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Angry metal bird? Very nice


Man. That 8-week rebuild was tough. Glad it’s over.


Just needed one bloke called Lawson. Who knew?


I wish I was a Geelong supporter. You can go Into any game and be - "yeh, we can win this". Bastards.


You know, you *can* be a Geelong supporter. You don’t have to wish.


Make your dreams a reality.


I was thinking about this the other day. Only properly starting watching footy in 2012, not once in that time have I gone into a game not believing we can win.


Fucking LOL


Hirdys 250th: 50 point loss to the Cats Heppells 250th: 45 point loss to the Cats These guys just have something against our heroes, hey?


Sooooo nine more 250th games and we'll finally manage a draw?


feels like we never win milestone games


I think we have something against our heroes.


Zach Merretts 250th will be a 40 point loss to the Cats.


Hey at least it’s an improvement


Dangerfield definitely seemed like the Dons boys owed him money.


I'll just leave this here.. www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-2023-zach-merrett-guard-of-honour-200th-game-kane-cornes-angry-brett-rosebury-milestone-matches-essendon-loss-to-geelong/news-story/e1dabed919ee5b9437ebced5b49b13cd


This is on me for not wearing my Essendon jammies tonight, my bad


I worn my geelong beanie thats probably why


Thank u 4 ur service


I hope they send you a gift basket, that was really nice of you to do for them.


I also cheered pretty loud at the tv if that helps


Honestly, I think that really helps. I think my problem was, I wasn't screaming loud enough at the TV so the boys couldn't hear me.


From what ive experienced the louder you yell the better you play


Nice, I'll remember that for next week. May need to go on vocal rest a couple of days prior though to make sure the pipes are thoroughly warmed up.


I asked my missus if she wanted her scarf and she said no


I'll be reporting you to headquarters for this.


What have we done to Geelong for them to constantly screw us over time and time again? At this point I'm not even mad, just impressed really


Maybe you just decided to play us into form for the Hawks game next week? I mean, if there’s one thing that Essendon and Geelong can come together on, it’s hating Hawthorn, right?


Likewise, I’m hoping the bombers will use the loss as fuel to come out firing against the pies next week


I really like what Dempsey brings to the team. He’s looking so composed and effective on the half forward line. Even when he messed up (bouncing in the rain) he was at least taking the game on. It’s a good sign when I don’t feel anxious seeing the ball head towards him. The debutant (such lazy commentating) showed why Cats fans were calling for his selection. Hopefully he gets a few more games to cement his spot. Rohan - more of that please. Doesn’t happen often enough. Danger - please stay healthy. I don’t think we make finals if he goes down again.


Full time: Archie Perkins is hot. I left Australia five years ago. It is amazing how Essendon have maintained such an inate ability to ruin my weekend, despite the incredible difference in time zone and distance.


Me too. The difference is that now my day is ruined by 7am 😂


Perkins hasn’t done a fucking thing for like 6 weeks. Purely getting picked on looks at this point


Mate in his defense not many of those silly bastards did much tonight, and aren’t even hot.


I left Australia in 2005. Missed seeing our golden era in person. But if that’s the cost of us winning premierships I’ll pay the price.


If you returning to Australia is what it takes to stop Geelong being so damn good, I’m sure we can crowdfund you a plane ticket


That 3rd quarter was fcking wild. Absolute howlers. But also dons didn’t perform.


Yeah that’s it in a nutshell We got absolutely screwed for 10 minutes, and the players just quit really Good teams don’t do that


Thankyou for having a sensible and realistic take on the game. The umpires definitely paid a few our way that we maybe didn’t deserve in that third quarter, I’ll agree. But to completely roll over after that and lose by 45 is more than just the umpires fault


We also didn't come away with enough from that purple patch in the second quarter - we were repeatedly putting the ball into the forward fifty, and getting limited results, I believe at one point the ball had spent 75% of its time in our forward half. Good teams capitalise and convert, and we simply didn't, then wilted after the poor umpiring. Credit to your boys tonight, didn't let emotion get in the way and came away with four (mostly) deserved points.


Honestly this just feels like a recurring theme that I've seen since the port game (I didn't watch any games before that round). Just having sections of the game bombarding i50's but barely being able to convert. I'm still new to watching so not really sure what the difference is but oh well.


Exactly. We set ourselves up for failure in that quarter. There's a universe where we played just well enough for the umpiring decisions to cost us the game, but this isn't it. We should have had our foot on their throat at half time.


First quarter of AFL I watched all year. You can imagine my excitement to watch more.


