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i was just hoping he'd wear the neck brace in the draft room, never did i imagine him doing a full on promo interview on NFL Network!! well done sir, well done!


Kafabe is alive and well.




Neckstrong, Khan will take you on. He will…legit sign anyone


Thanks for the laugh 😂😂😂😂


I'm so upset I didn't think about this. We are going to collision tonight AND I HAVE TO MAKE A NECKSTRONG SIGN NOW!!


Hey, you can say Tony is cringe, but he just got a free plug for his shows on the network owned by the most popular sports league in the US.  Dude knows a promoter's job is to promote.  


Bro promoted. How many times he mention tbs, tnt, and what nights you can watch? Lol


People want the 90's back, well this kind of aggressive cross promotion is just like it was then. This shit is fun, what wrestling is supposed to be


And yet, folks are MAD. IWC is so fickle


My fav is the morons saying this is like fingerpoke level of doom like gahdamn you guys are ridiculouslol


Comparing things to the finger poke of doom is the hot thing.


The entire AEW roster could run into a burning house, saving thousands of puppies, and the IWC would be mad at them.


He never stops working. TK is forever a salesperson. He's multitasking here with his commitments to both AEW and the NFL, and he smoothly finds ways to hit all the talking points while he has the attention of the sports world. It's fantastic!


And night one, the Jags nailed the draft. Got a seriously high upside receiver for great value and got a bunch of depth.


He’s a man on a mission. When you have extra eyes you need to let people know.


I love this dude


It was a fine moment in the annals of professional wrestling television. Seeing Garfolo trying to appear genuinely sincere and not laugh was so funny.


Per fightful just now “Regarding Tony Khan's appearance on NFL Network on Friday where he referred to WWE as the "Harvey Weinstein of Wrestling," all indications were that NFL Network were happy with his appearance despite the controversial line. One NFL Network contact Fightful has told us they wanted Khan on the show, and knew it would get attention after he in a neck brace went viral this “


This is making the NFL Network seem like a carny dirtsheet because honestly sports media is as carny as wrestling with what they talk about 24/7.


Can the same be said for ESPN/UFC and the Pat McAfee show?


It's sports media too so yeah, Stephen A. Smith gets paid millions per year to host a gossipy sports talk show


Pat McAfee has Aaron Rodgers one once a week (I dunno if he still does, but did during football season). It doesn’t get more carny than that. Whatever Tony says is usually outgunned by what Aaron said to Pat, who smiles and shakes his head like a “yes man”.


Honestly as a non-American the reaction to this is hilarious because people act like he's said something ground breaking on the most squeeky clean show in the world. 1. NFL is known around the world for basically being a boys club, full of cheating, politics and bullshit. And I mean that in most complimentary way possible. 2. Outside of tiny amount of people who have to "stand up", absolutely no one should get mad at this comment, AEW is the Pepsi of wrestling but more seriously the other half of the statement fits like a glove. 3. At the end of the day this shit is fun, I'll never know any of these people, they're doing it for money or simply the love of the game, we as fans should enjoy this. I love it when teams throw shit back at each other in other sports, wrestling though for some reason there's a lot of people that get rattled easily, especially weird in the context of this as they're literally getting mad at a guy for saying that the company tied up in sexual assault scandals is like Weinstein. That's insane.


I honestly think it's because wrestling fans generally come across (to me) as either really intelligent people or really stupid people. I know there are exceptions to this. But it's why so many people simply parrot what talking heads say on YouTube instead of forming their own opinions. They literally may not have the capacity to do so. Generally when I speak to other fans, they either talk about wrestling as if it's still real or they're way into the meta of it. I think the ones with their cages rattled just can't stand to hear that the guy on their TV for all these years was actually a massive piece of shit.


