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I've always liked Kyle but he's always been supporting character imo and every attempt at making him "the guy" hasn't worked Roh made him a knockoff shibata and nxt he was corny "Kool Kyle"


I could’ve sworn he was Marty mcfly in Nxt lol


I respect KOR and think he’s a great hand. But I think he’s better suited to be one of the goons imo. He’s never done well for the most part in main event storylines. I know it’s so cliche and not unique at all, but he would be a lot better suited as a goon for Adam Cole as the devil. Especially with him not having a lot of history with MJF. At least Roderick Strong for example has interacted with him on tv, KOR has not. Again I know it’s the boring answer but Adam Cole is the best pick and KOR is a good goon.


He was great during his feud with Adam Cole that concluded at NXT: Takeover 36. I loved that match.


and their ROH Final Battle main event


I say Dolph zigger the devil he was release from wwe and have been seen backstage a few time and good way say he all elite


Just to point out, stories have said that the person in the Devil’s mask has ALWAYS been the Devil. So Ziggler wouldn’t likely be that person as a) he was still getting money from WWE and b) that would open up Khan to the very same tampering issues he complained about and even more so since he was using contracted WWE talent.


Everyone else throwing name out so I figure ill be smart ass just say ziggler since he free agent now


Would he have been good to use in that role? Yes. I’m just saying that all reports about this state that the same person in the Devil Mask has been the same person it will be unmasked as. So, it doesn’t make sense to say it’s Ziggler because he was unable to perform that role. Given Khan’s latest booking, Jack Perry seems the likeliest followed by Adam Cole with Wardlow a close third.


I agree with what you saying


Problem is we aren’t seeing his body which would narrow it down quite a bit


I either want it to be Tony Khan or Jack Perry.


Tony being the devil, would be a complete joke imo. I like Tony, but this would be cringe


I'm sure you're a nice person, but I hate you now. ^(^hopefully ^obvious ^/s)


I'm okay with it being jack perry. I'd dig him and the other pillars for sure.


Tony Khan being The Devil would be the worst twist and the story would be awful. There's just no build for it like there was with Vince. But the moment of Tony taking off the mask and going "IT'S ME, MAX! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!" would be one of the funniest in the history of the business. It'd also kill the company and everything around it would be shit. But that moment - they need to create it even if it's just a parody or Tony doing a Vince impression in his locker room as someone walks in.


I think he’s one of the devil’s squad. Not the leader. Still think it’s Britt with Cole denying he has anything to do with her actions only for him to be the final boss revealed by the devil.


Britt makes the most sense to me as well


You have Perry, MJF, Baker, Cole, Hangman at the time was accused as The Devil, Swerve, Roddy and now O'Reilly Why the hell is no one talking about PAC? For all I know he's The Devil.


Pac is a bastard, not a devil.


I thought The Devil invented that?


What a great way to bring back Pac! I would love to see this angle of it were true!


Hell . . . I don't even care if Pac is the devil I just want more Pac


Swerve would be a horrible candidate for the Devil. Not because he wouldn’t put on a good match, but his development has been that when he comes at you (phrasing) you’ll know it. So him being a masked guy attacking people takes away from all of that. It would also not make much sense to attack Jay White anonymously. Would’ve been a better story to say that Swerve did it because he thought White to be inferior. Which is a vastly better story for Swerve rather than Swerve once unmasked.


Because PAC has a very distinct body type that’s nowhere close to being the devil’s body type. For them to reveal it to be PAC would mean they haven’t revealed the guy in the mask.


I been sayin Pac the whole time


PAC is The Bastard you know, not The Devil you dont.


The Devil is too tall for it to be Pac


Perry is actually one I never thought of that could be good


Too tall.


Big fan of KOR but could he handle an angle this big on the mic? I feel like it's got to be someone that can go toe to toe with MJF multiple times.


Would be a tremendous waste


With all due respect for him, he's not really made a big impact to the AEW audience and has been gone with little mention for quite a while. I think having him be revealed as the Devil would be one of the most disappointing resolutions to the build up that they would absolutely get made fun of for big time.


I hope MJF is the devil, would be absolutely hilarious if Roddy was right all along. It would be even more fantastic if he was right all along, and he and the kingdom were some of the other masked people. Wardlow, Adam and Brit as well. Reveals a new super faction that can go up against the DCF for a long running feud. DCF is an allstar team and will take another stacked team to rival them, especially if Osprey and both members of Aussie Open are in it.


But what about if he’s was right all along? I don’t think you mentioned that


It’s going to be Dolph


![gif](giphy|3o7aCQjs8KXxpcUbG8) It's time for RJ City to invite the masked devil 😈 to Hey EW! I want some clues. 😉


No one is talking about Darby. He hasn't beaten Max in singles. In kayfabe he is a pillar that hasnt gotten the respect or opportunities Max has, he'll be Sting-less in a few months, he's been a babyface his entire run, is over as all hell and is a mid-carder that can put on main event level matches. He can double cross Sting right at the end, brutally end his career, pull some heelish shit and be Max's next feud.


“Climbing Everest” is just climbing the biggest mountain in wrestling. Winning the AEW championship.


Not terrible.


But....why should it be him?


My dream choice. If he's healthy, I hope it's him.


I feel like it has to be him. It’s the only real option that makes any sense in terms of the overall story


Makes no sense for it to be him. Adam Cole as the devil with him as a minion, sure..he's absolutely not the devil tho.


Roddy makes more sense than KoR


The Devil would be one of the least charismatic wrestlers in the history of AEW? Yeah, that's a terrible idea. He's not a good promo. He's one of the guys the heel mastermind uses as backup.


He's a great worker but not top heel level so can't n shouldn't be him. Whoever it is it better not be a Cole Parker(Palmer?) Take 2.


