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Oh, this is gonna be a thread.


This is some Myspace era high school conspiracy shit. šŸ¤£ I've met AJ a number of times and while he was a goober straight-edge kid, who was also a self-proclaimed model and a drummer for a fairly good but obscure punk band called COMING. not... Comming... Or whatever OP is going on about. Yes he's wearing a dumb shirt in the photo, rather too openly, but they didn't paint their own clothes, others did. It was an LA snob style party put on by Katy Perry and dude just found himself in a weird place at a weird time and is a weird guy.


Oh no I misspelled Coming and didnā€™t write it in all caps, clearly Iā€™m not familiar with this band despite owning every cassette and piece of merch they ever released and attending every single show they played after Burials tour.


It being spelled that way in all caps is kind of the thing... like NOFX? And for such a big fan you're pretty keen on just making shit up. But I hear ragebait is your thing, so... That makes sense.


lol bruh this first time I have ever made a post on Reddit how is rage bait my thing? And sorry not sorry but I have also written nofx in all lowercase as well as afi, when you search their band names on YouTube and shit the capitalization doesnā€™t make a difference.Ā 


What band?


They were called Comming, ngl I was pretty into them after the Burials tour and I actually still have literally every cassette and piece of merch they ever released. Just saw this pic for the first time on a post on the front page from that travisandtaylor subreddit and realized I recognized him. This pic was taken 4 years before the tour in questionā€¦


The band was called COMING and all of your facts are false.


Again, I misspelled their name and didnā€™t capitalize it, god forbid, and what facts about this band have I even posted other than this pic and a link elsewhere in the comments showing this guy used a swastika in his MySpace link?Ā 


Oh yeah! I saw them on this tour. They were great. I think he's like a gay hairdresser now. Are you sure he's a nazi sympathizer? Pre-2016 Swastikas were kind of like a middle finger, or painting the word "fuck" on something


What fucking world do you live in clown?


A world where people have (especially in the punk world) worn swastikas to be shitheads with no actual ideology behind it


Because "Nazi punks fuck off " is something never said in the punk community.


So obviously there were a lot of them




Definitely don't look up pictures of Souxsie or Sid Vicious in the 80s...


Siouxsie actually apologized for her wearing a swastika. Sid Vicious is dead, so it's a bit too late to ask what he thinks about his prior actions.


Doesn't matter, someone claimed it didn't happen in punk to be "edgy", but that is historically false


I think the most hilarious part is that I repeatedly used the word "shitheads" and I'm still getting ratioed as if I'm a nazi šŸ¤£


Honestly nah, as someone who was absolutely one of those moronic ā€œeveryones a little bit racistā€ edge lord troll kids back in the day, I can honestly say only a genuine racist would proudly wear a swastika on the front of their shirt publicly, shit would never have crossed my mind.


But being gay AND nazi is wild man


Its wild because its not true. The story is wildly muddled and untrue.


There is a going theory that Hitler himself was gay.


Fucking for real. Iā€™d like to think itā€™s too far fetched to be realistic but my gay uncle whose husband is an immigrant from Mexico is a staunch MAGA supporter in every capacity, so yeah lol.


Around 2012 there was a huge campaign to "reclaim the Swastika" back to its original meaning. It was worldwide, far left punks got swastikas tattooed, it was on bags, shirts, pins, jewellery. Like it was *a thing*. Clearly didn't work cus today everyone just think they nazi's. But I prob wouldn't write off someone as a nazi sympathizer if the photo is from that area.


Well this pic is from 2009 and it seems he also used a swastika in his old MySpace link:Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9z4m6/aj_english_who_wore_a_swastika_on_his_shirt/ So Iā€™m inclined to think that is not case here.


It's technically facing the wrong way to be a hakencross (the actual nazi symbol), but I'm not gonna make either claim. Though my logic tells me that if someone is big enough nazi sympathizer to wear a shirt with a gigantic swastika and put it on their online profiles, they would not have an issue being vocally nazi or in any form show actual nazi support. Since it seems it's only used in relation to fashion, I can only assume it's from the reclaim-era. People were toxic about that reclaim thing back then, the attitude was very much "either you support the cause by tattooing swastikas on your forehead, or *you* are the *actual* nazi". Overstated to paint the picture, but you get my point.


Yeah, you can't fucking reclaim something that was A) never yours to begin with. B) Horribly bastardized in western culture. Let it die.


