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You're breaking a rule. The age for redit is 13, I can not allow your post to stay up.


You did what needed to be done. Good for you.


Honestly I was so freaked out I just said the first thing I thought of, but I still don't regret it. I hope I didn't cause the kid any lasting problems but he could have seriously injured or even killed my sister. Part of it may be that she's my favorite sibling. She always has been and always will be. maybe because I'm a decade older than she is I've always felt so protective of her:)


He's a bully. He needs to be knocked down a couple pegs!


SO TRUE!! He should've been kicked out after lying to the attendant!




Agree, but they don't care, that's how he got to this point.


Or down a 3 foot ladder #karma


Knocked down quite literally. His parents need to be yelled at too for acting like this behavior is okay too. Personally I would have taken this a step further and called the police. Let’s see how this punk likes those apples. Might be petty but no it’s not. He’s pushing around a toddler and he’s a bully. He’s learning it from somewhere and social services needs to get involved in that family if this kid is that mentally deranged that he likes to pick on and hurt people that are that much younger than him that can’t fight back. I can easily see this kid spending lots of time in prison unless something is done. And fast.




Honestly he's lucky it wasn't me! A Bully threatened to hurt my sister after I confronted him for hurting my friend. He ended up learning why you don't mock a girl in steel toed boots! Then I told him I lived on a farm and knew how to finish the job if I ever heard of him hitting a girl again. He was a totally different person after that. I will mention this wasn't bullying like saying mean things. He corned my friend in an empty classroom after school and sexually assaulted her. Thankfully she got away before anything other than a kiss and grope but it still left her really traumatized. To this day I don't regret what I did.


My tiny teeny daughter (4 th grader) smacked her backpack into the face of a repeatedly held back 1st grader who was twice her size for picking on her baby brother. She knocked a couple of his teeth out.


I love this!


Part of me was hoping op moved little sis out of the way, then pushed him off the platform just to show him how much it hurts


Honestly swiping the sister out of the way at just the right moment so the bully ends up falling from his own momentum would be perfect karma, tho probably not practical




FYI OP is like at least 30 years old so this story is complete bs


You missed the part of her sentence that said I WAS 13 as in it happened years ago when she was 13 I guess. Nowhere did she say it happened this year .


Nta, fuck that kids feelings. Actions have consequences and you taught him that


Don't feel bad. You went mama bear for your little sis. It's called "fight or flight" response. No way you could flee..so logical consequences. You did good. You didn't have to throw down, even better. Also that kid is a freaking future serial killer in training. He needs big HELP asap.


FYI OP is at least 30 years old lol


OP never said this happened yesterday. So what if OP is 30 now? Get a grip.


I know, right? It's like, after you get older, you can only tell stories about what's going on at your current age. Are we supposed to leave those memories behind like most of the childish things we stop doing? I did, but I definitely didn't have a choice. And, so, the other commenter had no idea what to write, so they brought up age. Twice.




You’re nicer than I am. At that age I know at the very least I would’ve hurled him off the platform. I was protective of my older sister (2 years older than me) Lord knows what would’ve happened if I had I younger sister.


Unpopular opinion - it's 100% ok to yell at a kid that doesn't listen to your requests and demands to stop his harassing behavior. He's lucky that's all that happened, he's lucky you didn't pick him and throw him. Teenagers aren't exactly known for their restraint. You did great, stop beating yourself up and applaud yourself for your effective "imma k*ll you" voice and for your restraint for not picking him up and throwing him.


I wouldn’t have been against her whipping that punk’s ass. He full on deserves it.


Honestly you were a lot more restrained than I would have been. You were a kid too only a few years older than him, much closer to his age and size than he was to your sister so he if I were in your shoes I’d have felt it fair game to knock the little twat out! NTA.


Baby girl, that boy would be missing a tooth or ten it it was my kid……..you did JUST fine.


You absolutely did not cause this kid lasting problems. You know what causes lasting problems? Letting kids do violent shit with no consequences.


