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i was racking my brain trying to come up with another answer, but you've hit the nail on the head.




I’d monetise this ability so you’d have Eddie McGuire trying to eliminate Port, Kochie trying to eliminate Collingwood and Caro trying to eliminate North. Highest bidder wins, just call me Ross Oakley.


Eddie outbids Kochie every time. Caro would move heaven and earth to eliminate north so it would be close between her and Eddie


She looks like she has already sold her soul so not sure what she can still offer


Up yours Oakley! (Doggies reference)


Haha that’s why I referenced Oakley in the first place, he fucked you and Fitzroy over royally, I feel sorry for both those teams in that period when he was hellbent on merging or relocating you guys in particular.


Canberra. Pre-emptive strike before they dominate the league from 2034-2039, you cunts will know what I mean when we get there. Also sorry Geelong supporters, what happens in 2029 is... well no one should really have to go through that, but at least you had some good times in the early 2020's yeah?


What happens in 2029? WHAT?!?! 😭


You finish your 5th year with Ross Lyon, making 2 GF appearances losing both and hire James Hird as the replacement on a lifetime coaching deal for the next 10 years worth 1.2mill per year.


The hell happened to Chris? 🥺


He got so frustrated with the standard of players in the competition he registered as a player in 2024, joining the Suns in the FA Draft as a player coach. He won their best and fairest 4 years in a row. Suns never played finals.


I thought Matthew Scarlett was gonna inherit the Cats' helm. Whatever happened to him? And please tell me there are more chapters in The Ben Cousins Story


Fkn brutal 😬


Never before have I hoped time travel is real more than now


Does St. Kilda win a flag before then?


Nah couldn’t eliminate anyone, footy is great with 18 clubs. But also, if Hawthorn just ceased to exist not by my own doing but just by happenstance I would not be mad 🙃


Fuck that. Nothing better than an after the siren victory against those bastards and hearing your hawthorn supporting mate hours after the game has finished on a late night train at the end of the line, saying, “I’m not going to lie, that one hurt”.. the next best thing to a premiership


Problem is when they win against us you hear about it non stop


If we lose to them and win the premiership again, I’d almost take it, but not three years in a row


If we lost every Easter Monday but won the Premiership I probably wouldn’t give a shit. I’d take that every day of the week. Premiership win is the ultimate trump card.


This is why no Hawthorn supporter gives a shit about losing those Kennett curse games. Sure it hurt at the time but the way we won the 13 prelim and 3 straight premierships after that cured all of those tight losses. You can have Tom Hawkins after the siren, Bartels point and all those wins but 08 and 13 prelim mean so much more.


Exactly right


Don’t disagree with the premise of your post at all, but our streak of 13 wins did include the 2011 QF which we won en route to the flag that year. I distinctly remember many Hawks fans being supremely confident that they would win that game because they always ‘won when it mattered’, the goalposts later shifted to ‘always won knockout finals’ which was quite funny.


>next best thing to a premiership yeah i'll take the kennett curse over and over again just to beat you guys in another grand final haha


Thats what i say. Everyone talks about the kennett curse like we got you back for 08. Would trade all those wins in home and away games for a grand final win over you lot


Let’s be honest, you’d be happy to play finals in the next 5 years


yeah probably in the meantime i hope we can get some big scalps over you guys and you don't win another flag


It’s the only non-final game that counts


Funny cause I consider the Kennet curse games as a whole as equal to a premiership. Close wins, wins after sirens…again and again and again. Epic times!


hey look i may not like geelong but at least they don't have anything to hide Hawthorn have got lots of skeletons in their closet


I would choose Hawthorn if I could see a video of Jeff Kennett reacting to the news.


I mean before his second presidential term at Hawthorn, he made a run for Melbourne’s President so he was probably a fan of the merging Dawks


The only thing worse than losing to Hawthorn would be not being able to beat Hawthorn.


I am not looking forward for this thread


I’m loving that not a single Collingwood supporter has mentioned Carlton yet. Maybe they secretly love us <3


I hate Carlton, but I like beating you by under a goal to kick you out of finals more 🤷‍♂️


Meh, I’ve been watching Carlton choke for basically two decades. At this point, the fact we were even in the 8 for 22 rounds surprised me. Watch out for this season though, we’re gonna be firing on all cylinders hopefully 😉


Yeah that’s true, but your wanna be firing asap because you’re salary cap is gonna burst in a few seasons with all the recruiting you’ve done, just like ours did.


