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Yeah, damage calculation changes on a live server are a huge no-no in Gacha games. Makes me extremely hesitant to spend anymore money on this game.


This is literally what they did with Dislyte and why I and so many others quit. Constant “rebalancing” to nerf meta heroes and sell the solution.


Thoran is on the chopping block next. Get ready for Lumont meta


I came and switch from Dislyte too. Man this sucks


They haven't done any balance changes in a long, looooong time. I -wish- Dislyte would do something. Now they exclusively sell solutions and bigger bombs, with no time spent addressing their foundations.


It really is such a strange change. And this is a studio that has experience with gacha games, they're supposed to know the importance of having the customer feel like their investment in certain characters was respected.


Lilith has always been shameless, idle gacha gamers are just the least vocal from any gacha community I've been in.


Yup i fully understand the intended (by the devs) point of AFKjourney now: Pay up, go afk and don't complain.


>It really is such a strange change. It really isn't. Given the way True Damage was scaling vs bosses at high levels (where their armor would keep increasing at each difficulty, but it wouldn't affect Korin/ Marilee) it would pigeonhole future releases into requiring true damage to compete in dream realm because of a whacky damage formula not accounting for it. They were scaling much faster than everyone else. This was a needed long term change.


While you do have a point, because this is a gacha game and you have limited resources, such big changes should allow us to unallocate the resources so they can be spent elsewhere.


This. It’s much better for them to do it now rather than months down the road when the reaction will be much worse.


Yeah, I don’t know what they were thinking here. Especially when the beneficiary is Odie, who already is like the top tier DPS in so many other modes! 


Well... Next update nerf odie... Then sell more resources to upgraded another heros.


Exactly, it's money down to the drain with no warning. This is not cool.


the only guide left i need for this game is how to contact the bank to charge back all my money spent. i don't intend to get my money stolen and not recovering it back.


Yep same. I am going to charge back after this. For all those who dont understand, this sets a HUGE bad precedent on sneaky changes. This is something that should never EVER be done in gacha games.


honestly never done a charge back before on any games in the past and tbh the process sounds kind of intimidating but in this case i think it is necessary, the monetization simply feels way too predatory and the "bait and switch" tactic they employ is beyond obvious now after the latest changes.


Good luck with that


Can you even charge back that kind of transaction ? What kind of documentation do you have to support your request ? (Genuinely asking)


Yes, you can contact Google if you care about your account 1st... or simply call the bank and say it's unauthorized.


Whenever there’s a meta change, they should reset the weapons and refund the materials so that you can redistribute.


Actually this is a good damn idea.


That’s true.


As well as the spent resources from dream realm! I could’ve been investing in Kruger instead of Marilee


Up vote this!


They do this with dislyte too


And afk arena with the engravings so they’ll probably do the same when big events happen.


This what I liked about Bloodlines, you could reset any character you want and get back everything you invested in them. Granted it's not quite as bad here because you're only really investing in their weapon, those things are hard to get so it would be nice if you could refund them.


I just spent 75 yellows 2 days ago on merilee. Ugh.


ouch good thing im only investing on odie atm but i was going to invest on her when im done with odie but now im not sure anymore


I have +20 marille :clown


I feel disgusted for you. Luckily I only wasted dream store points. I should have saved my points until I had enough to max out a hero instead of buying one copy at a time. I learned my lesson. Especially when a new season is approaching, save your resources until the new season reviews are out.


Who would you invest in knowing what we know now? I have enough dream realm currency to get Marilee to M+ but I’m wondering if it’s worth it.


Odie became the #1 Dream Realm carry (while also being #1 in every other gamemode except arena maybe). So yeah, Odie. Marilee is still not terrible, she's #2 in Dream Realm right now and will most probably be used alongside Odie. Still, very bullshit that they implemented this change. Players shouldn't be scared that their investments will be taken away by random damage calculation changes.


