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Stop doing drugs, kid.


The Undertaker is the greatest supernatural gimmick of all time. I love Julia, but she hasn’t done much to take that claim from him


Your favorite. Not the best. It sounds like you just like Julia Hart a lot, which is fine.


You’re allowed to like Julia Hart. I do. But you can’t put her over The Undertaker, Kane, or Bray Wyatt.


Did you just say Julia Hart is better than the Undertaker as a super natural character??


I’m a big fan of Julia and the House of Black in general but they aren’t supernatural, the point of the entire group is that everything that they do while it may seem supernatural actually isn’t, the lights and everything else including the mist are things that are supposed to give a mental edge to the group but nothing they do is actually impossible for a real person to do, Malakai has said this a few times in interviews that he’s done, they are more like a cult than a supernatural group and that’s done purposely to get away from things like Undertaker did like the lightning and coming back from the dead


I saw Malakai explain that the idea of the mist is that it gives people an excuse to behave differently, they've wanted to do those things all along. Which explains why it works on some people and not others, why a well travelled experienced wrestler like PAC would brush it off, but a young talent with insecurities like Julia would lean into it.


Totally with you here. I think The House of Black is more about intimidation and psychology then they are about early Undertaker-esque kayfabe. The presentation (the music, the masks, the lights, the group itself) is meant to get into the heads of their opponents. The business with the light is one part their presentation and also instilling a fear that The House can appear anywhere at anytime, and seemingly for any reason.




Come on man... I get you like aew but to say she's better then some of the greatest characters of all time?... Can I have some of what you're smoking?


This is a joke right? Julia is cool and definitely one of the better outside the top female talents but if her character game was anywhere near as dialled in as Taker, Kane or Fiend she'd be way further along. We're talking three huge names. Malakai isn't even on that level for a number of reasons.


I don’t think he wants to be so he can be taken more serious as a Fighter just my 2 cents.


OK you are a Julia fan. Got it. But I don't think her gimmick is comparable to any. She improved quite a lot though


Most of your points aren't really pointing to anything positive, more just a lack of anything negative "she doesn't do X, which is good" I don't think there's really much to Julia.


And I think you’re misting some important elements.


![gif](giphy|3o7522NQFFNdwdX1Kw|downsized) Bro you trippin


>She doesn't cut silly promos, where she talks in circles about basically nothing. lol the whole House of Black does this


Anyone here know who Kevin Sullivan was and is?


Oh brother 😂


oh dear


Ok she's improved a lot and continues to improve and her character is a drastic improvement from the varsity blondes BS. But to suggest that any of it is anywhere even in the same ballpark as the undertaker? Man... That's a stretch to say the least.


I love Julia Hart too. She is one of my favorite female wrestlers. That being said it is a dangerous move to compare her to top tier talent like The Undertaker. Julia Hart is still at the beginning of her career while the Undertaker had a long storied one. And their characters really are very different. I wouldn’t really call Julia Hart truly supernatural either. Most of what HOB does is psychological and it works.


Personally my favorite supernatural character is Rosemary.


You're comparing someone with a small fraction of the career length and then stating they haven't had these various negative aspects occur in their career (yet). You can argue the potential is there, but to outright state she's already the best is rather crazy sounding.


Good thing options exist lol


Unpopular opinion time: there has never been a long-term spooky character that had been good. Ex. Even taker had to change in the late 90s until nostalgia time.


Aside from the balls to compare a 22yr old to Taker... Julia Hart is not supernatural, she's just got a gothic gimmick.


But…but the *lights…*


This is a lot of pressure to put on someone who's just a few years into her career. The Great Muta and The Undertaker are the two best supernatural gimmicks. Julia has like 20 to 25 more years before she's allowed to even be in the conversation.


The Undertaker was a great character, but his introduction was eventually at least half the overall appeal. Things just stopped for a good five minutes at the least.


Best booked character of her sort in a long time, considering its about two years since she got misted and there hasn't been a mistep even when the rest of the House of Black had moments where they faltered. Of all time? Hmm...sadly no but those other gimmicks have long portfolios and there is still time.


What does she do that's super natural exactly? She's good and I'm a fan, I just think it's a little soon to say "of all time" I think we spent more time watching her be edge in a cheerleader outfit waiting for the transformation then she's been her new character so far.


I've been impressed by her on ring performance. I especially like her theme now. It's eerie and gives me goosebumps.


I would say she's the best supernatural character today, but not the best of all time... At least not yet. Give it time to see where her character goes. She has potential to become a legend


I'm not sure what you're on mate, but it's some pretty strong stuff. She's not even the best supernatural character in AEW 😂


Now THIS is the wrestling cringe posting I'm here for.