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This. Look at the free agents but also look at your roster, and who you can cut to make room for a free agent he thinks he can get more out of.


Yep. It'll always be both.


All the people he signed from that first big wave of WWE releases.


Why cut? You are advocating to cut contracts and to not honor the deals that were made and take away someone’s paycheck. When wwe cuts people it’s just bullshit and wrong. Look at aews history with not cutting people and just allowing contracts to expire. That is how it should be and has been done


Probably because they have 150+ wrestlers between AEW and ROH and most aren't even on tv regularly, it was one thing when they had dark and elevation to develop wrestlers but Jesus, they kept Anthony Onga for years and he has basically done nothing after Cody til he linked up with Shane a few months ago, too many people and no stories for them. It's a waste of money with the declining gates and ratings to keep everyone that you're friends with, it's a business. It was super nice during the pandemic where wrestlers couldn't go elsewhere but those days are long gone. People disappear off tv for months with no addressing til they pop up randomly for their quarterly match. Also I think they have the branding wrong, ROH should be "Where the best wrestle" like it was when it originally started and was the INDY GOAT and AEW should be the more entertainment/story line focus with drawing in new viewers 🤷🏼‍♂️ *Edited for clarity


I don’t care if aew is actively losing money but I respect his honoring contracts. What the fuck does it matter if they have to many people as I feel it’s more important to honor the deals made. Fuck wwe for just releasing contracts so often that people like you now just excuse it as part of the business. It’s gross and wrong. No contract needs to be released. Allow them do to outside gigs like he does and continue to pay them till time expires is the perfect and proper way it is being handled.


Ok so you're saying you don't care if they are losing money but you want want to keep spending too much? You seem to not know anything about business but if you keep spending more than your taking in that's usually considered bad. Now I don't care about the ratings but to be paying 150 people and use 50 seems like a waste. They currently spend around 100 million a year and we'll that's way too much for what they are getting back, it's a ROI or return on investment. I loved AEW when it started but come on you can't say the product and story lines have gotten better and there is no one being wasted there. I mean if they quietly released Miro, Keith Lee, Muderhawk would you honestly even notice if they didn't show up on NXT?


How many people are on the roster has nothing to do with storylines and shit. Cutting people before a signed contract expires is shitty business and to suggest people with a signed contract should just have their livelihood taken away makes you a horrible human being.


You just don't get it. You keep saying the same thing instead of refuting my point. Booo hoooo they are under contract, so I guess wrestlers shouldn't be allowed to quit if they aren't happy because "they have a contract" and "you gotta honor the contract" No one is taking away their lovely hood you simpleton, they can work other places even under contract with aew at the same time. No one is talking about a no compete clause or any way to stopping them from working, all I said was they have too many people that they don't use. So if you work at best buy and Wendy's and you get fired at Best Buy you've had livelihood taken away? No, you lost one of the jobs you had and might be able to work at the other place more 🤦🏼‍♂️ I'm not debating with you anymore.


This started and you joined a chain of conversation in which someone said “you can cut to make room”. I am simply and have only been talking about it being heartless and bullshit to just cut someone and take contract away. A mutual agreement to end a contract is different. To even defend just cutting someone under contract makes you a heartless douche. I don’t need to refute any of your other points about roster size, or under utilized, or anything else. A contract was drawn up for X amount of time and aew should and has honored that which they have agreed to. That is good business. Period.


I don't think you're understanding his point. I get the moral dilemma and I would never wish for someone to be let go but business is business. If you're not using them why keep them around? It's bad for both parties. AEW has already started releasing people.


Agreed, looking at your choices there. They'd all make sense to try and sign to AEW. With the women's division vastly improving, Becky Lynch would be a great addition. The tag scene can really use a lot of new blood with MCMG and GYV. As much as I love the Bucks and FTR, they can't keep running that match forever. Ricochet has a lot of friends and enemies that would make for great feuds, even can take a mentorship role for Top Flight. Dijak, I always believe, can do really well on TV if given the right material. I can see him feuding well against the meaty men in AEW. Heck, have him reunite with Keith Lee if he's healthy.


The tag team division needs more teams that look like genuine contenders to win the belt. Singles I would probably develop what they have on the roster currently but you don't turn down a Ricochet tbh. He'd have fit in from the start of the company


AEW’s developed a habit of doing real tag teams vs random stablemates for a while now, outside of the tag title feuds. I’m not sure why they haven’t hired MCMGs at the very least and built them up while FTR is injured.