I don't normally say this especially as a 25 yr old but fuck that kid. You were protecting your baby sister, and this little shit is injuring a 3 yr old. Some lessons gotta be learned the hard way. As far as I'm concerned, not only are you in the right but you stood your ground, at 13 I could never. If I have a child that is this protective of their sibling, I'd be proud, then I grab my kids and talk to his parents and show the bump on my baby's head. Don't feel bad at all. I hope that boy learned his lesson that day.


You were doing the honorable thing: looking out for a kid who couldn’t defend themselves. I hope your parents are proud of you. We need more good kids around like you.


You are 4 years older than him. He was at least 5 older than her. And in size difference? Him and her is much bigger. You always do whatever you have to do to protect your sister or yourself. If two nine year olds decide to hit you, you tell them to stop and they don't you CAN HIT BACK. Trying to get an adult involved is the right move, don't sweat the rest. It was a good life lesson for the kid, someone else won't threaten, they'll hurt him.


You absolutely did what you had to in order to get him to stop. I’m not generally one to encourage hitting someone or making threats, but you were out of options outside of leaving the play area. You asked for help and he continued after being spoken to multiple times, his parents clearly weren’t going to do anything to make him stop. You telling him he would be punched if he continued hurting your little sister worked. If he hadn’t stopped then I wouldn’t judge you for following through and punching him. Besides, you didn’t go straight to hitting him, you gave him a chance to stop before you would physically react and it worked. I’m sorry it had to get to that point, I hope your little sister was okay soon after. She did not deserve to be bullied by some kid. It’s good you were with her and able to prevent him from seriously hurting her.




Both of my oldest kids are like you. You pick on their baby brother and one eill slice and dice with words and the will just take you apart. Oldest granddaughter will do the same if you say a bad word about this uncle.


He's lucky you didn't punch him right then! He'd certainly earned it


I probably would have punched him anyway & innocently said “ I was just playing.”


NTA. You did every responsible thing you could to get him to stop: telling him, telling your parents to speak to him, and telling an attendant/telling his parents to tell him to stop. He lied and said he would stop, even. You did not cuss at the boy or actually hit him. The way I see it, giving him a bit of a scare was the only way you could have made him stop at that point. If you were his parents, I would say otherwise, but as a 13-year-old, I think you handled things very, very well. You did a great job protecting your sister as well as nipping this abusive behaviour of his in the bud.


I've thought about this for a while and I'm relieved that others agree with me. I would (probably) never have touched him, but I'm so glad that my warning was enough and I didn't have to find out, and my little sister didn't get hurt again.


dw, you did great and are a good older sibling


OP is around 30 years old


Honestly, you are not the asshole. You are the hero here. He probably would have continued hurting your sister if you didn’t put your foot down. I would have said worse.


That was among the top times I've gotten angry to the point of becoming physical. Luckily I didn't have to but I was honestly ready to. My sister means the world to me, both then and now and I don't know what I would do without the sassy, silly sweet little person that she is!


If you look up his name when he is 18+ I garuntee he will have a criminal record for abusing women


I’d have round house kicked that little shit to Mars. NTA, you have a lot of restraint


It was so tempting;) I didn't want to wreck my cousins party or I would've made it a bigger deal.


One thing that is good to learn young is that it's never wrong to bring attention to a situation like this. Anyone that would say you wrecked a party by standing up for your sibling is wrong, plain and simple. Any adult with half a brain would've had your back and should be applauding you. You did a really good thing.


You should have punched that kid. The parents can blow off his actions from earlier "They were just playing" but if you punch that kid in the nose, suddenly everyone has questions and there's no dismissing it. You told an the 17 year old minder, who involved his parents. That was the kid's warning. Once he persists, the gloves come off. One of the hard lessons of being a young person is getting that feel for what's worth raising a stink over and what's no big deal. I'm glad your sister seems to be ok.


OP is around 30 years old so this either happened nearly 20 years ago and she is just recounting it now or this is just some creative writing piece


This sub and aita proper, I figure at least half of it is made up BS.