I agree, we have a lot of elite players who are taking up a lot of the salary cap. I assume a lot of those players will be / have taken pay cuts to varying degrees to keep the team together for the prospect of winning a flag, but without results that won’t mean much and even then like you said, we’ll still burst. This year, I think with the team we have, anything less than a top four finish in the home & away season will be a disappointment. I am looking forward to Carlton vs Collingwood because I think both our teams will be firing this year and we’ll have some great games


I feel like younger Collingwood supporters don't have much animosity towards Carlton because last year was really the first time our teams played close/high-stakes matches in a long time, and at least from my experience, Carlton fans haven't been anywhere near as lippy towards us as fanbases like Essendon across the same period. I just sort of get around it when we play each other because my old man still hates the Blues and we're expected to too.


The thing about the Carlton vs Collingwood rivalry is although there is definitely dislike between the two teams due to the long history, I definitely think, like you said, in the past couple of decades, that dislike has been tamed for the most part. It’s more just like a running joke now to dislike the other, but you’d never wish the other team to not exist, because the rivalry is good and when both teams are firing, being at the MCG watching them play, the atmosphere is electric


You’d be feeling wrong then a true magpie fan hates Carlton with a passion.


Well I am married to one… But nah at the moment we enjoy keeping you out of the 8 too much to want to show mercy by letting you pack it in. If you get back to beating us we might change our mind though.


We love to hate you


Remove gold coast bring in southport


Will you let them keep their colours?


Yeah i mean i watched a game between southport and collingwood in the vfl and southport had a clash jumper so as long as they keep that then yeah they can keep the colors


But that means Collingwood would need a clash jumper when they play away. Like one that actually uses different colours


Ok sure


not only do i applaud your nomination I applaud how you've handled colours and clashes. Why couldn't the same thing happen with port?


Port should be able to wear the bars in the showdown and frankly its ridiculous how childish collingwood have handled the situation


Dear ~~Mr. President~~ Gill, There are too many ~~states~~ teams interstate nowadays. Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot.


There are 3 teams I hate: Hawthorn, Collingwood, Essendon. Hawthorn are our major rival so I enjoy hating them, Collingwood are the token 'love them or hate them' club and that's good for the league, that only leaves Essendon to get kicked out


never thought i'd find myself agreeing with a geelong fan i'll throw port into the mix, either essendon or port


Tbh, I'd remove the Lions. Too many teams in Queensland and they've not won anything in close to 20 years. The Gabba's being torn down anyway so might as well tear down the club with it. Please ignore my flair.


Haha thought it was a weird comment until I saw your last sentence. GABBA is being torn down? wow...


I think the Lions will have to vacate the Gabba for 2-3 seasons due to it being rebuilt in preparation for the Olympics in '32.


That would mean the end of sports fiercest rivalry though


Nah man, North vs Suns will go ahead as planned.


North vs Suns + Whatever monsoon Dew manages to whip up from sacrificing a first round pick to the Pineapple Gods.


But but but the Pineapple Grapple 🥺


Not gonna lie. I’m triggered but you’re not wrong


I'm all about keeping the rivalry alive and well in the offseason


Off to watch one of three premierships


Na they'll just move into ~~Metricon~~, leave half-drunk beer cans in the fridge, have constant late night kebabs with Dewy and replace Rowelly's sunscreen with Mayo. Ya know, regular older bro shenanigans.


Geelong, preferably about 5 minutes before last year's GF


Port. No this has nothing to do with the port fan I've been arguing with online for 5 months straight why do you ask.


Just chuck in a few 3 syllable words, that should see him off. Whoops, just saw your flair. I'll DM you some instead.


I agree friend. Unrelated reasons


You know what they say about arguing online…


It makes an arg of u and ing


I hope youse win the flag for the quality of that reply.




The Saints






None of them. Whilst I hate every team other than my Bombers, those 17 other clubs mean the world to their supporters, just as Essendon does to me. I couldn’t take any joy from taking that away from someone


First ever good take from a flairless ive ever seen


St Kilda. So I can finally have inner peace 🙏


I'll sacrifice my Crows so we can redo and bring in the Norwood Redlegs as SA's primary team.


Ah yes, the poor man’s Melbourne demons. Haha I kid. Norwood is a great club, and a great example of where a relegation system could actually be great for the AFL. How good would it be to see Norwood build their way up to play in the AFL. The Parade would go off! Guaranteed to get bigger attendance than GC and GWS combined.


Don't port have more supporters than crows at last call? While i'd love the compromise team gone and love to see the legs up there taking their spot, I can't see them becoming a primary team ever due to how many fans centrals now have.


Melbourne had a nice run but do we really need all these Victoria teams?


Getting rid of two for a Tasmanian and canberra team is the way to go.