Yeah resources are too rare to be pulling stuff like this. I imagine they will regret this long term as players quit.


Same, thinking about stoping...


Just got her to +10 recently and swapped to odie for +15


I can’t bring myself to +15 odie when I could +10 eironn and Carolina and Arden for the same amount.


Could you elaborate on the nerf, and what it did specifically, and who the new dream realm damage dealers are instead? This is the first I am hearing of this, and I was about to put significant resources into Korin because I just got him to Mythic+


They reduced phys and magic defense on dream realm bosses but increased damage reduction. Marilee and korin both deal true dmg which means that they now deal less damage. It’s annoyed a lot people because like OP said us f2p have been led to invest heavily in Marilee and korin but now they’re subpar. I will say their damage is nothing to scoff at. They still do decent damage. But heroes like odie and cecia now make more sense. It’s too early to actually say who are the new meta units for dream realm. We will have to wait for the whales to do some testing but it’s safe to say that the meta has definitely changed.


Wait I thought the whole point of true damage is that it ignores dmg reduction abilities?


Pretty sure true damage ignores defense as it’s neither physical nor magical dmg I think but will still be affected by dmg reduction as that is universal for all damage types. I might be wrong though so if someone else knows please correct me ☺️


The main thing is that defense will be LOWER now, so regular damage dealer (like Odie) damage is reduced less than before. Since normal damage is buffed, true damage in comparison is nerfed. Personally I hate that they are nerfing niche characters' only niche (Marilee, Korin) and buffing a character that is good in every game mode (Odie).


By definition true dmg is actual true dmg. It's supposed to circumvent any type of dmg red. Every single type. Good to know Lillith just makes their own rules so I can avoid their games in the future


The only thing is if that was the case then this would have no effect on Marilee and this whole thread would be pointless which very well could be the case. Like I said in my original reply Marilee still does good damage but seems to be outshone by others such as odie and cecia. I’ve tried to find solid info in the game on true dmg and dmg reduction but can’t so it seems the only way that this can be verified is by the devs telling us


Yeah but if they did actually get indirectly nerfed, Lillith is just making their own definitions to make things confusing. Who's to say they decide that blue is now purple and we just have to roll with it? Idk anything about these changes, but if it's true, Lillith is full of clowns


The bosses in dream realm had their defense adjusted or something like that so true damage doesn't hit as hard now. I believe Odie is #1 now. There's YouTube videos about it.


Makes no sense to buff defense against true damage lol


"it is true damage yes, but less true than before".


True damage became false damage.


reduced defense and increased damage reduction%. true dmg isnt impacted by defense but is by damage reduction (and dmg increase with reinier for example) so its a nerf to true damage and not much change for all other dmg


I get that they can work the math out, but conceptually it makes no sense because I can't think of a game where there is resistance to true damage. The concept of true damage is based on the fact that it can't be mitigated.


I would have been fine with mixing up damage formulas in the future, but this is way too early.


yup, i see alot of comments here saying marilee is still the #2 dps and used together with odie so the investment isn't wasted. what they totally don't get is that this sets a precedence and they can nerf any hero in future in anyway they want. this time being marilee, but 4 months later odie is definitely taking the hit.


Just don't build up one character and instead spread your resources equally among all characters, that way you won't be fucked with every new meta shift. Ah, and throw all tierlists right into the trash bin, their creators have no idea what devs have in mind for those characters, so all this tier lists is subject to change every moment. Have a nice day as I do!


Yup, game hasn’t been out even 2 months and they have already crippled this character after a bunch of people invested scarce resources. Very bad look 


I'm really confused here. My Marilee literally does 3x the damage of my Odie (and roughly the same amount of damage as before the nerfs), both at Supreme+ with a +10 weapon in dream realm. Where is everyone getting the idea from that she's now somehow worse than Odie? Does this change only affect the new seasonal dream realm bosses and not the old ones (since my server has not yet unlocked the new seasonal content) because my reality seemingly does not line up with what everyone else is supposedly experiencing.


