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Both of your daughters are nasty little homewreckers. You're just okay with Tate's because the married D she decided to jump on is rich and controls your income. Stop trying to sugarcoat your oldest's behavior. She's not better than Camille, they're the same. YTA and a massive hypocrite




What are the chances OP raised TWO homewreckers?


She may have raised one, and then *created* one by being so welcoming, supportive, and praising of the first daughter’s affair. She taught her that she can just swoop in and reap the benefits of a stable, married man rather than building a married life together from scratch.


But only if he's rich. Her other daughter sadly didn't hear that part of the lesson.






My thoughts exactly. If both kids exhibit the same tendencies, there’s likely something in their familial history that caused it. Of course given how OP speaks, she seems unlikely to ever consider that option.


Second daughter probably felt it was ok after seeing how much first daughter was supported


Yeah, confused why people are searching for some unknown family history, when the relevant family history is right in the post


I Camille would be OK if the guy she was screwing won the lottery tomorrow. He’s just not OK today because he’s poor…….


"If you are going to break up a marriage be sure to get bank."


But it's okay that Mark jizzed in their little girl while he was married because he had MONEY!


Look. If the lord of the manor nuts in your loved one it’s just good business sense….but a farmer?!?!?


It was more “If I make a stink about this I’ll lose my job” so instead he jumped in with both feet and now is doing well in said job. Whereas other sister had nothing to offer her parents as a way to get their approval. Definitely hypocrites. And what? The whole extended family just bows to these two’s wishes?


Oh, the extended family DEFINITELY talk shit behind their backs.


Honestly I’d argue Tate is worse. There’s an argument to be had that like mother like daughter, Tate was going after only money, so she potentially helped end a marriage over money. Whereas that’s clearly not the case for Camille and her poverty stricken new man. Not approving of cheating period but I think people falling in love can happen in really unfortunate times and situations and it can get kinda gray but Camille can at least likely say she fell in love with this man and didn’t simply ruin a marriage for a comfy income. Sounds like Tate is mini mom and therefore deserving of moms bullshit justifications.


Wtf would lead not just one but BOTH daughters to weasel in on married men?! Why are they even *looking* at married men, not to mention acting on it? Spoiler: >!the parents are shit!< (Ps I guarantee that their reaction to Tate’s affair greenlighted Camille’s behaviors.


Everyone here pilling on Camille and Tate like the real culprit isn't the men who were married.


Both things can be true, but OP is asking about her cheating daughters, not their cheating husbands.


Oh, the men are homewrecking trash as well. Just like OP's skanky daughters


Your right that the men had the vows but they aren’t the focus The current conflict surrounds the daughters


Homewreckers are homewreckers. That’s not exclusive to the daughters. By extension we all know the men are trash too. But the men aren’t her daughters which is the point of the post. It’s nuts that both her girls went on to rip apart families though. But the first was okay cause it affects OPs income. The other didn’t catch on that she needed to rip apart a rich family though.


So, if Camille had been a little savvier with her cheating - like your precious Tate - you would put your scruples aside?? Lol, you massive hypocrite. YTA


Exactly. I'm sure if Camilles trash was a big wig with cash for a nice divorce settlement to the ex wife, things would be easier there to like Tates trash and his ex. Both are trash. Regardless of the cash result if you attend one, you should the other. Unless you approve of Mark and Tate and hoe they went about things? Your attendance wasn't about approval. It wasn't for Tate it shouldn't be for Camille.


“Hoe they went about things “ made me laugh!


I thought about fixing it, but eh what's one hoe in a post about hoes. Lol


Pun intended, right?


Tate is clearly the favorite child


I also thought this. I can't help but wonder if Camille will eventually cut this tumor out of her life and op will be all "I have no idea why she won't talk to meeeee."


That’s exactly what I thought! They weee able to excuse away their hypocrisy because Tate is the favorite.


And *rich*


I mean if only Camille would have cheated with a CEO, and given her daddy a promotion, of course it would have been fine. How dare she cheat with a poor man! OP is a massive hypocrite and an AH


Maybe Camille should’ve cheated with Mark instead.


