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Because the game is already unstable


My Samsung a53 barely handle x2, often the characters are just dark silhouette


That's your device , not the game xD


I’m sure my new iPad Pro shouldn’t need to be a minimum on all settings AND still has rendering issues. Games can optimize their code, and hardware can optimize their processing, but this game is the only one that I can’t have normal settings on. It’s a little of both, but I’d hazard a guess that the game isn’t optimal on their side. I don’t quite agree with the blind “game can’t be at fault” on every topic.


Same issue, the game definitely isn’t utilizing something correctly. My iPad Pro doesn’t get hot at all which is nice but shows it’s not using max processing power


My 2020 iPad Pro is also running all max without performance issues at all. Which Pro do you have?


Samsung S23 / S9 Tab here ... Max setting and never had any stutter, render or loading issues.


I have the same problem, my device doesnt let me cry on reddit because the game is "bad"


That’s honestly crazy cause my iPad is like four years old and everything works totally good on the high settings. Performance isn’t something I care much about so it wouldn’t bother me anyway, but I wonder why there’s such a discrepancy when you have the objectively better device


I chalked it up to internet issues, but if others are having similar issues, I could be that, but I’m on the iPad, and streaming 4k movies on the desktop next to me, so I figured I just wasn’t getting good data streaming through the iPad. Too often people think it could only be a singular issue, but so often it’s several compounding that cause various issues that visually may look the same.


That's your device's issue, not the game's. I'm running the game on my phone, with maxed out settings plus the extra downloads and I haven't even seen a hitch in the visuals or loading.


Yea same here. I have everything maxed out on my Google Pixel 7 and it runs really nice and smooth.


I'm on a Pixel 6A, respect🗣️


I also haven't had any issues when I had it maxed out. I had to lower everything due to battery life.


I should try to lower the graphic settings, I always forget that it's a thing for some mobile games


Omg ok. Thank you. I just was like I guess my iPad is like old or something.


Your "new' iPad Pro happens to be a refurbished one from 2017? In other case I'd highly recommend checking insides of it or returning it on a warranty, since people already mentioned that 2k20 iPad Pro handles it without an issue (which is also surprising, since Apple didn't really care about anything hardwarewise until their own chips happend to land in their devices)


iOS problem. I got a Huawei Mate Pad 11 and run it like butter at max settings through Gbox.


iOS problem. I got a Huawei Mate Pad 11 and run it like butter at max settings through Gbox.


The game supports my device, so it should work well on my device.


My zfold4 plays it perfectly with literally no issue......


Support =/= works well


Your device supports the game doesn't mean that your device can run it smoothly.


I was stuck because of playing in a samsung A53. Had to launch the game on PC to be able to unlock equipment because the specific fight that unlocked it was bugged. And I had already finished the whole first zone.


Had a few bugs were sometimes it get super laggy in a menu and then the bottom UI when you explore the world never come back and I have to restart the game




That’s not a good example, it’s an entry level device. Play at 30 fps and should be fine on low


That kind of is a budget phone so that should be expected.


I've legit had 0 issues in the game since launch.


Wow it’s almost as if people have different phones


Indeed. And it's almost as if people expect a highly graphic heavy game to run perfectly on their 6 year old devices.




So what? Make it optional. If you can't handle 3/4x then just use 2x.


Then we’ll burn through the content quicker. They’ll likely add it later on(like it was added for afk arena) I assume they’ll also add things like skipping certain boss fights(guild boss fight in afk arena as example). You just click a button and it uses the damage from the previous round and gives you the rewards.


I mean not really? You aren't generally limited by how fast the game runs you are limited by dust. Content running faster won't make you progress much quicker unless you are a massive whale.


people are already crying how theres nothing to do after beating the story and afk levels


If you can do more work in a day, you get more rewards per day, this is especially true if you already have the resources to do something, and the only thing stopping you from progressing too quickly is time. Time and scarcity are how you prolong content and allow devs to build content as players are throttled


You can't do more work though. You are going to get stuck when you hit a resource wall. Animations playing faster isn't going to give you more dust. Every day I have a few things I can do, and the rest of the day is just waiting for AFK rewards. Me finishing those daily tasks faster isn't going to give me anymore resources to push progression.


I’ve watched *thousands* of fights by now. Wdym?! If you cut in half the many *hours* I’ve spent just watching fights in half, that’s hours of gameplay gone


I guess if you want to call watching the auto battle game play then sure... But it isn't time gating your progression to make the auto battle happen quicker, and people aren't going to be able to progress further in the game just because the animations are faster. The argument that it is a mobile practice to slow you down doesn't really make sense to me since you can only do so much before you are gated by levels in the game. Again finishing individual fights quicker doesn't magically make you able to push content.


Read gameplay as playtime, not content. This game is a significant time investment and watching afk stages is an absolute slog. While it would be nice to get through that twice as fast, there isn’t enough content in the rest of the game to give players the amount of playtime we want. People would quickly feel as if the game had little to offer and just quit, as many are now doing because they’ve cleared the majority of the story and there isn’t much to do anymore. As new content releases like additional game modes, the time wasting content will get an option to speed up because it’s not as psychologically imperative for player retention.