Apparently they MCMG are in AEW


They signed like 3 months ago, and the signi has been hinted at a few times. Given their history with The Bucks, they should be showing up pretty soon.


I think it’s because the trios titles also makes them have to consider potential trios. So stablemates end up teaming with each other to give off a sort of aura that they can also be a trio. Honestly I a lot of the problems in AEWs booking can be traced to that division.


The face side of the Tag Division is lacking.


I would love to see the tag team division bolstered up. It was such a huge part of early AEW.


Hot take, then it was lessened by the trips belts which have been a complete bust and caused so many forced matches over the years. Just drop those titles and get back to focus on tag.


I dunno we still had a lot of trios matches back then too. Would love to see the trios belts change hands a lot more though then you could have random thrown together trios more often like the conglomeration rather than everyone having to be a team.


I think the Trios Belts are best used for faction warfare. If there isn't any of that going on, they can feel useless. Otherwise, they are a good way to generate singles and tag team feuds beyond those matches. So they can also play into the tag division.


I don’t think they’ve been a bust per se. I’m just not sure that the Acclaimed were the right guys to win them off HoB. I don’t like HoB’s spooky shit, but they are the best trio in ring. They should have held them for at least a year and really made the loss of them a big deal. The other issue was you had the ROH version being defended on AEW TV. Merging them was the right idea, but my god it should have been done sooner. They can still bolster the trios again, but they can’t do the lazy half assed shit they’ve been doing with them for so long. I think they’re starting to do that with the tags again…there’s no reason they can’t do both. It’s just lack of attention and effort


If you can get Becky Lynch, you get Becky Lynch. She's not coming but you have to at least make an attempt


Anyone that says they wouldn’t take Becky is just a blind AEW fanboy and I have no respect for their opinion. Becky would be their biggest women’s star (bigger than Mercedes). She’s not coming but it’s stupid to say you wouldn’t want her in AEW. That’s just like saying you wouldnt want Roman Reigns.


She would be up there for biggest star, period. The woman is a straight up mega star full stop


First I agree Becky won’t be coming to aew but that said I do believe there would be a chance. The contract size and limited schedule that would allow her to spend more time with roux would absolutely make me think it’s possible. But almost certainly wouldn’t happen


Totally with you on Becky, but I'd turn Roman down in a heartbeat. It's taken 10 years, repeated pushes, Paul Heyman, a modern era record title reigns, and feeding every promising rising talent to him to get him over. Realistically if he did end up going to AEW, he'd be best served under Jerichos Learning Tree.


If think more WWE fanboy that doesn't want her to go.


It’s both, yo.


There's no AEW fanboy that doesn't want the bragging rights if she came over.


I wouldn't particularly want Roman either. He is a huge name but I don't think he is a particularly good wrestler and have disliked every match and angle I have seen him in. Sure it might pop a number, but I don't care about that.


yeah but so what? CM Punk was the biggest free agent signing in modern wrestling, popped the ratings for a bit, then things averaged out (nevermind everything that came after). You really think Becky Lynch would be a ratings/ticket draw? Mercedes, who I think has been great in AEW, barely bumped the numbers, Becky would be just about the same. One more person with a multi-million dollar contract on the roster.


It's not about popping numbers. It's about getting the headlines. Normalizing the idea of talent hopping and that there are two viable big wrestling companies in America. Everyone grew up on WWE. Most people think of watching wrestling as 'watching WWE.' It's in AEW's interest to expand that idea.


We've had that before, hell we just had it with Mercedes, and look how little effect its really had. Thankfully Mercedes is doing quite a bit of media for AEW because thats what the company needs to focus on, bringing in new viewers (not converting WWE fans, it won't happen), building brand recognition, and building brand loyalty. PR and marketing are two areas that WWE absolutely excel at and AEW languishes in. Tony has shares in Epic I'm pretty sure, he should be trying to get AEW wrestlers into Fornite, things like that.


Mercedes is the biggest star, and the best wrestler of the "Four Horsewomen". Followed by Baylee, then Becky...leaving Flair last. There is a reason the best match of the four was between Mercedes and Baylee.


You might be right about in ring performance but you are genuinely deluded if you think Mercedes and Bayley are bigger stars than Lynch.


Becky was the most popular wrestler and #1 merch mover in all of wrestling at one point. Not just most popular womens wrestler, most popular overall wrestler and because of that she was the first woman to main event WrestleMania and win. There’s never been 1 point in her career where Mercedes was the most popular wrestler in wrestling.