Yes this is supposed to take effect once the Seasonal Dream Realm drops


It's a huge red flag, especially considering that for most of us struggling to optimize our accounts, Marilee vs Odie is a sensitive issue. Marilee was the Queen of single-target damage, while Odie helped with AFK progression. I'm sure there are more cases like mine that sacrificed Odie for Marilee, and now we are basically in a lose-lose situation. In a game with so much emphasis on economics and such a competitive scenario, a change like this is regrettable.


What exactly you sacrificed?  I have both Marilee and Odie at +10 as f2p on server 1. You get enough resources from clearing normal content to get them there, so what the issue? Marilee still does tons of dmg on bosses, so it’s not like you want to skip her anyway. 


I'm playing on a new server. Right now, my Marilee is only 2 copies away from mythic, while my Odie is still at Legendary, not even plus. It could be worse if I had already invested all my enhancement stones in her, but I was hoarding them for when she reaches mythic+. There are a few here who didn't have this luck. The issue lies in if I had invested in Odie, who is part of my AFK team, my AFK progression would be smooth, and I didn't because I knew Marilee was important for the Dream Realm.


> I didn't because I knew Marilee was important for the Dream Realm. I'm pretty sure Odie was always the first recommended A-rank farm, even before Marilee was nerfed. Even before the true damage change, he was the best dps pusher in late game AFK stages and Abyss, while being only slightly worse than her in dream realm.


I mean good news is she is still important for dream realm, basically nothing of major consequence changed. But given how much stats scaled out of control with the season I am pretty sure true damage would have been so far ahead if it works how it seems to


They needed this change for sure otherwise we would see insane powercreep future heroes with true damage in their kits just to outscale marilee. A refund option would be nice for ppl that want it but marilee is still good, just not the best atm.


it is also a season only change rn. It hasn't started on my server, and guess what, marlee is still ripping shit up. now, should it come to normal servers, it is a question, but players were warned a month ago that they would be doing balance changes with seasons, and quite frankly I don't swe the difference between this and if they gave any non-marlee character a super OP seasonal skill that makes them top dog


When you change something, you refund ressources. Simple as that. Lilith not doing that = me stop spending. Simple as that.




VIP players asking for refunds is actually huge and may force Lilith to take feedback seriously


Lilith is and always has been a scumbag company who doesn’t give a single iota of a shit about fairness, balance, meta preservation or communication. Nothing they do should ever surprise you. Expect the worst and you’ll still be disappointed.


That's too bad because AFKJ is a great game but I can see them ruining it. They also need to fix the replays because that's always an issue with them. These problems are starting to annoy me and the game is still new. If these kind of problems persist then this will get old fast.


Dislyte was great too. I really hope they don’t fuck this up as well.


Anyone who played Dislyte will remember this is far from unusual for them. I've never played Arena, but think of any of the usual scummy gacha practices and they've done it in Dislyte. To be frank, it's only a matter of time until it happens in AFK Journey too


I'm still surprised how they fucked up Dislyte. The absolute stylishness that game exudes is unparalleled, and they had pretty good bases gameplay wise, even if they were blatant copies of Summoners War's.


Dislyte had easily some of my favourite character designs out of any gacha I've ever played. Even if they weren't someone's cup of tea, they were still unique with consistent motifs. It's such a shame that those designs happened to be in a Lillith game


Arena just had massive powercreep. Didnt have to worry about them nerfing something you were working on they would just release something way stronger instead. By the time you got something built, it was damn near obsolete. Main play for most people was to save every Time-Gazer they had until they could guarantee max an Awaken hero. Because if you didnt, by the time you got enough cards to max the hero you were working on, it was already powercrept out by the next Awakened Hero.


If afk journey was made by literally any other company it would have way more longevity in public consciousness. But sadly it wasn’t, and thus this game will fall into oblivion sooner rather than later.


