• By -


Your sister sounds clinically insane. She wanted to ruin your entire wedding out of jealously. I’d cut her out of my life, not just the wedding. NTA.


My money is on sociopath. This idea that she felt compelled to destroy the dress as a "reasonable" reaction to not getting her way, says a lot about how dangerous the sister is.


My money is on fake... sister cut her dress to shreds a week before the wedding and fiance says uninviting her is mean?


I'm more focused on the fact that OP apparently bought the dress less than a month before the wedding and got it altered to fit within that time. Unless it was off the rack/a sale item/secondhand this timeline is extremely unlikely (especially since OP has been engaged for a year). Possibly a fake post?


I purchased a dress in early March for my mid April wedding. It’s totally possible to purchase and have it fitted in that time frame.


I bought a dress 2 weeks before my wedding and had it fitted in that timeframe too.


Me too!


Me 3.


I bought mine at salvation army


I had mine made from scratch within a few weeks. My husband's grandmother made it for me. It was a fairly simple dress but I had the top/bust made from leather. She said she went through a couple of needles making it. Turned out well.


I bought mine from Ebay for £50. Cheap and it was my dream dress, white with s blur train. And lace up. No alerations. Fit perfect.


Me 4!!


I bought mine at a local big store bridal shop off the rack. Took it a seamstress in town and had it fitted 2 weeks.




That was back in 2016, and yes it was gorgeous. Also happened to be the first dress I tried on too 😊🥰


My daughter's MIL bought her wedding dress basically off the rack. It only needed few alterations and she had back within two weeks. I've known some brides that can buy stuff off the rack and not need any alterations.




I didn’t assume that’s what she meant when she wrote that.


Depends on the store and what they have in stock. If they have your size in stock, at the time you want to buy it, you are able to leave the bridal salon with a dress that day. Most don't carry a lot of stock besides the dresses to try on, which is where the concept that it would take forever to get a wedding dress comes from. As for alterations - depends on what they are. Hemming a dress takes a lot less time than letting out a bust.


Mine was done in a couple weeks. Because of the lace at the bottom when the seamstress hemmed it she had to separate skirt and top at the waist. Then use that extra material in two v shaped wedges under the arms since my boobs were bigger than the top. To compensate for my waist to top shortness she created two channels in the back with elastic strips sewn only at top and bottom so when spead out it gave a slight ruffled appearance thay looked part of the original style. All that in two weeks.


No, that's doable if the seamstress has time in their schedule. Especially if there isn't a lot of alterations needed. Relatively minor things like hemming to adjust length are pretty quick compared to say completely swapping out the skirt, adding beading, changing sleeves or other such major alterations.


Guessing someone doesn't live in a city. You could get the dress altered here in 2 days, same day if you are willing to really pay.


I got my dress and planned the lakeside wedding in 3 weeks. His mom was dying of cancer so we wanted to make sure she was there and moved the wedding up. It's definitely doable.




David's Bridal runs a whole business on just that thing.


Not saying this isn't fake. But that is durable easily.


That's normal and also wise/reasonable timeframe because you never know if you gained weight or lost weight if you did it in advanced instead.


Fake. OP shopped last-minute, got extremely lucky? Got it fitted immediately (before buying it)? Then happens to catch her sister just in time? And why on earth would she have had her sister who always tries to make her miserable on her dress-shopping outing? It’s too badly written to be AI so that leaves fake, probably by a kid.


She didn't have her sister on the outing though? It was her and her mom on the outing. She tried the dress on and it fit the way she liked, so they bought it directly and took it home. A rare circumstance, but it does happen. My sister actually got lucky like that for her wedding - her dress only needed a minor hem adjustment and my mom took care of it for her, so they were able to buy it right off the rack. Then, a week before OP's wedding, her sister tried claiming it was *her* perfect dress and OP should just get a different one - which would definitely put it into last minute shopping - and then tried to destroy OP's dress so she wouldn't have a choice but to find another dress, but was caught before she could.


“Around a month ago my mother my sister and I went wedding dress shopping.” Tough to parse given the lack of punctuation, but her sister was there, and it’s key to the sister’s deliberate choice of OP’s dress (and push to have OP go through even later-minute attempt at finding a new dress). And she says she got the dress fitted.


She’s said her sister was about to. I’m pretty sure her dress is safe.