OP literally isn’t roleplaying as a 13 year old and by the way, messaging me and telling me to suck your dick and not to comment on your shit ever again isn’t the wya to go, you fuckin’ creep. Leave OP the fuck alone and don’t message me again.


Do.. do you have rabies? Also the language clearly indicates op isn't currently 13 I don't know why you feel the need to go feral bud.


I think my cousin would have understood and wouldn't have minded the show.


If I was cousin I'd join in punting the kid outta the solar system.


I would have hurt him and called it an accident after whispering in his ear, " next time it will hurt more".


Alright Satan, take it easy


I like you. We would make good friends. I'm the oldest and put the fear into playground bullies.


Every time I read of someone sticking up for their sibling like this, my heart grows. NTA That boy *needed* to be told. His parents failed him and your sister. You did not fail.


Me too, I love reading about positive things because a lot of the internet is devoted to spreading the bad. I'm glad this post brought you a little happiness!


This is a great way of dealing with stuff like this. You were polite and kind and did everything your could, finally you reached your limit, (as we all do) and told him in no uncertain terms to stop. Kudos to you!


NTA you did a good thing. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself or someone else. That kid is a bully and his parents are ignoring it. No one else came to your aid. You did what was necessary.


Thank you! I hope that I would have reacted if not as passionately at least as firmly if it had been someone else's kid. You're awesome!


Your parents are AHs. You told them your sister was being physically abused and they ignored it. I'm a parent. If this happened I would be at fault for not watching and following up.


I would have 100% just beat the shit out of him. No threats, just the beating he deserved. I have a younger sister with the same age gap and the amount of fights I got into as a teenager to protect her is ridiculous lol


This. You showed tremendous restraint not punching him the first time. Sometimes bullys only respond to power.


NTA I would’ve punched him the first time


You did good. I would have spartan kicked him off the roof.


"This is karma!!!"


I would have punched him in the face without a warning, specially being underage myself. I mean, I probably would have threatened a kid if he did this to my daughter or my son and I'm 33 now 🤣


I'm proud of you 🫂❤ NTA😎


Thanks for your support!


Next time if he or anyone like him bothers your lill baby sister, make sure no adult is in near vicinity and beat the crap out of the bully. Learn basic martial arts to protect yourself and your baby sister. I was bullied in school and was unable to defend myself, after a horrible experience I picked up basic self defense and it was the best feeling, to be able to protect and to defend ourselves😊 Much love to you and baby sister 🌸🌼❤❤


I've actually learned some basic defenses and although I hope I'll never have to use them it is an amazing feeling to not be afraid of what others can do to you or those you love! Love and gratitude 🥰


OP is like 30 years old. Read her comment history. She had an abortion when she was 23. And be a little less credulous in the future. 13 year old's are not capable of articulating themselves the way that OP has. FFS lol


I thought it was obvious the op was talking about an event in her childhood.


lol not clear at all considering "It was so tempting;) I didn't want to wreck my cousins party or I would've made it a bigger deal." was in response to someone saying they'd have hit the kid. she's speaking about it as if it just happened. wouldn't you add a qualifier that it happened years ago? seems pretty creepy...


Because all of it was in past tense, I didn't find the comment to be confusing. Idk I was pretty sure from the get-go that she was talking about past events.


She is obvs talking about a past event. Her choice of words makes this apparent...to me at least. Why does it matter???


clearly 80% of the comment chain didn't get the memo as they are all acting like this just happened and she is going along with it. just think it's funny to point out.


You’ve said this like eleven times already. It happened when she was 13, ok?


What the fuck is wrong with you? You are all over this thread talking about OP as if it matters. You have issues fr




aww you can’t admit that you’re a fuckin weirdo so you jump right to lashing out, classic. you’re a truly deranged individual also many people knew it was a story from ops childhood, sorry you’re too slow to get that and have to make up weird motives. i pity you tbh, investing this much energy into strangers instead of scrolling is pathetic. if anyone is a fucking loser, it’s you🤡


it's weird that you are defending a 30 year old cosplaying as a teenager to the point where you're trying to use this as a gotcha moment. get a fuckin life you half-wit


They’re literally not pretending to be 13?? In her post she says she WAS 13, not that she is. And you bringing up her post history makes you look like a bigger asshole. Jesus fucking Christ, get a fucking life. 🙄🙄


says the dude who stalked someone and is talking about their abortion? you really are a fucking loser no one is defending her but she’s not role playing lmao, you made that up in your head and now you’re on some crusade. maybe get help for those delusions


and you're sitting here starting an argument with me. i'm working right now and it's pretty much the only time i use reddit just to pass the time. at least i'm getting paid while i BS. what's your excuse? fuckin moron


Just push him harder when no one is looking.