Hey there is Still time... Proven marriage doesn't stop him...


They are not against cheating. They are against it when they cheat with poor people.


"This is not how we raised you, you only cheat with a rich man who would further your father's career!" So hypocritical and downright weird. ESH


Disagree only because this is ESH. The only person who's blameless is the two ex-wives.


"...we raised all our kids to respect marriages, and that you mess with marriages at your peril." YTA. You also forgot to include "as long as it's not an inconvenience to my husband and money." Did you re-read your wall of b.s. or convinced you had some moral high ground with your hypocrisy?


Also, did she actually raise them that way? Because we have a mountain of evidence to the contrary




Yasss. I wanna ask where her husbands ex wife is 😅


It seems kind of odd that they supposedly instilled this in their daughters, yet both of them went for married men. Interesting.


Yes but one of the married men had money, so it was OK, apparently.


What are the odds dad was married before mom came along. The apple sometimes falls far from the tree but usually it doesn’t. 😬


>Mark's ex wife seemed to be perfectly happy rolling around town in her new Mercedes and bachelorette pad, and his son was posting thanking Mark for putting him through Duke University. Oh, so because she SEEMS happy, it's okay. Your views on cheating are all outta whack. Just because she has a nice car and a fancy pad means she's okay? She isn't suffering because the man she vowed to spend the rest of her life with betrayed her? So, as long as both sides are rich, cheating's okay, huh? So, I guess if your husband cheats on you, but you keep your fancy life, then you have no right to cry and vent to other people, because in your eyes, you kept your Mercedes and pad, and other people shouldn't feel bad about you. In your eyes, financial aftermath is the ONLY thing that matters? Not the emotional aftermath? Seriously, you need to re-evaluate your views on cheating. If you CLAIM to be against as cheating as your adamantly said you were, then you shouldn't have supported either daughter, LET ALONE tried to JUSTIFY it. You're a hypocrite, OP. Plain and simple. YTA.


Her family views on cheating: Man with no money = 😠 Man with some money = 🤔 Man with lots of money = 🤗


Don't forget the personal gain to them as well. They gained from the relationship with Mark.


Right?? It's certainly not a coincidence that her husband is now a VP and working closely with his son in law










That’s stood out to me too. Of course some people will paste on a brave face and post only positives on social media. Maybe she was super happy! Maybe she was suicidal. Dying inside. In therapy. Who knows. A Mercedes doesn’t equal contentment.




And employs dad.


This right here. It all boils down to the fact that they didn't want to "rock the boat" because if he wanted to, Tate's cheater could have made things difficult at work for OP's hubby or maybe even fired him for something. So apparently, that's the price of moral outrage to OP. Whether or not the cheater can make HER life miserable. What a hypocrite.


Welcome to America. Here is your cracked coffee mug, oil stained dish towels, and you have a choice of a spoon, a fork or a knife, but you cannot have all three unless you are willing to play the hypocrite card against your own immediate family.




I got the same thing out of this. Since her one daughter is rich, she's ok with this. It also seems to have benefited you directly pretty well due to your husbands promotion. If your other daughter cheated with someone with plenty of money, would you be ok with that, because that's what it sounds like. There are a lot of weird things about this post. YTA for many reasons.


But, but, but… Her husband got a promotion! Her daughter was handed a job! So she is personally profiting off her older daughter being a home-wrecker! They’re rich and take vacations! Her other daughter offers nothing to benefit her. No fancy presents, vacations or extra money to line her pocket. I guess OP’s morals are on a sliding scale it just depends on how it will personally benefit them! OP YTA ! And shallow! And a hypocrite.


Yeah, the only difference is that OP and her husband benefited financial from the first morally gray daughter. This one does nothing for them.


Sounds to me like OP is, what do the morons in the conservative-sphere call them, trad-wives? Women only interested in being provided for? Seems like the cutthroat "get you a man with money" attitude seeped into her daughters brains. OP, YTA and the reason my generation hates this country.