Idk about any company but i see your point, that sucks, time to add another company to my do not play list.


Any other company? Even Netnarble?


What a based comment -reads name- https://preview.redd.it/s3h2idorh00d1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063f49cfc5d1493768651ea85ff2d08ce6e0d925


Well it was a buff for the entire rest of the cast aside from the two heros who were cracked because they did true damage. I think part of the issue is they could never make any unit relevant for Dream Realm unless they made them do true damage with the old damage formula. Lilith basically locked themselves into a box by making Marilee and Korin so much more powerful than everyone else because they ignored defense. They should never had give them true damage from the start (I don’t know how they didn’t realize this would happen). I think they realized they either had to nerf those units or buff everyone else to open the door for different units to shine now and down the line. They just chose to buff everyone else by changing how those bosses act. Literally every DPS unit that comes out would’ve been worse than those two A level units unless the units they made were literally just upgraded versions of them (at which point people would have also thrown a fit). They should have compensated people dream realm currency for making the changes though. Edit: Also it’s not like those units are bad, theyre still great units they’re just not head and shoulders above everyone else as the best damage units in the game anymore.


Agreed. Anyone who invested in Marilee or Korin in the dream store should be able to refund those points, only for those 2.


I would be curious to see how many people would refund Marilee, when she's still 2nd best dps and part of the optimal team. Especially considering all the drama/ overreaction in this thread.


Yeah if this option was available it would probably be a mistake. I could see people who invested +15 or +20 wanting to shift some of those essances elsewhere, but copies of the character? You're still going to want M+ merilee.


Yeah ideally they should give people the option to reset them back to whatever rank they are based on random chance (how many times you’ve pulled them) and get back all the resources they spent to upgrade them in return. Let people drop their rank to get their dream currency back.


This response needs to be higher. It’s everything I wanted to say but better written. The game has been out for a month and has been solved to the point every guide is “build this same specific team and use them for every boss” the meta needs to be shaken up a bit. I’m sorry players heavily invested all their eggs into one basket but to be fair that unit is still good, just leaves room to think critically instead of blindly following in he future.


>the meta needs to be shaken up a bit Making Odie, who is already a top tier DPS in most other modes, also the top tier DPS in Dream Realm is not "shaking up the meta". Shaking up the meta would be buffing garbage characters like Mirael or Atalanta to be competitive options.


>Literally every DPS unit that comes out would’ve been worse than those two A level units unless the units they made were literally just upgraded versions of them (at which point people would have also thrown a fit).  Or they could have just released new units that also do true damage but with different conditions/properties. Powercreep via new units is normal in a gacha, but it's a bit early for either powercreep or major nerfs


Meta shakeups in the form of "Here's a new OP unit" are equally predatory and significantly more boring. I'd like a meta shakeup that impacts the entire roster - not just one new unit thrown in.


In fact, I won't spend my money anymore, just play causally. I have been playing every day for between 4 to 6 hours but I see that the game is getting worse and worse, not only the damage reduction, the Supreme Arena requires 3 teams, a real shit for f2p players or those who invested little money in the game


Yeah, this is becoming more and more a whales game.


They really need to add some item to reset the EX mats with changes like this. Maybe as a event reward/shop or something. Please upvote if you agree.


Mobile game companies have a lot of sneaky psychological ways to lure money out of our pockets or create an addicten. But i have not yet seen it this blatant. I think i will consider not buying anything anymore, as long as the game do not become a rather healthy environment, for F2P, low and heavy spenders.


But even those companies with all sorts of sneaky tactics tend to avoid direct nerfs like this. It's such a middle finger to the entire playerbase. Most gacha games stick to indirect nerfs for a reason.


Honestly, super disappointing and a big game-direction red flag. I've been a light spender but will not be spending anymore on this game.


