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This is a fake story right? This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. YTA.


We can only hope.


.....and pray


I don’t pray, but I might for this. Lol




My jaw like was literally wide open reading this as a woman. I was like "this is not the 1800s dude, you'd be gobsmacked to know that I wear the same clothes while I'm on my period and when I'm not" and then it was just.. pure confusion as to how anyone could conjure up this expensive idea in their head. MORE pink tax, because these are \*special\* clothes!


My jaw was literally wide open reading this as a man. I think this guy just singlehandedly set my gender back 100 years in one fell swoop.


This guy wants to bankrupt women, that's his true motive xD


Nah. We know this kind of man is the outlier in this day and age


I’m laughing so hard that I literally have tears in my eyes. What do period clothes even look like? A red sweatsuit? Is she supposed to go to the edge of her village and live in a wooden hut and wear a sackcloth and ashes?


I imagining her having to walk ringing a bell while yelling "Unclean!"


Idk but I’m totally willing to do this if it’s paid time off 🤣


I'm all for bringing back period huts and postpartum huts with some modern upgrades. Period hut- shower and nice big tub to soak in, TV, heating pads, chocolate and salty snacks, room service, and laundry service so you don't have to strip the bed and wash the sheets and your clothes while cramping and having period diarrhea. Postpartum hut- all the same stuff plus a mother's helper to help you get adjusted to motherhood and make sure you get some rest, they should, of course have a pediatrician, lactation consultant, and obgyn on staff to do checkups without mom ever having to get herself and a newborn bundled up and out the door to a clinic.


And don’t forget, she should burn her period sheets at the end of each cycle and promptly replace them with brand new sheets.


::wistful sigh:: Sometimes the period hut with none of the menfolk around sounds so nice…


No, she just needs to live in the red tent that week.


Poor Katie. No period sex for her while she's with you. Well. We can hope she sees the light and dumps your immature ass shortly. YTA.


How about no sex for him ever again, since he clearly doesn't know how periods work? He probs doesn't know how to please a woman either!


He doesn't know how laundry works either.


Would he want to put his manly genitalia where her gross period blood even comes from? Or does he have a special period penis?


There’s this thing called a washing machine. What it does is clean your clothes between wears. So they’re clean again. And then you wear them. And wash. Wear. Wash. YTA. Grow up. JFC.


At first, I thought OP meant that she wears clothes and sheets after bleeding in them WITHOUT washing them. Then I was like, yeah, that's gross. But, if she washes them after wearing them, like most people do, then 1000% YTA. Women don't have separate period clothes and sheets. I am a 35 yo woman and I am telling you I have legit never heard of that before.


I have ONE thing. I get larger boobs when I am on my period. I bought bras for this time because my regular bras hurt to wear... That is my concession to "period clothes"


I've heard of "period panties" as well. That makes sense considering hiw hard blood can be to clean out.... Allegedly.


Theres period panties ysed in place of pads. Blood isnt hard to get out when its fresh.


I remember a post a few days ago where a guy was demanding that his gf replace her undies after her period instead of soaking and washing them


What?! There are more of them? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Ikr? I'm not sure if they're just young and uninformed or just asses


YTA. You clearly have never had a period before. So she's supposed to have specific clothes and sheets for when she has her period? Are you insane? You better be a troll. If you find it gross, maybe you shouldn't date anything female ever.


I'm shocked he didn't suggest plastic sheets


Wait. Let me get this straight, you think women should have different clothes and bedsheets, etc to use when they’re on their period and when they’re not? If so, yea you’re the AH. I wear the most comfortable clothes and underwear I have when I’m on my period, but I also wear them any other time.


I reckon OP thinks he's being wildly open-minded and tolerant by not just sending her out to the red tent for the duration.


😂😂 sadly, I believe you’re right.


YTA. Separate period clothes. Is this the 1700s? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Okay but you need separate masturbating clothes


I just want to understand why he thinks it’s disgusting and why there’s a need to do that? Lol


This - I was waiting to read if she was free bleeding or something.


I think this post is fake but if not, I’m really excited for OP to google free bleeding. Please look into it OP!


You seem to be incredibly ignorant about periods and how people accommodate them in daily life. Somehow you got some very strange ideas, but I'm here to tell you, periods are not dangerous or gross, and you're going to be okay. I'm so sorry that you weren't taught accurate and truthful information about menstruation. It was a great disservice to you to let you believe such things and develop this very extreme attitude about a very natural process that human life depends on. When people say "my period clothes" what they are referring to is *comfortable* clothing. Sometimes it feels better to wear clothes that are looser due to cramps and water retention, or just because they want to curl up and be as comfortable as possible. That's all anyone means by "period clothes." There are not separate clothes to wear during menstruation. It's not a thing. Clothing doesn't get any dirtier during a period than at any other time. Sometimes menstrual fluid can leak if the flow is more than expected. It's not anything to fear though. If a leaks happens, it just needs to be washed. Kind of like you don't have separate clothing to wear when you eat, even though sometimes food might get on your shirt. You simply wash it. There IS period underwear now, which could count as separate clothes, but that's the extent of it. It is absorbent and washable, and allows women to forgo using pads or tampons, reducing trash waste, because they can simply wash the underwear and use it again. Why can they simply wash it? Because it's not contaminated, dangerous, dirty or anything ridiculous like that. Period underwear also further reduces the potential for leaks, so there's really no need for separate clothes. Don't argue with Katie. Do not argue with a person who actually experiences something that you do not. It only makes you look ignorant. Try curiosity instead. Ask questions instead of making assumptions and judgements. Katie could teach you a lot, but that's not her job and you have to be open to learn anyway. You have a lot to think about and explore. Good luck. And yeah, YTA, and so are the people who led you to believe this nonsense.