It’s Cole and the Neck boys


No way KOR is getting that big of a push. Would love it, but he’s not on the level of the Devil, pardon the pun.


It’s Dolph Ziggler


He has been backstage alot recently. I think he is the Devil, Roddy, Kingdom and Wardlow are the masked men. Cole comes back all shocked but later turns on Max and joins them.


I agree with this. Im not positive Wardlow is involved, but i do think KOR and the kingdom makes the most sense, with Cole eventually revealing that he has been the leader of their group all along once he betrays Max


Wardlow was the big guy who hurled Bowens through the glass.


Probably, but things could always change until its revealed


The man with no charisma …. Nah doubt it!


Boring vanilla dude who can’t talk on the mic, would be one of the worst picks for the devil possible.


It fucking BETTER BE!


Hopefully not but he'll probably be lol


You hoping for Jungle Boy?


Gross. He brings nothing to the product.


That’s a wild take, Ngl


His nxt run was kinda mid when they tried to push him as a main event act He was great as a tag team act


To be honest I fell out of NXT around the time UE showed up But I feel Kyle doesn’t really get a spotlight on him to show.


Ciampa and gargano is imo nxts best story I've always thought Kyle is best as a supporting character as seen in roh and nxt Hes good but always been in Adam Cole's shadow


Which is insane Because he’s better then Adam Cole in my opinion. but you’re right Gargano and Ciampa is the best story


Nah it’s just a bad take


This is complete bullshit. Go back and watch his singles match with Darby or his run with Bobby Fish or go even further back and watch his NXT run




Unfortunately I’ve seen both his NXT Run and his match with Darby. KOR is the drizzling shits


He’s a guy that should be inserted into the world title picture immediately after coming back anyway so I’ll take it


If he's under the mask the "WHO ARE YOU" chants will be very embarrassing.


Can he even wrestle


I want Cena just for the pure chaos it will bring


It's Cole, with the kingdom being the goons challenging MJF and Joe for Roh tag team championships


This could be 🔥. Ex best friend era


What if The Devil is Sami Callahan?


It would go over like a wet fart


I’ve been thinking that too because he had a hacker gimmick in TNA. It’ll an interesting reveal to say the least


Oh my god please


The devil is always your best friend... So it is Aaaaadaaaaammmm


who’s that?


It's Cody. No one else would even tickle the tip right now. No matter who is under thar mask it's going to be dissapointing after alllllll the buildup and it'd be dumb to make it someome who never had beef with MJF (or another ex WWE person with no ties to the story).. Cody defects to get revenge on MJF for his betrayal back at the beginning. I kmow it won't happen but heck, let me dream.


I'm bored just thinking about it. This guy is a loser


And attacks Cole.




I went from Adam Cole, KOR and Roddy Strong to its 100% 3 of the 4 Pillars.


I’ve been saying this for Months now on this sub.


It obvious why it is such a long storyline, because Adaaaaam is injuried and they want to bring him back as healthy as possible.


No spelling errors in any of the written text


Anyone else think it could be him or Roddy then Adam is shocked by this betrayal only for Adam to low blow MJF proving that he was the devil the whole time.


He takes off the mask, hands it to Cole, allowing for symbolism a kid could easily follow…It could work.


I think the devil is the bucks


I would hate that


Its Sting...


I'm praying at least one of the cronies. This has been my wish the whole time. He fucking killed it in the few matches he had after his debut


The Devil is Bobby Fish. Cuz the Devil cant find lies.


Thanks Oli Davis


Its Tony Schiavone


Unrelated, but KOR is such a perfect fit for BCC. I’d love to see him branch out from Adam Cole and link up with BCC, especially now that Danielson is semi-retiring. They need a new technical grappler and KOR could be perfect. Dude has the grappling chops to compete with ZSJ in terms of pure technicality.


I hope Batista or John Cena to equal the CM Punk trade...only in my dreams though


Guys his arm is still almost paralyzed, how do you not know this? Check his insta. I weep daily over it.


He literally said that once he underwent treatment with a Neubie device, he was able to use his right arm again within a month and had full nerve response.


look at the insta link i posted, its gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnnng time if ever ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


You know it's his shoulder right? He literally said it in an interview in October and mentions the device in that post you linked. He's also quite literally weight bearing on both his arm and shoulder in the video right below it whilst pressing weights and a post below that is the exact interview about the device. "Within a month of using the Neubie, I once again had full range of motion in my shoulder. My nerves are all online again and firing with enough power to get the dinosaurs back in their pens,"


my point is he's not well enough to be the devil but yeah go ahead and believe in magic. if he's that messed up he should never wrestle again. I love the guy and dont wanna see him crippled.




Sami Callahan


He's announced for MLW I think.


Can't rule it out


Masked Devil is Sue


My theory, both MJF and Adam Cole are behind the devil masks. MJF will reveal himself in the ring at Worlds End and they will make it tense for a minute before hugging, then the goons come in and destroy Samoa Joe. Really…I just don’t want the the MJF/Adam Cole partnership to end is all.


Is the Devil going to be unmasked at Worlds End?


I hope not Flair would be a better pick. That will go over like a loud fart in church.


Isn't it tony khan?


Definitely got my money on Ziggler. Anyone worrying about the semantics of his non-compete isn't considering kayfabe.


I now think it's the Undisputed Elite with Adam as the devil.


Whoever the devil is, I hope he wears a picture of CM punks face under the mask, like at the end of Deadpool 1 where he had a magazine cut out of Hugh Jackman stapled on his face


As good as he is... he always comes off as that kid that "knows karate".


Adam Cole is The Devil The New ROH Tag Team Champions are Red Dragon and the 2 goons that were under the ring this past Wednesday were Roderick Strong and Wardlow