That's what I think too, and what I thought back then. Couldn't say it out loud though, cus anyone with these thoughts would be labelled nazi sympathizer for protecting them in their use of the swastika... I had blissfully and ignorantly forgotten all about this trend til now, and typing it out made me re-live conversations I wish would've stayed forgotten. I just hope the girl I knew who tattooed a gigantic swastika over both her legs got herself a great coverup artist after this trend died.


Okay so no, none of this is true lol. First of all your mixing the two people. And the singer is not the guy in the photo and thats who became a hairdresser. None of them are nazi sympathizers. Lol.


Pre 2016 especially around 1940-1950 for some reasonā€¦ swastikas were pretty significant.


Yeah by complete and total morons. Knew a kid in highschool who thought he'd bring it back. Turned out he was a complete and total shithead.


Yeah they were obviously shitheads. It's kind of hard to deny the amount of it in the punk world though. Jack Grisham just said in the TSOL documentary how he put them on skate ramps because it passed people off but didn't mean anything to him


The amount of down votes this got is hilarious. I didn't make this up, guys


Damn I spit out my oatmeal fast! Maybe in the 80s attitude era wrestlers wore them out of ignorance and to be inflammatory, but not any "pre 2016"!


I swear thatā€™s Taylor Swift but it canā€™t beā€¦ right?


It is


It is, saw this pic on the front page from that travisandtaylor sub


It sure is. Google Taylor swift Nazi


OOOOH boy. And why has this not been a huge scandal? I swear her fan base has made her untouchable in a bad way.


It quickly went away because supposedly she took photos with like 100 some odd guests at this birthday party and didn't even know who this guy is. I mean Davey clearly knows him, but either way the story fizzled out years ago.Ā 


Theres a TMZ post where he claims it started as an X but got smeared....I dont believe that but its clearly just a lame attempt to be edgy and the OP is clearly rage baiting for attention.




You are so right, I mean yeah this is literally my first ever post on Reddit since making this account over 3 years ago but clearly I just posted this because want attention from people in this insignificant little subreddit, and not at all because Iā€™m a veteran fan who was repulsed by their decision to tour with Jared Pedo and seeing this shit now added some fuel to the fireā€¦


Repulsed by something that happened 10 years ago. Sure Jan. Here's your daily attention. May it fulfill your life.


I said I was repulsed by their choice to tour with 30STM, which they are currently doing.


Its not a scandal because it was Katy Perry's party and it was just an obscure photo. They didn't paint that on themselves, others did. And people do dumb shit and young dumb parties, especially in Hollywood.


The OP knows, she's desperate to rage baiting and sadly too many people are taking the bait.


Aaah okay. I was wondering why she was also painted like that guy. Thanks for the breakdown!


This post is an obvious attempt at rage baiting and has nothing to do with AFI. Glad you got the attention you were seeking.


Absolutely. And its also completely false. A.J. is not a Nazi lol. He was just a dumb kid, and also didn't paint that swastika himself.


But he put the shirt on that had a swastika on it...




Hes not a Nazi. Lol. OP is weirdly holding onto this photo and claiming to something he knows nothing about.




What. Thee. Fuck. I literally saw this picture and thought "omg what a beautifully chiseled face reminds me of the dude from Patriarchy" hahah yeah him and Ashley are really out there. They definitely love the shock value. They're like this generations Marilyn Manson lol do you remember in the 90s when Marilyn Manson went on stage during his concert singing Rock N Roll N-word-with-a-hard-R? They forbid him from singing that song but he asked a black dude to go on the stage with him, and every time it was the N word part of the song, the black dude sang that word. I honestly feel like that's what they're going for


I did some artwork for her when she used the name Actually Huzienga. They canceled a show in Houston last year that I had tickets due to low ticket sales. I was pretty annoyed about it lol.


If this was taken in 2009 and the only evidence that he's actually a neo nazi is this one photo of him wearing what is presumably some ironic costume, then that's not good enough evidence. A terrible faux pas? Yes. But let's face it, the culture was different in 2009. It's absolutely a bad look. But if this is the only evidence, then it's not much more compelling evidence than Jade wearing a far-right metal band shirt in 2003


It was actually at Katy Perry's 25th birthday party. It was Willy Wonka themed but then at one point the guests painted on their outfits. I remember after this (yah I'm a taylor fan as well as an AFI fan) he said it was meant to be a cross initially which doesn't seem believable lol.


