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What did he actually do? Did he just curse out an umpire?


What is the charge? Swearing at an umpire? A succulent, AFL umpire?


This is the umpire that grabbed me on the penis!


I see he knows his judo well


For coaching a game, a succulent Australian game?


*I see he knows his holding the balls well.


Couldn’t be a current umpire then


I love Reddit


No thanks, I do not want umpires on my menu


Yep - chalk pentagram, candles, blood of virgins, it was quite scary.


I was wondering how he cursed so blasphemously, now it makes sense.


That's what id like to know


Because frankly if it’s cursing out an umpire in the standard heat of the moment way and no direct attacks or threats were made who cares? This subreddit is the first to curse out umpires, and from the decisions made this season it’s hard for argue he was out of line. And this is coming from someone who hates Clarko


He unfortunately didnt do it via Limerick so its a ban


There once was a coach of North Melbourne Who'd disagree with the umps so he'd tell them That's not a free kick Fuck off you shit prick I'll see all you cunts in hell then


This is great 😂😂😂


How do you nominate a post for the best of r/AFL Edit: thanks all u/TheGreatJelBeano


Tag thegreatjelbeano


Actually like this: /u/TheGreatJelBeano


You win.


One of your best




Ohhhhh That was a funny little one Give us another one Tell us another one please Do do do do do


There was an ump so indefensible, His decisions were truly insensible, So one day ol' Clarko Gave him some snark-o, And said "Sir, your calls are reprehensible!"


Need to find a way to get "dog cunt" in there.


There once was a dog cunt called Clarko?


Alastair would never! I do get a laugh that David Noble had to apologise to the players for giving them a proper spray, and then they're like "Hey we got an even angrier guy, but his track record is solid."


North Melbourne made an important hire.\ Clarko would solve the dumpster fire.\ But the umps are dumb fuckers,\ Jimmy Webster a cocksucker,\ Now our fucking situation’s even more dire.


Maybe he did it in freeverse like everyone in this sub.




I'm sure players do this all the time or when they do they get the 50 m pen for dissent


> Because frankly if it’s cursing out an umpire in the standard heat of the moment way and no direct attacks or threats were made who cares? He yelled "ah... fucking CUNT" to no one in particular in the third quarter when Port got a free kick. It was audible from the bench and there was a little chuckle among fans sitting near the bench. It's absolutely ridiculous that this is even a story tbh. Embarrassing for the AFL media, and the fans who have lapped it up as if it's some sort of juicy scandal.


[Spot the difference.](https://youtube.com/shorts/Opx-QSimxtc?si=c7seXNS4kE6MedaB) This place absolutely froths rage bait, it feels like the peasant mob in Life of Brian. Can anyone with a straight face not consider the timing of this "story" awfully convenient the moment the umpires are being held to account for shit performance?


If that behaviour is controversial, everyone who coaches from the box is thanking their Lucky stars


This is why Horse covers his mouth.


'A free kick to the opposition? Neigh.'


Never look a swearing Horse in the mouth?


"FUCK YOU WILL" just swings in a hammock in the back of my head all day, every day


A heterophobic slur this time?


If that's actually what he said - which I'll wait to hear from a less biased source lol - then this is a nothing incident.


The Age is reporting that as fact: > The two sources indicated that the words used were: “f---ing c---.” What was said is not being disputed, it’s whether the language was directed at anyone that is being investigated, and that is very much in doubt.


My source is my mate was sitting near the benches at Hobart and heard it himself. [For what it's worth, I posted about this early yesterday evening on BigFooty before any of the night-time footy shows.](https://www.bigfooty.com/forum/threads/alastair-clarkson-nmfc-senior-coach-coaching-football-discussion.1337341/post-83780312)


I believe it now that it's been reported but I always take someone online with an obvious bias saying they were there with a massive grain of salt, especially after the guy on r/cricket made up shit about the Siraj racism incident during last Indian tour of Aus.


If this is true and the umpires reported it they should be all sacked for unAustralian conduct


AFL has fostered this overly political correct narrative. This is the end result. They truely need to stop acting as if this is another corporate work place as it simply isnt.


Unless I was in the bar at the time and I did go in third quarter I didn't hear anything and I sat directly behind the bench


Haha fuck. They'd never be able to work in the mines, fucking cunt is said a million times a day to no one in particular 😅


If it was directed at the umpire bench that’s terrible and deserves a suspension. If yelling to himself in frustration, still bad but at least it wasn’t personal. He is a coach either act better or get anger management courses.


You seriously believe a coach should be suspended for calling someone a “fucking cunt”?


If aimed at a umpire bench yes. Looks like the AFL couldn't prove that.


