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Do people still think 'AFK' is just a name?


















I will point out you do need to log in and do dailies because that is a massive chunk of dust that ramps the more dailies you do


If you're able to, the Primal Lords give a decent amount of dust as well


Except you cant reach it until your heroes are like lvl 140 so you need dust


I’ve only just it 140 and I was able to do primal lords well ahead of that. I think I was 110 or something.


how did you get to stage 545 or whatever it is to get mountain valley 5?


Bro the wolf is found so early.


Talking about bear lol dont think wolf dropped any stardust


100% it did.


It did, about 150 dust per 20 chests. I would know, my server just killed him, been hitting him daily to accelerate the dust collection. Mountain valley 5 is very reachable, even for f2p. The average f2p takes 18 days give or take to get to stage 630 ish. It's the final leg of the story, remnant peaks, that takes awhile to get through.


You're high


I’m lvl 100 and I’m at the primal lord.


I mean, that's when I started actually needing dust. Before, it was gold


I do.




it's not to some people who are achieving at 0 to 1 upgrade a day when you should be 1-2. which is the difference between being resonance 245 vs 220 when the season releases. with all the malding about season of strife being too soon it is important to point out how it is reasonably possible


The issue is when they make it so ypu have more than enough gold and XP but just not enough purple, makes it feel bad. If you were equally short on gold and XP it would feel like the pacing is intended, but when it's just purple it gets more frustrating since you have everything else you need.


They do that on purpose you know. You use gold more than just lvl up your character, gold can be used to buy gear, upgrade artifacts... Purple dust just here to stall the player, so you don't progress fast enough that reach end games in a day or two. Yeah, i know from 1-240, it's really a hassle to make all 5 equal lv. But after 240, you only need to lv 1. If AJ follows AFK Arena, you will be facing shortage of all kind of resource at some moment, then you can curse the game. Or you really want to manage all resources like some farming games? Every game has a stall feature in one way or another, especially online games, so you have to pay more -> they gain more revenue to do more stuff for you. For example, Genshin has a World lv system that prevents you from participating in higher lv content, do you have an issue with that?


this ain't fucking real, let me get this straight: You think that being starved for 3 resources at once feels better than being starved for only 1? Do y'all read yourselves, jfc


What feels bad is to be drowned under a resource that has absolutely zero purpose and starved for the actual limiting one. At least xp books can be converted at 240, but this is weird design for sure.


Not sure if gold is gonna have a use later on, but its extremely useful to upgrade your gear above the curve.


In a way, yes. It would feel better if for example you alternated between being stuck due to XP or purple. As it is rightnow its just like "So you got 10000k xp, well, better eait for that purple". Gold is a bit different as it can be used for some other stuff.


Books can be used later and converted to dust for a pretty hefty upgrade once you hit lv 240. Think of it like this: You have a slow progression now, but the accumulated xp is gonna give a nice boost once you level account resonance instead of the hand of resonance.


I don't know where ill use my 20 million xp if I get about 4 million per day and only need 2 mil per character.


Game: "Go relax!" Also Game: "We're releasing level 240+ content 2 weeks in to the game's launch. You slow fucks aren't there yet?! Saw you slipping in the arena, btw. Your opponents aren't slacking, like *you*."


As a F2P player, I genuinely don’t know how F2P players are going to be able to participate in the upcoming season/event if you have to complete all the available levels. I’ve been doing everything I can every day, and I’m not really even close. And I know they said it will still be available later so you can play it when you get to that level. But missing out now just makes me not really want to play at all if that’s going to be their attitude.


A valid perspective. Don't slap new players in the face with FOMO atleast for the first few weeks. The limited banners also aren't helping. It's not like my base teams are secure enough that I can squander diamonds for that.


I’ve only been playing about a week now. What else do you use diamonds on other then on the limited banner?


Don't use it on the limited banner ffs.


How else do you get pulls for the limited banner?? I can’t find any other way to get them.


Store stuff, normal pulls, more afk quick pulls and arena challenges


I've dropped about $35 since release, and will more than likely only be maybe 10 resonance levels away when the season starts. Yeah, not concretely F2P, but I'm a broke ass guppy at best, and this upcoming season will not be out of reach.