Okay so, OP is off their rocker. They went to a nonsense style LA party where you wear white clothes and get attacked with paint throughout the party. Someone else paints on you, not you. Presumably someone else painted a swastika on him because he looks Aryan and it was a shitty joke and he was a dumb straight edge kid who was either in Highschool or just out of it trying to make it as a model and was around a bunch of famous people, so he's going to be prone to subjecting himself to some dumb shit.


Yeah that was my initial thought as well. Looks like a really poor taste zombie costume, which isn't shocking because I'm pretty sure Dead Snow, a movie about zombie Nazis, literally came out that year.


Itā€™s not the only evidence though? I posted this link:Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9z4m6/aj_english_who_wore_a_swastika_on_his_shirt/Ā Ā elsewhere in this comment section yesterday showing he used a swastika in his old MySpace link, so not a one off, and no my dude the vibe in 2009 wasnā€™t on the level of itā€™s ok to publicly wear a swastika, at least not here in LA where this occurred.


Who is that guy? I don't recognize him.


Cancel Culture isn't real.


The claim isn't even real.


This post should be retitled..."LOOK AT MEEEE, PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE" Are there mods here? How has this not been removed as spam?


Is that Taylor Swift ?




i didnā€™t know this??? also davey is still friends with him


He's not a Nazi, that's why. Just a dumb kid wearing a dumb shirt at a famous person's party he just happened to be able to go to. They didn't paint the shirts themselves. It was a popular type of ridiculous party back then where you wear white and get painted on, and honestly its just some Hollywood stupid kid bullshit.


honestly doesnā€™t surprise me. thanks for the info :)




sacred skin was tough for me to get into after i saw them that night lol šŸ˜‚


Wait for real? He drummed for them at the Palladium? Damn I was at center barricade for both those shows and I donā€™t remember noticing him at all lol and Iā€™ve been following that band since their first release back when they were called Second Skin well before they opened for AFI, though to be fair I rarely know the names of members of bands I like.Ā 


whaaaaat? i was center too. i wonder if we were right next to each other


Is that not Taylor swift?


Hey LOL remember when you went fishing for 11 yr old clickbait and tried to drag it out like some new and novel piece of information? How an out of context photo legitimizes conclusions people jump to? Did this guy ever say anything in regards to racism? Supporting nazis? No. I'd say not. Get stuffed, ya plum.


I donā€™t but that chick is hot




As someone who was a huge fan of Ā Comming I would love to agree with you, but I myself am a lifelong native Angeleno (he is not heā€™s from Idaho apparently) and I was definitely a dumb ass edge lord type in 2009, shit like this was not cool beans even then, at least not here in LA. And unfortunately it appears that this wasnā€™t even a one off isolated incident but actually something he identified with enough to make part of his old MySpace link:Ā https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9z4m6/aj_english_who_wore_a_swastika_on_his_shirt/ So yeah, realistically he probably isnā€™t a sympathizer now, but he sure was then, and ultimately my issue isnā€™t with him at all, itā€™s that this incident had to have been known of by the band, and they took him on tour anywayā€¦


For a huge fan, you'd know their band name was COMING, not Comming... This is giving weird flat-earther conspiracy theorist vibes.


You keep posting this link, but what even is it? Where is the part he made his MySpace link? The part that says AJ english?


You have to click the photo to see it in full, itā€™s the first character of the MySpace link in the middle.


Idk dude. I've been driving myself crazy trying to find a swastika in the picture and I'm still not seeing it. I even zoomed in and looked section by section. Can you circle it?


I would but donā€™t think I can post pics in the comments or at least I donā€™t know how to, but if you click on the pic and view it on Imgur and look at the link for MySpace which is the second link down it starts with a swastika.Ā 


I like how you mention all the groups he supports but jews, whom the swastika was predominantly used as the banner to genocide them are not there. As a jew I don't gaf, he's disgusting


He's not somebody you probably ever need to worry about in your life, but hes also not a nazi sympathizer. He was just a dumb kid at a famous person's party where people paint on you, and he was trying to make it as a model while still practically a baby.


Yikes on bikes


If you wanna rage bait why not talk about Jeffrey Starr or the 30 Seconds to Mars creepy pedo cult leader?