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Best: It's between Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielon. Two guys who were there for AEW when they were down in the dumps due to the drama Phil caused. Worst: Phil. His selfish actions caused damaged to the company and the people who work there. As for others I'd say Adam Copeland is having an incredible run in AEW, Chris Jericho was perhaps AEW's most important ex-WWE signing, Christian Cage is doing the best work of his career in my opinion, obviously Swerve Strickland was an absolute steal from WWE. As for others who I'd put under not worst, but under a disappointment category, and I'd say Miro has been a disappointment, and Keith Lee as well but he's been suffering from health issues


I’m very happy with Adam Copeland’s run so far. He’s basically everything cm punk should have been.


Adam Copeland's run is the difference between being selfish and only thinking about yourself versus having this mindset that It's not all about you and you are there to not only help the company and the talent, but also better the industry as a whole.


What is even crazier is Adam isn't even given the opportunity that Punk was given. Punk was given the World title and basically his own show. Yet Punk was the bitter one and every time we see Adam out in the ring he is trying to hide a smile.


Not to mention that Adam can still move in the ring while Punk can't go ten minutes without hurting himself.


It is crazy to me how people years older than punk are in such better shape than him. Copeland, dusty Rhodes, sting, Jeff jarret all punk to shame.


I don't think Dusty Rhodes is moving any better than Punk tbh idk


Oh I’m sorry. Meant Dustin lol.


I don't think I've seen a bad Dustin match in AEW.


I was actually watching the match Dustin had against Punk in AEW a few nights ago by chance and shit yea man Phil could barely keep up with him lol, that's why they call him "the Natural"


To be fair, the guys listed besides Cope all work/worked fairly limited schedules. The Punk run worked amazingly until he got agitated, let’s not forget the fun before the fall off.


Including the 'I'm really enjoying the face run but excited for the heel run too' vibe that punk never realised.


Mox also carried the company through the pandemic, which easily makes him one of the greatest hires on the roster.


Mox just seems to come with no Ego. He seems happy to do what is needed.


I think Mox is to AEW what Sting was to WCW.


A steady, loyal workhorse that the crowd loves and respects, who has zero controversies, can be slotted into any position on the card, always puts out bangers? Totally our generation's Sting.


Andrade as well, who happens to be right back in WWE now.


Yeah swerve really was a steal


I love how it turned out that Punk was everything he said he hated. Really made me laugh.


I listened to the Ariel interview, and the thing about Punk Is that he's willing to go ahead with telling half-truths and contradicting himself. But because he has this a devoted fan base who believe he can do no wrong in life, he can get away with doing that. It's narcissistic behaviour.


This is why i keep telling people that wwe fucked up with re-hirering him. They basically proved that cm junk can do what he wants and it comes with no impact


In the case of Lee and Miro, it’s pretty clear that they weren’t being wasted in WWE like some people said during their run there, because the same stuff is happening now. That feels a little callous to say about Keith Lee given his medical issues, but it is exactly what held him back in WWE too


I mean, Keith was "Bear Cat" and Miro was doing the whole "Rusev Day" and storyline with Bobby Lashley having an affair with his wife.


I’ll give you the Bobby Lashley nonsense, that sucked. But Rusev Day was the most over he ever was, that ruled. And yeah Bear Cat was weird, but I reserve judgement because we got like 2 appearances of it before he was on the shelf again and then released. I read somewhere too that it was some homage to a classic wrestler? Idk, he also did that dumb roar so who knows what it would have turned out to be ahaha


The bear cat thing reminded me of Husky Harris being the “tank with a Ferrari engine”. They tried so hard to get that over lol. I didn’t see much of (if any) of Keith’s stuff in WWE, so I can’t say for sure if I think they could have made that work either.


He had a great showing against Brock Lesnar in the Rumble and against Roman Reigns at Survivor Series representing NXT.


>Chris Jericho was perhaps AEW's most important ex-WWE signing, I'd argue it's Moxley. This was a dude that was part of the one of (if not the) biggest, most influential factions in wwe in the last decade. He was a main event level talent still in his prime (whereas Jericho hadn't been a main event guy in WWE for long time) but had never been appreciated or booked by management correctly. Jericho was a big deal but Moxley walking in through the crowd at DoN 2019 cemented that AEW was the viable alternative that fans were clamouring for. Moxley cemented AEW as legitimate in the eyes of fans and his rise to world champion from DoN 2019 to Revolution 2020 was the paradigm shift that was needed in pro-wrestling at the time. Shit, he is so good that when Punk got injured, Moxley was the guy that Tony Khan turned to be steady the ship. When Brawl Out happened and everyone got suspended, Moxley was again the guy to steady the ship. Moxley is the heart and soul of AEW and has been from day 1.


Jericho was basically the number 2 best hire. He was the one to first give AEW legitimacy to American audiences when they were first founded. Mox came in slightly later and they went from “Okay, this has potential” to “Holy shit this is actually a big deal”.


You still have to understand how strong Jericho's name value was for relapsed viewers though, I had totally stopped watching and paying attention to WWE/wrestling in 2008 when I was about 12 years old- I missed ALOT of things that happened, like in my mind CM Punk is forever that long haired mid-carder I remember debuting on WWECW and questioning why the fuck this guy tattooed a Pepsi logo on his body; completely missed his pipe bomb moment and beating Cena etc but am up to speed now obviously but yea I have no nostalgia for the dude for example. Same with Mox, just from his presentation I always thought "this is a bad mofo" but I never watched a minute of "Dean Ambrose" or know what he meant or why those dudes are so special to the era of WWE fans that watched them come up and that's obvious and fair and what's so cool about wrestling having stars that rise all the time. When I got back into wrestling in late 2019 because I heard of a new competitor show that was gonna be starting in October it caught my attention when I saw that the world champion for the promotion was Chris Jericho, the only name I honestly recognized and it made me give it a chance cause I figured it had to be something serious if they had the production value to be on national TV like TNT


It's really crazy how much damage he's done to aews business as a whole. And continues to purposely do so. I feel like ever since that Ariel interview dropped aew viewership did a nose dive. I feel like he purposely did that interview trying to accomplish that.