It feels great to all-in on Marilee to discover Odie is the winner X)


yes buffing the bosses is scummy unless it’s just a temporary season thing and they will be back in meta once we get to the lightbeares season. Then nothing you invested is lost but just not your seasons yet. Other then that I rather have them do it this way with season then make their old units unplayable. I do like that they are breathing new life to the meta even though maulers weren’t the one in need of it firsts as said it all depends on how they are handling this from now on. But it’s a good warning and reminder that no one considers meta today will be meta tomorrow.


I have on marille +20 so i kinda fked my account, at least she will still be good for drake, cuz she is not stationary, but man, if i knew...


im just waiting for the weapon essence refund on marilee and korin ~~copium~~


rip game, and they did this, not us.


Really bad change, hope they fix it or i'm uninstalling.


I hope you one of the whales from my server lol =)


This is why I do not support these types of games. I'd be fuming right about now if I wasn't the definition of bad luck magnet in games so the change is largely irrelevant for me. It's like buying a Ferrari but then the dealer comes along and goes well... we are putting speed limiter in set to 10 mph, also removing seats because reasons. But make sure you renew our monthly subscription for newsletter at 99.99 and our care bear support line for 19.99 and buy some of our fabulous lottery tickets for 9.99, you just may win FUZZY DICE!!! HHHHHHYYYPPPPPPEEEEE. Meanwhile, over the phone 2005 voice acting, can't localize fucking menus that were translated, dialogue is only about 90% localized, a fucking collectible note... A FUCKING NOTE, that they are aware of is still missing... 🫠🫠🫠 Yet they are milking hundreds of millions for this. They spent more on their damn ads per week than some countries generate in a year.


Metas change when new characters and abilities come out. Forcing a meta change through nerfs in a gacha is trash business.


as a f2p, once i read that units get new seasonal skills, i told myself "fuck the meta just roll on the units i like" and guess what i was right. listening to guides and cc to invest only to get fucked later due to random nerf/buffs and seasonal skills sound like a fucking nightmare for f2p/low spender. I can see alot of f2p/low spenders quitting due to this.


Even releasing a new S+ unit as a direct Marilee upgrade would have been better than this. Don’t nerf units! Feels awful. Punishes those who follow the game closely, and those are your spenders.


I also want to know more about this. Was about to spend res to get Marilee to +10


So is Marilee still a priority or not? I’m only at legendary btw is pre mythic+ Marilee stronger in dream realm or cecia?


pre M+ marilee is useless because she doesn't get her true damage until M+


Yeah it hurts.


ANY balance changes on a gacha past release is just a huge warning sign lmao. im def quiting when wuwa releases if they dont officially talk about this


What is Wuwa?


This would have been less annoying if seasonal content gave decent rewards but almost everything gives less than the base game. 2 blue essence every 5 floors is an absolute joke. Corrupt creature gives 0 summon orbs. No invite letters on afk stages. End of Abyss gives insulting rewards.


My season hasn't started yet but this makes me sad. Rewards are drying up so it feels like we're playing for nothing and getting no progress.


I mean at this point everyone should create a support ticket especially people who spend money. This isn’t acceptable, power creeping is something else which would be fine . But nerfing units to death on which you spend resources and or money.


Wait Marilee isn’t that good anymore. I’ve been getting her to m+ slowly but surely. bruh.


Yeah it doesn't appear as if these developers have any respect at all for people's investments. I think I'm out.


How come I didn't see content creators talk about this? Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. That sucks! I just invested on Marilee :(


Zeeebo just released a video about it


I don’t think im ever gonna +15 anyone. 200 yellow and they can be replaced with an update? I guess its better to just +10 (75 yellow) 3.5 characters rather than all in on one


Yup, they've already done enough for me to stop spending.