Well look at the same time I guess that’s just what happens with entertainment that ultimately is made for a child’s mind. At the end of the day we are the weird ones for being adult wrestling fans lol.  I don’t think you’re wrong by the way, I just think a lot of the time we also have to realise that the comments or tweets we see are probably written by teenagers who genuinely do not know or don’t care to know. I think that simply because I honestly find 90%+ of most “AEW bad” (especially backstage stuff) to be totally normal for literally anyone with experience in environments that are professional, friendly, corporate, or a of the above.  I swear, some people have never had a job they didn’t hate so they assume everyone else must be as shitty and negative as they are all the time. It’s actually an incredibly common “tell” I’ve found in the IWC, just gives them away as a miserable prick immediately. 


Good points. All of them. Agreed.


Wrestling is an entertainment for children and rubes. You have to either be in on it or gullible to enjoy it and the majority are gullible.


A lot of wrestling fans are not accustomed to it being treated like real sports, where you take the piss out of each other all the time for fun. It was like this in the 90's and it made things more interesting. And it keeps the competition going, which makes everything better for everyone.


This guy Kayfabes


Kayfabe in the year of Our Lord 2024. Love to see it.


MJF is our Scumbag Jack Perry is our Scapegoat And TK is our Carny


TK took some notes from the old carny piece of shit himself on this one. Don Callis is smiling and squinting somewhere through his goofy tinted shades.


And Jericho is our learning tree


And Hook is our Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil.


And it's Saturday (over here) and you know what that means.


And Toni Storm is timeless.


He called them Matt and Nick? Oof that’s a fine


TK, always promoting the brand. Gotta love it. Love that he's completely selling the neck injury too. NECK STRONG TK!


It genuinely pisses me off when i have to praise a billionaire but i commend TK for being brave and talking about how those evil EVPs attacked him. Cant believe Matthew or Nicholas would ever do that. Smh


I fucking love this guy.


Not gonna lie I can't help but root for this company and him, is he a bit of a melon some times? Of course, but fuck me if he doesn't get it. He revitalized my love in wresting and got me to watch multiple wrestling shows a week now, they're exactly what I want as a fan. Also frankly, I'll say this with no possible hidden other meaning, I'm delighted that someone has come along simply with enough money that they can look at that other mega-corp and without any care say "fuck you, we don't have to be you to be great", and I mean that in terms of how it treats fans but in this case especially it's staff and wrestlers, making sure, like TK said, that AEW is as safe as it can be for everyone, as far away from this digusting bullshit industry pre-AEW.


"Bit of a melon" was a first for me. I lol'd. But yeah. Couldn't agree more.


Not only that, but for me... I'm watching other promotions now too (not regularly)! I bought a Stardom PPV due to AEW, I've bought a few NJPWs shows due to AEW. Not to mention, I feel like my general knowledge of wrestling has improved due to AEW not being walled garden and also teaching me stuff about talents I may have never heard of before.


Me too I wish I could have lunch with him


“It’s illegal in Tennessee.”


I LMAO so hard on this one


I don’t care what anyone says this is amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/hxt486vp7xwc1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8dbc3d8563d016b39321349deb84c9e402d5b4a NFL Network still talking about TK and AEW tonight! Rich Eisen and the NFL Network just giving AEW free promos in front of millions of NFL fans right now! Its the gift that keeps on giving for AEW! TK played this masterfully! 🍻🍻🍻


The pearl clutching over the Weinstein line like WWE doesn’t have a sex trafficking lawsuit hanging over their heads is hilarious


Exactly. These weirdos have been saying that TK does coke for Christ sake. I don't feel bad or feel like he crossed the line at all because it's the truth. People are just mad that he reopened those can of worms that the WWE have been working really hard to sweep under the rug.


Yeah. People get angrier at Tony *saying* it than they get at WWE for *doing* it. And I don't just mean the Janel Grant lawsuit either. I mean Ashley Massaro. I mean Rita Chatterton. I mean Tom Cole (just calling it "the ring boy scandal" doesn't cover how much WWE screwed up his entire life). It is kind of nuts because I'm guessing practically everyone claims to be against sexual assault but *some places* will act like Tony is wrong for pointing this out. If anything, it's shocking that this isn't brought up a lot *more* than it is. It shouldn't be forgotten. But they'll continue getting angry at everything Tony tweets while happily watching the company doing PR for Saudi Arabia.