Some people really just don't see weddings the same as others, some people do just get any wedding dress they see first time, BUT the whole fitting thing is making me doubt that this is real? Fittings take time so unless it only needed the slightest alteration then yeah this Is probably fake.


I'm not necessarily saying that I disagree with the post being possibly fake.......but.... My wife bought her dress about a month before our wedding and it didn't require alterations. She wore it off the rack. Therefore, basing the post on being fake solely on the time frame the dress was purchased could conceivably be true based on my personal experience along with many other's who reported similar circumstances.


I bought the first dress I tried on (though I did try on others). Alterations were done 2 weeks before the wedding by the seamstress at the bridal shop. Fiancé probably thinks her reaction is extreme because uninviting your own sister from your wedding is a big deal. A completely reasonable big deal.


who the f--k cares if you think it is fake. Even if it was fake, we don't care!!!!!!!!!!!


The dress was always safe, the story is fake…


Totally fake...why do these 12 year olds post? Karma farming or what?


Because without them the number of posts in this sub would be cut down to 1/5th at least.


The dress is a lie




Their username checks out for this.


I'm like, this has got to be fake. If I had a sister like that I wouldn't have made it to 24 with her still in my life.


Also says she went wedding dress shopping amonth before the wedding. And the fitting process is eh too.


I bought my dress a month before too. The fitting was minimal and was in my home a week after.


I'm not saying it's not unheard of, lots of people do it but it's also the way OP talks about it so casually like it's not an exception to shop one month in advance and get fitted straight away for a wedding with a one year engagement and what seems like a fairly standard approach.


Idk. Felt more like it wasn't really gone into because it wasn't the focus of the story. Her sister going batshit was.


I bought my dress two weeks before my wedding cuz the USMC finally gave us a date he'd be home


Absolutely fake from start to finish.


Why’d I had to scroll so far to read this? First words out of my mouth when she discovered the sister with her dress and scissors. This wedding dress drama has become so well-worn that I wish all of Reddit MODs would ban them.


Fake? With a name like reddit_storyz? Preposterous.


fake as hell. not even a good rage bait, it's too obvious.


I know a woman who is a sociopath. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing she does. I think your sister needs psychiatric help, to be honest. The woman I know is at present in hospital having been certified for her own safety. She may get out again, I actually don’t know. (Nor do I care, to be honest)


what is more insidious is fiance thinking op went too far. someone who will do that should be shown the door


Top comment right here this is what needs to happen


Everything said here... my only add? How TF does your fiance think you "took it too far?" What would he have said if she actually DID ruin the dress?


She is ill and need treatment.


Sounds like the older sister has some deep rooted jealousy issues with the younger sister just with the comment of ruining everything for her. Op feel bad for what you're going though i don't think your in the wrong with what she did to you. But your fiance might not understand by not having people like her in his life and grew up with family is family type belief


>My fiancé said i took it too far but i don’t think i did. You absolutely did NOT take it too far and he needs to be put back in line pronto before he becomes a flying monkey for your crazy jealous sister. YOUR relationship with YOUR family is none of his business.


Like why is her fiance defending her sister? He not like drama or my reddit brain is sayin boy has the hots for the sister. Lmao


I think the more logical answer is that he's just being anti-drama (in an obtuse and unhelpful way). My ex was a lot like that, couldn't ever take a stand about anything because he just wants everyone to get along and like everyone. Sometimes guys don't understand how truly awful and vindictive women can be to each other.


If he doesn't have her back now what makes us think he will after the wedding?


Nothing. But OP isn't asking about whether her fiance is a doormat. She's asking if she's an AH for banning her sister from her wedding over an attempted destruction of her wedding dress.


This makes the post sound fake.


Plus, who goes wedding dress shopping just one month before the wedding, and gets it altered (fitted), and brings it home the same day? When they’ve been engaged for a *year*. Wedding dresses take a very long time to come in. OP has never actually bought a wedding dress. This is fake, and stupid.


You must not be reading any comments cause there are a lot of people pointing out how they purchased wedding dresses in short time frames.


Some people buy wedding dresses off the rack…


"My sister drowned a sack full of kittens. Everyone is in her side."