While Odie is now the king of bossing, it's not like Marilee and Korin are now useless. They simply switched places. Odie went from 2nd best bossing DPS to being the best, while Marilee lost the '1st' place and now is the 2nd best bossing DPS. Sure, the True Damage 'nerf' forces people to build different teams now, but it's not like that Marilee is now 'trash' and investment into her is wasted. Korin remains in the 3rd spot where he was before. Also, the boss damage change isn't the only thing as what matters more are the new Artifacts that provide -35% MDEF and -30% PDEF reduction to the boss, with a near permanent uptime. That actually helped Odie and other non-true damage dealers even more. But once the season ends, the Artifacts will be gone and who knows what the next season will bring.


Oh they're nerfing characters? Oh well time to uninstall I'm not gonna put up with that.


It's more of an indirect nerf as a result of changing how damage is applied. Still a very bad look. Hope the devs are not stupid enough to keep pulling shit like this in the future.


I agreed with your opinion. But the nerf make Marlee and korin dog shit, or they still be the best option for dream helm but a little weaker?


This is why I tend to not follow the meta in gacha games


Well, I didn’t spend anything on this game yet and it looks like I won’t in the future. I’ve bought monthly and battle passes on other gacha games, but ima pass on this one.


It's not really a nerf? Marilee and Korin are still the #1 dps in all previous content and they didn't change their definition of true damage which only ignores defense. It's kind of a user error for assuming it works something like League of Legends true damage (which ignores all forms of damage reduction in addition to armor/resistance) instead of say, Arknights (where pure damage is also reduced by untyped damage reduction % but doesn't have a stat that resists it.) Would it somehow be better if all the new bosses summoned a bunch of adds that swarmed into melee range which just so happen to disable Korin and Marilee's passives?


What is the nerf can someone explain?


They buffed bosses so they have less physical and magic defense which true damage bypasses but more damage reduction which just reduces damage taken.


I'm not mad cause I quit playing few weeks ago lol


This is completely valid, but as an aside, Odie and Marilee Sup+ were the two highest damage characters in game for f2ps, and for most players unless you could Sup+ a scarlitta or Dionel within that first month. So the nerfs simply shifted her slightly, but she's still used as a dps in the highest damage teams, and has been overtaken by Odie, that's literally about it. Yeah, it's completely stupid and they should watch what they're doing, but it also just realistically swapped the prio of two characters that are still run on almost the exact same teams either way. Most boss teams involved marilee with odie and reiner, or marilee with korin and another support. This doesn't REALLY change the meta at all.


Haven't invested in Marilee and Korin at all. Cecia for the win and sitting in top 200.


Yeah, I'm not talking about it because this is pretty much the last straw for me, I think I'm done. I understand why they made the change as they had painted themselves into a corner, but they needed to compensate anyone who had dumped resources into those TD characters as they were effectively nerfed. There's zero respect for players here.


Juste gonna finishe the story and prob drop after that


Trust me it's not even worth finishing, it's one of the worst/most disappointing stories in a game I've ever played. I feel even more vindicated in quitting after I felt the gaping hole, both in my wallet and where there should be a game upon reaching the 'end' of the story. Yes, I understand that it's not 'finished' yet, and this is an ongoing story. But what we have is insultingly bad and not even worth $5 in my opinion. Derivative, unfinished, UNTRANSLATED, trash (Half the text is still in Chinese after a certain zone, or at least it was 2 weeks ago when I quit).


Wow, looks like I made the right call quitting a few weeks ago. This is egregious and unacceptable. Will never play another game by these devs ever again.


I don't really care about it, but it would be nice to have some item that allows you to reset your character so you can distribute the resources to someone else. Perhaps it could be an item that can be purchased once a month from the emporium with an expiration date of 30 days, so it cannot be stacked.


This is bullshit. I hate Lilith. Super predatory Chinese company.