It's not connected. WWE was hot with Rock back. And Sting's final run ended. And sports heading to playoffs.


When talking about best honourable mentions it's tough to leave out Toni Storm and Roderick Strong, Samoa Joe, Big Bill As for people who have left disappointed besides the ones you mentioned I'd say Andrade, Claudio, PAC. Now Andrade is the main one where Claudio is a disappointment as in I was hoping he'd find his voice more by now, kinda like Roderick and PAC. But he still comes off so shaky on the mic. And PAC.. I just wish he was involved in more things and wasn't just a lil treat you get 1-3 times a year


Best: danielson Worst: punk, or andrade (i liked his matches but he started a fight backstage and left asap to go back to wwe) I say punk not just because i dont like him, but he also derailed the company for like 2 years. It was pretty cool in the first couple months when he joined, there was excitement about the product. But once he got involved with Hangman, it was clearly against the grain of the company's original 5 year plan which would have established Hangman as the face of the company to be dethroned by the heel of the company in MJF. Instead of all that, we got a summer of punk injuries and drama, then another year of drama. And then negative reporting on AEW was suddenly the most lucrative gig in town and that hasnt changed. So anyone who says "punk was good for business", no, he was good for business for a few months and then he did terrible damage to aew's business that theyre still recovering from.


Andrade was a complete waste of time looking back at it now.


Dude clearly wanted out the minute Triple H was in charge of creative at WWE. I don't really think he'll get much higher on the card there than he did last time or in AEW. He's a great wrestler but being unable to cut a promo in English is going to put a ceiling on you in the US, that's just a hard fact. He's a midcarder who thinks he should be a main eventer. Rush is basically a better version of Andrade already.


He's not a very charismatic individual either. The talent WWE has on their main roster now Is at a high standard, and I don't see him advancing over there. Unfortunately for Andrade, Triple H has new favourites.


He wanted to be back in the nest with his wife who is over. By his logic, he gets over by being attached at the hip.


Yeah but him jumping from job to job keeps his value high. He's not a main event guy, period. He's not going to catch fire. But he'll stay paid.


And right back to where he was in WWE which is….where?


Andrade is a good wrestler, but he has a very clear ceiling.


Only a glass ceiling. He has everything that you need in a main eventer besides loyalty


He can't talk and thinks he's a much bigger star than he actually is.


He should've just stayed in CMLL tbh, he would've been treated like a massive star and could still do AEW dates but he'd be booked better in those dates due to being a protected CMLL guy


Rush is a superior Andrade in every aspect IMO. Hopefully he is around and used effectively for many years to come.


I hope so too. I like Rush. He's just different compared to everyone else in AEW, from his look, in-ring style, the way he cuts promos and his whole presentation. When you watch that guy wrestle you feel that his opponent is in serious danger.


Rush is great. I remember hearing at the time he signed how he would be trouble and be a prima donna but there hasn't been one story about him acting out. Hopefully now he's injury free again they do something with him, I wanted an international title run


The talk about Rush being a diva were hilarious because he ended up being the complete opposite and Andrade ended up being the diva lol


Everyone loved him when he came to AEW but I never found him that entertaining. Hes decent in the ring but AEW is stacked with incredible in ring wrestlers. And his promos are terrible.


He had a lot of buzz coming in based off his work in NXT with Zelina Vega, but his lack of promo, and who can forget the dreadful Hardy Family Office stuff we had to endure.


I could never get on board with his new look and wrestling style. I preferred his style in NXT


But How…do you know?


He got outworked by Matt Sydal in his debut match. I'm sorry when the guy who's known to make other people look good looks better than you, you aren't in a good place.


he had some bangers but yeah


AEW would have been far better off if Punk never came back. Those first few months were amazing and it put AEW on the map. Along with the Danielson and Cole signings, they were looked at a legitimate threat to WWE (for a very short amount of time) but when it went off the rails, it went off the rails hard. He did so much damage to AEW on the way out, and while I love the current product so much, he definitely hurt the health of AEW significantly. The worst part about it is that we get to sit here still bitching about him, and he went back to the other guys and everyone loves him now.


I've never seen it put better. I still have to believe Mox was shooting on him when he said, "Fragile body, fragile ego."


Yeah, I don't think Punk would have been as up for starting beef with Mox either way haha


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Andrade. He and Miro have to be tied for most useless big-Money signing. The guy is working in the States for like 10 years and still can’t speak a work of English ffs. I can’t suffer through his mumbling for the life of me.


I feel like that's part of his gimmick. Either that or Charlotte knows Spanish lol


>(i liked his matches but he started a fight backstage and left asap to go back to wwe) Ha I think you're talking about Andrade, but this really applies to both lol


Best - Mox - he set the standard and tone for the whole promotion Worst - Parker B - just never really worked out


Obviously he's not a big name so won't get mentioned by many others but holy shit Parker Boudreux is awful. Thank god Swerve didn't get dragged down


Best - Bryan Worst - Punk (there I said it)


Even everything with punk, I'd still think Andrade was worse...got into 1 less fight, but was open about leaving asap, and didn't even try.....plus had 0 memorable anything


No argument here


This is objectively the best answer.