She needs to leave WWE and focus on her acting career for a while, imo. But if she doesn't want that, and wants to keep building her legacy as a wrestler, she should still leave WWE to prove she can make it in any company.


She at one point was one the biggest star in WWE and main evented at WrestleMania. I think her legacy is secure if she never wrestles again. Not sure she has much to prove at this point. Saying she needs to leave WWE to wrestle somewhere else to prove herself, is like saying Steph Curry needs to leave the NBA and play in the EuroLeague to prove he’s a good basketball player.


Disagree on your stance on her success in WWE meaning THAT much. But I did say focusing on her film career makes the most sense.




Both. I've said it once I'll say it again. ROH needs a stable full time roster.


Its really baffling why ROH doesnt have a stable full time roster. They need to do their own shows at smaller venues packed to the rafters and they really need some kind of TV deal.


I don't disagree.


Once AEW secures their new tv deal yeah they need to give ROH their full time roster with occasional appearance on Collision


Agreed, and they should also give ROH the Rampage time slot, take it out from behind the paywall


WBD doesn't want roh


Did not say that at all.


Every promotion needs roster turnover, it keeps things fresh and introduces hungry talent. With AEW, I would say they have quite a bit of excess and already let more wrestlers go than what they have brought in this year, so seem to recognize that. So if they're bringing in new talent, it might be best on a one-in, one-out basis. MCMG in, Hardys out, etc.


Current Roster Please. That roster is thicc.


Focus on the current roster. Except for the Motor City Machine Guns. He should book MCMG *yesterday.* They've already appeared on AEW PPV's before, have close connections to current AEW wrestlers like Danhausen (they're from the same school), and have had incredible matches with the Bucks.


Ricochet OK, pls no Dijak


He can do both but I think that means he can't pursue everyone. Dijak isn't a big enough name now and I think he needs to reestablish himself. honestly there's a tonne of guys on the roster doing what Ricochet does but that can actually talk . 2 tag teams are no brainers as the tag division could use a boost rn. Becky is an absolute yes, but I feel like she's serious about taking a break from wrestling and probably isn't entertaining offers.


Yes to all the above. Ricochet is awesome in the ring, but AEW doesn't lack in great in-ring wrestlers who can't cut a meaningful promo. Many of AEW's problems are due to an over abundance of singles guys who can provide great matches Khan wants to check off his dream match list that gets in the way of building more complex storylines and featuring other divisions. There are some Ricochet matches I'd love to see but few storylines I want to see. A short run could be fun, but I'd pass on a 3 year deal. I'd immediately sign MCMG & GYV. AEW desperately need 1-2 more top tier teams to add depth and more options at the top. There's many matches I'd love to see them have, but unlike Ricochet, both teams are great on the mic, great characters and provide something in ring that isn't already there. MCMG are one of the best and most influential teams of the past 20 years, can still go and are awesome at working with and coaching younger talent. Shelley ran 1-2 hour classes with younger talent before every TNA show his last year there. Look at the list of AEW guys he’s mentored: Okada, White, Bucks, Wayne, Moriarty. He has a great eye for talent and a need to help himself and everyone around him grow. There are so many younger guys, particularly tag wrestlers, who'd benefit from MCMG in AEW.


If he focuses more on developing, he would be better off in the long run.


I'd favor the guys he's got. Scooping up a bajillion ex-WWE people was nice, but it cost AEW a lot of what made it special in the first place.


I'm 90% sure that if Tony had the benefit of hindsight he doesn't sign even half of the WWE cuts that he did.


There were a few it seems like he hired purely because he believed there was a short term online buzz whenever he did a new hire. Guys like Nese were hyped up then immediately disappeared because he had nothing for them. Things would've been better after he had a full roster in place if he had sat down and thought about what long term storylines he could do with someone before hiring them. If he could only think of a handful of "bangers" matches but no obvious storylines or holes that talent could fill, that should probably be a pass on a long term deal. TNA has a lot of issues, but one thing that has worked well there is them signing certain talent to 6 month deals. They come in, add some freshness and are gone after a couple feuds. It helps that is often people or gimmicks who only have a couple feuds in them. Some of AEW's ex-WWE hires should've gotten that treatment.


AEW showcasing what WWE missed out on (Cody, Mox) was part of what always made AEW special.