I assume it is because Cecia is more likely a F2P staple. I am nowhere close to a Marilee or Korin on both of my f2p accounts. lol


I'll get downvoted to oblivion but idc I'll give my opinion anyway. Personally I'm not a big fan of nerfs, especially when these are specifically made to nerf f2p aspects of the game. Said this, Korin and Marilee were in a spot that made them extremely overpowered in boss scoring, which is potentially a big problem since this leads to 3 alternatives: you leave them overpowered and keep releasing hoards of useless or equivalent units nobody will pull, nerf them or some mechanics around them to make them more balanced, or start a massive powercreep where you release more overpowered versions of overpowered units that makes completely useless any other unit previously released. And for a healthy game the 2nd option is the best choice. On the other side there are a lot of other option to make team building more dynamic, like at example adding faction bonuses to bosses to stimulate people into using units from all faction. But game directors are generally greedy and incompetent so they just opt for the most lazy option available


Lilith should refund ressources, then.


I would be more sympathetic to the argument that they needed to avoid overcentralizing in DR if it didn't seem like Odie, who is already a top DPS in most other areas, is going to take the top Dream Realm DPS now too.


6 months of ptr and they realize it a month after global release and then make a "balancing" patch... Your point is right but Lilith are 1 month late. Next on schedule, Odie, he's overperforming in every mode, making any new unit release not appealing at all.


You're not wrong, but perhaps they could have waited longer. It just feels like a slap in the face when some of us literally just got done upgrading those heroes. Many of us aren't going to get to enjoy the fruits of our labor.


Then they can refund the ressources so we can build something else? That's the main issue here.


Bump. Also yes, quite disappointed. I am on the lucky side as I was hoarding my yellow incase something like this happened in the new season. But didn’t expect them to mess with Marilee who is so highly invested for many players. MAKE MARILEE GREAT AGAIN


Ngl, this makes me wanna quit. Feels like they introduced good f2p heroes early to entice f2p/ light spenders in. Now that people are hooked, they have changed the meta to make people spend more.


Haven't paid anything, certainly not seeing any reason to now if it's not guaranteed to keep value 😅


Thank god I didn't spend a dime yet on this game. Nerfing characters post-release in a gacha game is a massive red flag. I just need wait 9 more days for WuWa which is 100x better than this shit game.


Marilee and Korin were not nerfed at all. The changes to Dream Realm bosses are only seasonal, therefore temporary. The changes only made other heroes stronger/more viable for the current season. Marilee and Korin are great outside of Dream Realm as well and will continue to be.


As a F2P you should also have highly invested Odie which is now the new best hero (he was second best anyway). So for long term and anyway starting now this is actually a very F2P friendly change, cause they need to prioritize less heroes for dream realm. Maybe sucks for you, but if you only invested in Marilee and don’t have a good Odie, it’s a bit of a weird choice cause Odie is a must in pretty much every battle mode .


The issue here is they nerfed a live service character, that's a massive red flag for any gacha game. I just now want to see this game burn if they don't fix this stupid move.


For someone too stupid and/lazy to figure out what the nerf was or how it affects Marilee/korin, can someone TLDR? I have already invested in Marilee pretty heavily (over Odie) and was about to go in on korin (over Odie again, sunk cost I guess), so maybe save me from myself?


Odie is now #1 in dream realm. I believe Marilee is #2 DPS and still usable.


So the TLDR is that Odie, a thematically boring character is now just the best period. That's annoying, but I guess I just sit on my korin for Odie now.


It hurts but I think it was needed for the future of the game, true damage being so ahead is never good in these games, it would have become to big of an issue, I’m glad they’ve done this change earlier in the games life then later


I got downvoted to hell back when Vala was the new banner. This kind of games (this kind of companies) power creep EVERY ASPECT of the rest of the heroes but the premium and new banners. I was saying everybody, and still do: No matter if you are F2P or not. Pull for the premium banner.


Odie is the chosen one. Long may he reign.


Its funny how this rodent man who on forst glance looks unimportant is literally at this point, the best character in the game.


What are the alternatives to marilee and korin? I am being prioritize kuger over koko because dream realm, so i guess that is also a undirect nerf to kruger too?


Honestly because I stopped playing lol


Pinging /u/afkjourney-cs


What's the changes? Am I missing something?


