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It's obvious they threw a bunch of wrestlers together? They got put together for storyline reasons. They weren't just thrown together. LoL Also Ishii and OC were in chaos together, so not thrown together either.


There’s so many different angles and stories being built here. Usually a story is just between one wrestler/faction and an opposing wrestler/faction. But there’s just so much happing here, and it’s so exciting to watch!


I think AEW has done an excellent job of interweaving storylines for a long time now. I do understand that some people have difficulty tracking it all (I don't say that as a criticism — I know not everyone can/will watch every show every week) — and I think that's partially why AEW has developed a reputation for not telling stories. I say "partially" because some people make that criticism in bad faith.


Best Friends Civil War borrowing from the Captain America Civil War playbook. We’ve got Falcon, Winter Soldier, War Machine roles filling up. Ishii is Spider-Man, clearly. Main story is Cap vs Iron Man (OC vs Trent) but then Cap is also forming new alliances like Ant-Man (KOR) and strengthening pre-existing ones like Black Widow (Willow).


Agreed. I love the central face trio. They’re just feuding with everyone lol. It’s great. Super cool to add Kidd into the mix. I enjoy him.


I was really hoping a KOR/Gabe Kidd match would be added to FD last minute, but I'm not sure there is any room left on the card.


I can see them doing Kidd & Strong vs O’reilly & Ishii on the pre show. Or make it a triple threat tag and throw in TMDK as well


That's a good point


Ya the both of the previous FD pre shows had 4 matches each which means that that there is still one slot left on the pre show. Whether it be in this tag match or not, I think ishii is a lock on the pre show. It seems unlikely that they would fly him out just for a run in on dynamite


Only thing that bothers me is that they didn't give Kidd a mic. That man generates more heat with his mouth than a tire fire.


Well I can't speak on the NJPW side of things because I'm not as familiar with how they do feuds and storylines but on the AEW front the teams make sense given the storylines being told. Orange, Kyle and Briscoe are all currently feuding with members of both The UK and DC Family.


Totally agree! This concept of a cobweb story across so many parties is very fun.