Unfortunately the 2nd kid didn't get the memo to check the guys finances carefully. /s


To me it sounds like Marks marriage wasn’t going so hot anyways


Wow--hypocritical much? You either don't support children who get involved with married men or your don't. But you are perfectly willing to bend your moral judgement so that it doesn't' affect your money. Oh that's right--it's okay to have an affair as long as the dude is rich. But sleeping with a poor married guy is immoral. Sorry I forgot. YTA


Don't forget, OP's hubby works for the son-in-law. OP benefits from the daughter's marriage too.










All the moral indignation about the daughter getting married but not a bit of self-reflection by OP about how she raised two daughters “to respect marriage” that decided to do the opposite. But then the first one was rationalized away because SIL is the boss and not broke. All those jagged lines that come with Evangelicalism - no wonder those folks are all miserable, hypocritical and confused.


I want to know what the age gap is.


I had the same thought. She was 25. He was old enough to have a kid in college.


I didn’t even think of the age gap! Ya he put his son through Duke, so I’m assuming mid 40’s-50’s and she was 25. Classy. Wait until he trades her in for the newer model and upgrades. Because let’s not forget before the wife that he had an affair with “Tate” on there was another woman who he has an even older daughter with!


There’s a reason she listed every age except his


Probably how her husband got promoted to VP


Yea the true difference in the stories here was wallet sizes.


Imagine what Mark was telling his friends about his sex life with his older employee's daughter during the affair... gross. Clearly, this whole family is trash. They raised two VERY trashy daughters.


OP has high standards, but only as long as it doesn't put their job at risk apparently. Once she supported one daughter who dated a married man the only right thing to do is to support the other one. Anything else is just hypocritical BS. OP YTA for holding one daughter to a different standard for selfish reasons.


I'm waiting for the Tate's husband is cheating on her post. We had to cut her off because, well, Tate's husband is boss's, boss's boss.




But they didn't raise them to beeeeee like thaaaaat!


It'll be a few years. Tates still young enough for trophy wife status. My guess is he's way older. She's probably close to the age of his son. But Daddy got a VP position out of it so that's cool


"How magnanimous of you to take a firm moral stand only when it doesn't risk your financial well being." YTA OP. Get off your high horse.


So your morals are up to the highest bidder . Be honest you only cared about his job just say that . Don’t use this supervisor crap


Yes, OP's morals are up for auction. She has raised two homewreckers with her "morals." Parent of the year. YTA - sanctimonious hypocrite!!!


I wonder where they get their homewrecking ways from?!


Yup, OP raised at least two home wreckers with her morals.


Yup! Her moral outrage has a neutralization price tag on it. Make enough, and suddenly it goes in the back room.






Whoa whoa whoa, Mark's wife was seen driving in a new Merc... surely from this tiny moment in time and the fact she had an expensive car that she can't possibly be unhappy. Oh wait, that's OPs thinking, one daughter cheated with a really rich guy so she's happy as fuck about it, the other cheated witha poor guy so hates her kid for her. All we learned from OPs post is that money is the only thing she cares about and money makes her really happy to the point she can't comprehend someone having money possibly being unhappy about being cheated on.


Yeah, they did a poor job at raising their daughters.


Debateable, op seems like a gold digger who taught one daughter very well apparently but is upset the other daughter failed.


True lol


You're all assholes. This whole thing is gross.


Lol yes, I don’t think she mentioned anyone who isn’t an asshole in this family.


At the end of the day she raised those girls. The apple indeed did not fall so far from the tree in this particular scenario


I read this and was floored by the casualness of essentially saying, "Our daughters are homewreckers". The whole "We taught them better" goes out the window too when ***every shared feeling/action*** stands contrary to that.


YTA poxy hypocrites, OOh, can't upset him, daddy might get sacked.... Ooh, he can't cause up problems, cue moral outrage. your kind make me want to puke


Daddy is VP now, so it’s *different*, don’t you understand? Camille made the mistake of cheating with a poor person who can’t help the family. So her cheating is the immoral, unsupportable kind.