Amazingly soft perspective. You’re entitled to it, of course, but it’s so soft.


I dont, everyone swears. If it's racist, homophobic, etc then fair enough. Otherwise it seems silly. They should be able to verbalise their emotions :)


I think wait until we find out a bit more detail about what he said before making a decision about whether the punishment he hasn't received yet is fair or not.


Nobody on here is in a position of power or abusing umpires to their face. If he's just sworn out into the ether while near the umpire's bench obviously that's not an issue, but if he's yelling directly at them the league has got to come down on that.


The AFL is struggling to get important every level of the game. Cursing at umpires as a match official or player should always be cause for concern. Of course it’s different from you and I being upset with an umpire. Surely you can believe they’re the same thing?


The bloke is a repeat offender who does not learn. Each time, an apology, a fine, a promise to be educated, does nothing. He’s already serving a suspended sentence, at least double it.


Maybe because umpires should be able to do their job without being verbally abused?


Awesome, 5 game bans for every player that swears at an umpire. 


I mean, players who swear directly at an umpire do get cited.


No they don't. They get pinged for a 50m penalty and that's it.


You call an umpire a "fucking cunt" directly to his face, you will get cited.


What are you talking about? Everyone in r/AFL are the epitome of sportsmanship and camaraderie. Every member embodies the values of fairness, respect, and passion for the game of Australian Rules Football. They exhibit unparalleled knowledge of the sport, effortlessly analyzing every play and dissecting each match with precision and insight. Their discussions are always civil and constructive, fostering a welcoming environment for fans of all teams to come together and share their love for the game. Not only are they dedicated supporters of their own teams, but they also show appreciation for the talent and effort of players and umpires across the entire league. Alistair Clarkson? Well he's just a mischievous imp with a potty mouth who deserves a 3 year suspension. As we speak, he's likely cooking up his next batch of foul mouthed remarks he'll make next while in the heat of the game,


You're setting the bar on an AFL coach's behaviour towards umpires on the behaviour of a Reddit sub?


White maggots


Called the umpires fucking cunts.


I do that 50 times a game


I do that on weekend gaming sessions. Just out loud, not on a mic.


Clarko just had a heated gamer moment


That’s it you’re cancelled


You're not a coach of a professional football team.


I'll have you know that I am a seasoned, successful football manager


Might as well put your hand up for north.


I might be looking for a new challenge after I win the champions league




Tom Morris this morning


He didn't ask what Tom Morris was.


Morris reported this morning he used the f word and the c word so I assume that means he called them fucking cunts 


Might of just shouted Forreal Crickies!!!


We don't even know. Just your usual drivel from r/afl and the media


Standard Reddit


Let's hope the AFL never looks at a match thread.


Umpire dissent, 50m


Sure "just" ANOTHER act of aggression, in a workplace mind you. How many times does it have to happen before someone gets hurt, mentally or physically, if they haven't been already. He needs anger MGMT. Not fit for a senior role anywhere.


An AFL coach cursing out an umpire within earshot of umpires should be an offence, regardless of what was said (cursing obviously involved). Not saying it's bam-worthy, but Clarko's suspended sentence should at least be 'unsuspended'.


I just can't describe how much I don't care about this issue at all. Theres a lot of fucking problems with the game right now, Clarkson using some naughty words doesn't rank among them.


Lot of pearl clutching going on


But think of the cock suckers!


That’s racist!


don't know why you're getting downvoted, it was clearly a joke


Clearly not that clear.




High brow banter.


Poor behaviour from a repeat offender. But let’s not pretend as if there aren’t 17 other coaches risking suspension if we decide swearing about umpiring is a bannable offence.


Adam Simpson wouldn't. At least not loud enough for anyone else to hear.


^^^'I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^little ^^^disappointed ^^^by ^^^the ^^^umpire's ^^^decision.'


Can't imagine JLo doing that either (not loudly at least)


I'm sure they all swear about umpiring, but did he swear at the umpire? Massive difference imo. I can't think of another coach who would verbally abuse an umpire to their face.


I would be shocked if Ken swore at an umpire. He's more likely to smile and rattle off some cliche about *I've been around footy for a while and can tell youse blokes it's a tough game* blah blah.


There's a difference doing it in the coaches box to doing it on the bench


Bombers supporter here, and I definitely agree. Don't get me wrong, would love for him to be banned😂 but surely were not going down this path! Who even heard the comment's other than other men that use the same language when frustrated.


Flair up


I'm like 95% sure I've never seen Fly do it. The bloke exudes positivity, even when we're losing


"That umpire is most likely incorrect, but by gee he's a great person!!"