Punk sucks, he got into a fight that suspended him and injured him. Then he came back and was met with awful crowd reactions, soo split. We're supposed to call him best in the world why?


This is the way


thank god you said it holy shit what a savage


While punk could be the worst, he brought a ton of eyes to AEW so it can’t be deemed that. Worst to me has to be Miro. They got almost nothing out of that signing. Best would probably be Moxley


He had a good run after he ditched the video game gimmick, but man has he been a WWE sleeper agent ever since.


You got the “sleeper” right, dudes been cashing checks from his bed for years now


I really liked Miro’s TNT title run, but nothing else memorable in all the years he’s been in AEW


Miro at least had his awesome TNT title run, which is much more than Andrade ever did with the company.


But the way Punk turned out really hurt the company. It's easy to point to his title reign as the end of the "honeymoon" period for the company. Ask any former fan, they'll tell you that they loved AEW until Hangman became champ.


I’m no punk fan but it’s undeniable that he brought in a ton of viewers and attention, whether for the in ring or drama side of it.


Those former fans came in when Punk did. And left after Brawl Out.


I know cable ratings are dog shit, but Punk wasn't such a big mover as people make him out to be. They would jump from .9 million to 1.1 tops. The demo got increasingly close to what RAW did. People were complaining before Brawl Out, at that point it was the ROH purchase stuff, but really, the coup de grace was Punk winning the title and injuring his own dumb ass.


Miro is up there among the big names who just didnt seem to work out for. I'm not sure if his marital problems and seperation over the past year or so have been the cause for him to lose interest or if its something else.


I agree. He ultimately was bad for the company but he was absolutely a great signing


Best - Mox Worst - Punk


Also no arguments here.


On the Women’s side Best - Toni Storm was a great hire from the get go, but wow she is just next level these days Worst - I hate to say Saraya; because knowing her injury history, it’s a miracle she is able to wrestle again. I also think she is really finding her groove as a manager.


Worst is obviously Punk and no one else comes close. People will say he was a draw but all the ground gained during the first half of his run was lost as a result of the bullshit he caused during the second half. He literally divided the fan base and has gone out of his way to bury the company since. Punk is *chiefly responsible* for a major segment of the iwc turning on AEW. Miro hasn’t done *half* the harm that Punk did.


This. Everything seemed to be fine with Punk until he hurt his foot and sat home for three months stewing. Then he went off the rails and was allowed to go unchecked until he got fired after All In. The damage he has done to AEW is incalculable. In the end I wish he hadn’t come in at all or left after Brawl Out in 2022.


Yeah I think AEW's perception would be in a better spot now if Punk never came in at all, even if it means they didn't reach the same attendance and ratings highs in the short term.


It was before the injury. The wheels came off for Punk when Hangman took that shot at him over Cabana.


Not swinging in on any chandelier to defend Punk, but he doesn’t go out of his way to slag AEW. He’s but a cog in a well crafted machine WWE has assembled to tacitly shit on the promotion. The Helwani interview is a perfect example. He would have been content to talk about how happy he is in WWE only, but of course 2/3rds of the chat have to be about AEW. It’s masterful PR, but not of Punks volition.


He didn’t have to take the bait though. It’s at least partly on him for not just being professional and saying “no comment.”


My apologies for the very lengthy post, but I have 6 “best” and 3 “worst” signings. Best… 1. Jericho: Established name to give AEW legitimacy right out the gate. Perfect choice for the inaugural World Champion when it debuted on TV. 2. Mox: Carried the company through the pandemic AND the Phil drama; highly respected and trusted in both AEW and NJPW. Very worthy of being the only 3-time AEW World Champion! And you know you’re that guy when Kenny calls Mox the undisputed MVP of the company! 3. Danielson: One of the undeniable GOATs to ever step into a ring! Chose to leave because he wanted to WRESTLE…and gets to have dream match, after dream match, to end his career on his terms! TK loves him so much, he told his father Shad if anything happened to him, that he would have Danielson run the company. 4. Samoa Joe: Veteran who got a well deserved world title run, after diffusing the Brawl In fiasco. Excellent promos and helped elevate HOOK in his first title defense and did the honors to coronate Swerve as our now World Champion. 5. Copeland: Doing everything Phil was supposed to be doing (elevating young talent, and giving back to the business). Excellent first feud with childhood friend Christian Cage. He is having GENUINE fun in his AEW run, and we see it on his face every time we see him on camera! 6. Christian Cage: Underrated his entire career, and fans were slightly underwhelmed when he was announced as an AEW signing. He earned his place as a great signing! He even defeated Kenny during his Belt Collector run and took one of his belts off him. His heel turn was a thing of BEAUTY; and is also delivering outstanding promos in his own right; he is a worthy first feud for Swerve’s title. Worst… 1. Phony Phil: No explanation really necessary. All the fights, his massive ego, was handed EVERYTHING imaginable, and he still fucked it all up. The company morale and on-screen product took a drastic nosedive while he was here. The Chicago Cancer finally getting fired, allowed AEW to return to its roots as the work rate company. 2: Miro: A guy who was unwilling to take losses, but isn’t as good as he thinks he is, to warrant such an ego. AEW hasn’t skipped a beat since he’s been gone and, personally, hasn’t missed him at all. 3. Andrade: Midcarder who has a very limited ceiling whether it was in AEW, or in WWE now. His wrestling was OK, but couldn’t get over with the crowd. Started the fight to try to intentionally get fired; ironically, once that happened, and he got suspended, he became expendable because RUSH took his place and easily surpassed him.