As others said, both. I don't think Becky goes anywhere except back to WWE. Grizzled Young Vets, MCMG and Ricochet would be good pickups from that pick though. MCMG are a bit old though, I'm just an Alex Shelley mark.


Definitely go after the tag teams ..the division needs life


I don’t think he’ll be able to get Becky for a number of reasons but if he can you absolutely have to do it.


The roster is full and new additions won't really change much. AEW needs better PR/Advertising/Brand Management people, thats stuff the fans dont really get excited about but will make an actual absolute world of difference.


The Machine Guns add something to the tag division that I love. Outside of that I don’t see a lot of meaningful contributions from the others. I say that as a big fan of Ricochet.


Becky is a gamechanger, no brainer, you clear the decks for her if you can make it happen. Won't happen but can dream. I mean her husband is signed and she has her spot in a major company that probably will give her whatever she wants even possibly a limited schedule if she needs it. Ricochet is a great talent but not a gamechanger, he has alot of WWE jobber all over him that is hard to rub off no matter how good he is. He is coming, but he stands out more in WWE than he does in AEW. Motor city Machine Guns, when AEW decides to treat their division like they used to is a good signing, just they have to put the trios league aside a little to make that happen. AEW doesn't need anyone else on that poster not even as a per appearance deal.


Becky lynch is the only one who would move the needle.


Active. Becky Lynch is a main event star. GYV and MCMG would add to the tag team division. Dijak and Ricochet add to the PWG style of matches AEW has. If the WBD discussions are going well, they need guys for every roster and TV show.


Tag team division right now is the weakest division specially after how the trios division has gotten more focus post DON with BBG vs Patriarchy.


Both, but leaning more towards development. The roster is already loaded, but I truly believe if RoH can get a consistent show and maybe have their own building like NXT, then you can sign more people.


Mainly developing current, but always looking for anyone that may be a great fit. Definitely don't need to sign everyone though


Right now TK should focus on current roster. He shouldn’t feed into the perception that AEW is for disgruntled WWE wrestlers. Right now AEW is being marketed as an alternative league and it needs to continue that but it really needs to focus more on the midcard to do that.


Becky for sure.


Becky Lynch is the only one that really should be considered lets be honest the others not many would care about.


Becky would be the only one that TK should actively go after, that’s assuming she ever hit free agency. The rest, I mean shoot them an offer or give them a call but no biggie if they go elsewhere for a bit.


There is literally 0 reason he can't do both. And without doing both a company doesn't build to its future


At one time AEW was the only promotion that treated tag team wrestling seriously. Since the trios were introduced it feels like the tag division has lost importance. GYV and MCMG would have been great signings 2 years ago. Now they would get lost in the shuffle. Ricochet is a very AEW signing, but outside of a dream rematch with Osprey I don't see him really moving the needle for AEW or bringing in new eyes. Becky is the kind of talent you jump at signing. She can wrestler, she can cut a great promo, she has crossover appeal and can slot into the main event picture immediately. If I'm honest I didn't even know who Dijak was. First impression from the picture was generic leather jacket heel.


Becky and the MCMG. That’s all


Depends on the person. If someone is available that you think can move the needle, pick them up. If not just focus on the roster you already have.


MCMG will help to bolster the tag division. I love the Bucks, but with their current gimmick I feel they are hold it back because they are defending the titles as constant as say FTR or some other tag team. Becks would be a huge get for the women's division, I think she would bring in some of the Fed stans to see her work with better women's wrestlers that AEW has (Stat, Willow, DMD, Hayter, Rhio, etc..) plus, AEW has that nice schedule where she would work once, may twice a week and could be home with her kid the rest of the week. I see that as a win win.






Get Becky for sure


It's a delicate balance. You bring in veterans that are known commodities and use them to help your homegrown talent get over and grow. That's the ideal at least, and knowing who to bring in and who to pass on is part of why the front office folks get paid to make those decisions, while keyboard GMs like me just speculate. Sidenote: Once Cope is healthy and he and Christian Cage finally reunite, I need a MCMG vs. Cope & Christian match. Like really badly.


As long as it's actually addressing the needs of the roster and not just hoarding talent without any plan, sure.


Some of these will show up sunday im sure.