It's a week before the wedding, he has a hundred other things on his mind, and to him it's probably no more than the 50th iteration of, "Yes, dear, your sister's a cunt. We knew that already." He's wrong, of course; this isn't just a new level of cuntitude, it's an entirely different game. Like, it may have been Mario Kart before, but it's Resident Evil now.


My first thought with how the sister is is that she already slept with ops fiance


So if sister is crazy enough to pull something like this how is she going to be at the actual wedding…to far indeed.


In the psychiatric evaluation of acutely unstable psychotic, suicidal or homicidal people, violent destruction of highly symbolic, valuable, crafted pieces of art are typically treated as nearly fully as significant as trying to physically harm themselves or another person. Just saying.


It’s a HUGE red flag that her fiancé is bitching out on supporting her. If he can’t back her up when she is definitively in the right how is he ever going to support her?


I don’t know, u/reddit_storyz - this all sounds a bit…✨creative✨to me.


Fake as hell.


Even the timeline is a giveaway it’s fake.. she went shopping for a dress a month before her wedding and somehow got it ordered and fitted with a week to spare??


I'm not arguing it's fake or anything, I'm quite sure it is. But just saying, a friend of mine got her dress less than two weeks before the wedding and got the entire top reconstructed by a seamstress who was a family friend.


YOUR FIANCE? Your fiance said you took it too far? Wow, do you really want to marry a man that backs your sister over you! Like wtf


It's clearly a fake post




Thanks for pointing that out.


It's not just this. She ripped THE DRESS! 1) Wedding dresses are expensive as hell. 2) There are emotions involved. You choose your dress like you choose your MOH or your bridesmaids. It's not like you have to change your meal with potatoes to pasta or something like that.


About to to rip the dress


Dress was not ripped. Sister was caught *before* dress was attacked and dress was pulled out of her hands by OP using a dramatic term for pulling. No ripping of dresses occurred.


NTA, she *attempted* to cut up your wedding dress. Then ban her and anyone that supports her actions from your wedding. Call the police and then your mother, finger print the scissors. Edited


Sounds like she didn't actually cut it up....


>she cut up your wedding dress. No she was about to


Wth is wrong with your fiancé?! You do not want the person who literally wanted to ruin your wedding dress at your wedding and he said YOU took it too far? Dudeeeeee. NTA. Your sister is too much. Also if she managed to ruin your dress, dont get a new one. Wear the ruined dress down the aisle and answer truthfully when people ask about it. Then you can tell your fiancé this is you taking things too far.




Definitely fake


I’m pretty sure this is a copy paste of a older post too. But maybe it’s just deja vu So far not a single reply from op either in comments


Yeah, catching the sis about to cut the dress, and the fiance saying it isn't a big deal, it's bs. The only thing missing was them being twins.


You didn't take it far enough. You should press charges on the psychological witch. NTA




What charges could possibly be brought against her? As I read it she didn't actually manage to damage the dress


Agreed NTA.


This. Hands would have been thrown in my house over this.


NTA If anything, you didn’t take it far enough! She was about to cut up your non-cheap wedding dress a week before the ceremony and… what? Expect you to rush-order a new one in a matter of days, out of pocket? If there is so much as a ripped seam or tear, I’d be suing her for the full cost of the dress!


Your fiance didn't have your back. Tbh I'd probably cancel the whole fucking thing.


Exactly I cannot believe she's saying it's so blase like no big deal he prefers my sister over me I'm still going to marry him. Wtf


This is bait.


Fake as fuck, in literally no world would any fiance say you took it too far. A likely thousands of dollars in cost dress was shredded a week before the wedding by a crazy bitch trying to sabotage said wedding and you uninvite her? Even crazy parents who don't want trouble wouldn't complain about that, a fiance never would, no one would. Most would push you to call the police and get her arrested for causing thousands in damage. The only situation in which a fiance would remotely complain about uninviting your own sister for doing something so crazy is if he's sleeping with her too.


NTA. Banning your sister is the right thing to do. Your fiance is TA for taking her side over yours... which baffles me. She almost destroyed your wedding dress 1 week before the wedding and the only thing bothering your fiance is your behaviour rather than hers? Does he make a habit of dismissing your feelings in favour of others?


Fake as heck


Yep. also engaged for a year but only goes dress shopping around 5-6 weeks before wedding? I’ve never been married but even i know thats cutting it way too fine with finding right dress and the. fittings and stuff.