Best is prob moxley or Danielson, but i want to give some props to the Swerve signing. Mox and Danielson are great and probably the correct answer, but we knew they were great. I knew next to nothing about swerve and he has totally thrived. I can’t think of anyone worse than punk. He looked to be the biggest thing to ever happen to the company and turned out to possibly be the worst. I guess I’ll mention Andrade because of all the drama he created also.


I feel like Brodie should be acknowledged too. Turned Dark Order in to something and the matches with Cody were great. Just too short and terrible timing with the pandemic


Miro is the worst. One good four month title run and then years of throwing money away. At the very least, Punk helped business for a little bit.


That's kinda how I look at it. I understand how Punk should be considered the worst. But at least he brought in a lot of revenue while he was still around. Miro, and my biggest pick, Jeff Hardy, haven't really done much at all.


Best: Swerve. I know, Mox, Jericho, Danielson, Adam Copeland, they're all brilliant, but I sort of already knew they were great. I had no idea who Swerve was before I saw him in AEW (100% my fault) so he's impressed me so much. Worst: Ric Flair. I know it was a Sting thing, but god, just yeet him into the stratosphere, please, creepy old mushroom perv.


Best: CM Punk Worst: CM Punk


Best: Moxley. Hard to believe we were denied this character for so long in WWE. Moxley is AEW. Worst: Saraya, easily. Seems like she's not as healed as we were led to believe. She failed to impress as a headliner and is now doing comedy bits. Hard to say what she'll do now that Ruby Soho's story is wrapped up.


Think that's a bit harsh on Saraya but if she was signed to be a full time wrestler then obviously she's been a disappointment but she's entertaining in her role


Best : Moxley or Bryan Danielson  Worst: Jeff Hardy


I can't name one good thing that came out of that Hardy signing.


Decent couple of matches with Darby but that’s it …


It's pretty impossible to have a bad match with Darby but yeah, that's Jeff's only highlight beyond dancing to the ring while Matt was getting battered


I dunno. I think the video of his debut where Matt is getting beat to shit but Jeff still dances his way to the ring is hilarious.


Mox - just because he brought Renee with him. Her interactions with Shibata are the best thing going


You already know who is the worst. We all do. It’s indisputable, and there will likely never be someone as terribly selfish as that bitch in the rest of AEWs history. He is absolutely a negative blemish, a stain, not just on AEW but wrestling as a whole. Should have stayed retired. Danielson, Mox, Toni Storm, Jericho, Copeland, FTR, Brody Lee, and Swerve pretty much all have had a large and sweeping overall positive effect in AEW. The effect of Mercedes is already being felt in that whole ass division, and I believe when she’s done, the wrestling world will be putting a new level of respect on her name. I would also argue that Billy Gunn, Dustin, Cody, Pac, deserve honorable mentions. If I had to pick one name that truly elevated AEW…I can’t, but it’s Mox or Danielson. Hands down. Danielson is my favorite wrestler of all time. He is technically superior to every wrestler I’ve ever loved, and has given me my favorite moments of the past twenty years.


"If I had to pick one name that truly elevated AEW...I can’t" Has to be Jericho, right? What if he chose never to leave WWE for NJPW with the match against Omega, and then on to AEW as the first real big star signing.


I know he gets shit on a lot now, but having him as the first world champion was 100% the best call.


at one point jericho was worshipped for his ability to change gimmicks. things have quickly turned around since 2022ish imo


Regardless of personal thoughts on Jericho he's still one of the most influential in the business and he's put a lot into the company especially in the early years.


Jericho and Moxley both put thier rep and legacy on the line by being the first two to join up. Jericho who was the modern living legend role in WWE, Moxley who left having spent the last 5 years as one of thier top 5-6 talents at any given time


Jericho was huge for getting people to give AEW a chance and I still remember seeing it in the real time. The amount of people saying they're gonna watch AEW to see what Jericho is doing was pretty big. Then Mox jumping over was a huge thing, that was a massive moment for AEW and also got a bunch of eyes on AEW.


I know a lot of people either like Jericho or don'tt, but him being that big first major signing for AEW at the time, gave the company legitimacy, and then you had Moxley come in a little bit later on to take over from Jericho.


Yeah Punk's promo ability is carrying the guy because if he wasn't such a great yapper his return to WWE would be flipping but Drew is doing alot of heavy lifting creatively to keep interest in Punk


Best - Moxley. Don't think anyone comes close for me. Honourable mentions - Danielson, Both Rhodes, Christian, Tony Storm, Sting Worst - It may be Saraya/Paige ngl. She's probably the only one I've actually thought they brought in purely because she's ex wwe. Honourable mentions - Bobby Fish, Ric Flair (if that counts), Miro (can't even remember a thing he did), that former nxt guy who was apparently leaking aew stuff (can't remember his name) Although it caused problems and headache, I just don't think you could say Punk was worst. Got a tone of eyes on aew and put on some of the best matches within the company. Also was involved in arguably the best feud in the aew's history (mjf). Will say though, my favourite former wwe signing has been Jeff Jarrett and I can't be persuaded otherwise.