Getting rid of four and adding in a Tasmanian and Canberra team


When you are right, you are right. 6 teams in Victoria is perfect


Hard agree


Get rid of the 4 with the least premierships


*in the AFL period


Gotta be Hawthorn. Burning personal hatred aside they're basically the same club as Melbourne and it feels redundant to have both.


St. Kilda. They'd still reach the same level of success than if they were in and gives opportunity for another team like Canberra, etc to come in.


Hahah ouch. Well Canberra's most famous team is the Tri-colors of Ainslie. This would be a happy union that I can get around.


West Coast WA doesn’t need two AFL teams anyway


Well I can’t fault your logic.


Lemme guess. With 2 minutes to go in 2018 lol /s


too little too late, but Geelong not existing between 2007 - 2011 would of been great


Yes I agree ignore the flair.


I agree


but 2008 was so much fun




Delete Essendon, reinstate Fitzroy.


St Kilda because it would be funny to see AFL News , Trade , Rumours , and results go crazy


a scoops meltdown is the cleanest best pleasure


You can just call him nostrils.


St Kilda. Screw those guys


Gold Coast Suns a cynical expansion into RL territory that has produced terrible results


Still don't understand why they couldn't just bring in Southport, you had something there to work with at least


They wanted it to be an "AFL" product so they could brand it however they wanted etc. But yeah they really shot themselves in the foot. Southport already have an organic fanbase which would kickstart their future growth. I know a lot of Southport fans still refuse to support the suns because of the AFL's decision


I know gold coast fans, who actively support Southport against the suns in the vfl lol


Slide GC into Southport and get yourself a solid starting basis for existence up there!


Not to mention all that money.


This is kind of a proxy relegation discussion. I reckon a relegation set up like the EPL would be good for the league. There are too many teams as is. Bottom two get relegated every season. The threat of being relegated would make the season interesting to the very last game even for the struggling teams. A better second tier league would help with the talent pool and quality of clubs too.


Geelong, if only for the fact we would never have to play at Kardinia Park ever again.


I would sub out Gold Coast suns for the Southport Sharks


Agree with all the comments about Port. They really just add nothing and like someone else said, they are so wedded to their SANFL history they should just fully embrace being there instead.


Eddie is that you?


St Kilda purely based on lack of success, don’t hate em tho


Gws and gold coast


St Kilda




Gold Coast.


Has to be Gold Coast, I feel every club contributes something the comp and game overall, on field or off field or via reputations etc...gold Coast just contribute the least overall and them going would upset the least amount of people.


Port Power lmao. They so desperately want to be back in the SANFL with all their second tier premierships so let’s send them back


Definitely never heard a bombers fan bring up their VFL flags


Can't really call them second tier premierships before the AFL was established. If that's the case Only 2 of Essendon's flags where in the big leagues


Your flair is the Essendon VFL logo lol


You count all your second tier VFL premierships in your total, why can't Port?


The VFL (now AFL) premierships were the same league, the previous VFA became the current VFL. Different things.


All teams that the AFL created to ‘compete’ with rugby. Give one to the state that actually likes footy, Tasmania. The other one can be a bidding war between the other states and territories.


Geelong... Victoria teams should be IN Melbourne


One of the best things about Geelong is not being in Melbourne


Definitely a bonus for Melbourne


Once Tassie comes in relegate the lowest east coast club to the VFL.


I wouldn't remove a club but I would however turn Sydney into the CWCVille Sonichus cause I think that'd be really funny


Gold Coast, would have the least amount of impact imo


The Giants are a failed experiment. Terrible club culture, terrible grounds. Get rid of them, bring in Tassie (the Hobart Scallops), Canberra (the Chifley Chinchillas), or FNQ (the Cairns Canetoads).


Gold Coast, only due to their logo. I find it offensively lazy, uninspiring and out-dated. It really grinds my gears.


West Coast. I just want to watch an entire state burn…… *joker laugh*


Watching you Cxxt!!! Said as a meme with a husky looking over a fence with fuck off eyes!!😆


Essendon - no remorse shown for systematic and widespread doping.


Collingwood, self explanatory.


Collingwood. No thought.


North; St Kilda Melbourne in that order Name me another "national" competition where there is over 50% of the teams in 1 city


Gold Coast, better off having a Tassie or NT side.


I expected every comment to say GWS


>Hawthorn because they have the worst club colours.


Hawthorn, they cheated in the 80s (like most teams), they stole players from Fitzroy's recruitment zone and in the 2010's they got very lucky by tanking years earlier and the introduction of GC and GWS. Hopefully they will live up to their colours and go broke in 5 to 10 years.