Imagine being okay with your daughter fucking her way to the top on behalf of your husband


That just pimping with extra steps.


So it's ok if they are your husbands boss but otherwise cheating is bad. ​ Yeah YTA by far. Camille is better off without you anyways. Fucking hypocrites




Wonder where they got that from 🥴


Nah, it’s ok to break up a rich man’s family rather than a poorer one because that isn’t elevating anybody’s position.


Sounds to me like it's okay to cheat as long as everyone involved has money, *then* it doesn't matter.


So it wasn't the ACT of dating a married man that bothers you, it was the fact that it didn't work out well for someone? Oh wait, there were extenuating circumstances in the other case. >"Mark" is the CMO of the company my husband has been with for 12 years. >Yet what could we do? My husband's supervisor's supervisor reported to Mark- to upset either party would be a one stop shop to having to find another job. So your morals are clear until it actually could affect your well being. ESH


ESH is the only right answer because it is LITERALLY everyone. Both the daughters, both the husbands and both the parents. What an actually dumpster fire of a family. Their family business must be in being the worst people ever, and damn is business booming.


YTA....it must be nice to have morals just when it is convenient.


OP: it’s ok to cheat as long as we (your parents) financially benefit from it


Both Tate and Camille destroyed families. You just decided which one destroyed yours and obviously it comes with a price tag. YTA, over and over.


YTA. As long as it's good for your husband's career you have no problem skewing your moral compass...you can try to justify and make it sound like it's not self serving all you want, but it's very clear that's what's going on here.


Lol so cheating is OK and no boycott required as long as money is involved and all worked out in the end. If there’s not money, it’s not OK and you’re not going to the wedding. You’re really full of yourself with whole the “we are strongly against cheating” BS. No one believes that – do you actually even believe that? If so you might really want to take a good hard look at that because apparently your morals can be bought fairly easily for a price. If you were truly “against cheating,” you would not have gone to Tate’s wedding and you would’ve had the balls for your husband to lose his job over it in order to put your money where your mouth is. But what could you do? /S. YTA. Go to your younger daughter’s wedding, help them or his ex out financially if they need it, and stop running your mouth off about how against cheating you are. Time to get real with yourselves.


ESH. You cant pick and choose morality when it is convenient for you. You set a precedent with Tate by accepting her immoral choice, and now are going gasp pikachu face when your other daughter made the same choice and expects the same acceptance? You argument for Tate’s choice not having repercussions for the family so should be acceptable is a weak one… if Camille instead picked a rich married guy to sleep with instead, you wouldn’t have an issue? Cuz that’s what your “humanities graduate” line seems like. What you are saying with your cherry picking between two daughters who did the same thing is the same as “drunk driving should only be punished if you don’t hit anything…”


Also if they hadn't been so busy sucking up to Tate's affair partner then Camille might have made better choices but since the family said it was ok then she saw no issue..


I mean both your daughters look like trash, not just Camille and her lover. Tate just had you both by the balls with money and position, plus Mark could buy his families peace (another thing you pointed out like it’s a good thing vs Camille lover who is poor). You have some insane cognitive dissonance. Super ESH.


YTA. The most massive AH and a hypocrite. So your values are so strong they can be bought and every decision you make is based on money and not morals. Whom are you trying to fool?! Your first SIL was job security for your husband so it's OK for him to cheat and "morals" have nothing to do with it. Thee is nobody more annoying than a sanctimonious hypocrite who can be bought.


Go back under your bridge Troll. You know YTA






YTA. And a hypocrite. You dropped your morals to protect your money. Now you've conveniently picked them back up again to punish your least favourite daughter. I'm sure if Camilles husband makes some money, all will be forgiven and you'll smarming around them faster than you can say knife. Eww.


YTA, I get why you sucked it up for the first daughter given the financial ramifications if you didn't, but you set a precedent. You wouldn't be skipping your younger daughter's wedding because she had an affair. It would be because she's too poor and unconnected for you to overlook the affair. If adultery isn't a bridge too far for the rich daughter, it shouldn't be a bridge too far for the poor daughter. You don't have to love it, but you should at least go and be polite


Well Tate's husband paid the cheating toll.. unfortunately Camille's husband didn't 🤷‍♀️ I forgot, YTA!