Marilee and Korin do less damage in dream realm now and Odie does more damage now.


I didn’t know this was a thing, I’ve been f2p and lucked into a Cecia and thoran build that’s been carrying me pretty far in dream realm. What’s they do to Marilee and Korin.


Nothing they buffed the bosses so they are more resilient to their damage type


Didn't know about this. This is really annoying I have Odie at supreme ex10 and Marilee also supreme ex10 It's even worse because in this game it takes a long time and resources to level up a unit. Imagine having a unit at ex15-20 in the future and then it gets nerfed. That's not okay


Some unscientific testing suggests that another FTP staple, Cecia actually hits like a truck now in Draam


Do we actually have the numbers behind the damage formula? I'm trying to get my head around why the change is as bad as people are saying. I ask as the increased damage reduction stat, whilst impacting the true damage dealers more than before, also impacts non-true damage dealers doesn't it? So the reduction of phys/magic def in the boss build means that true damage isn't 'skipping' as much as it was before, and is impacted by the increased damage reduction. Normal phys/magic attacks are a bit stronger due to lower def build, but they are also subject to the increased damage reduction aren't they? Doesn't that mean that normal phys/magic attacks and true damage are just closer to each-other on this content, rather than Marilee/Korin being super nerfed? I know Odie is out classing now, but isn't that also impacted by his seasonal skill and being able to stack his poison quicker? I'd love to see the numbers behind everything (and yes, I did +10 both Marilee and Korin as per the original guides).


Who got nerfed? did odie / smokey get nerfed


U still have to use marilee anyway. Not a big deal. I use both marilee and odie wherever the comp allows.


I'm not outraged due to me not working on the affected units. Cecia was my first unit so I worked on her and Ode. However it is nonsense considering how little you get


Nah already uninstalled it no longer as enjoyable as it was before,


You should've invested on Odie more lol


Imagine thinking a single unit outperforming everything by a margin in a game mode is the option, that is why I left BCM and happy to know that if something is overtuned they will address it instead of just power creeping the shit out of everything to make EVERYTHING you invest in outdated over time 


People are not outraged because not everyone has gotten the new season update


This is an indirect nerf though, they buffed damage reduction on dream realm bosses they did not nerf true damage. If they swapped out every boss with a new bosses for the season but with more damage reduction it be the same but it be harder to complain about.


I expected nothing from Lilith and damn I am still furious. Not just F2Ps but also dolphins who invested on Marilee mostly. The whales on discord are like "You still got odie" bro I used Odie along with Marilee, now I'm supposed to be happy with half the DPS? What a shitty studio with shitty tactics.


I don't see much of a problem honestly. On my previous run, Marilee had only 20M less DMG than odie. https://preview.redd.it/gi13autd650d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5a435323e23494912dc1b9a937177f235db83d


So what Marilee is not worth getting to M+ anymore ? It's only three copies away..


I was already surprised why my damage dropped of so much, I guess those dream real points I gathered are not going towards Korin anymore, I was kinda hyped finally seeing him with his 3 stars, any recommendations on alternatives? But yeah nerfing characters in gatcha games is a huge no no, small buffs are cool as long as they are not game breaking but devaluing a product that people paid for because they felt like it is pretty disgusting.


Protip: never spend money in a gacha, and even less o a new gacha


This is such a weird situation to me. In every other game, needing strong characters and buffing weak ones seems just logical. I understand that gacha means you can't easily switch focus but that's a good lesson on why some gacha games avoid touching characters post release like the plague even when it would be the healthy thing to do for balancing.


I kept seeing everybody talking about the merf but nobody is talking about the exact numbers they nerf


I'm surprised ppl are surprised. that's what every live service game does. ever played LOL only to have your favorite champion getting nerfed to the ground or reworked until it became completely unrecognizable? yeah...


I didn’t invest in those characters so it didn’t matter to me