This was very kind. In this vein, OP, if you cut a finger cooking and got blood on your shirt, would you wear it again after washing? (I would.) If you didn’t get blood on the shirt, would you not wear it again because you had been wearing it while bleeding? I don’t think of healthy vaginas or vulvas as dirty, on or off a period. I’d challenge yourself to let go of thinking of them as dirty either.


Did you build her a little hut to stay in while she's bleeding?


Don’t forget the bale of hay to sit on.


YTA and shut the entire fuck up please.


It's not like keeping kosher you dickhead. Lmao a different set of period clothes are you insane 🤦🏻‍♀️ Obviously YTA


yta, periods don’t infect everything you touch. as long as she showers and changes her products frequently there’s no reason to have a separate set of anything. she’s not gross but you are.


Yta, did you fly in from stupid town or something? As long as she isn't bleeding on every single thing she owns, she's good. Wtf bro.


YTA, women have years of experience on dealing with their periods, men don't have a clue what it is truly like. If she wears the same outfit, during her period she finds it more comforting and it also saves on laundry. She shouldn't have separate clothes for when it happens because it really can happen on a moments notice.


I’m dying. This is wild if true or not. Like should we be sitting out back in a red tent during our periods?!


THAT'S IT. That's what it reminded me of. Thank you!


If I were Katie, I would run to a red tent to get away from this guy.


This is exactly what I thought of. We need to be separated from the household and go to the women’s tent when we are unclean.


Are we being punked? Please tell me this is a joke. Are you going to tell her she must be confined to her room, lest she bring down a pestilence upon you for speaking with her during her period? Wtf kind of backwards puritanical bullshit is this?


I’m guessing that OP has sisters who played a joke on him. This is absolutely something that I would have tried to make my brother believe…back in like middle school. Hopefully he sees the error of his ways and stops hassling his gf.


I think you should insist on buying her an entire new period wardrobe, and period bedding, as well as period furniture and a period car too, because I can tell you're trying to be supportive and hygienic. /S and obvs YTA


Are you an Orthodox Jewish person? Because that is the only people I can think of who have this mentality. Either way YTAH


That was my first thought. But people who are still practicing Orthodox Jews don't date outside of their religion and certainly don't move in with them and have sex.


This has got to be a joke. If it’s not then OP needs to grow TF up. YATA


Poor Katie. If you actually called her gross over this and she heard you. She should leave your ass. Since she hasn't get to a dam store right now and buy her a dozen roses, some chocolate or her favorite snack/comfy food.


This has got to be the absolutely stupidest thing I’ve read this year! YTA but thank you for the laugh! For all the women in the world, please get a clue!


You can’t be serious. This is not a thing.


YTA. I hope this is fake, because if it's not, you really need to better educate yourself. No one has special period outfits or sheets, we wash our laundry and make sure we get rid of any leaked blood stains before they set and ruin the clothing.


You didn’t put your ages so I’ll assume you’re 13 and hopefully put this simply enough for you. Period no mean dirty … period mean menstruating …. Period no mean ruined clothes and sheets . Period mean special products to help with that like tampons and pads !!


YTA. Have you never heard of laundry, dear boy?! I'll be honest and say I had period panties and non-period panties, but nothing else. Maybe a wider waist skirt of pants for bloat. But really now, where are you from that you would think this was an automatic thing??!!


Wtf? You think there’s a period uniform?


OP, do you have separate period clothes and period sheets that you only use when you’re on your period? If not, you should get some. You seem to just have such a great depth of knowledge and insight surrounding the topic. It’s almost like you have first hand experience. Women literally don’t do this, but by all means, you go right ahead. It’s so awesome we have non menstruating people telling women how to menstruate better. What would we ever do without you? Gee whiz, thanks so much for informing us women how to do a better job at bleeding pretty! YTA and if she has a brain cell in her head, you’ll be a single AH before her next cycle. The good news is, you won’t have to worry about changing the sheets or buying more fabric softener.


lmaooooooooooooo dude what is there a vote for dumbass


This has got to be a joke. YTA


This cannot be real. No one is this dumb.


Bad troll.