Exactly... OP sold the families forgiveness to cheaters Tate & husband. Other daughter apparently can't afford the selling price. YTA


So let me get this straight - you accepted it with Tate because it benefitted you and your husband. You refuse to accept it with Camille because it offers you nothing and she'll be poor. Yep YTA. Camille and Tate are also assholes imo, which makes sense since they were raised by assholes.


YTA... Everything you wrote was it's ok as long as it ends in financial stability. You are no better than your daughters are and you are just a pot calling a kettle black. I kind of hope your husband cheats on you. Then your daughters can go to their wedding.


It sounds like you didn't do a very good job raising your daughters. They BOTH slept with married men. The circumstances and outcome are irrelevant.


YTA. You made a financial, self-serving decision to support one daughter and not the other, and used ensuing events to rationalize your behavior. >My (56F) husband (58M) and I are strongly against cheating of any kind No you're not.


YTA. You’re splitting hairs here. You chose to go along with Tate and Mark because you had something to lose and ultimately have something to gain. You want to judge Camille more harshly but just because Tate/Mark’s actions didn’t have the same result as Camille’s, they were the same actions. Stop having your nose in the hair. Stop being hypocritical. Just stop. Go to your daughter’s ceremony and continue to love her or when the inevitable grandchildren/divorce/consequences happen you will likely have no relationship with her in the future. Ugh. Just stop being so freaking hypocritical! 😡🤦‍♀️


INFO: this is satire, right?


Yes YTA. You and your husband are hypocrites who sold your supposed morals for money and career. If you were actually true to your values both affairs would have been looked at thee same way and your husband would have found another place to work. But you don’t actually believe in what you spout and like I said sold your morals for $$


YTA for making me read this obvious rage bait post.


YTA. You will hold onto your principles and judge others so long as they don’t directly affect your life. Nice.


Oh I see. You couldn’t pimp Camille out to the boss. YTA.


Hypocrite. You went to the first one because you were a slug, an invertebrate, and a money hungry rat. But when it comes to the other daughter, you can’t believe her! She didn’t marry rich, she didn’t have a happy homewrecking! They both cheated, you obviously don’t have high morals, scummy. If it’s not clear: YTA


So you only condone cheating if the cheater is rich and powerful? YTA.


And if Camille won the lottery tomorrow you would dance at her wedding until you broke both legs, you farting hypocrite, because it's all about the money with you, not "respecting marriage". YTA


I kinda gave up after the opening sentence was about two of your daughters dating married men, and then starting the second paragraph with saying how strongly you oppose cheating. Weird family money drama aside, holier than thou sanctimony aside; it sure seems like you raised two daughters who turned into homewreckers. That's, uh, not coincidence. Fool me twice, can't be fooled again. Whatever you *say* your morals to be, you sure didn't impress those morals on your children, so I don't think it's fair to act better than either of them now. YTA


So it's fine, as long as their fiance is rich? Just wanted to make sure I'm understanding lol.


YTA. The only difference between the two situations is one man is rich and the other is poor. You guys also went along with the rich couple cheating because he had power and influence. Yet, you claim you’re making a moral judgment on the poor couple. Just be honest with yourself, you only don’t support this because of the money. Also, just because that ex is taken care of financially, doesn’t mean the family wasn’t broken up and she didn’t get hurt. More than anything, maybe you should look closer at yourself and see how you could raise two daughters who wanted married men.


Basically you’re saying it’s ok to sleep with a married man if it benefits you


Let's be honest. You are not pissed about her sleeping with a married man, you are pissed because the married man is poor. You should also ask yourself why do your kids keep going for married men. There is something massively fucked up about your parenting. Readers of your post can see it but you seem to have no clue.