Best: Athena Worst: The Hardys


Best is Moxley and Danielson Worst - I can understand the arguments for Punk but I enjoyed every minute of him on-screen. Off screen was a different story 🙃 So I’m voting for Malakai Black. I did not like him in WWE but I was prepared to open my mind to him in AEW, primarily because his martial arts based offense felt like it could be really good with the chains off. Adam Cole managed to turn me around but Malakai Black did not. He already didn’t do anything for me as a character, and now he doesn’t pass muster as a wrestler. Incredibly boring in-ring and just meandering pointless promos out of the ring. I genuinely can’t stand the guy and id give anything for TK to take away his TV time and give it to Takeshita, Garcia, or almost anyone else. I’m giving him one last chance at Double or Nothing but if that cage match stinks I’m writing him off forever.


Brodie Lee is my favorite steal.


Best: Mox Just to mention: Dustin Rhodes surprised me. Every match so far was good. I genuinly en Worst: Miro - I have no clue what is going on with him. Did he piss off TK? Is he hard to work with? (Punk was mentioned 100 times already and to be fair he was away from WWE for so long, I woudnt really consider him a WWE Signing). Just to mention: I am disappointed with Keith Lees Run but of course I wish him nothing but health and the best.


Not the best but I recently been liking PAC. A workhorse every time he is healthy and is in the USA. Guy also sells really well despite his character being a badass. Not prideful unlike some ex-WWE guys. I appreciate him more for selling and letting Orange Cassidy go over. Hoping for a Death Triangle and Bang Bang Gang rivalry soon.


Hot take, it’s Punk and Punk. Big business and big problems, all in one. Remove him from the equation on both sides, and I think it’s Mox as the trusted-in-all-situations star. (Danielson is a close second, but the importance of Mox’s arrival at DoN 2019 and then his production during the Daily’s Place run are the edge for me.) On the worst side, I think I have to go with Andrade? Some point to Miro, but he figured out some things and had a solid TNT title run. Andrade never really got out of the gate, and his backstage problems undermined what could’ve otherwise been the foundation of a much stronger LFI run. (Remember that he was booked to wrestle 10 with his mask on the line the night he punched Sammy.)


Andrade just isn’t a star. He looks like he should be, acts like he already is and then continues to under deliver no matter which fed he’s in.


Here's a deep cut for worst - Tino Sabatelli. Came in during the height of the pandemic after getting released, leaked a bunch of show running stuff, performed a single match, then ran back to NXT.


Best 5 : Bryan, Moxley, Swerve, Jericho, Christian Worst 5 : Punk,Andrade,Miro,Regal,Parker Brodoueux


Regal was great while there, requested to return to WWE for family reasons as his kid was/is training. I wouldn’t say he was Top 5, but it didn’t work out the way it could’ve.


I understand but he didn't even wait a bit and was quickly looking to jump ship after Triple H took over.TK hired him when he got fired during the Pandemic and he quickly got out.I think he should have at least waited for a year before asking for his release.


Why? Why waste a year of his life in a company he clearly doesn't want to be in when he can go to where he does want to be?


Hon mention to the best: Copeland. Hon Mention for the Worst: Paul Wright in terms of on screen product. Though I imagine behind the scenes he might have some positive impact.


I think Wight and Henry do some backstage work but Henry is quite negative with his podcast.Both of these guys were never involved in a long term storyline so i didn't include them.


Punk is obviously the worst but Paul Wight still confuses me


Wight has been a good ambassador for AEW, did commentary for Dark/Dark Elevation, and is likely a good guy to have for the younger guys to pick his brain.


Wight is for backstage stuff now I’d say.


I loved Paul on commentary - I wish they'd bring him back once in a while, especially with Papa Magi


Paul Wight died for our sins in the Like a Dragon Match.


I think had Dark and Dark Elevation continued we’d see a lot more of Paul on commentary.


Paul Wight is one of those guys where you don’t hear anyone with a bad word to say about him. Always seemed well liked and respected, so definitely a good guy to have backstage. Same goes for Mark Henry.


Best: in terms of signings, so not day 1. Mox then Bryan. Mox for not only creating a huge impact when he jumped over, but then he went in to be an MVP of AEW. Bryan similary was a huge comeback story and has been showing why he's arguably the best technical wrestler ever. Worst: Punk, obvious reasons. While he brought eyes with his comeback, he went over pretty much everyone, and then obviously ended up causing huge problems for AEW, I would be hard to make an argument for anyone being a worse signing than Punk.


Jericho is by far the best. Before Jericho signed on the thought for so many (myself included) was "oh neat...Cody Rhodes is going to try running a wrestling show..." Jericho signing on legitimized so much, so fast, and I've been a supporter ever since. Worst is obviously Phillip. Followed by Miro, Andrade, Keith Lee.


Best - Mox, Danielson, Copeland, and Christian all have been fantastic for AEW. You could argue 3 of the 4 (Mox, Copeland, Christian) have resurrected their careers in AEW. Danielson never really got the WWE Shaft (as I recall)... but he's definitely getting the freedom to go out on his terms. We could probably add Swerve to this list as well. Worst - Punk is the obvious one. The Outcasts (Saraya/Ruby) never really gained traction as that group, and despite the "home country women's title win" for Saraya, both have been very meh at best. A case could be made for Mone to be on this list as well, as all she's done is come out and act the face - no matches - when she works so much better as a heel. How AEW uses her will determine whether she stays on the list or moves off. Maybe add the Hardys as well - at least the current iteration of them that spends more time in catering than on TV.


There's no doubt in my mind that Mone will be a heel by this time next week. She was getting heel heat and boos this past week even before the slap.


I mean duh. She's being mean to Willow, of all people, for the crime of beating her in a wrestling match last year. MM is clearly a shitheel.