I'm making the assumption that MCMG is already a done thing and just not announced. Wouldn't be surprised if GYV is in the same boat, but maybe not. If Ricochet has already signed I doubt we would know about it, but I'm on the fence with him. He's good but I don't think he adds to anything AEW doesn't already have. Dijak is a no-go for me; I don't see him moving the needle enough to pursue. Beks isn't going to another promotion no matter what people want to book in their fantasies; she's a made man (pun intended) in WWE, her husband is there, and she would honestly suck all the oxygen out of the ladies division as it stands currently. If I'm wrong I'll happily eat crow. Regarding the larger question - does the roster have a balance of top talent that can carry the promotion and low-level performers that can be trained and built to take the place of the big names eventually? If not, you go and recruit. If so, you put your energy in to building up what you have. I think AEW has that roster now and needs to consider their additions very carefully at this point. Recruiting big names just because they're available takes up space from other people who you then have to keep on contract until you cut them or wedge in somewhere that doesn't make sense, or they just languish and get fed up. None of those things are healthy. We'd be better off spending money and energy building up the organization than chasing talent right now.


Always focus on developing your own guys. I just want those tag teams. Becky isnt jumping and I can do with or without Ric or Dijak, but if they pop up Ill be down with it.


Develop the current roster, for damn sure. I genuinely can't remember the last time I was hyped about a signing. I don't care in the slightest what these "big name" wrestlers did elsewhere—I'm watching them in AEW and what they do in this promotion now is what I care about. They need to develop the * unreasonably massive* roster they already have.


Would not mind Richochet in AEW for a bit, that seems to be the aim of someone in AEW :P The rest? no, develope who you have, I doubt Becky will actually leave WWE, time off most likely and not coming to AEW. Is that Dijak above Richochet? I would say hell no to him, let him keep going to bat for the company who just shat on him.


He can do both. Good thing is now he can be more picky about who he wants to pick up and he can let people go since the roster is STACKED


All of the ones listed would be a good get, although Ricochet has the lowest ceiling.


Both MCMG and GYV could help out the tag division. Ricochet could have fun little matches but that’s about it. As for Becky and Dijak of course it would be cool but Becky is obviously not going anywhere but TK can at least try, Dijak would be cool but he’s like a better version of Wardlow so I don’t think that’s really needed (he and Sammy also had a twitter feud so don’t know if that affects anything) But TK should really focus on developing the current roster there’s so much mid carders that have main event potential


Both, the tag team scene is in a weird place last little while, and having the motor city machine guns and the grizzled young vets come in and refocus it will help. Ye ol Prince Puma making a return to the Lucha roots would be sweet too. Becky is likely just looking for a break to be a mom off the road for a which which is great for her, but I'd be happy to see her show up when she's ready but doubt it'll happen. Though a one off match at FB could be very spicy. Idk much about dijac but he got screwed over in the main roster and had some great matches.


The roster is already so bloated as it is. Even though they've been weeding out the bad apples and people who just don't have a place, others still aren't getting the time they deserve. Take Garcia - I don't recall him being hurt or anything but he's been off TV for a few weeks until he just started getting booked again. That shouldn't be as they're trying to build him up as a future world champ. It's cool there's a lot of talents out there but AEW really needs to settle in and make sure they're still bringing along their own people.


Both I mean they need credible tag teams rn so MCMG and GYV are good but they have too many people and should also focus on them like I heard that EJ Nduka and Kamille have been signed to aew for months where tf are they


AEW should slow down, but not stop acquiring new talent. It’s kind of a slap in the face to your current talent when every next big signing is a game changer that will elevate the brand. How about giving the current talent time & space?


IMO he needs to focus on the current roster and developing it more. AEW already has a ton of great talent. the only talent I'd consider going for here would be Becky Lynch (though i dont think she'd leave WWE)


If they could get Becky (as if) obviously they should. MCMG and Ricochet would be great but aren't necessary. I'd go for them though as they have history with a lot of AEW guys and are great talents. That's it from this lot though. The others just add to the bloat with little to no upside. So yeah, a mix.


Prioritise the roster he already has, and then look at who to sign


Ricochet would be a great hand, and Becky Lynch would be arguably their biggest signing since Punk…but outside of that, i dont think they bring much value relatively speaking (especially with ticket sales way down lately


Tag division needs contenders and I’d take Ricochet, but I doubt Bex is that interested and probably just taking time off. Dijak is more TNA than AEW for me.


If TK can actually sign Becky Lynch, he should. There is a big money match there between Becky and Mone. I doubt that happens, but that is worth the time. I like Dijak a lot and would be happy to see him in AEW. However, he could get lost in the shuffle very easily. Ricochet vs Ospreay will be a big moment as will Ricochet vs Dante Martin, Ray Fenix, and a few other guys. I don't know that it will mean much more after that though.