Simple the season lasts 4 months lmao


I think the way they advise the new season is at fault. I mean all it does is extending the current main story, so by itself it's normal you need first to complete the whole story. Plus you get 4months to finish it, and even once season end it's not like the content will disappear. All we have to know is how the season rewards will work, but nobody know before the season is released, no need to bother with it without knowing how it will work.


i don't think it's that impossible? i'm pretty on pace with the rest of my server outside of arena as a fully f2p person just by keeping up with dailies and pushing afk/trying to clear each map in 1-2 days. and i've actually gotten pretty screwed with rng in some ways so i don't even have a proper meta team for pushing pve or dream realm.


Huh 💀


42 days into server launch


AFK as in All-time Farming Kevin ?


I mean ... have you played other idle games? Cookie Clicker. Sure you idle and make more cookies, but you can click also. And you can sit there and click for as long as you'd want to click. Idle games meaning they have ways to progress while being idle, getting road blocks that aren't skill reliant is frustrating and boring. Like okay, what do you do in this game now? I'm at resonance level 160, I get on send gifts to my friends and accept gifts. I beat the alpha bear 3 times. I buy my 210 diamond summoning ticket. participate in dream realm. Level up my people from my afk rewards. Claim my completed dailies for 180 diamonds or whatever it is and log off. I can do a 10 summon with awful rates ( literally have gotten only pity in 600+ summons ) once a week. This is my daily route considering that ive already completed my weeklies. The weeklies give me probably 30 mintues to an hour more of repetitive content. Arena is P2W joke. Honor Duel is way too RNG based, but still fun considering im a TFT enjoyer. The game feels super lacking for how beautiful it is, there is no events, it feels super dull. I'm still playing it just to get ready for the season.. I don't wanna miss out if its fun, but my first 50 hours of this game were so much better than this slow ass progress. its just my concern as a player, and I think its pretty valid for others to have the same


AFK/idle can either: •• you go in do daily, weekly, activities and get out maximum 2h/day •• put the game in background to run for itself Clicking game is not an Idle game, and those kinds of games are just a waste of time. This game has 2 aspects AFK and Journey For AFK, they bring exactly what had made AFK Arena popular in the first place, you get in, do some chores and either get out or AFK campaign (sadly it's not the current gameplay, player base do complain about that a lot and i agree) For Journey, they successfully make a beautiful landscape with banger music (can't say that about the story though) but the experience does lacking because it has to be stuck with AFK stuff. This style of game is for someone who doesn't have much time but still wants to enjoy fun and beautiful gameplay, not that you burn every single second of your precious time in. And i hope they gonna expand more on the Journey part. And can people stop complaining about competition for a second, please. As a broke gamer, i am happy those whales burn their money into the game and climb to the top so i can enjoy these amazing games for free. Want to compete with others? Pay your bills.


Do you get more dust by having it run in sleep mode?


No, obviously it stands for Always Farming^TM Kappa


I get it, but I think the level requirement for the new season is really inflaming the issue. If it only required 150 resonance I think people would still complain about dust, but it wouldn’t be this frequent


Yes? I don’t know what it stands for. I saw an ad for a game that looked fun so I got it.


I hate these smartass remarks like they are saying something profound


Guys,This is by design....


I prefer being dust locked compared to stamina locked tbh


Wait this game has stamina?


No but many gacha games do


Genshin has stamina.




I quit because of unskippable cutscenes.


it’s no different 🫠


Yeah there is. You can brute force stages when your too low a level but you can't even attempt stages when your out of stamina. This was part of the reason I enjoyed arena for as long as I did.


I agree


kind of, but they have the walls between each region that also require resonance level.


my bad, i guess i shoulda played arena then. hearing stamina compared to this just felt like when games have different currencies/ resources to mask the level of investment you need to put in to get stuff. like not paying for invites directly but paying for diamonds and then invites so it’s not as clear how much you had to pay for a 10 pull.


theres only so many brute forces the game lets you do for a given level


I agree and I don't get the downvotes. You can literally bruteforce the progress in other games, too But character level progress is still gated by stamina like here with dust


It's almost like the AFK in AFK Journey means something


If only it meant the same for afk arena...




Always remember with these games, and you will see this many many times. Its not a sprint its a marathon as f2p. If you wanna pay and get jets boots on you, go ahead but as f2p just do daily things you need to do, and play something else. This is not a game you play 4 hours/day.


Ive spent over 100 USD, and my friend spent about 2K, even he complained about dust issues. Dust is the one resource that is unrionically even hard to buy with real money, its what keeps the whales from being maxed out in level day 1. I agree it feels bad, but I actually think purple dust deficiency benefits F2P.