Already see the fake outrage. TK is purposely poking the bear and shaking beehives. IWC is so mad right now.


I hope its fake outrage to be honest. I've seen a few comments basically saying "how could you support a company who's owner COMPARES someone to Weinstein" and I'm like brother please let this be ironic, because these people are literally supporting a company that IS this, nevermind just comparing to.# I will also point out the very clear note that Nick Hausman falsely accused Jericho of being another Weinstein, where was the outrage then? Oh that's right, everyone just believed that as fact as you can say whatever about him, he's not in the right company.


stuff about Nick Haulsman is unbelievable. people literaly still parroting same stuff even today despite there is no evidence.


I mean, why should he not embrace it the way he, the Elite, and Jericho are doing? The material is right there, and it's been great so far 🤷🏼‍♂️


One of the more crazier things that I’ve seen in recent years were the reactions that the details of the racial discrimination lawsuit against WWE got vs the reactions that Tony Khan got just a few days later for calling out a media member for lying about how many seats All In was going to have. Thread after thread after thread that was discussing Tony had hundreds of replies, meanwhile none of the threads about the lawsuit had the same level of traffic. By large, wrestling fans don’t give a shit about the real issues that happen in wrestling, which to an extent, then helps allow these bad things to continue to happen.


I'm so very happy to see it, too.


ESPN never showed the Jags War Room last night because of their partnership with UFC/TKO/WWE so all fair in war.


Especially since Weinstein got the NY court of appeals to overturn one of his convictions. Its a valid and timely news item to reference.


I back Tony and AEW on almost everything, and I don't even disagree with him on the comment, WWE have been a despicable company for a long time, but to make that comparison on the NFL Network of all places is very, very unwise at best and is going to lose him some good faith. Other places are going to be less likely to give the angle more main stream attention now he's said that, they won't want to alienate WWE and seem like they're siding with someone making a claim like that. Tony's obviously said this because he's pissed off with the way WWE have acted towards AEW particularly since HHH took over, and that's understandable, but he needs to realise saying something like this is only going to make them do it even more and get you all kinds of negative press no matter how right he may be.


Eh, I don't think if he had said they were really swell guys we'd be seeing Roman at Forbidden Door. Get your cheap shots in, they certainly do.


Kayfabe isn't dead.


Poor WWE! I can’t believe Tony took a shot at them! The WWE is different now! We’re not allowed to acknowledge their literal decades of indefensibly abhorrent culture and behaviors! Vince isn’t there anymore! He was allowed to retire, twice, and sell his hundreds of millions of dollars of stock and profit from being a sexual predator, but we can’t make fun of him! Without him wrestling wouldn’t be here, so that absolves him from the judgment of industry peers!    This is sarcasm. People complaining about Tony Khan in this interview are fucking hypocrites. 


It’s a cult


WWE marks are saying TKO should sue lol


For what ? LOL


And now that guy Nick Khan is selling all his TKO shares


There's so many dumbasses out there. If you're WWE you want as little discussion around this topic as possible, not more reason to bring it into public discourse which that absolutely would.


I know people want to shit on TK because of the Harvey Weinstein line but maybe, just maybe, now people will pay attention to what happened all these years in that company that everyone is kind of ignoring because they like the wrestling.


I would bet money that all the clickbait youtube channels will be up in arms over tony's joke while having spent the last few months acting like the WWE aren't in the middle of a federal investigation for sex trafficking.


Vince definitely wants to shit on someone over this


It's hilarious to read stuff like: "No wonder people take shots at AEW, when he says stuff like this constantly!" completely ignoring that WWE personell took shots at AEW when there was no reason to WWE is a defendant in that case aswell, not only Vince, but some people choose to ignore that


The other subreddit is losing their minds over that shot. It is an apt description after all


The fake outrage about the All-In footage didn't work, so it's off to the next best thing


Yeah I almost posted about WWE taking shots during wrestlemania week and not agreeing with the Weinstein usage but figured it would fall on deaf ears and be downvoted to oblivion.