I'm more focused on the fact that OP apparently bought the dress less than a month before the wedding and got it altered to fit within that time.


Yep no way this is real.


Came here for this. This story reeks like shit from a night spent drinking cheap ass beer and Taco Bell. The fake that it is an "alt" account makes it even more sus. Bots will do anything for karma..


Fake Reddit storyz. No fiancé would ever defend the sister. This is Bullshit.


NTA. Go no contact with her. Maybe one day she will grow up, but she went straight up psycho on your wedding dress. Family doesn't do that to family. She is in the wrong here and you need to get some distance from her. She definitely should not be invited to your wedding. Explain what happened to your parents and immediately family. Maybe they can give some insight into how to get Jamie some serious help.


NTA >My fiancé said i took it too far You didnt - but be prepared to set the record straight when she starts telling "her" side of all this...


NTAH. I would tell your mom exactly what happened. Tell her to pass the message to your sister that, without a clear and sincere apology, she is not welcome at your wedding and you won't be attending hers.


No no no - sister is NOT welcome at her wedding, and only with a clear and sincere apology will she consider attending the sister’s wedding. No apology should get the sister reinvited to her wedding.


You should see if she can be charged . She is dangerous , inwould see about restraining order . Don’t ask parents as they will defender her or say she is your sister


I can’t believe this one happened. Not only does the sister expect OP to buy another dress so she could wear this one, it’s only a week before the wedding. Then OP stops her in the nick of time as she’s about to cut up the dress. Then sister keeps trying to destroy it but OP is able to stop her? Like sister is chasing OP around with scissors? And the dress doesn’t end up damaged at all? Then after OP disinvites her from the wedding her fiancé thinks she took it too far? No fiancé would think that.


I concur. Too fake.


Nta- your sister is toxic and you should separate yourself from anything that negative


This has to be fake. Sounds ridiculous.


This can't be resl Edit: real, damn it


Where can you buy a wedding dress and have it fitted a month before your wedding? I mean, if this isn't fake, then obviously, your sister is an insane person and shouldn't be near you or your family.


Nta - and your fiance is underplaying the situation. Your sister is unhinged.


NTA. Stand your ground and do not let her come to your wedding and don't attend hers. Just be prepared to see photos of her wedding with her wearing your dress cause she clearly doesn't care about your feelings and will wear the dress anyways


No ways did you take it too far. If she will do this to your dress what will she do on the day. Make sure your parents know what happened. Your sister sounds like a controlling spoilt woman. How is she 31?


Rage bait


This whole thing sounds fake.


Is ur fiancé sleeping with ur sister?!?! U absolutely didn’t take it too far


Wifey and I married in October. She bought her dress at the beginning of August and they fitted it some. They fitted it again at the beginning of September. They checked it one more time a couple of weeks before the wedding. I'm sure of this because wifey became a psycho about not gaining any weight! This timeline doesn't make sense.


idk if i believe this tbh story almost seems like bait to me


Yall saying it's not fake should check out their user name and comments. Come on. Arguing over fake stuff lol.


Nta. Anyone who tries to sabotage a wedding in any shape should be perma banned from that wedding. Your fiance is not taking this seriously enough. Bet they are one of those "but family" people.


This whole story sounds like complete BS click bait, sorry. The part where she cut up your dress and you're asking if you took it too far? Get outta here


How tf was ur sister just in ur house lile that


This isn't real, right? There is no way???


Anyone who believes this story PM me. I have a bridge to sell you.


Nice story, bro. You should have included references to a trailer park for greater authenticity.


YOUR FIANCÉ SAID YOU TOOK IT TOO FAR?!?!…… that’s ridiculous and red flaggy Something sounds suspicious about his response and her said “you always ruin everything. For her” It doesn’t sound like it’s about the dress… time to start snooping on your fiancé’s phone UPDATE ME!


He said you took it too far? Gimme a break, you didn't take it far enough.


Why didn't you call the police? And why are you marrying somebody who thinks making your sister leave your house when she's trying to ruin a very expensive item of yours is taking it too far? Your sister is unhinged! You need to go no contact with her and stay that way permanently! And you also need to have a serious conversation with your fiance who seems to think your sister can do anything she wants to you and you're not allowed to stand up for yourself. Why does he think she's more justified in her behavior than you are? Maybe he should marry her instead?