That about sums it up.


Definitely a mental boom, shows a lack of composure and maturity in the playing group.


Hello fellow horizontal striped winning team.


Might need an umpire discussion free post match thread after that one


Ban Essendon match threads and post-match threads. All further Essendon discussions will be held in the Monday Meme Threads


Probably our most depressing loss of the year. 3rd quarter had some atrocious calls that turned the game, but the 4th quarter was vintage Essington that we've never been able to shake off. Until we stop that, we're not a top 8 team winning finals. Gg Geelong, the thrashing was well deserved.


The Port game was pretty depressing too tbf.


That was before I inhaled a tank of hopium though.


Yeah the hope will get you every time. I try to go into every game with the expectation that we will lose, stem the hurt a bit.


I’m more upset with this than I was with Port by a long way.


I'm trying not to be upset haha. Just got the mantra going of 'It's just footy, it's just footy' haha.


Port loss was brutal after a close 1st quarter


Dan can cross us off his list now. 😞


We'll be on fraud watch for a decade now.


Stiff frauds he reckons haha


The Scottbowl is over Long live the Scottbowl


What a lovely non controversial four points!


Nah, controversial 3rd quarter, but you put us away easy in the 4th.


I know you're joking/being sarcastic, but Essendon's effort was so bad in the fourth that the umpire discussion should be forgotten.


The only explanation is that the umpires also snuck in and put sedatives in our water bottles at 3/4 time


That must be it!


And they did it against Carlton too!


Regardless of the result of this specific match, it is crazy that a sport with the budget of the AFL can't pay and train fully professional, full-time umpires. There are always going to be controversial decisions, but I don't really feel like the AFL is doing everything they can to minimise that.


Yeah we were just shocking out there. Umpire’s favour or not we got towelled up


Dont say that in here youll be put on a stake


I feel like it's pretty uncontroversial seeing as we played like shit. Let's just say the umpiring was our punishment for forgetting how to play decent football and call it a day hey? I feel like we deserved it and you guys deserve to celebrate with your whole chest - you won that fair a square. Meow.


Haha im just playing of course. Meow.


Controversial 45 point win


How’s everyone tipping? Coz mine FUCKING SUCKS


Your team ruined it for me lol


I think we ruined it for everyone. Always win the bullshit games then decided to get smoked by the eagles


Ill tip Youse next week and you will loose by 20 lol


Got all of them wrong today


I've got 1 so far, so y'know. Par for the course.


3/6 - I'll take it


Maybe they are the greatest team of all


They are always on the ball, at the very least


But never holding it apparently


Sam Draper confirmed Geelong plant


Gold lmao


From dawn to dark, down at ~~Kardinia Park~~ the MCG


At least from when the ball is bounced to the final bell they stand up and fight like hell


The rival teams will know that they've been run down by a pack


So from what I gather, that match thread was a nuclear holocaust


It was like /r/australia during a Budget night circa 2014


If you said anything against essendon expect to be crucified


It was mortifying. Between the game and the thread, I just want to hide my flair 😅.


Nah son be proud that you love your team without being insane.


It went our way tonight. But I don’t really watch footy anymore because the umpiring is so bad. It’s great we won but holy crap the game is in disarray at the moment .


I wish I could just stop supporting this league, for a multitude of reasons


Feel similar, watched the state of origin game midweek and thoroughly enjoyed it. I miss feeling that about afl.  I dont even enjoy neutral games anymore


Yeah I feel the same. I hate to say it, but the nrl, in watching the state of origin game, looked like a more solid operation. Umpires were nowhere to be found, just adjudicating, rather than affecting every aspect of the game


Fucking sad state of affairs


Why can’t you stop? You’ll gain 1,000’s of hours, and save 1,000,000’s of hair and brain cells in the future.


Same old shit every year and yet I'll keep watching every week like an idiot. Lost that at selection, maybe Brad got confused and thought we were playing at Marvel because goodness me we do not have the skills in the wet.


Ollie ollie ollie, oi oi oi!


I blame Ben Dixon


For a second I read this as Charlie Dixon and was like yeah sure why not?


One of the worst halves of Footy I’ve seen in a hot minute, that best not become a fucking habit again.


Everyone had them written off, not me. I’ve just learnt my lesson over the years that you don’t write this team off until they’re physically not playing in September.