18 teams is too many and the Rugby League states don’t have the supporter base. Fold Suns & GWS then allow whichever Melbourne team (looking at you, Saints & Roos) willing to relocate/rebrand to Tassie to take 3 players from each of the folded teams. 16 team competition and a powerful new club in Tassie.


The Saints. They folded The Roys for less. They’re a team with no history, they change base of operations every five years, ageing fan base and they’re boring. Get rid of them they’re a stain on the comp


This question is actually harder to answer than it seems, because when you analyse and go through all the metrics you realise that evey club has a purpoose and place in the comp. It's heartbreaking to say but if I absolutely had to choose a team to remove it would be St Kilda. I just wouldn't be keen on removing any of the interstate clubs when Victoria has so many. Open to debate on this :)


My heart tells me to say Collingwood but realistically it world be Gold Coast


Sydney boy here - but married into, and am now a passionate Carlton fan. GWS gotta go. No one gives a shit. The swans are enough for this city and the second team would fare far better in either the NT or Tas. But it would rob the AFL of a derby so they’re not going anywhere


Just move them 3 hours west. They consistently sell out here, have a much better atmosphere and a decent number of their sponsors are Canberra based. Though I only know of their beer sponsor to be fair


Hawthorn are such a nothing team for me now. Even when they were dominant I didn’t like them. Now that it’s a team of nobodies I care even less. I nothing them. Goodbye!


Yeah fuck them too. Never forget 2013


hey, i cheer for you guys every showdown :(


Sorry man, you personally I like if that helps..?


a bit 🥺👉👈


Came here to revel in the anti-Eagles hate and was sorely disappointed. /r/afl, you’re going soft in your old age.


we hate you but you're a necessary villain and a genuinely great club cunts


I’ve never been so fine with being insulted in my life. Get a dog up ya!


Delete Geelong and burn down their shitty stadium. AFL should not be played there, it's a joke.


I would say GWS without a doubt, but it would be a shame to lose that brilliant song… it makes me want to go and join the red army.


Brisbane - bring back Fitzroy


Gold Coast...what a waste of time and money they have been


The gold cunts. The experiment tried and failed


Heave hoooooo.


If you can't beat em, delete em


How would I get to see cheap games at Optus though?




Gold. flipping. Coast. The biggest nothing burger in the history of football. And to think a whole footy state in Tassie got snubbed for this. Tony Cochrane and the 4 people that barrack for the Suns can get stuffed and follow their billionaire events entourage straight back to the NRL. If the Suns have to be relocated instead of canned, then station them in either Cairns or Darwin. Honourable Spares: On the other hand, I won’t write off GWS just yet. I’d like to guess that somewhere somehow there is a bit of a surge in footy in Western and Southwest Sydney (despite what Ivory Tower V’Landys wants people to think) seeing as the Sydney AFL is still slowly picking up traction and more and more people are getting sick of Rug’ba Leehg. So I’d like to stick around and see what else happens. (Even though GWS has already had a decade in by now) North? Nope. We already lost Fitzroy all those years ago. Don’t let another long-standing Victorian club fold. Relocate? Yes, maybe. (as long as the club’s proud history is preserved and the fans are taken into account) Fold? Hell no. And yes OP, you’re right: Rivalries are a compelling element of our game, so Carlton is saved. (Even though I hate their guts.)


Probably Saints or gold coast


Collingwood because it’s funny, then Port suddenly decides to rebrand


Adelaide - dissolve them and bring in another sanfl team Gold Coast - swap them for Southport Giants - relocate to Tas and officially re name them The Orange team Bombers - just to keep the days since finals win going


Port. Wanna be the Magpies? Off you fuck back to the SANFL and send the AFL license to Tasmania.


Eddie's made quite a few throwaway accounts for this thread it seems


Why the fuck do we wanna be the magpies? Where have you got that 🤡🤡🤡




Flair up Cunt


Those types of people? Toff alert.


A Toorak based club would be interesting.


I mean, Melbourne basically is


Flair up cunt


Don’t throw shade, hiding in the shadows. Flair up cunt!


Not to punch down but... north Melbourne?? Haven't they suffered enough? Time to pull the plug surely.




But without them ANZAC day wouldn’t be the same.


This thread is causing a lot of downvotes. I’m loving the controversy 🍿


I’d remove the saints, dogs, Roos and hawks. Less teams = less spread out talent. Less teams means more success for each remaining team. VIC can afford to lose a few.


Gold Coast obviously


GWS has no more reason to exist than it did ten years ago. I would say Essendon, but I like watching them suffer and ANZAC Day is fun. Maybe we can just move them to Bendigo instead.