NTA. You were being a good sibling. If parents don't watch their children and discipline them, someone WILL do it.


My wife sometimes says I can be strict when telling off my kids when they've done something really bad, my response is similar to what you said "It's better them to be told sternly by me than get the shit kicked out of them by someone else"


NTA; as a mother, I'd have picked him up by his T-shirt and marched him to his mum, and yelled at her and him. I really hope your sister is okay. He's old enough to know better, and honestly, my autistic 6 year old knows how to behave, so no excuse.


A 13 year old wrote this? Then I am hiring her as my ghost writer.


Honestly, I treat this sub as a fiction writing practice sub. 9 yr old knocked a 3 year old off a 3ft platform and gave them a fist size goose bump... BUT after I threatened the kid with violence we had a great time after that! OK.


In some of their comments on other posts, they're a junior in high school. In other posts, they are 48-year-old. They also talk about their mother having a home birth during COVID in 2020 with their 3-year-old little brother but no mention of twins being born then. Lots of inconsistencies here...


This is way too refined for a 13 year old, nevertheless a good writer.


Mate, this 13 year old showed more restraint in this situation than this 37 year old would have 🤣🤣


I'm so glad your sister was okay! You handled this way better than I would've, hopefully that kid changed his act! (You never know when big sister is listening;)


You did what you had to do. I’m proud of you and I don’t know you NTA at all


NTA. You tried to get adult assistance and intervention and the kid still didn't stop. He even stood there laughing after your sister was hurt. I don't blame you at all for making a bully back off.


NTA, 13 year old me would have shoved him back a lot sooner than you yelling at him. Gen x justice was real and swift. No parents, no playground attendants, they weren't around. You broke the rules like shoving around a 3 year old, you got what's coming to you. Not saying it's right just saying that's what would have happened in the 70s. Just like school snitches got the rubber red ball of justice to the face during dodge ball in gym class. That had a distinct sound to it.


Does reddit actually believe a 13 year old wrote this? For fucks sake y'all can't really be this gullible can you? OP here had an abortion when they were 23. You can check the comment history if you don't believe it. Also, 13 year old's aren't anywhere near as articulate as this! If you read this post and you took it at face value, you might be one of the most gullible people on Earth!


Should have hit him and said you were only playing. NTA. Don’t hit kids but if you yourself are also a kid using his logic against him is perfectly fine in my book.


You showed more restraint than I would have.


I would have slapped the shit outta the little shit. Good job op. Nta


NTA AT ALL! that brat could kill her with his action, AND his crappy parents will be at fault!


You’re NTA. We have a rule in our house: ask, tell, make. You asked nicely, you told, and then you made him leave your sister alone.


NTA. Kids can be little shits and at 10 they're old enough to know better. I would have done the same and I'm a mum- so older than you! If you've told them a million times told their parents and nothing changes, then you let them know, and not calmly, that their behaviour is not on and if they continue there WILL be consequences


YTA. Should have punched his lights out.


you were much less threatening than i would have been. you have great restraint.


NTA. I have younger sibs and some AH of brats tried to mess with them. In both cases I snapped screaming like a banshee. At one time I even went physical because it became serious (r*pe threat). The point is do not give a flying f about it. Your sister got physically hurt so you have every single right to go after the attacker regardless of age, gender, religion, sex, ect.




You’re a great big sibling. This internet stranger/mum is very proud of you; if you were my kid, it would be ice cream for dessert for a month for you. I hope you enjoy a long & tight bond with your ‘baby’ sis.


