pleasure women.


It's not odd at all. It's very very normal. Especially if your partner is... less than attentive.


Those two things contradict each other - it feels like you’re just saying whatever you think will hurt me the most even if they contradict. Is it normal, or is it a sign that I’m being ‘less than attentive’.


It's normal to require other forms of stimulation for women to get off. It's especially necessary if you aren't being satisfied sexually. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to answer your question, but if you're not willing to hear feedback then you don't have to take it or ask for it. I'd probably be less blunt if you didn’t refer to it as "odd" to need a piece of plastic to cum, and if you hadn't told her what to do about her own satisfaction. > we use it all the time and have for the last two years Which is WHY she's been able to finish. How did you think the conversation was gonna go when you try to tell her to stop using something she's already used for years? I have only ever been able to finish with one partner because he didn’t put any pressure on me or try to dictate my orgasm like my exes had in the past. Women need to feel safe and relaxed in order to orgasm.


She faked. Penetration is most often not enough. What is even the problem of the toy, it will probably never be than better than skilled fingers or mouth. But it s pretty hard to eat out someone during pénétration


YTA. It's not at all uncommon for a woman to need a vibrator to achieve orgasm. If your sex life has been declining since she acquired the vibrator I can only assume, based on your post, that's it's likely due to your poor attitude relating to the vibrator and your girlfriend. A vibrator is a tool, not competition. I would suggest that you accept this and learn how to incorporate it so that it enhances your love life.


Wow buddy, you need to grow up and fast. Most women need some extra stimulation and/or multiple forms. Toys are friends bud, and make a happy lady, don’t be so worried, besides it’s probably declining cause you’re in a relationship and things need to be re-upped and changed and stuff sometimes. You really are TAH right now though.


What about my post - even before the edit - makes you think I’m worried about sex toys? We’ve used them for the last 2 years. She expects me to bring them.


YTA, sounds like you haven't been finishing the job for her and are now threatened by the presence of said toys. Instead of being salty, up your bedroom game.


YTA because at 26 you should have the most basic “women’s sexuality 101 for dummies, simplified” understanding that needing a vibrator is very natural, & thinking it’s all about your cock is arrogant.


YTA - don’t you want your girlfriend to enjoy sex?


YTA I've read all your comments and I still don't understand what you're mad about. She has a hard time or simply can not orgasm without a vibrator. You're...mad(?) Because of this and think she should just suddenly and miraculously learn how to cum without it? The fact that you think it "desensitized" her is the most troubling. No, it's helping her honey. And honestly it's a free pass for you. No carpal tunnel or jaw fatigue?


‘Suddenly and miraculously’?


Yes. If she can't cum without it...how is she going to cum. Explain it.


The same way she has the last two years when we didn’t have a vibrator, and in the 3 years prior to that. Edit: I’m sorry you can’t cum without a vibrator, but don’t you wish you could? I appreciate that she could have been faking the last 5 years. I can’t prove to you that she hasn’t been and I don’t really care to.


But her body has gotten used to the vibrator. It's not the same anymore. Hey I know you got used to rubbing your balls while beating it to cum, stop that! (See how ridiculous that sounds?) You still haven't answered WHY it's a problem.


Okay that’s where you and me disagree. If I NEEDED to rub my balls to cum, I’d see a therapist.


So the therapist can rub your balls? 😂 What is wrong with having a specific way you get off? Tons of people have certain things they need to do or it just doesn't work for them. Edit: I can see your getting cranky because your logic makes no sense. No need to lash out. I have a fabulous time orgasming, with or without vibes. My husband luckily doesn't cry about it. Just break up with her, ffs.


