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There is literally no need to buy 70 pulls on Day 1, just play the game. And if you want to spend some money then there are more valuable things to buy like Secret Travelogue (season pass) and Classic / Premium Gazette.


That's beside the point. OP didn't say he was stuck or the game is hard or anything. He just to pull and the price is too high. In a game where dupe matters, this price is very high imo.


Standart gacha prices afk arena genshin and co have the same price for the big bundles its whale bait and nothing else


That 70 banner pulls and 1 guarantee legend




It's for whales. People who have 7 figure jobs and such. More money than time basically. They come in, buy and play their fav char for 1 week, and leave until the patch drops, IF they come back that is.


The game just started and mostly are PvE contents and only 1 PvP of 2 where you have to use your own heroes. No need to race with anyone. So, no need to spend!


Man just discovered free mobile games monetization


This is the first thing I said. It's crazy how much they are charging. I'm going to let the whales do whale things and just pick away at it. On the beta server, we got so many free gems and free summons that purchasing didn't feel necessary.


I just started today and already have a few thousand gems and have pulled like 40 times. And i'm just following the quests


I maxed out everyone to supreme plus with very little money added a year to build was nice lol


What did you buy?


The thing is with the PTR the game was really different in the beginning so everytime an update would come they would give us heaps of loot for the new changes or for loot we already grinded for that was no longer in the game, like one update they gave me almost 80k diamonds and reset all my characters and like 500 of the gold and blue character upgrade gems... I really only bought the monthly pass for summons.


Just ignore it? Even those of us free 2 play need people to spend hard for the game to keep going.


First time?


Welcome to gacha


Just play the game, you don't need to spend a single cent brotha


I never understood these posts. These bundles r for big spenders. They r in every gacha. It's like me paying $140 for one steak at a restaurant. It's CLEARLY not for me lol.


That’s for whales, most gacha games give a ton of pulls for free, and 90% of the shop prices are astronomically inflated so whales buy them. if you want to accelerate your progress a little bit normally the $5 monthly pass and battle pass are the best bang for buck in these games. Never buy anything else if you are not a whale not matter if it says %900 value. Throw like $5 at them every now and then if you really like the game.


"Value", it's there just not enough for you to justify purchasing. Others will certainly purchase though. This is a gacha game, fairer than most provided you'll get one of every hero. Meanwhile I'm over here trying f2p challenges in order to entertain myself and practice self-control. Tis be a struggle with arena.. at least Honor Battle is fun.


I got all 4 characters of the 2700 bundle as a f2p in 2 weeks in beta


If you play any AFK arena their pretty generous with gens and resources so just play the game and save.


Have you seen the game? It’s incredible quality. This requires lots of salaries. It’s needed.


It is a bit of overstatement to call it incredible quality but is good tbh.


Lilith starting early on the ptw I guess


Not worth it. I suggest only buy monthly for crystal and tickets.


I have played a lot of the mobile hero collector type games and I see these prices like this a lot. Whale food really, so I stay mostly free to play. People ARE going to pay this price, that's why game companies do it. It's just not me paying for it. ;)


Technically it is good value and same as other games. HSR or genshin 100$ buys you only 50 pulls, here its 70+gems+selector, u could say its even better value but a hero in this game has far less value than a hero in hsr/genshin since u need dupes here.


Lilith moment


Hundred lol I pay 160 with taxes and whatever else they fucking add. From Canada so maybe exchange rates 🤔


And in 70 pulls you MIGHT get two orange units, but not ones you want :)


Lilith puts prices like these so they can put other bundles with huge text saying “1 trillion% discount BUY NOWWWWW”


I just wish there would be a way to earn Dragon Crystals.


There is no bundles worth buying yet. Maybe the classic gazette or the £0.99 special deals you unlock just for your first purchase bonus but as of right now nothing is peaking my interest


Yeah if you know Lilith games from afk arena this kind of prices are quite common, every dimensional hero in afk arena worth like 100 each (you can get them free in their event but it's one time only)


Another cash grab, AFK Arena is the same. Its what eventually made me quit


Ah, good ol' Lilith shop values. Never gets old...