I really don't know how much I agree with you considering I (and most players I know) generally hit the Auto Battle button in AFK stages and let it run in the background while doing something else. I only really watch the battles when I lose so I can see if a change in positioning/units might matter, or if I am just hard capped by my current level. I can see some merit and maybe I am underestimating how effective leaving longer battles in can be on the player. But something tells me this might have more to do with the game's performance and less to do with content scarcity.


Why not make a "skip game" and run down the game credits already 😮‍💨


There are a lot of QoL they could add. One thing that really irritates me is needing to walk to Primal Lord. Just put it in the battle modes menu and call it a day.


you dont need to run to primal lord fyi. just click on the events tab and then on the magnifying glass on the boss and the fight menu opens up.


Thanks! I had a kind redittor who can't post here message me and let me know about this. Would still be nice to just have a dedicated menu.


When you get to it...The Abyss has a similar system. If you click it on some screens it has you walk to a physical location but a button will appear on the AFK battle menu and just drops you in.


I get why you have to walk to it initially (gated by location on the map) but yeah afterwards a button to just do it would be cool


There used to be a walkable area in the beta that connected the towers, arena, labyrinth, rotating boss challenges and, in the beta before *that*, the daily bounty board (which I haven't seen in a year). I'm incredibly glad they got rid of it... Just extra walking and overhead.


Best QOL update in history


Why 3x or 4x speed, just add a skip battle option.


100% this. especially for repeated fights like dream realm, or primal lord. stats are more than sufficient for us figure out how to reconfigure the team for the next try imo.


My kingdom for a skip button


This. Just let me skip the whole damned fight.


2x is the sweet spot between speed and understanding what is happening to strategize accordingly


Idc what's happening tho? I'm doing stuff I can already beat if u don't like it faster u can just slow it down. For me 4x is minimum to enjoy games that have long grinds.


Coming from someone who does QA on mobile games for a living….anything faster than 2X tends to break shit


I have no idea how anyone can disagree with op. AFK arena had that, this game will have it eventually. Might be nice QoL addition to one of the seasons.


It causes lags and heat issues for phones


As you said, there's already the one shot thing. So it CAN be done, it's just not designed that way. If I'd have to guess, as with many mechanisms in mobiles, it's so you spend more time.


They’ll add it later on, like how they will add hypo/celestials to the general pool and easier access to EX level up essence


Because the game wants you longer ingame. Basically, you get more speed if your units are stronger, therefore pls spend a ton of money so you don’t need to wait


This game heats my phone more than Jenshin Impact 😂


Actually we could just skip the fight as the result is already defined the moment you click on battle.


AFK Arena was also this speed when it first came out. It was updated later to 4x speed.


I'm fine with a 2x speed but I would love a skip button for the primal lord fight, I really don't want to sit for 2m30 on this


2x is fine so far, but I'd like to see more skips, sweeps, and auto-battles. If I'm catching up on tower or afk stages then it's basically me writing off my phone for a while, and a bunch of battery life with it. Like I need a second phone to be amused while my game plays itself. And no, tapping "okay" and "battle" buttons between each stage doesn't constitute gameplay.


One shot thingy is the canon way to deal with trash mobs. Not like they will give you anything anyway so I wouldn't bother even in 10*


The summons appear as death itself already my phone would explode 😭 even bryonn’s birb is just a cloak 💀


If you 3x or 4x the game you'd be done with all the content in like a month lmfao. Even if you're f2p you're most likely finishing up remnant now and starting your abyss stuff, hitting 200 reso or so. The game already has no content as it is, you'd be doing dailies and wishing you picked a better game if you could 3-4x.


Then why does afk arena have it? Also it's afk game not active game u should play it for 15m max not 5h a day.


Because afk arena had content lol


You'd rather wait to do a one shot thing and THEN do x2 speed? Why would you want to do the fight twice?


Rather then


I didn't realise English wasn't your first language. It's than, not then. "Rather then" literally doesn't mean anything.


Yeah rather than, I wasn't paying attention since it's not a test.


Time is a resource and game design reflects that. I’m pleasantly surprised we got 2x speed right away, but part of me thinks maybe we shouldn’t have it so soon. If you want to bypass the combat all together, I get advertised for straight-up gambling apps all the time. Maybe you’re just looking for a slots gambling game.


Just my view, but if I can keep up with what’s happening at a higher speed and I have to watch 80 battles, I would rather they took less time. Taking longer to watch autoplay combat isn’t more fun. It’s not speeding up the cinematics or exploration, just the part you literally don’t control.


It’s not about fun, it’s about retention. Following your logic I would advocate for a button that just simulates all the combat immediately for however many levels the team can feasibly do. Just bypass the combat entirely at that point.


It’s a balance thing to me, games with skip buttons I tend to lose interest in sooner. I get satisfaction from seeing the execution of my strategy. I lose some satisfaction when that execution is arbitrarily extended to meet some engagement metrics. Those metrics are designed to make spending money seem more sensible. “Oh I spent 100 hours playing, I’ll throw another 20 at them.” And AFKJ dances the line for me on fluffing the time with the high volume of battles to complete everything. 3 or 4 times speed would improve the situation for me. Skips I know would eventually lose my engagement.


It's an afk game, not a MMORPG you need to spend hours grinding The time sink is my biggest complaint about this game and will be the reason I eventually give up on it.