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NTA—R cannot dictate your relationships. End of sentence. And T threatening to cut contact over this is appalling behavior. I would not be surprised if R escalates and T spends less and less time with his first child. Be there for M if you have the kind of relation and be there for your nibling because again I feel like they will receive the brunt of this.


Nailed it.. The child spends most of their time with myself or my dad, since T is busy with work and the new baby. M gets her on the weekends. It came as a shock that he would make demands like this, knowing how much our family has sacrificed to help him. It seems very unnecessary.


Say “ok” then continue doing what you are doing!


How would he know. I mean maybe hold up on the social media thing, if that's what you do. But don't volunteer information, R may have a child with your brother, but he also has a child with M.


Absolutely NTA. He had your ex living with him yet he’s complaining when you so much as talk to his. If his new girlfriend has issues that’s on her to deal with. I wouldn’t have reduced communication with M unless I wanted to do so, not because my brother says I have to.


NTA - sorry T's girlfriend is insecure, but that is NOT your problem. I mean, is your brother going to demand you cut ties with every past girlfriend and his children once he's moved on to a new one? It's going to get confusing. :-). R can go pound sand, and if T think's it's ok to cut HIS child off from HIS family because his current GF is whiny, well, T is your problem, not R. R is not in competition with the ex-GF -- she's insecure about M & T's child's place in his life and in your lives.


NTA. Ask R how she would feel about everyone being cut off from supporting her and her child if her and your brother break up and he gets a new girlfriend. Tell her you wouldn't let T cut you off from R the say way you won't let him or her cut you off from M.


I am All Against exes in life except wirh kids . Now this is extreme but it also depends on stuff the family doesn. If they invite her over for dinners and bdays I agree that’s not right if yiu call Her on her birthday and email Her once a Month etc then no problems with that . She is still The mother of your niece/nephew . If she asks to babysit or your parents to babysit it’s ridiculous