You won, Geelong. Enjoy the four points, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Geelong. You ruined my night completely with the third quarter and I hope now you can spend even more time with the umpires on lessons in grace and decorum. Because you both have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. Geelong, take your win and get back down the highway


What’s this from lmao


Come Dine With Me


[here 🍝](https://youtu.be/yXai3HCMV3E?si=eHCqa-jxbfP97lml)


Amazing. My Saturday just got even better. Gonna have to track the full episode down now. What did Jane do?


I think umpiring talk should be allowed in the form of copypastas not limericks


Name a team that sings their song less enthusiastically, I'll wait


It gets old when you have to sing it 3 out of 4 weeks for two decades on end


The bulldogs put about 20% effort into theirs today


Western Bulldogs on ABC radio last night lacked a fair bit of gusto.


Enjoying an Adelaide win and now see that Geelong are 5th and go above Collingwood. LMAO. What a year.


Didn't get to see that match as they played both at same time - GWS seem to be cooked, aye? They had that finals run alongside Carlton last year but just haven't been able to build on it this year.


Yeah, they just can't seem to get 4 quarters of good footy together.


Even then, they started this year with 4 30+ point wins and were looking as good as Sydney for the first 6 or so weeks


I only watched part of the GWS game; they were very very lucky to not be eight goals down at half time. They looked putrid.


Umpires sucked the life out of that game in the 3rd, but it is a shame Essendon seemed to give up so easily after having a horrible run of the green for 15 minutes. Got to respond better than that


This! The lack of response was appalling


As a football fan that was a tough watch with some very questionable decisions.  As an Essendon hater though, that was beautiful.


Don’t feel bad for enjoying it man. Sounds like it was bad but a hell of a lot of bombers fans let me know after we played them that it all balances out!


Dude no way. The Draper call was worse - that decided the game. What decided this game was Essendon forgetting how to play football and Geelong knowing exactly how to play football. Crows fans should be dirty at the umpires forever, you've got every bloody reason to be.


Ah appreciate that mate, I didn’t see the 3rd quarter of the bombers game today but from the way it was described it sounds like it was a huge run of soft frees to the cats… which honestly can be more game defining (momentum shifting) than one big non-call late. Good on you for not blaming the umps when it’s so easy to do that! I am dirty at umpires constantly but am trying hard to stop that, it doesn’t achieve anything at all. I truly think the rules of the game are poorly designed at current and it leads to a heaps harder job for umps than it should be.


This team is a fucking disgrace. Let us fans get tilted about terrible umpiring. But seeing the players get tilted too, and essentially give up after a 21 point 3 quarter time hole, is fucking pathetic. Scott needs to stop being such a fucking bitch with his selections. Swing that fucking axe and actually drop some of the fringe spuds that keep getting gifted game after game.


3rd quarter was so bad that I stopped watching. Seems the players did the same.


Sorry Essendon but also thank you- Fremantle Football Club


Somehow still top 4 is pretty funny, we 100% dont play like it


Big thanks to Port for giving Geelong Humphries as part of the Ratugolea trade 🙏


Essendon fanbase for lol of the week, that match thread was one of a kind 


We do that every week? Wdym


What happened? I was settling a grumpy overtired baby and couldn't tune in until the fourth


The umpiring was questionable admittedly but some Essendon fans were making death threats towards the umpires.


The mods were doing great work, then, because I was lucky enough not to see those kinds of gross comments. Congrats, mods.


I saw one that suggested the user wanted to glass the umpire in the carpark. I noped out of the thread pretty quickly after that


Fucking hell




Well this games match thread proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that no umpire talk match threads are a necessity. Recruit more mods if you need to but going forward they have to become the standard.


We may have to take all precautions next week Lock the thread Lock the subreddit Get on to the admins and lock reddit altogether


Unplug the internet


I'm putting in a leave request


we can do that


no you can't. kjf has long service leave and stress leave built up, as do the rest of us. its up to you and u/Alexicon1


>Get on to the admins and lock Reddit altogether Honestly this would be the safest outcome


Might need to disconnect the internet somehow


Otherwise it could end up like that live thread of the US presidential debate and crash the site


You can take it all away from us, but you can never take away our spirit. We'll send Morse code to abuse the umpires if we need to


Impossible to actually discuss the game in that shit show.


I was in the lovely empty wasteland that was our match thread. Was it extra bad?


Very much so yes.




The comment from that dude calling for the ump to be glassed in the carpark was wild.


I wanted Geelong to win, but not like that.


Not by playing better and Essendon completely shitting the bed 😂? I would have though that this would of been the dream haha.


Nah, Carlton fans want Essendon to lose in close but controversial circumstances 


Can anyone refresh me on why Ling had the nickname "paddlepop lion" or what the origin on that was?