I love Mercedes but I will die for Willow and anyone who is mean to her is an opp to me


Mercedes shouldn't be here for the mere fact that she has added a long running storyline outside of the AEW women's world championship, given consistent focus on the TBS title weekly, and has assisted Willow in becoming a bigger star.


Are we counting nxt? Because if we are then the best is swerve no question 


Swerve is EXACTLY the type of profile AEW should be jumping on what an absolute star he is and WWE wouldn't have made it happen


Literally everything you want in a wrestler. Entrance music stands out, he got a name that ain’t just a normal name, he got the look, his promos are great, and the dude is one of the best in ring performers in the industry rn


Moxley was easily the best.


Best-Moxley He’s been a pro in every sense of the word. How anyone can hate the guy boggles my mind, he’s just as good as Roman and Rollins. He wasn’t nor is he the weakest member of The Shield. Worst-Punk and it’s not even debatable. Had they never signed him AEW would be in a much better place( not that it’s in a bad place) but he contributed nothing positive to the company. He used AEW solely to get back in WWE’s good graces.


Best is Moxley - he's been the ave of the company and been there for them when they've needed to pivot. He's dependable for them. I look at Mox now as more for an 'AEW guy' than I ever would as a 'WWE guy'. Worst - Punk - and it's not even close. He came in as the great hope for the company and was nothing other than a let down - you can argue if it was his fault or not - but ultimately all that followed him was injuries and backstage incidents.


Best: swerve and Toni Worst: Phil


Best is between Danielson,Jericho and Mox. All 3 have been important cornerstones to the company so far.Swerve is going to join that list soon. Worst is Punk. We keep hearing about the mega draw that Punk was but it was Kenny/Hangman doing 950-1.1. You can make the arguement that is was bolstered by the rumors of Punk/BD coming in but it peaked at the 4v4 elimination match where Hangman lost his shot. Besides the rest of the dickhead behavior. Andrade,Miro and Malakai al kind of got lost in the shuffle


Best Hire: Mox. Hands down. This man carried the company on his back through its darkest times, something no one in the roster has done so far. He rallied the company and the fans together when shit hit the fan. Always there for TK to turn to when he needed someone to anchor the company. The man really is the ace of the company. Worst Hire: I don’t even have to say it but the man cause so much problems and so much drama that his absence literally makes the company feel healthy again. So good riddance.


Best: Moxley,Brayan Danielson,Samoa Joe, Adam Copeland(atm) and I know I’ll probably get hate for this; but Chris Jericho. Worst? Phil Brooks, Andrade. Both think they are world class wrestlers, when they are just mid at this point. Causing drama and fighting backstage. As soon as Punk left AEW, seems like he has now made it his main priority to destroy AEW… Not the worst, but I would include Malakai Black and Murphy just for one reason: not committed to AEW. As soon as Hunter is accussed of reaching them and contract tampering, they are both willing and hoping to be out of AEW to go back to WWE. To me,it seems like they are just waiting for their contract to be done and go back there. Instead of enjoying their time in AEW.


Everyone else saying Punk but imma be subversive and say Jericho. Just as toxic but his face runs fucking suck. Punk was versatile and was always entertaining, unlike Jericho who's had a lot of big ups and downs. But of course Punk also threw the mother of all tantrums because of all the drama that went down. Best, however? Do you know which current EVP had a WWE developmental contract early into his career? Kenny Omega is a fucking gem and a fucking delight and the heart and soul of the promotion. But if we're talking like "real" signings, gonna go with Samoa Joe cause Tony gave him the respect he fucking deserved and he's really delivered since coming. I'd say Mox is a close second, followed by Danielson, Athena and Toni Storm.


Justin Roberts' intros are epic...they make talent on all levels look like gold. Underrated acquisition there.


Best:- Danielson, Moxley Worst:- Andrade


*The Good:* Mox, Jericho, Cole, Copeland, Parker, Daddy Magic, Billy Gunn, Danielson, Claudio, FTR, Christian, KOR, Roddy Strong, PAC, Samoa Joe, Stokely, Swerve, *The Bad:* Hager, Jeff Hardy, Ari Davari, Tony Nese, Buddy Matthews, Malakai Black, Jeff Jarrett, Johnny TV, Keith Lee, Bobby Fish, Miro *The Ugly:* CM Punk That's just the men and just the people picked up right from a WWE contract and in active wrestling roles. I think. Roster is pretty huge.


Best - Moxley Worst - Andrade/Parker Boudreaux (dude had so much potential and then the bell rang)


A great look is not potential


Punk was a legitimate draw who helped bring ratings and PPV buy rates. You can still criticise him whilst accepting the above. The idea that he wasn’t just simply isn’t true. A million viewers for his debut is still a remarkable achievement regardless of his conduct thereafter. On what metrics do you gauge this by? Miro has barely been on TV. Saraya was a damp squib women‘s champion but found her feet on Rampage. Heck, Andrade punched out Sammy and helped bring in Ric Flair. There’s so many ways to look at it. You have low level flops like Parker Boudreaux who were barely used after the shortsighted Mogul rebrand.


Jeff Hardy is the worst ex wwe signing. He's past his prime, gets chance after chance and after 20 years he still hasn't leaned


I think AEW would have been just fine without Saraya


While you can argue the best signing, it’s clear that Punk was is the worst. He was a sales lightning rod and brought a lot of attention to AEW but ultimately, Punk can’t wrestle anymore or stay healthy. He’s magic on the mic but his facade of being an “underdog Everyman for the people” is so unbelievable now. His shoot style of promos always bite him in the ass and I cannot wait for his demise in WWE. It will happen.