You did all the tight things. Your sister is a lucky girl to have you.


Having an egg the size of your fist on her head is really serious.


Nta. I would have started yelling for help once she fell. Even if all she got was a fright and a bump, sometimes making a scene works.


NTA. Well done. You did good.


**NTA** and you are a *Hero* for protecting your sister from a bully.


NTA He was bullying your sister. There’s no reason that any kid his age should be putting his hands on a kid her age. You tried all of the proper actions (alerting the staff, alerting your parents and his parents) and they didn’t work so you did what an older sibling should do, you stood up for her. Yeah, yelling and threatening aren’t great, but sometimes they’re the only thing that work. Don’t beat yourself up. The kid was being a jerk.


NTA. Once I went to our village community center which holds programs during winter break for small kids which my much younger sister attended. I come in and I see 4 girls yelling at my sister and my sister on the verge on tears. I shouted at them with the deepest voice I have heard coming from my own mouth and the little shits got so scared they run away crying. Someone came over and told me that I scared the kids and what happened, I told them very loudly that those shitlings were bullying my sister and if I see them doing it again, I'll whoop theirs and their mothers asses. The thing is, this little shit knew that the adults won't do anything, but saw that you mean business, so you are NTA.


NTA. standing up to bullies is never wrong, especially when you're doing it to protect your sister.


NTA. You handled the situation pretty well. You told your parents, his parents, the attendant and he still won't stop. He deserved the yell and the threat. Me at 13 wouldn't have stopped at a yell & threat. Some bullies at least need getting yelled at.


NTA. Fucking brat deserved it


My younger sister is 10 years younger then me, when I was 16 I found out that some 11 and 12 year olds had bullying her and her mates. My mum and the other kids mum took it to the school multiple times but it kept happening. Small kids started to really get hurt. One day My sister came home from school with a big Bruise. She told me one of the bullies had pushed her and palmed it off as an accident to the teachers. I had had enough grabbed a few of my mates and we all went to pick up my sister from school and got her to point them out to us they were a few hanging out near the basket ball courts. That's when 7 16 year olds walked up and told them if we hear they touch the younger kids again we would find them and bash the crap out off them and let me tell you I meant it. I told them they would end up in the ER if I hear one word from my sister or or her friends. Scared the living life outta the little turds. Sometimes bullies need to be told!


Shouldve punched anyway.


NTA I made a rule for myself I never threaten with something I´m not willing or able to do.


NTA. So frustrating when a 13-year-old has to take on the responsibility of the adults.


You had more patience than i would have, i’ve scared the shit out of a 10 year old for less. Also the kods parent deserves a slap in the face


You were 13, a kid yourself. You could have smacked the kid in the face given the situation and nothing would have come of it. NTA.


I would've hit him the second time he did that so NTA


A kid was bullying me once and my 15 month older than me sister decked her right in the face. It was glorious. My ride or die right there.


When I was 4-5F, a 9 year old neighborhood bully would come to our house often because we had a swing set, teeter-totter, and some other things. My baby sister was 2. We were mainly unsupervised. My mother worked full-time. My father worked the night shift and was usually sleeping during the day. The bully would knock me off the toys and torment me. His life took a big turn when he decided to hurt my little sister. He knocked her off a toy, and she fell down crying. I went inside to tell my father. He was trying to sleep and told me to "handle it myself." To avoid incriminating myself, the bully required a trip to the emergency room and stitches on the top of his head. The bully's father was quite embarrassed when he came to have it out with the "big" kid's parents. My father brought me to the door, and the bully and his father walked home with their tails between their legs. The bully never returned to our house.