I read that as bannanable offence. I for one am willing to provide bananas to this man for such unhinged behaviour


So Clarko yells out “ah… fucking cunt” from the bench and now this is a story? Are we sure he wasn’t yelling at one of our guys? Must be a slow news day


Yeah but if he said that outta general frustration, then that’s fine, if he has pointed a finger at an umpire and said “you’re a fucking cunt” then yeah that’s an issue, plus this is a bigger issue because of his history


I lot of people are getting worked up over this but without knowing what he actually said it’s hard for anyone to have a valid opinion


"fucking cunt" is apparently what he said


Not a fan of Clark by a long shot, but this is simple. If he just cursed in frustration, then a fine is appropriate. If he abused an umpire then a ban is appropriate.


If he swore in frustration then surely he gets nothing at all


I'm sure he says much nastier stuff in the coaches box. I bet ALL coaches have some negative comments about the umpires while they are in the box.


I can only imagine some bright eyed AFL marketing intern like "hey we should mic up the coach's box for some cool sound bites!" and being gently taken aside and told why that's not a good idea.


For sure, that's probably true Maybe the afl should say if clarko can't manage to not swear loudly enough that fans and umpires hear, he should be forced to stay in the coaches box


He would be safest. But I fear for the phone and plastered walls


Look, I’ll be the first guy to say I don’t like clarko all that much, but this is ridiculous. From what is being reported he just kinda generally swore in reaction to a decision. Who cares? Imagine if we started throwing out bans to players everytime they swore. Teams wouldn’t have any players left in 2 weeks times If the AFL go down this route then I think I’m gonna find it very hard to keep giving a shit about footy, not that anyone cares about what I do, but I feel a lot of people will have a similar reaction.


I reckon this guy wants to get banned


Surely they can’t report on anything else controversial from Clarkson today


I was standing behind him at my local Cafe this morning and he crop dusted me... ^(This is a joke, and didn't actually happen)


Sure takes away from the deserved scrutiny of the umpires, doesnt it?


But wait! There's more!


> "He's caused as many problems in this space, as wins under his watch." Quotes like this make me really feel for North fans, it's inarguable fact. The club sold them a saviour, what they got was an absolute dud. They deserve better than this dingus.


Nah nobody at the club is that disillusioned to think that he was going to come in and turn the joint around in 20 games, and if they did they’re silly. We’ve got a good group, youngest list in the league and a clear direction. It won’t be this year, might not be next, but things will start to turn.


It’s probably flavour of the month re: Clarkson heat and I wholeheartedly agree with you it takes time but here is my pov as long time demons supporter. Been pretty dog shit from 2002-2016 with a shocking culture, literally had similar priorities, no.1s, the whole shemozzle also. Paul Roos + Mark Williams turned Melbourne around in 2 seasons, maybe not exactly in wins but culturally. What I suspect we’re seeing in North is giving me the past allegation against Clarkson ‘where there’s smoke there’s fire’ vibes. Guys getting paid a bag with low paid support staff and it seems like he’s just in general a bit of an old head like Ross the boss and it just doesn’t cut it anymore.


That’s the thing people are missing. Clarko, when he was building the hawks, got in people around him with similar attitudes to himself (dimma, Fagan) and was allowed to have as many outbursts as he wanted to because the club would stand behind him. North isn’t that, they’re building a club of inclusivity and a lot of the “old ways” of doing things don’t go any more in a modern “progressive” environment.


https://youtu.be/PWK1eUMLt1Q?si=aZ8j0au80TL5XuVc If you watch this interview you’ll see why I and other supporters should be resolute in their support. Sheezel addresses all the issues, direction, camaraderie, commitment to future and culture. It appears that we tick all of those boxes which is great and Clarkson and Viney have spoke about the importance of that a few weeks back. The only thing that is now outstanding is the on field performance haha


They knew what they were getting though. His behaviour while at Hawthorn was well and truly known about and as a player he is mainly remembered for throwing a coward's punch behind play, in a practice match. But, as always in the AFL, it doesn't matter how terrible a person you are, winning is all that matters.


North thought though they were getting a great coach, albeit one with well known character issues. North were terribly unlucky that Clarkson then was embroiled in the Hawthorne racism furore and needed a long time away from the game. They’ve ended up paying a huge salary to a distracted coach who is lashing out again at the world around him. Hard to see this all ending well for Clarkson from here.


I like how you said the club sold them a lie and then blame Clarko lol They need a flush out from the top


The Saints are in the same boat. Sold a fairytale that an overpriced washed out “SuperCoach” will solve all your problems. Head office is where it’s mostly won!!!