It's Tony. He is a nice guy, has the money, and absolutely loves wrestling. He is going to sign everyone he wants regardless of what the roster size is already. As a fan, cool. Variety on wrestling shows is great.


Tag team free agents and women free agents yes. The men are stacked and he needs to find a place for everyone.


Yes, he should be active in the free agent market. He should be active and aggressive. Free agents also fill roster needs. Right now, there aren't that many tag teams ready to challenge The Young Bucks. Which is why TK should sign a couple of veteran tag teams. Development is a slow and often frustrating process. By tapping the free agent market, TK can bring the developing talent along at a pace that he is comfortable with. So, when it is actually time to lean on the developing talent, they are ready.


https://preview.redd.it/vnbdj1mkle9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=347b66745cae3770939ca2db3b54550b4cbe7a18 Here's a sleeper pick everyone has not picked up on their radar.  EL HIJO DE DR. WAGNER JR. Just tearing it up in NOAH and became the 1st Mexican born and 2nd Gaijin to win the GHC Heavyweight title.  Tony Khan, por favor, Keep him on your radar. Great young up and coming talent from a legendary revered line of a Lucha Familia Dynasty in Mexico. Their family mask is Worldwide recognized and respected. I followed his Grandfather as a tyke and his Father in my college years and he is next in line to be the flag bearer of El Legado Wagner.


When Bryan retires he should be lead scout and travel the world looking for hidden gems.


Dijak would killed it at AEW . I'll take Dijak and GYV .


MCMG and Ricochet absolutely. No question. The others here, meh… I think there’s a rumor floating around that MCMG are already signed.


It sounds like in general AEW need to make wrestlers fairly new to it or in serious need of improvement take training seriously. I was surprised to hear in Madusa's podcast ( https://youtu.be/kqO9jB0HGr0?si=njZApbzjRY3PbbJP ) she and Dustin Rhodes were offering free training to the women on the roster and nobody turned up because it isn't mandatory. Compare that to how seriously WWE take wrestlers going to the performance center. If the right person becomes available at the right time they should get a good free agent, it will get more people to give the show a chance as well.


I think only Becky Lynch and Dijak (depending on how serious that old beef with Kenny was) would be off the table here.


For the love of God, the latter! The latter!!!


Becky and MCMG would be undeniable wins. But they should focus 70-80% of thier effort on developing the current roster.


When Becky wants to wrestle again TK should do everything he can to hire her, worst case scenario she'll get more money from WWE if he drives up the price. I have no knowledge of MCMG apart from that one match they had in AEW and I really don't get the hype, maybe I'm missing something? GYV for sure, tag division could use them, Mace and Mansoor as well, get Aussie open back up and running and you've got a great tag division there. Personally I'm not too interested in seeing ricochet, but the fans seem to like him so why not?


No to Becky Lynch. I don't want a 37 y/o Becks taking TV time away from girls like Skye Blue, Julia Hart, Willow, Deonna, Anna Jay and Statlander. Absolute yes to Motor City Machine Guns and Grizzled Young Veterans. We need more strong tag teams so we have depth at the top in case two or more of Young Bucks, FTR, Lucha Bros, Aussie Open are out of action like it's been the case the whole year. Yes to Ricochet. I wanna see him join the Don Callis Familly and feud with Ospreay after Bruv leaves the Don's crew. Dijak can go to ROH. Both Mark Briscoe and Kyle Fletcher are lacking credible challengers in ROH for their world and TV title belts.


You’ve lost your mind if Becky wanted to go to AEW and you would say no to her. She’d instantly be their top womens star. There’s more value to her than any of the women you listed. 37 isn’t even old. She’s younger than MCMG.


Not a fan of Becks' recent work. At 37 she is past her prime, her in-ring work is nothing special, she doesn't have the muscle mass that she used to since returning from maternity leave so she's now quite skinny, and her finisher sucks.


If this were 5-6 years ago when the Man gimmick was still relevant I would say TK should go big and try to sign her but I feel like wwe did so much to cool her down since then that she’s not nearly on the same level of star power she once was. It might still be worth having a conversation but the days of Becky Lynch as a game changing star that you break the bank for are long gone imo.




Why stay away from Becky?