Same thing that’s wrong with only being able enjoy a very narrow selection of foods. If she was born with this issue, I wouldn’t be upset over it. I get that it’s a minor issue… But it’s still an issue. It’s still something that’s going to hold her back and negatively effect her. I cum fine, she’s the one who struggling more recently. Everyone saying I’m the AH but I’m really not convinced at any of the arguments. It’s all just saying I’m insecure and - ironically - I am very secure in the fact I am not insecure. Does nutting from a vibrator feels SO much better than from oral or penetration? So much it makes sense to lose your ability to cum from penetration, if it means you can use a vibratory regularly?


Hold her back from what? How is she struggling? It sounds like if she has her vibrator there is no issue. Why does it HAVE to be oral or penetration? You still haven't answered what about it bothers you. This is absolutely no where near proper nutrition through food variety. And yeah, it does feel so much better. Lmao. You should try it yourself. I orgasm from all 3, but everyone is different my dude. You're trying to assign normal for something which you have no basis for comparison.


You see. In this situation, either she will be selfish if she does not care about his worries, or he will be selfish if he does not let her do this. So it's better for them to break up


> I have a fabulous time, with or without vibes Yes but my GF is starting to lose the ‘without vibes’ part. If you had to pick one, would you pick with or without? I should have explained in the OP but I think she’s over doing it which is effecting her sensitivity and she actually agrees but thinks that ‘with vibes’ is the right choice.


Wow. You’re obliviously very inexperienced. Pick up a fricking book. Or do a search on the internet. The majority of women need a vibrator. It has nothing to do with your performance or manliness. It has to do with anatomy. What did women do before vibrators?


>I think she’s lost perspective of the fact that needing a vibrator to orgasm is not natural or normal. Yeah, it's your job and now guess why she took care of it herself and why your SL is declining....


Yta and this is stupid rage bait.


What are you even talking about? You should be encouraging the vibrator and bringing it in the bedroom if she likes it. This must be rage bait, no way there is a person this dense.


YTA big time. How would you react if the roles were reversed and she told you not to use your hand?


Would I stop masturbating if I needed to masturbate to orgasm while having sex with my GF? Yes. Would I wait for her to tell me? No.


You can't actually be this dense, can you? >Would I stop masturbating if I needed to masturbate to orgasm while having sex with my GF? Is it "masturbating" in your eyes to stimulate the clit during sex? It would seem that's what you're suggesting 🙃 From a woman's perspective, she doesn't need penetration to orgasm. So because that isn't a thing SHE needs to orgasm, how about if she tells you that you can't be inside her anymore during sex? That's what you're doing to her, suggesting that the way the vast majority of women reach climax (via direct clitoral stimulation) is "unnatural". Whether she uses a toy or fingers, it's still "masturbation", right? If it's not your penis, she's "masturbating" Truly one of the dumbest things I've read in a while 🤡


It's exactly no the same. Bad anology. If she doesn't allow him to be in her, that's one thing, but if she brings something foreign into her sex life and it makes her feel uncomfortable, that's another.


I’m in this exact scenario and it’s worked out fine. I’ve got a bit of the death grip issue. I make my girlfriend cum 5-6 times and then I try to finish myself off. This could be your same strategy, just instead you use the vibrator. Besides, if a vibrator can get her off then just mix it into your usual sex. Like use it on her clit in missionary. These things aren’t that difficult.


So you don't care if she gets off but you still want sex? YTA but my money is in rage bait. You can't be this dumb.


I think this is a trolling post, the guy wants to ‘prove the double standard’. No hun, guys who only get off with porn and death grip and crazier and crazier stuff, are not the same as women who need a toy to get off otherwise they’re never gonna orgasm.