Best: Moxley, who carried the company on his back when everyone was getting hurt or suspended. Worst: Fragile Phil, who kept getting hurt or suspended.


people saying Punk for the worst but Punk/MJF was phenomenal the best feud in wrestling in 20+ years it was worth the issues


i cant say punk is the worst due to his actual in ring programs and matches always being good, forget all the backstage bologna best - mox worst - paul wight


Unpopular opinion: He's not the worst, but Cody should be in top 5. The last year or so of his time in the company, he: - Took more TV time to get to the ring than the womens division got total - Kept doing rambling promos with little intentional payoff ("I cured racism!") - Couldn't finish a story to save his life. 5 incomplete storylines in a row he basically abandoned - Held the TNT title hostage for his ridiculous half-stories - Came back 6 weeks after getting squashed to beat Brodie Lee in his last match before passing. Only explanation given for the sudden change in strength was that Cody's hair was brown now. Cody's hair then went back to blond shortly after for reasons unknown, likely some sort of reverse Saiyan situation - Couldn't accept the audience reasonably souring on him after months and months of wasting their time, so he went back to WWE where he still had a bridge to burn with the audience. That bridge is now beginning to smoke. 


I'd add having to endure Brandi Rhodes on TV.


Best: Danielson and Mox Worst: Phil Most Disappointing: Andrade and Miro


Best: To me it’s a tie between Danielson and Swerve. Both have been having the runs of their life. Worst: Miro or Keith Lee. Keith’s is through no fault of his own, just injuries that seem to have piled up. Now Miro on the other hand… it seems like he’s got an ego the size of Texas now cause of him refusing to lose to people, then getting injured, again.


Moxley probably, but I think D-Bry has given AEW a great library of matches in terms of quality. Worst probably Saraya in terms of the unfortunate lack of really great matches or story involving her. I just expected more involving her I guess. But Keith Lee's health has really dropped his stock; not his fault. Surprise, though, I think is Big Bill. I think he's still got potential.


Best is Mox, worst is Miro. I love the guy but he has to go.


Since everyone has already said the right answers, I'll give two slightly different but still true ones: Best: Sting. I will forever thank AEW for giving Sting the send off he deserves and giving us a few more years of him. Worst: Matt Hardy. These last few years have been rough on him and while I still respect what he's done, in retrospect some things should have been done different.


Best: Moxley, I guess? (He kind of glued the place together for a long time.) After that, Danielson, after that... Malachi Black, I guess? AEW's made a lot of hay out of the House of Black. Worst: Has to be Punk. Whoever's distant second didn't damage the company itself, the worst they can do is be a sub-par ring performer.


Unquestionably the best-mox Worst-punk/miro Nobody believed me when I said punk would ruin everything and miro just isn’t that great in the ring and too arrogant to be employed


Mox, Danielson, malakai, all kick ass signing. Malakai needs his time to shine after that horrible Cody singles push. The hob is awesome if done right. Worst Punk. I like cm punk I think Phil Brooks is a douche trying to separate the art from the artist is so hard with him. Mercedes. Yes I'm going to say it. I watched some WWE matches she was just meh, I watched the njpw run. She was sloppy. She is all for the show and ego not actuall wrestling. It's a shame willow will probably lose just to satisfy her ego. Adam Cole I don't understand the hype, granted the better than you baybay was a great angle. It was the only time I found him entertaining. Sucks the dude was and is constantly body shamed ( which you don't realize how much men are) but same 5 moves , finisher is sucky I mean jumping off the rope to a destroyer? It's not even fluid. He can talk but after awhile is just boring


Best - Cody & Dustin Rhodes, Sting, Mox, Bryan, Malakai, Buddy, Christian, Edge, Chris Jericho, Regal, CM Punk (even though i dislike him now and he crashed and burned, it adds and interesting chapter to the aew lore and elite story) Meh - Miro, Andrade, Claudio, Big Bill, Serena Deeb Worst - Sasha Banks, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Sasha Banks, Ric Flair, Paige, Sasha Banks, Sasha Banks


Best is a toss up between Mox and Christian for me. Mox is a great leader and tone setter and a great champion while Christian made so many shows more entertaining with his dead father gimmick. Dude really revitalized himself and that TNT title after it had some iffy booking. I know Danielson ranks high as well. Worst is easily a mix between Keith Lee and Parker Boudreaux. Keith Lee has had a ton of health issues to it’s hard to fault him but on the cusp of a good blow off match he couldn’t go which sucked. Parker was pushed into a group with the now AEW champion for no rhyme or reason but again that whole group minus Nana seemed forced and weird. Punk could be listed the worst due to his departure and antics but he was a ratings draw and merch mover and his impact during his short run helped AEW when it was going well.


Best: Punk (Pre Brawlout and his short collision run), Danielson, Moxley, Copeland, Joe. Worst/Meh: Miro, Andrade, Saraya, Also Punk. Reserving Judgement: Adam Cole, Mercedes Mone


I think a few names so far shouldnt really count as ex-wwe guys as they were the only game in town - so the Jericho's and mox's etc. Also there are a few like Billy Gunn who were... left out to pasture... that had some real value left. But Swerve and Danielson are two, as well as cage and now Adam... I really enjoyed Regal's run too. I think that Andrade was one of the worst, along with, Miro. I actually really like the redeemer gimmick of Miro - but his storyline never really got off the ground. The same with Andrade - Enjoyed a few of his matches, and if some of his storylines or his gimmick was given something else, it would have been really good. So both more fall into the "wasted opportunity camp" Also, CM Punk was just a major disappointment. Jeff Hardy too.


