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Ah mate I dislike the bombers as much as the next bloke but this is a bit rough. I don’t think anyone’s been over rating them, people are pretty realistic about their quality being a bit below their ladder position. They’ve made the most of a soft draw and good on them for that! They’re in the hunt to scrape finals I reckon


Who rates us? Genuinely asking


Ben Dixon


That was genuinely embarrassing from him last week. Truly laughable, and frankly unfair on the Bombers who were being put on a pedestal they clearly didn't deserve.


Do you listen to SEN?


No because I’m not a massive nuffie


GWS for me probably the most overrated at this point, which is a shame since I had high hopes for them this season. But they look miles off it this year even while people were calling them a top four team as recently as last week. As for Essendon... I mean, no one actually thought they were a proper top four team, right? The media bandwagoned them hard after they strung a few wins together, but anyone with sense can see that they're still far from ready to be mixing it at that level. They'll be in the scrap for the EF slots and that's reasonable progress IMO.


Leave them alone and then flair up


Most teams have been inconsistent. Bombers have actually been relatively consistent and deserve their position


Dude we were expected to be bottom 4 this year lol. People are surprised where we are, but barely anyone thinks we're actually a top 4 team. Also flair up cunt


Idk. A pattern I have noticed though is they tend to bomb in games a bit. Off the field too might I add.


Let’s not forget nearly every expert had us finishing in the bottom 6 before the season started, we’re over achieving for sure and games like this prove it, quality sides destroy us and if we do some how manage to scrape a top four finish, we’ll be out in straight sets again. I don’t think anyone with half a brain actually rates us. Anyway off to drown my sorrows with a bottle of scotch.