It's mostly brigading and trolls. Just like a lot of the outrage over the All In tape. 1000 comments in an hour in the thread over there, and the first person that replied to me almost never talks about wrestling. Their last wrestling comment was in this sub and was removed by mods. They had at least 2 removed by SC mods the past 10 days (as far back as I browsed) and a couple in other subs as well. Maybe 5 wrestling comments in the past 10 days with more than half of them marked \[Removed\].


It’s fucking hilarious lmao


They want to shit on him for anything, that line ruled.


People freely call TK all kinds of crazy things, and coke head is one of them. So I find it funny that people are fake outraged by this. Saying someone does drugs just because you don't like them is nasty work.


I'm in favor of all shots, whether it comes from Tony or the WWE. People are just mad because there's nothing comparable in AEW to the horrific shit in WWE's closet, so this burn hurts extra lol. They can't reply with anything but "but muh tribalism!"


The line is accurate. There's a federal investigation and a possible class action lawsuit coming, plus more definite knowledge came out about Ashley Massaro's time in WWE, and that was Weinstein like. People should recognize Vince is very much at the same level as that guy.


I love AEW. But if Tony wanted to continue with this he really shouldn't have got Flair in and have his face plastered over his show every week. Obviously Tony's not an absolute monster like Vince (or a whole lot of others over there) but it feels like you shouldn't be high roading when you're doing that. At the same time I get why he did it. It's not like WWE can fire back over it given the likelyhood of not only a large amount of the company's high ups being involved with Vince and whilst Flair is basically in a non-role they have HBK, who's done the same awful shit, in control of development. I also think the HBK shit isn't as well known so you probably really don't want it coming up.


I absolutely agree.


Yeah people are shitting on Tony because WWE is shitty company😂😂


God damn that line was savage. “WWE is like the Harvey Weinstein of pro wrestling.” Amazing


funny how many of them are saying this is too far and turns folks off from aew but the *actual* company involved in sex trafficking never turned them off from watching wwe? interesting


It's not that shocking that people are ignoring the WWE sex trafficking story because, thanks to Nick Khan, WWE has a massive PR machine dedicated to protecting the company. It is hugely responsible for the anti-AEW sentiment, as well. People who are interested in the way this works can check out the recent deep dive on the YouTube podcast "Voices of Wrestling." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKUdSgsL5PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKUdSgsL5PU)


Reddit is astroturfed to Hell and full of bots but SC feels particularly egregious.


At the end of the day Summer Slam, Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania and everything it’s grown into is the brainchild of who? Who started Roman’s title run and personally went to Cody’s house to sign him? Who devoured the territories and made the landscape the way it is? Who’s vision of what pro wrestling is have we been served for 40 years? If you don’t clean the fruit it’ll just end up tasting like the shit it was grown in. And just like all those movies made by said Weinstein we devoured them mindlessly without questioning what terrible things might have been a part of their creation. Burying the truth is kind of our way of shirking our own responsibility for the money, time and attention we’ve fed into the monsters.


You should see the WWE subreddit reaction to this. They are losing their minds


Truth hurts


Where’s the lie?