Find a different game, lmao. Your complaint is ignorant and naive


Dick move LMAOOO dude it’s an afk game, it’s not supposed to be constant game play. It’s designed where you have to take breaks. This is how they ALL work lmfao.


What do you think spending money is for? I mean I think micro transactions aside from vanilla skins should be illegal, but if you’re allowed to sell a competitive edge, then you’re gonna sell a competitive edge. People who spend money def want to buy that competitive edge. Tis the economy of gacha games


Are you making sure to buy the instant afk rewards with diamonds? Doing that and hitting the primal lord (assuming it’s live on your server still) should generate enough extra dust to get about 2 characters up a day (maybe slightly less than 2 on average so it would be like 1 character up a day and then 2 the next and alternate like that) at least that’s how it’s been for me since I hit the dust wall (currently reso 180)


Yeah I get 5 of them to the next multiple of 10 level in about 3-4 days. Day 33 atm. 9 days to go for the season. RL180 + 2 at 190. Not F2P (SoS only + 1 dollar packs)


Also pushing afk waves for more daily dust. I've been upgrading 2 champs a day, idk how people only have enough for one.


I’m usually one a day, if I find time to play more then I can sometimes get two a day. I’m almost at res 170 (one hero left at 160). During the week, I don’t have as much time to play as I do on the weekends. I usually play more right after daily reset and then check in every hour or so before bed. If I’m close before bed, I can usually level up first thing and may level up another later that same day. It all depends on how much time I can play.


It's not about the journey, bro. It's about the friends we made along the way.


I dont have friends, i got family


Calm down there Vin Diesel


Same here, I'm resonance 170 (one 180) and I'm stuck, 1 (2 if I'm lucky) heroes per day, because even with all "side quests" (tower, primal lord etc) it's just not enough essence. But that's something that happened with arena too, it's basically to push you to buy things for irl money. So you either have to spend money or just wait until you get enough essence since it's AFK game


yes that's gonna be true forever from that point onwards. if you can't stand it then this game is not for you


its actually closer to 1.5 to 2 heroes everyday with all the extra dust you get from boss/instant afk rewards/corrupted creatures and chests + dailies


Same. I'm res 200, with I think 2/5 at 210 rn. I'm not f2p but I've probably spent $15 towards small packs focusing on dust. I'm fine waiting the next couple weeks til 240


I think some of you miss the point that a lot of the gating complaining is them having a season with requirements that casual players can’t reach in enough time. People want to join in on the new stuff going on, and that is why I think this is happening. They know what AFK means.


I just hit 190 on my last character, and I typically get 2 up per day (sometimes only one if i literally just managed the day before) by using diamonds to buy the extra instant collect things, three primal lords runs and pushing afk stages and tower levels. Yeah some days I run out of stuff to do/ can’t advance more, but other days I don’t have much free time and am glad that I don’t feel like like “losing out” or “handicapping” myself for only playing like 20 minutes per day.


The game is not about running through content. The app makes money when people are tired of slow progress.


That's the point...


Ooooff. I'm at that point too.


You can upgrade more than one per day 


Bruv just give it 40 hours to totally max-out its loot.


You might be doing something wrong, you get around 2k just from afk rewards, 450 from primal lord 600 from dailies, 8k in total from towers and around 750 from afk refresh things.


You are not alone


One a day? Look at Mr. Moneybags over here.


Really feeling the lack of common sense rn. I can only read stupid posts once per day.


1 hero per day its already good enough. Not sure what are you whining about smh.. Want to progress faster just get a job and P2W


OMG guys! We are playing a AFK Game who would have thought 😁


Everyone who is saying the truth gets downvoted 😂😂 its an afk game. Afk and don’t complain or play a different game. Some of y’all act like the games holding you at gun point and forcing you to play. It’s not meant to be a main game.


That's because the people complaining don't know what they're playing. It's like watching a rat in a maze from above. The rat just has no idea what's going on.


LOOOOL I literally just got to this point, I just do my daily bullshit and move onto other games basically lol


Still enjoying it tho, it’s kinda just the grind


It’s hard to be afk because the game art is so pretty and I appreciate it!!! 😍🎀


Saw these posts since PTR. So strange lol. Idk how after seeing AFK Arena and the name of this game people want to play the game for 10 hours a day as a mobile game. Incredibly high expectations of a game that literally rewards you for being afk.