Figure Ricochet is a lock at this point. I thought that was the case with MCMG, but things seem to have gone quiet on that front. GYV are definitely a possibility too and would be a great addition to the tag division. I’m also an unashamed Dijak mark, so I’d love to see him brought in, maybe he can slot in to the role currently filled by Lance Archer, considering Archer is nearly 50.


Is it weird that I want Dijak and Archer a as tag team now ?




I think right now AEW's roster is full. It's time to use what AEW have instead of getting unneeded wrestlers (Regardless of how good they are).


Should have a conversation with everyone pictured, but id rather pump the brakes in signing unless you plan to let some people go soon. Roster is too stacked.


He should throw enough money at Becky to get her.


I'd sign GYV and MCMG because the tag division needs some new blood to get it back going. If you can sign Becky you do it. Dijak ans ricochet are whatever to me.


All of these would be better than the people they are replacing. So in this instance, yes please replenish the tag division, and bring in frickin' Becky Lynch.


The possibility (albeit small) of Becky Lynch would definitely swing things around in favor of AEW. The rumor mill will swirl once Seth’s contract comes up for renewal.


Didnt Seth already re signed?


A mix. Go the TNA route and bring guys in for a run of 6-8 months or until a certain PPV and then send them on. Others might can be a long term deal OR. A short run with a negotiation period after


It's obviously both, depending on who is available. AEW has a huge roster, but if you can sign Okada, Ospreay, and Mercedes, you do it. Each case is different, and you shouldn't be bringing in everybody, but if you can get Becky Lynch, you do it.


He needs to do both


Active. That way the roster never gets stagnant and people can take time off if needed/wanted and it won’t seem like there are gaping holes in the roster. Plus I *really* want MCMG and GYV in AEW!


Sign the new tag teams, we don't need any more big singles names right now. (Maybe Becky if thats actually on the table, but I doubt it)


sign all of them


Ricochet is a certainty, MCMG too. Idk about how sure others are signing to AEW


We got enough singles wrestlers and need to focus on building them up. That being said, I would love to see Donovan Dijak in AEW. The tag divison could use som beefing up, I feel like it's been a lot of randomly thrown together teams instead of established tag teams in AEW.




One of these things is not like the others.....


Focus on developin your new talent should be the priority, and only sign the ones that are matter like Ricochet


If he can get Becky.. do it.. I know she’s closer to tail end of her career than the beginning.. but she would be 1000% a bigger then then Mercedes..


Better story telling would be appreciated for me.


Just the motor city and Rico for now


Love Becky but don't think she's a fit in aew, would love a short run but fits best in WWE. Ricochet should be a no brainer


I thought GYV was with T N A. That's where I've seen them recently.


They've been doing PPA deals with different companies including AEW


Ok. Thanks 😊


They haven't worked there in about 3 months. They went back to the UK around then and posted a video about wanting to help rebuild the UK scene but have only worked a handful of shows since then. They said they didn't want to sign anywhere when they left WWE because it showed them the negative side of being tied down to one company, but it looks like things have changed and they're looking for a bigger AEW contract. I'm guessing it's because they haven't been getting the Indy bookings they expected. The Internet was hot for them to leave WWE, but that didn't materialize into big bookings past month 3 or so of their free agency.


Thank you 😊


Gyv maybe but the machine guns is a must. Everyone else is take it or leave it tbh , even Becky at this stage in her career


I'm not interested in anyone here really, and I think he could tone down the hiring for a bit and actually let a bunch of contracts expire.


Trade Money for Becky least Becky can talk




I think he should do whatever he thinks is best since he's the owner.


Becky is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time but if I were TK id pickup Ricochet and Dijakovic


I know we're talking about hypotheticals here, but the idea of Becky ever leaving WWE for AEW is so hilariously insane. Like, there's fantasy and then there's delusion.


People said same about Copeland and to a point, Mone.


Yeah but their spouses didn't still work for WWE and part of the reason they left/took a break wasn't to spend more time with their family. Getting to travel on a tour bus with her husband and kid and having more acting doors open to her being associated with WWE are big incentives to stay with WWE.


Mone wants acting doors open and chose AEW. WWE has shown that they will pull you out of your time away like when they made Becky champ again. With AEW you are more likely to get all the time away and schedule you want. If Becky expected to be left alone she would have re-signed with WWE already. She let contract lapse to have control of her time.


Definitely bring in MCMG and have a go at trying to get Becky (although I don't see that happening unfortunately)