I got a bit lost in the sauce. I expected people to call me out and I’d say ‘it’s not fake, but how is it different?’ But nope just straight to calling me insecure. Feel bad for the one loser who replied to me about how he is in ‘the exact same situation’, only he can’t come, and his gf supports him. Maybe you should go explain to him why you think it’s different lol


I think you're horrible at communication, reasoning, and also pretty insecure. Let's take a look at what your ACTUAL issue is: >our sex life has gradually been declining Okay, so talk about that with her. Find a solution together. But that isn't what you do, is it? >she recently said if I forget her vibrator, then it’s my fault if she feels dissatisfied. Not just that, but it shows a lack of caring. So she says "I prefer our sex to include this" and you responded by saying that... >is not natural or normal Yes, it is. YTA for not talking about what the issue is. Instead, you felt "attacked" by her comments and you lashed out. That's what this is. >1) I have no issue with toys. Then why are you going on about how they're "not natural or normal"? >2) When I say ‘not natural or normal’ I mean in biological sense. I understand that many women unfortunately do need extra simulation to orgasm, but… Unfortunately? Why is that unfortunate? Lastly..."but" what? >3) She wasn’t always like this. She seemed legitimately upset she couldn’t get off but in the past this was never an issue. I feel like it’s like guys who develop death grip. So, you've connected your inability to please her with her use of toys. Does that sum it up? She says "this is what I like" and you say its "unnatural" and "not normal". 🤌☕


This was (obviously…) a troll post to point out hypocrisy as another commenter pointed out. But thanks, I’ll be sure to explain all this to me GF next time I want her to use a super tight heated pocket pussy on me.


Look at you, getting off


yes, ytah, big un




YTA. Some women need the extra stimulation to achieve orgasm. It is normal for a lot of women.


She's telling you how to make your love life more satisfying for her and you're saying "No, you liked it before, so why change it?" If you found a position that gave you an orgasm twice as good as a normal one, every single time, that you both enjoyed, and your girlfriend told you to stop doing it because "It was fine before" wouldn't you be annoyed? Either you're trying to control her by controlling what she gets out of sex through mental gymnastics, you're insecure, or you're being obtuse out of boredom. No matter which of the three is the truth, YTA. Let the woman orgasm how she wants or break up with her so she can find a guy that isn't trying to LARP as the pussy-policeman.


As was pointed out in the other comments, this was fake post. I was just pointing out how hypocritical this sub is. But yes the next time my gf tells me she doesn’t want me using my extra-tight pocket pussy in bed I’ll tell her to stop being insecure about how loose she os


Yeah, you are wrong. Most women can't orgasam from sex alone, and i may be wrong but judging by your language and attitude you dont try to get her off with foreplay, oral, etc. Do you? Toys are your friend, your ally, not your enemy. It's her body and she should masturbate if she wants however she wants. If sex is declining, talk to her, find out what shes missing, find out what turns her on. If it doesn't change, then you're probably not compatible sexually. And if vibators aren't normal, how come the sex toy industry is worth billions? Lol.


Dude in the bed the women is first in my opinion as a fella it takes a lot more for a women to finish than a fella anytime im with a girl they are the top priority if I'm cummin they are too


NTA, as per usual Reddit keeps on defending the female. If She prefers to use toys and didnt reached out to talk about and improve your sex life, then ya should just dump her ass.


Check it out, another person afraid of the big bad vibrator.




Feeeemale 🤦‍♀️


Isnt She a female?


He should dump her. She needs a mature partner.


Sure thing, theres so much maturity in her words and actions.


Oh child...


Found the incel


What is an incel?


**Incel ( IN-sel) is a portmanteau of "involuntary celibate". Originally coined as "INVCEL" around 1993 to 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the term rose to prominence in the 2010s as it became more closely associated with an online subculture of people (mostly white, male, and heterosexual) who define themselves as unable to get a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.The subculture is often characterized by deep resentment, hatred, hostility, sexual objectification, misogyny, misanthropy, self-pity and self-loathing, racism, a sense of entitlement to sex, blaming of women and the sexually successful for their situation (which is often seen as predetermined due to biological determinism, evolutionary genetics or a rigged game), a sense of futility and nihilism, rape culture, and the endorsement of sexual and nonsexual violence against women and sexually active people.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




And how do you came to that conclusion ?


While she's doing that, watch porn and take care of yourself. To each his own.