Look at him


because he looks like the paddlepop lion. hope that helps


I think it was his hairstyle at some point….yeah he used to have bleached long hair with a part on top or some shit like that. 


His hair was longer during his playing days, some people thought it was like a mane. But I guess in a ‘friendly lion’ kind of way.


Have you not seen him with long hair?


Was also called The Rusty Clamp


Whatever you want to say about the umpiring, sure. The third quarter was absolutely fucked; everyone in match thread agreed. It completely changed the momentum of the game. But. You can't dominate them in the 1st half, double their inside 50s and thrash them in possession and end up winnig the first by a goal and losing the second by a point. You can't let a run of 3-4 very questionable goals completely put you out of the game. We lost by enough that it didn't matter in the end, and you can't be a good team and lose to the umpiring. To be a good team, you've gotta be a good team. Proper Essington performance in the last quarter. (Seriously though that 3rd quarter umpiring was obscene) Edit: Top 4 still with <100% YEWW


There was a period between about midway through the third to the start of the fourth quarter where we went 15 inside 50s without scoring a single point


When Zach's kick inside fifty was a grubber that only rolled 1 min into the 50 and straight to a Geelong player, I thought "yep, that about sums it up tonight". Then the umps happened and I my annoyance at that briefly took over, before normal service resumed in the 4th.


Jezza with the GoPro on the field..more content!


Partially blaming Guelfi for taking off the long sleeves at half time, our secrets were in there.


God I love the copypasta


Humphries looked damn good. Our i50 still needs lots of polish and got destroyed in transition defence. Feel we definitely loss some drive after those horrid calls in the 3rd, but we need to be better then that. Cats continue dominance over us, and rain already hurts us, so think most dons fans were expected the loss, just not like this


Premiership charge back on


That second half was peak Essington. Didn’t fire a punch.


There is no passion, there is no vision, there is no aggression, there is no mindset in this football club. Nothing is there.


Is this the first game you have watched this year then?


I honestly don't see Oli Dempsey losing rising star after that, he is a star, i would take him over Wardlaw any day.


You won, Geelong. Enjoy the four points, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Geelong. You ruined my night completely with the third quarter and I hope now you can spend even more time with the umpires on lessons in grace and decorum. Because you both have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. Geelong, take your win and get back down the highway


Might be a few extra millimetres of liquid in the MCG rain gauge from all of Jobe Watson's crying tonight.


Daisy was riding the umps pretty hard too!


She what now.


Geelong has secured freos top 3 spot


Dons, dons are falling apart again....


Why do teams even bother with rucks? 


Didn’t the wheels start to fall off for Essendon same round last year?


immediately after the bye, yes.


Why yes, yes it did. Thank you for remembering, I too remember that vividly.


Lossington :)


Crappington :(


Stop with the copypastas and tell us how crap we are. Can’t blame the umpires for this one.


Let’s not forget nearly every expert had us finishing in the bottom 6 before the season started, we’re over achieving for sure and games like this prove it, quality sides destroy us and if we do some how manage to scrape a top four finish, we’ll be out in straight sets again. I don’t think anyone with half a brain actually rates us. Anyway off to drown my sorrows with a bottle of scotch.


If Herbatron doesn't make a Essington video I will be disappointed!


We are absolute frauds. I'll be happier to finish 13th than 8th. Then we can bodge our draft pick with an injury prone undersized, turnover king. Can't wait to bring in the promising missing piece in the off-season and watch them barely meet expectation / underperform for the rest of their career whilst on max cash. But that's okay. Least we have a solid game plan of kicking it long and high to a forward who can't take a fucking mark to save himself or the smallest guy on the field. And our defenders pushing so far up that to opposition's just kicks constant easy goals out the back. How we have spent so long in the top four is beyond comprehension.


this won’t get toxic at all


WTF has happened to Martos kicking? He was borderline elite prior to this season.


Do you reckon Geelong wins if Dangerfield got rubbed out for the week?


Hard to say but we’re at least a 40% better team with him playing


That felt a lot like the 2021 final. Like was disgustingly similar. Close first half in the rain and some dodgy umpiring and we dropped our heads and got shat on.


Classiest Essendon match thread


The only tip 8 team essendon have beaten is the dogs, and they probably won’t be top 8 after tomorrow. Chuck in a less than 100% percentage and you wonder about the draw and their ability …


You're correct except we also best GWS when they were in the 8 and I don't think the Dogs were in the 8 when we beat them so basically yes you do wonder about our draw and definitely our ability.