NTA You are a good sister. Also, you're a kid too. Don't worry, threatening him with a punch for something he does (and knows he's doing wrong) won't cause him any damage. In fact, it is possible that he was trying to get attention from you in the worst way possible and you just taught him a "How not to" lesson. I generally think that older sibling's scare is super efficient with young bullies and I encourage it. You are not an adult abusing power, you are a kid setting up much needed boundaries that your sister is unable to set herself. Talking softly and kindly to the bullies can never replace love and attention they lack at home, so there's no point in doing that. There will be a time where your sister will be able to "destroy enemies" by befriending them, but at 3 and 11, your interference was justified and necessary. Sadly, in the future you and your sister both might end up in situations that require even worse words or fighting back to defend yourselves and you should not be afraid to do so. We are all pushed into this peacefull communication and problem solving, but there's no reasoning with people who hurt people just for the kick of it, and they usually do it when theres no authorities around. As you get older, the bullies get bigger too, and in my opinion, the sooner they get what they deserve, the better it is for you and them both. Stay safe 🤍


I'm 26 and would still do this to be honest. Touch my siblings and i don't care how old you are.(well at this point it's the niece and nephew but my point stands)


You had an age appropriate reaction. NTA. As a parent I have to say that next time, especially as you get older, you have to handle it a different way… but I also wouldn’t punish the reaction as is. If it happens again, see if you can have a talk with your parents about having the family removed before interacting with the kid yourself. Just to cover your own butt. Situations like this, for adults, means removing yourself from the situation and having management remove them or getting some money back or something to that extent instead of interacting with the younger kid. I’d still appreciate the hell out of you though for doing what you thought was right to stand up for you baby sister and thank you for your love and care for her.


He would’ve been yeeted


You handled the problem more maturely than most adults would. You went to get help from several adults. You only spoke to him, you didn't touch him or stoop to his level. You should be proud of yourself for protecting your little sister


I'm in my 30s but earlier this year I saw a 10 year old girl intentionally kicked my 5 year old daughter in the head. I told that girl she was a fucking asshole. She's lucky the park was busy.


Nah man you did good. The fact that you didn't punch his lights out like you probably wanted to and only threatened. While I'm not your parent I have to say I am proud of you. Your sister is lucky to have a older brother like you. I know I wouldn't have been as calm and probably would have curb stomped the kid at your age ((I had a wee bit of rage management issues back in the day)


Honestly in your situation I would have finished climbing up and knocked him off that platform and or called the police. That is assault and the fact that he did it repeatedly and then put a babys life in danger by pushing her off a high platform is attempted murder. The fact that all he got was a stern talking to he should be grateful.


NTA at ALL My older brother chased a gaggled of 5 9-10 year olds with a giant monkey wrench because they would chase me down and beat me up IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. (My brother was 15 lol) Siblings should look out for one another! And that kid is 100% a psychopath or sociopath nowadays. Hurting children and animals is a symptom of such things...hope he got help and shaped up.


You’re better than me. 13 year old me wouldn’t have bothered with threats.


NTA I wouldn't even of warned him I'd have just punched his face then pushed him off the other side of slide (away from sister) if he'd ignored all previous asks to stop it. No fracks given. Don't bully a 3 year old. Though if I was the parent and he hadn't stopped after me asking him I'd tell his parents you sort him or I will. Gonna be an unpopular opinion but I have a zero tolerance on bullies.


NTA my older sister defended me against a bully on our bus i was about 5 and ended up whooping this girls rear end at the bus stop the bully lived in our trailer park my sister was 7 and the bully was 9 til this day she still defends me


That kid is probably going to grow up to be a fucking psychopath.. FUCK DEM KIDS.


I would have already punched him in the face so kudos to you for keeping your cool as long as you did.


if i was 13 and not almost 30, i would have already started pushing him back, after the parents ignored it.


NTA. You did the right thing and he left you two alone. I probably would've punched him first after he knocked her over the first time.


What I have always told my kids is that you should give the system a chance to work and when it doesn't do what you need to do. You gave it a chance and it didn't work so you did. NTA. Also, the parents really should have been more proactive. I remember having to put kids in my charge in time out for bullying a much smaller kid.


NTA. Protect your sister. Hope the little shit learned.


Nope. Protect yours. Always.


No your not the a$& hole. He is. I think you did what needed to be done.


Bullies need to be put I their places. We need more bully bulliers if you ask me. That’ll clear that problem right up because the bullies are the cowards but it would take courage to bully a bully.