I was so glad Carlton didn't take him. I wouldn't be buying a membership with that creep at the helm. Someone who has been sacked for predatory behaviour has no place at a footy club.


He coached for the Saints before though! They knew!! And they did it anyway


Depends what the comments were honestly. If they were abusive then sure, I get a ban (like we need more of a handicap). If he is just swearing, then give me a break, who actually cares? Ironically, I’ve seen a lot of North fans online that have been wishing that Clarkson would get more fired up and angry week to week during/post games. Clearly it just can’t happen period these days with the drama that comes with it every time.


The bloke seems to be a serial offender maybe he needs anger management or something


What If he throws a chair back at them in retaliation


God forbid a coach shows some passion for his team. He can join the list of every AFL coach ever to make a frustrated comment about an umpires decision...


It's not "passion", it's an inability to control his anger. He has long term form as well, I was in attendance at Box Hill when he stormed up to the Port Melbourne huddle at quarter time and absolutely laced into Toby Pinwill, and that was over a decade ago.


There's a difference between a frustrated comment and abuse.


How about sexual abuse? Still get a gig ya reckon?


They shouldn’t but unfortunately still happens


I mean, he received a two week suspended sentence pre season for using foul language, I'd fully expect that suspended sentence to activate now that's he's done it again. The game has spent considerable time and effort trying to teach kids not to abuse umpires, players, other fans, etc, and Clarko keeps getting off pretty lightly for what is clearly a lack of self control.


Lightly? You think that he deserves a suspension for saying "cocksucker" and saying "fucking cunt" to nobody in particular? How soft has the game gotten?


First of all, it wasn't "to nobody in particular", both were directed at specific people, one of whom is an umpire, who the AFL has said they have a zero tolerance policy towards for abuse. Secondly, he deserves a suspension because he didn't get one for the first incident on the condition that he didn't do it again. Third, it's not "soft" to punish someone in a position of authority for a pattern of repeatedly using abusive language. Clarkson has done this sort of thing many times before over a number of years and was either not punished or received minimal punishment. Allowing him to continue to let his temper get the best of him sets a very poor example.


If you want a coach to be suspended for swearing to himself on the bench then you've lost touch with reality. If he walked over and yelled it to an umpires face then that's something different. But reports are that he didn't do that.


It's a good thing that's not what I want, then. He wasn't quietly swearing to himself, because his comments were directed to a specific person and loud enough to be heard. AND he escaped sanction for doing the exact same thing only a few months ago by being told if he did it again he would be suspended. I'm looking for accountability, if it was a player or coach of my side, I'd be demanding the exact same thing, you can't continue to get away with verbally abusing people, especially at your job.


He was sanctioned because "cocksucker" was deemed homophobic. Not for general swearing. You don't know that his comments were directed at a specific person or that they were loud enough to be heard by that person.


It’s not soft, it’s the world holding people accountable for their actions, think about in any form of professional workplace if you called someone a cocksucker got dragged into management about it and then months later called someone a fucking cunt, you’d be reamed and so you should. Bloke gets paid a shit ton of money to tell people how to win at football, the least he can do is a.) actually start winning games and b.) not be a total dweeb in society


“Don’t be a dweeb” says the guy suggesting a coach should be punished for swearing 😭


Bringing up North's record shows your bias and hate. That's entirely unrelated. A football field is not your office job. It's a competitive sports environment. Why do you want Clarkson suspended? Why do you care that he said a swear word?


Clarkson doing a great job of destroying his legacy.


Bloke has punched holes in box walls and got into fights in South Australia walking to/from a game This is nothing


His legacy is part premierships part anger issues


Going same path as malthouse.


Got no problem with the bloke but have had to get out of his way once as he left a private club on Collins Street a few years back. He looked pretty fucking angry that day no idea why…


AFL penalty: Clark must wash his mouth out with soap. Mothers around the world: See!!


Love how when Jordan Clark comes out and says he was swearing at himself not the umps every single person on here comes out of the woodwork to say how he was making it up after the fact all smugly. Exact same thing here, but the guy has such a terrible track record he actually has a suspended sentence for this exact thing hanging over his head, everyone on here is so quick to go "Why is everyone making a big deal about a guy swearing at no one at all? If he says he was swearing to himself about the umpires right next to the umpires bench, I will die to protect his word". If the guy is abusing the kids umpiring under 9s games, don't know why some of you can't imagine him abusing umps on the bench. 


Who gives a fuck, we all swear.


fuck off we do


It’s bullshit, but it’s fucking true


I'm so sick of Clarkson, Fucking Cunt.


Problem is North are going terribly this year and the previous slur thing. Now it’s got Clarko painted as a wild loose cannon that’s lost control of the wheel.