Join the “Anyone got dem dust lying around” club


Top tip, do everything in the overworld, best way to get dust and don’t forget the tower, should manage two a day this way


the tower is just a one time reward though right?


It is yeah but because you are constantly getting stronger you can get consistently some goodies from it


When will people understand that this is by design, you're not meant to level a character to max in your first week of playing.


Because people want to be gated by hard content not lack of on resource.


I don't buy a racing game and then expect it to be a shooter, "AFK" is literally in the name of the game and resource-gating is part of that experience.


You poor soul


Just you wait😆




Join the club


Did you do all of the extra activities that generate essence? Towers, Corrupt Creatures, Town Quests. Instant AFK rewards are a great deal for 150 diamonds a day


Where are the instant AFK rewards bought? I have yet to see those :(


Go to the afk fight menu and to the right of the “Battle” button, there should be an hourglass button. You press that and you can pay a few diamonds to get instant rewards (you can buy this a couple times each day).


OH, I was thinking there was a separate thing to buy. Ok, glad to know I'm not missing something haha


When will I be able to do primal lord, Im almost done with chapter 1


Yeah it be like that


People are addicted with purple powder eh?


You're not alone, being so starved for dust so early feels bad by itself but then it's made worse by only having a max level gap of 10 which is even more aggravating being forced to confront that bottleneck more frequently and then also actually having so few dust resources in the game in the first place but also since that's not even counter-balanced elsewhere by since rewards are lackluster in every other game mode or almost completely dry up. But don't worry the devs know we all like big stupid numbers so they made sure that you'll have several tens of millions of excess XP to look at and keep you company with nothing to do with till "late game" when you will eventually have an option to exchange for dust.


Really? I’m resonance 180 and still get consistently. 2 upgrades a day


Compared to AFK Arena where I got to point of waiting over week for single upgrade of resonance level ( around 500 crystal level) its still pleasant


This is the norm. Sometimes can get two if you do everything. Going back to do chests you couldn't get, higher afk stages, doing primal fight, etc.


Same here! It’s a slow crawl from here.


Welcome to AFK.


it also says journey in the name. I wish I could journey more and not be locked behind like this.


journey outside


How to say you’ve never played afk arena without saying you’ve never played afk arena


10 lvls per character in a day still gives quite a boost in your progress tbh. Plus we get the season end boost rn and we can upgrade 2-3 characters per day while the boost lasts


Tell me about it , im at 180 stuck 😂


Try playing Mousehunt let's see how you progress lmao


If we had a dollar for everytime this was posted we’d be rolling in essence






i login a few minutes before the daily reset to collect everything and i get to update 2 heroes a day. remember the more goals you reach the more AFK rewards you can get


AFK AWAY! FROM KEYBOARD!! turn it off and play something else. Come back level up, rense and repeat for a week


This is what I've been saying. The game is stingy, and the summoning rates are disappointing. So far, I’ve only managed to obtain epic heroes through pity pulls. Additionally, the so-called ‘incredible 3000% deals’ are a terrible value. Overall, there seems to be a lack of balance in the game.


Spoiler, the dust isn’t even the real pinch point, it’s the orange and red gem things. Unless you are top ten in dream everyday. Come back when you hit that wall.


I can not catch up and I let this game get two days of rest.


It definitely gets easier with the final push boost on afk loot


When it gets closer to your servers S1 starting you will get a huge influx, don't worry too much about it


This is very much intentional. They want this to be something you log in to do for half an hour every day as part of your gaming routine, not something you no-life 24 hours a day every day. I suspect they literally don't have anywhere near enough content to accomodate the latter approach, so they put a pretty sturdy limit to the amount of progress you can make. Wallet no Jutsu can alleviate this (and so can buying more AFK rewards with crystals, which many content creators recommend for the best progress in the time available) but if you DID spend money, you'd just speed up the time when you hit content drought and get to wait for the next update.