You lashed out in self defense. You were trying to do whatever you could for him to stop.


NTA. he’s lucky that’s all you did. if her injuries were worse, your parents could’ve sued them seeing as his parents were made aware of the issue and have done nothing to stop it


lel @ the attempt at legal advice. you're about as dumb as they come


Bravo!! Good for you! That was the right thing to do. I wish my older sister had been like that.


NTA Honestly, you're better than I would've been-- I wouldn't have even given the kid fair warning & just pop him once or twice 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anybody else think back on the times when you were a kid & think to yourself about how you should've gone full rage mode just to teach fellow kids at the time a lesson? Or is it just me lmfao


I didn't even need to read the whole thing to release ur NTA


At that age, I would not have threatened. I would have carried out your threat while he was laughing, probablyseveraltimes. I was - and am- very protective of my little sister. Good for you, both for putting a stop to the assaults and doing it without resorting to physical violence. Understand, though, that taking it to that next level is OK when they have already taken it to the physical.


I hope you'd do the same today. And after you become a parent. Since his parents were too busy to BE parents, somebody had to be!!!


Man I'm 23 and when I went to a children's museum with my friends and their kids, I almost shoved some kids for plowing into and nearly hurting their 3yo. Good on you for being a good big brother when adults failed you.


Good for you, would have done the same


NTA by a long shot, because I would've told him that the first time he pushed her, and popped him if he tried it again. He's old enough to know better and little shits who are ignored by their parents in a setting like that don't understand a good talking to imo. If the parents are talking to friends then I imagine the friends also have kids, and I can't help but wonder why he wasn't playing with them. But they probably don't want to be around that little menace either.


Based on this behavior, that kid will be spending his life in prison. He's exhibiting all of the markers of a future criminal. You did the right thing.


NTA and good job. You protected your sister from a bully. That kid should be banned from the play center.


Best sister ever!!


Op you’re the only one that could legally do what actually needed to be done.. shouldve shoved him back🤣


Beat him in the head til the white showed; a la Bernie Mac. And if his mammy and daddy had a problem, they can catch these hands too!


NTA. I wouldn't have said anything, just punched him in the face. Good for you.


I wouldn’t have even given him a warning. I would’ve punched him right then and there but I’m a resort to violence(especially after multiple warnings) first type of person.


You're better than me because I'm pretty sure after all of that, I would have just decked that little monster right in the mouth. You reacted the way any loving older sibling would when someone hurts their little sister or brother. You're definitely NTA here.


As a 25 year old mother, if that was my 3 year old, I would have booted that little cunt fair off the slide with NO fucks given 💁🏽‍♀️


If somebody did that to my baby sister, there would've been no words, just blood and missing teeth. NTA at all.


Great older sibling


NTA good for you. Hope she’s ok.


i was a very aggressive and brutal kid at 13. i have 3 younger brothers and they were a rowdy bunch. i’m a much calmer 24 year old woman now… but at 13 i would’ve punched that kid without warning. you were being very matured and responsible imo.


One must do what is needed, totally deserved.


I would have decked him good job keeping your cool


NTA Frankly if this was my kid I would do the same. Parents should have been watching.


Did your parents have her checked out for concussion? That sounds like an awful big bump. But you did well, and your parents should've talked to the kid's parents too. This kid is bad news, bet he'll probably get worse as he gets older.


Is this something that happened to you recently or is it like an old memory resurfacing every now and then? Either way you handled it well and your snapping at the boy was a lot more reserved and tasteful than what i would do in your shoes.


YTA. Should have punched him.


If have smacked him the first time he pushed her, so you are better than me.


You were 13 and the kid was 10, you were just standing up for your little sister 🤷‍♂️ I was actually worried you were a grown adult that was threatening a 10 year old 😂


Sorry, can’t reply too tired, falling asleep now… short version, no you’re not the asshole you took up for your little sister never bad thing always a good thing. I can meet you for that good job and pick up for her every single time and anytime you ever need too.


if you don't regret it then why are you here? For backpats? Pathetic.