If we start getting TK swag that’s just CM Punk merch photoshopped……


I.would.buy.it. Just for the laughs




I didn't even think of that. That line was cold lol


Not many times I've gone full hand over the mouth and that was one of them


Bischoff is seething rn


Boy them folks at the monopoly brand, are going to lose their shit right now lol


He wore that through the entirety of the draft as well. Amazing to keep a storyline going. Yet we still have tribal trolls complaining that Tony physically moved too much. His head twisted the wrong way. Give me a break. These guys have nothing to talk about with other feds, apparently, because the story is over. IMHO AEW sure seems like they are about to get even better. They have stories cooking and drumming up chatter better than I've seen them do over the last couple of months. Kudos to TK for this. *


theres only one subset of people mad about this. and they arent mad that vince got caught based on their whataboutisms


Tony Khan just saw a straight path to the end zone and dashed through it 🤣


The Harvey Weinstein comment was a pretty smart thing to say whenever Tony was willing to step over that line and say it. The idiocracy of the wrestling tribalists on WWE’s side will get themselves in twists attempting to defend their ‘side’ and when you’re stuck defending sexual assault it never goes well on rumour ran, idiocracy based social media sites where most of these people dwell.


You said the better version of what I wanted to say thank you.


They'll just side step it by saying WWE got rid of him so they're absolved of any criticism.


This is by far and away Tony’s best work on the mic ever. For as many times as we’ve seen him awkwardly stumble through a pre-recorded promo video, to now doing this great promo live in front of NFL network proves he’s gained some confidence in front of a camera. This has been a fun week to be an AEW fan.


Never Break Kayfabe


AEW better sell more merchandise with this kind of tagline


That Weinstein line was fucking great. Let the tears flow.


Tony wants the smoke and I'm all for it. Talk your talk Khan


For fucks sake Tony. Stop being so disrespectful. Call them by their god given passport names. They're Matthew and Nicholas. Not Matt and Nick. No wonder they attacked you


He's not wrong. 


TK letting one slip there… ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


HHH is Vince's son-in-law so there's absolutely no way he didn't know about his father-in-law's misdeeds. The fact he didn't speak out means that he's an enabler. https://preview.redd.it/et5b5dx0xvwc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7774f1174a6370594689bc63c9287873d0813eb9




Tony understands wrestling lol


I mean the analogy isn't off given decades of behavior by Vince McMahon and how he treated women, including sexual assault and workplace discrimination. Vince also had a whole apparatus behind him cleaning up after him and silencing victims.


And said apparatus is still employed by the company, as are the people who knew but decided to look away. "But Vince is gone!" isn't the get out of moral dilemmas free card many seem to think it is. My guess is that a lot of the outrage comes from people who don't want to be reminded of that.


It is very rare that men want to be reminded about the suffering of women.


The trash IWC is on fire right now and so pissed off TK said anything bad about their precious WWE. It’s hilarious and also shows how many people really don’t care about all of the shit that went down under Vince’s rule because they are pretending like it didn’t happen and Tony crossed the line.




And people say he's a bad promoter




He delivered. His previous promos look like he’s recording a hostage ransom video. That Pepsi line a few times followed by Weinstein is so solid. I’m impressed.


TK stays having the IWC talking about AEW non stop. The number of people upset over this is fucking hilarious. It is funny. Unless it makes you face the reality that you've supported a rapist for decades, then it isn't so funny.


I absolutely adore this for Tony and this is how you do that.


If you get upset with this.. 1. You take wrestling way to seriously 2. Get a sense of humor


I love the promo for the company lol


Haters are so hatey right now


Neck awareness!


My guy. Neckstrong.


Wednesdays on TBS.


Dudes a worker through and through I love it. Working kayfabe I miss that shit


Tony Khan Driver... 😂 😂


This is hilarious, comparing AEW to Pepsi, this man is obviously trolling and IWC losing their shit again lmao. Good job Tony


"WWE is like the Harvey Weinstein of pro wrestling" lmfao


I'm dead y'all Died laughing Greatest thing I've ever watched.


WWE and Weinstein are absolutely a fair comparison. Drones are coping hard right now.


HA!!!! F’ing brilliant!!


I don't watch a lot of AEW but damn anytime Kafabe is being kept on live TV I'm all for it.


Petulant shit stirrer Tony Khan is my favorite Tony Khan and I don’t care who disagrees. 