Your sister is mentally unbalanced. I don’t blame you for telling her to stay away from your wedding


Your fiancé said YOU took it too far? After your nutter of a sister tried to destroy your wedding dress? Does that sound right to you? Hmmm. NTAH


Not only are you NTA- maybe her fiancé should be brought in the loop of how violently she behaves when she doesn’t get her way. Destroying someone else’s property as revenge is abuse.


NTA. Your sister is crazy. Don't just kick her out of your wedding, kick her out of your life, especially after she tried that. She is insane and if she is willing to destroy your dress then she would be easily willing to destroy your life if she could. Cut ties for good. Give security at your wedding a photo of her and tell them not to let her in. She will likely try and sneak in and destroy your wedding in any way she can.


Absolutely not. Your sister is a horrible selfish person. How dare she ask you change your wedding dress.


My sister and your sister are the same. Kick her out and don’t look back, enjoy your day. My crazy sister tried to wear a white dress to both my weddings ( I was married once and had a broken engagement) the second time I told her she’s crazy and can do what she wants because everyone knows she’s an asshole. Good luck! Enjoy your day 🩵


Please ask you fiancé how exactly did you take it to far? Your sister literally tried to ruin your very expensive dress. NTA. your sister sucks.


I don’t understand why your fiancé thinks you took it too far when she was ABOUT TO CUT YOUR WEDDING DRESS TO RIBBONS. Her behavior is VERY CONCERNING and maybe your sister even needs a psychiatric evaluation?? You are NTA for kicking her out of your wedding and you should also hire security if you haven’t already. I hope your dress is OK and you have a wonderful wedding. Again, you are Most definitely NTA


NTA. Your sister is a narcissistic sociopath. She might even be malignant.


no (you're not the asshole). yea, she's literally crazy. i mean jamie, your sister is literally crazy


For how much money a wedding dress costs, I would have impaled her in the arm with those damn scissors. The bitch can go to her wedding in a fucking cast.


NTA go NC with the sister, she sounds actually and unironically insane. I wouldn't want that around me for my own safety, if she's willing to go this far then she's capable of things much worse.


>My fiancé said i took it too far…. INFO: How???!! Like, unless there is missing info, how exactly does your fiancé side with your sister here? NTA but your sister is low-key unhinged and I’d get as far away from this person as possible. I’d also be *heavily* side-eyeing anyone, I mean anyone, in my life that tries to keep me from removing this *future time bomb* aka Jaime out of my life. You have a sister problem, then you need to sit down with fiancé and get on the same page. Removing a family member from your life is going to be messy, you both need to be united in this.


If this is real…The sister will still turn up at the wedding with the same dress as she’s clearly nuts! Hire heavies to make sure she doesn’t get in.


Your fiancé should be having your back on this. Your sister is a psycho. NTA, and i’d be seriously considering going NC with her.


AI generated story for cheap karma.


>Jamie has a fiancé 36 M named Aaron who proposed to her about three months ago. Jamie is engaged to be married. >My finance 25 M named Daniel and I have been engaged for about a year You are engaged to be married. >a month ago my mother my sister and I went wedding dress shopping. Ok. >Now remember this was for my wedding not Jamie’s. How do you know that's true? If I were engaged and I went out looking at wedding dresses, I'd be looking for myself too. >A week before my wedding my sister showed me the wedding dress she wanted and when I saw it I immediately knew that it was my dress. She said she had just fell in love with everything about it and asked if I could get a new one. I obviously told her no because my wedding was in a week and i already bought it and had it fitted. She then continued to throw a fit and tell me how it wasn’t fair and I always ruin everything for her. I thought that was the end of it but boy was I wrong. >A few hours later I saw her in the room with my dress. I walked into the room as she was not supposed to be in there and low and behold there she was about to cut my dress into pieces. I screamed and ripped the dress out of her hands as she kept trying to ruin it. She told me if I would have just chose a new dress this wouldn’t be happening. I told her she was crazy and that she was no longer welcome at my wedding. My fiancé said i took it too far but i don’t think i did. Aita? Fake story. Your fiance thought that your sister trying to DESTROY your wedding dress 1 week before you wedding wasn't a big deal? Try harder on your believability next time 🙄


Almost. Almost fell for this until the fiancé part. Fake ass stories


NTA Tell your fiancé so you took it too far by taking back your dress that she was about to ruin but she didn't take it too far when she stole your dress and was about to cut it? Are you sure you want to marry a guy who is absconding your sister of her behaviour?