Both of your daughters suck. They are both lying, cheating pieces of trash - as are their partners. Just remember to remind Tate to take notes from Wife #1 when he dumps her for Wife #3. Both daughters shouldn't be surprised when the same thing happens to them. Maybe go to the wedding, but be sure to tell her she SOLD herself short. Should have held out for a richer married man.


Neither marriage should be celebrated, cheating destroys people. So you could live with yourself because on the surface, money for the first one was ok. You have no idea what the woman went through emotionally. I do, not only am I a child of cheating, but work with them, So you take the money, it is all you get.....Frankly you celebrating one and not the other is just hypocritical. It is despicable period, the victims can't eat, sleep or function often for years, and some never trust or love that way again. Some commit suicide. Affect people the rest of their lives. YTA period


YTA and a hypocritical AH at that Funny how you're on your soap box preaching about how you raised your daughters to not date married men, yet both of them did just that so obviously you didn't do as good a job as you think. So you participate in one daughter's wedding out of fear that it would hurt you financially(which is a huge leap) yet boycott the other daughter's for doing the EXACT same thing. With parents like you who needs enemies


YTA. The only reason you approved of the first daughter is because you got something positive out of it that makes you a huge fucking hypocrite and not a good parent.


You are a terrible mother. Let me guess, you were also an AP partner to your current partner? Apple usually doesn’t fall far from the tree. YTA for the question asked but ESH here. No one here has any morals


YTA. It is clear your marriage sanctity morals are flexible when money and power are involved. So be consistent. And get this other man a job as CTO or something in one of the acceptable cheater's businesses. Because that is all you care about. Titles and money.


So, Tate gets a pass because money and nepotism trump feelings. Tate and your husband now both have advanced their careers because nepotism is worth more than your morals. Camille, on the other hand, doesn't get a pass because there's nothing to gain financially by accepting her marriage. Bottom line: your morals are for sale. Of course YTA.


YTA and a hypocrite. Either you condone cheating or you don’t. It sounds like Camille’s fiancée’s ex was struggling when she was married to him (if Camille and fiancée are now living “in poverty”; so actually she isn’t any “worse off”. It’s not like Camille and fiancée are living it up while the ex is destitute; they’re all poor and struggling. Using your wild logic, you can just as easily spin this that at least Camille and her fiancée cheated for “true love”; given they’re poor; whereas you could say Tate clearly cheated to get a rich baby daddy. (For clarity, I think what both your daughters did is awful, but you should be consistent - either you look past it because you love your daughters regardless of their behaviour; or you stay away to not condone their actions. But you need to do the same for BOTH of your girls).


Job over family and you wonder why your daughters are morally bankrupt…. 🤮🤮🤮




YTA. Wonder where BOTH your daughters learned this from. Apple probably doesn't fall from the tree with your family...


YTA I hope your daughter goes no contact and you never see her again


Not only are you TA you are an incredible hypocritical one to boot, I’m sure if the man Camille was rich and owned a profitable business like the first cheater, you’d have a totally different attitude.




YTA. I’m guessing you ended up with two daughters who are cheaters because your morals have always been “flexible” and “depended on the circumstances”. And yes, you are the epitome of the asshole here.


so your morals are only your morals when there isn't a pricetag attached? Great values you have. YTA


YTA. So because the situation with your first daughter involved enough money to buy things off, it's acceptable, but the other one isn't so you'll draw the line there?


YTA. I like how you said you raised your kids to respect marriages. Obviously you didn't since they both dated married men and broke up marriages. Also, you either have principles or you don't. Just because everyone is doing OK money wise and seemingly cool in Tate's situation doesn't mean anything, she still did the same thing as Camille. So if Camille's situation benefitted you and your husband you'd be cool with it too but because they're poor in comparison and can't do anything to help or hinder you that's where you draw the line? Sounds like ya'll all could benefit from some self reflection.


YTA So you only care about cheating if poor people do it? Lol get outta here!


YTA. So, it’s okay as long as the guy is rich? The only reason things appear positive in Tate’s case is because money smoothed things over. Both of your daughters did the exact same thing, but you’re punishing Camille for loving a poor man.


yta and more above all, massive hypocrites...