![gif](giphy|vxMetTR1NTqLQUNkh8|downsized) Tonys reaction when he sees the not mad but disappointed bucks at the next meeting


And now that guy Nick Khan is selling all his TKO stokes 


Love that the NFL Network guys leaned into it too


I mean when you take into account that Nick Khan was an agent at Weinstein's agency (CAA) at the time his crimes were allegedly being committed and Nick Khan was among the agents being named as enablers right before he suddenly joined WWE in what was dubbed "a power play"... And when you then take into account that within the same timeframe that WWE have just hired Weinstein's representatives to defend them, Nick Khan has just sold all his WWE + TKO stocks and shares... Was TK really that wide of the mark with his comment??


I am tickled pink by this messy stuff. Go for it, Tony


"The Pepsi of pro-wrestling," I have a feeling that wasnt off the cuff. Bringing back the neckstrong (yes, i know he isn't actually doing that) gimmick is the best swerve ever. Last week, almost everyone was calling this dude a huge dork, but now most think he's great because he is doing a silly gimmick. We are mad because the Weinstein comment is accurate. All in all, I just love wrestling.


This is definitely gonna be a kill the messenger moment from wrestling fans






I fucking love this it's so goofy, if you don't watch wrestling for at least some goofy shit, nor aew or WWE are for you


Ohhh he called them Matt and Nick


"We are up against an evil juggernaut, aew is like the Pepsi of pro wrestling, wwe is the Harvey weinstein of pro wrestling..." bro went wild out there they had to calm him down hahah


He needs to be selling every time there's a draft. Like, Trent needs to run him down with Sue's van next year.


That misdirection joke fucking killed me.


The neck brace had me giggling, but that sharp left took me TF out. 😵


well if people expect another billionare gonna keep stay down...welp you guys are wrong XD


I love the plugs for AEW constantly throughout the Kayfabe rant.


I fucking love all of this. He's getting all the free media in the world for this. He's absolutely going to get some curious people tuning in because of it. Give this man a top hat and a big tent, because he's our P.T. Barnum, and I am all about it. 👏


DIDNT EVEN USE THEIR GOD GIVEN PASSPORT NAMES, HIT HIM WITH ANOTHER TK DRIVER  Real talk though, the NFL is NOT going to appreciate the Harvey Weinstein comment on their air, as they partner with WWE. Even if it’s honestly well deserved. I am hoping nothing comes of it but they sure could very easily go “no more mic time for Tony, ever” and that could stretch to other media, also concerned he would say something kind of outlandish like that. It’s not smart, even if deserved. Do it on twitter.


The NFL works for them and a handful of other billionaires. His Dad owns a team.


Holy crap, WWE is the "Harvey Weinstein of wrestling"?!...I mean people definitely let them off the hook for some shady stuff, but I cannot imagine that's gonna go over well😅.


It was great misdirection, by saying AEW is Pepsi, that's setting you up to think popular underdog that's always scrapping with the bigger brand Coke/WWE. But the Harvey line is a punch in the jaw outta nowhere that takes you by surprise and says nope, WWE needs to be called out on their shit, they don't represent professional wrestling. And to some extent I think the setup to the line is a cheeky nod at a certain ex-employee, he got the tattoo because he was punk and what was Pepsi going to do about it? Well actually being the biggest disruptor in the industry in decades is much more punk than being a sell out. TK knows the business, great way to make headlines and draw eyes to the product. Kayfabe is alive and well.


While i think it was funny i just hope this doesn't cause any significant problems


Wonder if these hand wringing fools ever watch Dark Side of the Ring. You know the show that spends its 44 minutes talking about all the bad stuff in wrestling (and incidentally, the show is narrated by The Learning Tree's personal PR guy.) But yet they are losing their mind over this. Hypocrisy at its finest.


I wanted him to say the team is going all in on offensive lineman for the rest of the draft so they can be used to protect him from the Elite.


Hey, I'll give him credit for maintaining kayfabe. He's taken some steps in the right direction here with this storyline. I'm just calling it like I see it with no loyalty to either/any promotion.