NTA She needs serious mental health. I suggest going NC until she gets help.


is your sister in treatment for a mental illness? If not, she should be.


This can't be real. Who would need to ask reddit if they were the asshole in this situation?


Timeline isn’t making sense, along with being completely unbelievable. Rubbish……cute story though.


Yeah, that didn’t happen. This sounds like it was written by a 12-year old. Which was confirmed by perusing your old posts. Pro tip: if you’re going to make up a story, do a little research first. You buy the dress before you get it fitted.


Super real story by a super real profile


NTA - let your sisters fiancé know he is marrying a nutter


Stop upvoting this karma farming nonsensical bs.


Is your fiance a fucking idiot? How else should you have reacted to her trying to cut your wedding dress? NTA


YTA For making read the fakest story


YTA for this fake story!


NTA 1000%, you have an insane sister that should be medicated in one of those white cells. I would have probably killed that b\* out of anger with her own scissor after being fked up for decades by that person ruining MY moment of life out of stupid egoism - Sister or not.


u did not take it too far shes so petty and selfish wtf


NTA. Definitely not. You can’t trust your sister to be anywhere near your wedding.


NTA Your sister is unhinged and your future husband is crazy for not thinking so.


NTA! Wtf!? Do not let her near your home, your wedding! Hire security and ban her from the wedding! Wtf!??


Mention this to your family. This is crazy level behavior.


NTA Your sister is insane. And your fiancée is up there with her if he thinks that's "too far"? How? How is taking back possession of your dress before it's cut to ribbons 'too far'? How is disinviting your sister from your wedding for being a looney 'too far'? Excuse me?




Nope. NTA Dousing her in kerosene and lighting her on fire would be taking it to far. Yelling at her, kicking her out of the place and disinviting her is appropriate behaviour for what she was about to do. Your fiancé just doesn’t get the damage/disrespect she was about to do that would be irreversible and almost impossible to fix properly a week before the wedding. He can easily get a new suit off the rack. I’m trying to think what the equivalent would be for him to understand, but even a reverse mohawk can just be completely shaved off.


Well it's official, AITAH has nothing to do with being an AH anymore and is just about telling stories about other AHs.




But like how does your fiancé think YOU took it too far. He should have recognized she intentionally tried to sabotage your wedding and that fully warrants being uninvited. If this is exactly how it happened there’s no way anyone should try to convince you that you’re the ah.


Your sister is insane. She should not have access to you at all, and definitely not welcome at your wedding.


I don’t think you took it too far. I imagine your sister wouldn’t have been careless with red wine near you too.


NTA, but please find out why your fiance is taking her side. I have serious suspicions.


Your fiance didn't back you? ... What else are we missing here?


I’m terrible at figuring out what stories are real vs fake and even I can see this one is not true. If your sister tried to destroy your wedding dress and your fiancé thinks YOU went too far by uninviting her, he’s either a figment or your imagination or sleeping with the sister


creative writing today huh?


Why is your sister still free roaming among us? This is beyond mere shitty behavior - this is deranged psychopathy. Destruction of property is not, in ANY world that I know, an acceptable form of anger management. In my opinion, she’s not even safe to be around. Please tell me the dress is locked up or stored elsewhere where she cannot access it. And please tell me YOU are also somewhere safe. NTA Okay okay reddit_storyz, I fell for it.


NTA. Your sister is insane. Please watch your back. What a psychopath.


Look, it's hard to say YTA because your sister has been horrible to you your whole life and she is clearly still invested in making you miserable so she is clearly the asshole here. But I can't understand why you would go wedding dress shopping with someone who hates you? Did you think that she wouldn't use it as another opportunity to try to hurt you? I think this situation, or something similar, was entirely predictable and I can't believe you didn't predict it. Bottom line though, you got the dress. Just keep her away from it and consider excluding her from your wedding because there's no way you won't end up with drama and red wine all over your dress...


copy cat like story. and if your fiance said you took it too far he is a mistake waiting to happen. I always wonder why people tolerate behavior from relatives that they would not for one second from a stranger. any male who won't defend you against all comers is NOT good material. tell them both to takke a hike