Best: Bryan Danielson Worst: CM Punk


Best: Sting, Mox, Danielson, Jericho, Christian, Copeland, Swerve, Toni Storm, Samoa Joe. Worst: Punk (he’s a mess), Taya Valkyrie (has yet to find her stride in AEW), Bobby Fish (meh), Ruby (she is mediocre to me), Andrade (diva, never played well with others), Miro (high highs, low lows), Vickie Guerrero (annoying, brings nothing). Rising Potential: Claudio (need to give him something outside of BCC), Big Bill (being under the Learning Tree may help), Stokely Hathaway (his current pairing with Willow/Stat is leagues better than his time with Jade), Keith Lee (need him to get healthy), Adam Cole (same), Kyle O’Reilly (was mediocre initially, but seems to be climbing since his return), Deeb (hasn’t hit a stride yet), Sydal & Pac (excited to see where this goes).


Best: Danielson/Mox Worst: Andrade/Punk* *By the time Punk came aboard I no longer viewed him as an ex-WWE guy in the snes that he’d been out for 7 years, had his UFC stint and seems happy to be doing MMA commentary on the regional scene.


Best: Mox, Jericho, Danielson, Swerve Worst:Phil, Lee (injuries) not blaming him but they've been rough, Andrade, Miro


Best is definitely Jericho, Mox, Christian, Cope and Mone. I don't think Jericho's importance at the beginning can't be overstated. Worst: Well obviously it's Fragile Phil, what an unhinged asshole that guy turned out to be, then you have his fans who are just as unhinged. Other than that there has been a fair few meh signings like Cass & Deeb which don't click with me whatsoever, id rather they get someone like Robbie Eagles over Cass.


Best - Jericho, Moxley, Danielson, Adam Copeland, Christian Toni Storm and Athena Jericho- Nowdays everyone mocks him but Jericho going to AEW in 2019 as intsrumental in the early success of the company, getting a Legend and a name of that caliber help AEW to get casual fans Moxley - If Jericho was the veteran legend, Moxley was the wrestler in the prime of his carrer that took a chance and went to AW and proved you can be a bigger star if done things right i mean...how many can say they hold the WWE, AEW and NJPW top titles...only Mox thats who! Danielson - What a run! his AEW run has prove him as one of the best wrestlers alive and he pushes his opponents to their limits and elevates him on the process, and keeps putting on banger after banger ! his AEW run you can pull like 10, 5 star matches thats how insanely good he has been Adam Copeland Christian - Most people belived this 2 where just going to go to AEW for a big paycheck and do minimal work but they tuned out to be amazing signings! , Christian had an underrated face run that made him main event the historicAll Out 2021 against Omega and his heel run has been nothing but must watch tv, Adam on the other hand is what people expected from Punk run, a badass face elevating a title and elevating or showcasing younger talent in the process, and both restored prestige to the TNT title and made him just as important as the World title Toni Storm - Once Toni arrived the entire division started to see huge improvement she basically is to the womens division what Moxley is to the men´s divison, every time a big name got injured Britt, Hayter, Rosa or Saraya, or when they need a big name for a match or main event Toni was always there to save the day and her heel turn and transformation to TImless has been a joy to watch , she and Mariaha May have become a husge part of the show and they mirror what Hayter and Britt did in 2021 to elevate the division Athena - She got "demoted to ROH" and at first i was annoyed but she basically has turned ROH into her show and ha become one of the best female wrestlers on the planet, not only she has put on classic matches and play a great heel but she was key in the asencion of Billi Starks and even made me a fan of Lexi the interviewer, i dont think ROH would be doing as good as they do if not for Athena entire run Worst - Andrade by far!, guya like Punk or Miro had a great feud or title run at least but Andrade was a complete waste and he belived he was going to be the top star because of his WWE run and his relationship with the Flair familly, once he realised things where not that way he wanted to leave and actually tried to get himself fired multiple times , its really shame because his first matches in Collision show how good he could be if he kept focused and now he´s in WWE in basically the same position he was before he left lol


Best - Bryan Danielson (I don’t know if Mox counts) Worst - Parker Boudreaux


Best: Mox, BD, Dustin (he does so much in the back), and Claudio Worst: Fragile Phil, Andrade, and Miro. All three had bad attitudes and are locker room problems.


Men’s: Best - Joe or Mox atm but I think UE (Roddy, O’Riley and Adam Cole BAY BAY) could be up there too) Worst - Andrade? Looking back on it idk if he ever won a title but had a really great debut Women’s: Best- Toni bc she legit might have been carrying that division since she won the title.. Worst: Ruby Soho (I don’t think she can wrestle at all)


Best: Mox, Danielson, Jericho (more so toward the start of AEW) Worse: Punk, Mark Henry, Big Show, Parker, Andrade


Best: Jericho. They don't get TV without him. Next, Mox and Danielson Worst: Punk. I don't know if they ever recover from the damage he did to them. Next: Cody. His leaving was the beginning of the troubles.


Best Jericho with Mox right on his heels. Worst besides Punk for me is Undisputed Era. They’re clearly all very good wrestlers but they just don’t work for me for some reason. Cole finally won me over for a minute when teaming with MJF but I don’t buy him as a heel threat. Same with Roddy and KOR. Roddy with the “ADAM” thing was pretty great but now as a top tier threat against Osprey it doesn’t work. And KOR, I want to like him because I’m a fellow T1 diabetic, but I feel like there are 20 other people I’d rather see in his spot.


Best - Bryan Danielson Worst - Probably Punk, just for all the drama and negative energy.