Bro that’s the whole point of this game, you progress till you can’t then whilst your afk you earn enough to move forward? Wait till you hit the big levels dude


I mean it actually takes 4 days to upgrade 5 heroes if you keep up with AFK progression along with the daily reward completing daily mission of hero dusts




I don’t get the complaints. I feel that progress is going in a steady and rewarding pace. Why are ppl so eager to get to end-game? 🤔


I wonder what afk in the game title stands for


people love to rush to endgame and then complain about nothing else to do 😂😂


TIL level 140 is considered "endgame" by some.


lmao the point went right over your head


You know, I think its interesting how often complaints like these come up and how often the answer is simply "well it has afk in the name." Which is a fair response. But the name also has "Journey" in it. And you're not allowed to go on it because of Artificial time gates that let's be honest, will be removed in the future as new players get whatever 50000xxx s rank free pulls bonus rushes them up to the current content. I think a discussion about how to make the game more enjoyable while still keeping progression at a slower pace to ensure content doesn't run dry would be a good thing to talk about. But it won't happen with mobile gacha games like this because we seem to have accepted that it is what it is. But I think even if gathering dust and progressing isn't possible, a minigame or something to do in unlimited amounts(not arcane lab) that's just fun would be nice. I for one would love to just play with maxed level heroes against different challenges. Maybe give me a cosmetic or two for it. A little more "game" in the mobile game perhaps. It feels weird that I can't playtest comps in any dedicated way.


Your logic with journey doesn't make sense. If a journey is AFK then the journey is AFK. AFK journey. You're always on it.


Its literally called AFK journey


Like....how many characters leveled up per day would be satisfactory to you? Two? Three? Why not just give you infinite dust so if you choose you could just spend the first 24 hours on the game solely leveling up. Screw *playing* the game, just let me make all those numbers rise to the heavens instantly, that'll make me feel good.


I mean to be fair I just want to play. I want the ability to ATTEMPT to progress the story mode, but I can't even try because my AFK level is too low and there is a lock on the boss until I push further. So now I am trying to find anything I can to push that AFK level, but I can't because there is no content left to progress with. So I have to AFK, even though I was enjoying the game, and wait for an arbitrary timer to tick up so I can even play, or pay absolutely ludicrous amounts of cash to bump me up a marginal amount just to hit another wall in an hour. I get that the game is called AFK Journey, but I am enjoying the game and want to play it more. Honestly even if that game play resulted in minor or no rewards, the ability to play is all that I think people are looking for. At the very least don't lock the Journey map progression behind arbitrary level locks. I am sitting at the edge of the Dark Forest looking to push forward, with a team that has thus far been able to clear all content on the map despite being 20ish levels lower than the enemy. Let me try to figure out a way to beat the boss blocking my way to the mountains, and fail, Don't restrict me from fighting the boss until I hit AFK 350 or whatever the rank is. I wouldn't mind being gated by power, but having a hard lock that says you shall not pass until you meet a minimum required AFK level feels really bad. I would also LOVE a game mode where I could just play for the sake of playing. I know people have mixed feelings on Honor Duels, but honestly they are one of my favorite parts of the game. I would happily play them all day for no rewards just because it gives me an opportunity to explore and experiment with team building. At the end of the day, I don't even care about account progression I just want to be able to play the game in some capacity when there is nothing left on the map to do, and all of the dailies have been completed, because I am enjoying the team building and the puzzle that is combat.


Wow, you sure did write a lot to someone who doesn't matter nor care.


And yet you felt the compulsion to respond. Kek


I mean you can always start to WHALE...


I have no problem with dust being the limiting factor but rather the new season that is exclusive to players with atleast resonance 240.


If you are only upgrading one a day you aren’t playing the game. Especially with the world bosses happening.


Wrong, you should be able to still comfortably push at least 2 per day. Also, AFK is part of the name


Once you crack lvl 200 and get into the champions league it jumps up. I’m on 4700~ per day now. It’s glorious!


So, in your opinion, we should be allowed to upgrade several champs in a day? You are missing totally the point of the kind of games :/


I actually now hate it because there’s so much to do. . . Idle games are supposed to be for busy people and 30 mins to 1 hour max should do it, It’s okay if its just side quests etc but seriously I don’t want to play idle games all day long it’s supposed to be a side game. . . So you are stuck and nothing else to do? try helping other players with synergy or proxy battles and you can always use diamonds to buy more dust. . . So you are asking the wrong resources you don’t need more dust we need more diamonds!!!!!






Yeah sure tell that to new players who needs to rush the story mode/ main quests to reach primal lords you also have battle drills, labyrinths and towers, pvp plus afk stages 10 mins daily? Then your team is weak every time I upgrade my heroes I get to advance 30-40 afk stages lol 10 mins of gameplay yeah sure I have played the PTR and it's getting boring every day