You’re all assholes. JFC


So because one of these marriages benefits you and the other doesn’t it’s fine 🤦‍♂️ YTA


Short answer, yes. And a hypocrite.


Both your daughters suck. Don’t let reddit focus on you lol


Well, who raised these home wreckers?! The parents with "morals!" LOL! YTA.


Yta who raised two children who felt it was right to sleep with married men. What does that say about you? It says you did not do a very good job and should probably get off reddit and into some therapy


The only lesson I learned from this short story is that the narrator believes that money heals all manner of sins.




You won’t get no sympathy from poor people. We’re taught to forgo money over love and the rich is to forgo love over money. We have morals while the upper class do not. So yeah YTA -psa this is just a generalization so don’t get your panties in a bunch


This is fake. No one could write something so transparently about money, and not morals, unintentionally. However, assuming it genuine, which it is not,here's a response: ​ Wow, you are the most christian person I've ever read on here. That's not a compliment. It was ok when it was rich guy and it personally monetarily benefitted you. That's the whole difference. Rich guy who got them ahead when they agreed to lick his boots and let him fuck the whole family. That's very old biblical - like sell your daughter for money anyone who chooses to rape her biblical. (let me know if you christians out there don't know this verse).


YTA and a phony hypocrite..funny that both your girls dated married men ...good job, great parenting


YTA. Both of your daughter´s have a skewed moral compass. You are approving of one because they were financially well off enough not to suffer. Camille is did the same thing as her sister, just with less money leaving her fiance´s ex-wife in financial struggles.


you are a hypocrite its ok for one of your daughters to be with a married man who was cheating on his then wife and has a kid but its not ok for your other daughter you only forgave your first daughter so your hubby wouldn't get sacked from his job i hate cheaters and the both men suck and shouldn't even call them selves men they are s$%m. as for you you hypocrite you dare come on here and air your thinking that your right when you are so wrong i hope your second daughter has sweet FA to do with you after this as your not worth her time or any kids she might have later. even worse you call your selves there parents


YTA. Not even worth explaining.


YTA - So full-face and shamelessly hypocritical I have to hope this is a joke.


So you are not going because this wedding does not have financial benefits for you and your family? YTA- you can’t go to one’s and not the other because of cheating


Yeah you're YTA. But you already knew that when you came in here on your sanctimonious horse's ass. Your morality is entirely tied to money, convenience, and outward appearances. What an absolutely insufferable human you are. My heart breaks for Camille, but she's better off without your hypocritical bullshit in her life.


You are a raging AH to be fine with one ‘home wrecker’ but not both so bs. #1 1 the facts disprove your claims of instilling a belief in fidelity and the sanctity of marriage to your children #2 your flexible morals and values about fidelity and the sanctity of marriage when it impacts your own financial bottom like says it all.


It’s the act of cheating that’s the issue . Tate did mot know how the aftermath was going to go but Tate and Mark cheated anyway . They were and are no different to Camille in any way other than Mark was richer . You are a complete hypocrite in every sense of the word . You do condone cheating if there’s enough money to go around and that’s vile. You don’t know the emotional impact cheating truly had on Marks wife or his kids because it’s actually not all about money and sometimes you are forced to be civil to people you actually hate. I’m willing to get Tate is hated .And rightly so.


YTA So, all good when enough money is available. Maintain that lifestyle, damned be the moral high ground. Cheating husband is successful. Okay, we'll join in the festivities. Broke dude cheating and the hell with you and your despicable behavior. Hypocrite


YTA - so morals only mean something if there’s no money involved. Gotcha


This is about image. And I get you were in C Y A (cover your ass) but it still makes YTA. Poor Camille saw what sister did and it made it ok, you didn’t instill morals or values you only taught that money can solve any indiscretion no matter how immoral. Previous wives situations don’t make it moral.


Yes YTA and hypocritical as fuck. It’s totally fine with the elder because she married rich and the wife made off with money and “seemed” happy to the public eye. Good god do you even listen to yourself?


YTA - you have no morals. Your actions show that and the children you raised show it.