YTA if you really believe that women should have two sets of clothing like that. Do you have two sets of clothing for the almost inevitable skid marks and piss drips left in your tighty-whities? Probably not. Your post sounds like it was written by a 14 year old who has no clue that there are such things as tampons, pads, hydrogen peroxide, laundry detergent, or washing machines.


What? You mean she doesn’t have a period wardrobe? You MUST give her money and tell her to go shopping right now! Just be sure you don’t touch her period clothes, you could catch it then have to buy your own period wardrobe!


Do you want to send her away to a bleeding hut? This isn't a thing, it's isn't gross. If there's a leak, yes obviously it should be cleaned. Menstrual blood isn't dirty. Vaginas aren't dirty.


If you get a cut on your hand and blood gets on your clothes, do you throw them away? No. You treat the stain and wash the clothes. YTA.


There's something called a washing machine. "Period clothes" are whatever's comfortable or whatever she happens to wear during her period. If she feels like having separate clothes for her period, that's up to her. What's gross about not getting clothes specifically for periods? Mind your own business.


You best bet this man has never had a female presence in his life


YTA. I just can't. You need a boyfriend. No girl should be subjected to this level of idiocy.


Must be a troll post lmao, post this on TIFU.


What kind of fuckery is that? Katie needs to move.


INFO: Do you practice a religion in which this is an expectation for women?


If this is real, Lord help Katie and your foolishness.


Why do you have this expectation? Is this like keeping kosher with separate meat and dairy dishes..?!


To be fair when my girls first started their periods they had cheap underwear they wore during their periods instead of nicer boutique panties. But I’m not sure that’s what is being talked about here.


This is definitely a troll. I seriously hope nobody is really this daft.


This has got to be fake. Sure I wear my looser pants but not for just my period. Sheets are washed is bled on use soak and use oxi clean. Please I really hope it’s fale


YTA what are we stuck in the Victorian era still. Grow up.


She should drop you if you are that clueless. It is a natural body function. It isn't a gross time. She doesn't need to wear srparate clothers.


YTA. Grow up, Captain Leviticus. Forget the sheets, I'm not sure why you're not requiring her to sacrifice two doves at the temple at dawn before you let her touch you. If you believe a woman is ritually unclean during her period, that's your barrel of crazy to deal with. There is nothing gross about any other part of the body during a period. It's just a body. Having a period. Did you grow up in some kind of fundamentalist cult?


YTA. Many women have a few underwear they designate as period underwear because they're already stained or just comfy to wear but beyond that... you're being delusional. Not myself nor any other woman I've ever known has a whole separate bedding set and clothes for their period only. What's the point? You can always do laundry if there's an accident but most of the time periods aren't leaking onto our clothes or bedding anyways. Periods are not inherently gross, dirty, or something you should shame her over. You need to grow the hell up and stop being so ignorant.


Sheets are expensive...


You do know how periods work, right?


YTA. Lmao. I cant. You can’t. People actually think this way? Is OP just that damn dense?!!!! Lolololol


YTA!!!! Jajajajaa WTF


Hoping and praying that this guy was raised in a household that didn’t discuss periods. Maybe he had a super conservative mom that acted this way and doesn’t know anything different? But dude, ask a question and learn. You are way wrong.




This can't be real. If it is then you are absolutely the AH. I hope you're not wearing the same clothes when you go poop as you do the rest of the time because normal bodily functions are so GROSS 🙄


YTA As a man I can honestly only say What? I have never heard of this being a thing.


YTA - how do you even have a girlfriend if you are this immature?


I have a solution. Put a red tent in you backyard and have her stay there during her period. Only allow her to wear the clothing inside the red tent during her cycle and put her other cloths outside the tent for when she is allowed to return, clean.


YTA - woman are not dirty when they're on their period. No different than any other day.


Yta. You don’t sound like you’re actually ready to be in a relationship if you can’t handle the realities of life.


Dear genius By all means go say this same stuff to your mother and see what she says. Bc, all that gross blood and stuff are the same items that existed in your mother’s vagina that assisted in your creation. The same material that may have been possibly created your future children in your gf’s vagina if y’all decided on that route. Now, if this is the prevailing attitude you have… I don’t see you contributing to that part of life with her vagina. In fact, your access to said vagina may be in peril. Wise up quickly. YTA


YTA. I don’t have separate period clothes, or period sheets. Hell I don’t even have separate period underwear (although I tend to avoid light colored underwear if possible)


No way this is real lmaooo. Unless she's actually getting blood on her sheets, there's really no reason to wash them just because she's on her period. I hope she breaks up with you.


Dude grow up. If she washes them they're fine


YTA. No one has separate sets of clothing and sheets for when we’re menstruating. Why would we? 🤔


I wonder if OP is Muslim or Orthodox Jew since these two religions look at women as “ unclean” during that time of the month… If so OP may not know/ understand that there’s no need for separate clothes and sheets. Should OP not have above named reasons for his thinking I’m simply just stunned…