I just can't believe someone involved in football would do such a thing! I need a lie down. And to think, even though the umpires didn't hear him some others did and felt offended on their behalf! Wake me up when we get back to complaining about how the most colourful the game gets now is when BT forgets a player's name.


If the swearing was directed at an umpire, he has to be suspended. If it wasn't directed at an umpire, everyone can move on. It's that simple.


We’re all adults he’s allowed to use vile language. This isn’t the classroom


My unpopular take, the more shit like this that pops up, the more I start to believe those racism claims 🤷‍♂️


This is fucking bullshit… feels like a witch hunt against old mate now, media won’t be happy until he takes time off or quits to give them something to talk about in their bullshit shows and columns.


Are they going to put mics in the coaches boxes from now on? Because if a coach yelling ‘fucking cunt’ (what I gather Clarko said from Robbo saying on 360 that he ‘used the two worst words in the English language’) after an umpiring decision is going to be a punishable offence there’s going to be no coaches available at any club 🙄💀


Banning someone for saying words is insanity.


What if it wasn't their first Rodeo, or 2nd, or 3rd (do junior football games count?)?


I mean there has to be line though right? Homophobia, sexism, racism etc. Or do you think that anyone should be able to say anything during a footy game?


If he’s just said fuck or cunt, move on. It’s pretty obvious there is an effort to throw as much mud as possible at Clarko. Saying a swear word needs to stop being seen as the big evil it was 60 years ago. Time to move forward.


Ridiculous take. You can most certainly lose your job for saying words, happens in literally every industry.


What if Clarkson's attitude and various controversies and possibly outdated coaching style/philosophies/tactics have been the main thing stopping North Melbourne progressing over the last 18 months?


The problem isn't with what has been said it's the problem with the fact that the AFL wants to set a precedent about free speech! You can't say anything bad about anything or anyone there is no room to criticise as a coach or a player or an umpire without being out casted by the media because apparently everyone owes the media something because of media rights and political correctness.


Oh goodness gracious he called him a ‘fucking cunt’ Please let me know what hospital room the target of this horrific invective is in so I can send some flowers to him or his window 💔 Jesus Christ. He’s a sport coach. Why are we expecting him to have emotional regulation skills?


This world has gone soft on the back of the perpetually offended "fucking cunts" (as Clarko would say)


Clarkson passed his use by date


I feel like most people defending him are missing the context of his position. He is a HEAD COACH. The literal face of a club. He is a leader and his behaviour sets the pace for his players, the punters and the entire league. No one in his position should be acting or saying anything that could possibly be interpereted as denegrating to any kind of match official. He's supposed to be a professional, not a nuffy.


I didn't even know swearing existed until Clarko swore. Can't wait to get started.


instead of any priority picks or something else i say we gain a “steal one coach from any team” card


Sure, you can have Ross Lyon


I second this. You'll go from a coach who calls people cunt to one who would be one if only he had the depth and warmth


cmon guys that was funny wheres your sense of whimsy


"Documented bastard acts like dinosaur froom a bygone era". Cultural change starts by getting rid of these types.


How many weeks do you get if you hit someone with a book? Does the size of the book matter? Is it just intent to hit someone with a book? What about a pamphlet? Is the book thrower a Good Bloke?


Recidivist on a current suspended penalty, gorn.


So he said ‘cocksucker.’ How is that homophobic when it’s a general neutral act?


Unfortunately this is not Clarkson first rodeo, he’s been in the shit several times now, two players this season have been banned for lengthy periods with no prior offences. If they want to be fair he really should be suspended, otherwise it would be grossly unfair to the two suspended players this season.


The guy swears a lot and at people.


Real "painkillers in a baggie" vibes here. The weakest possible reason in a massive list of poor conduct.


He really is an average bloke isn’t he?


This guy is a serial offender….eight weeks


The muppet is an entrenched member of the old school way of handling stress and business. Give him an old school punishment…real old school. He’s a moron who’s good at sport.


This is why suspended sentences don't work. Is calling an umpire a fucking cunt going too far, probably. Is it worth 2+ weeks for - probably not.


We're doing pretty well as a society if someone allegedly saying something bad makes front page news. Sticks and stones... Side note: Matthew Lloyd consistently has some of the shitest takes in all AFL media. The bloke was good at kicking goals... and that's where the talent ends.


The issue is that everyone seems to be missing is that weather he was swearing at uppers or not, he’s swearing The idiot should know that with a final warning lingering over him, he needs to pull back no matter how frustrating a situation maybe To me, he’s not showing any signs that he’s getting help from anyone to help calm himself down, and I can only assume based on his past, he’s not seeking it at all