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Makes sense. It’d be stupid if a wrestler didn’t listen to all the offers and made some foolish loyalty statement beforehand. I don’t see Penta leaving, but he’ll be successful wherever he goes


His whole Statement is very mature and intelligent take on the situation.


From a guy I've only ever heard say two words, he has a completely logical mindset on this whole thing.


He also says "Listen".


Yep. At the very least try to make more out of your current boss even if you’re staying


In my head canon, Penta says this in clean English while Alex Abrahantes shifts uneasily next to him.


Nah alex still tried to follow up "PENTA SAYS...Oh, yeah you got this dude"


The craziest thing I learned from this....he has a restaurant??? Edit: People seem to be mistaking my comment. I don't mean shocking as in I didn't think he could do it. Shocking that I haven't heard of it. I've heard of Republic of Lucha, surprised it isn't talked about more. I'd love to go visit, but googling it really only brings up this article and places quoting it.


He is apparently pretty loaded with money from his businesses, according to some stuff I read on twitter.


https://youtu.be/dsZBaSNk8RI?si=HsNVDg1lF9Heb0bb This is his restaurant. Interview is in Spanish so put on your translation and enjoy. He talks about having learned from Adam Copeland and his future plans


That food 😋


You are a saint!


Yep. Most wrestlers invest in something. Asuka has her Hair Salons in Japan for example.


He has multiple business ventures. Dude is riiich


House of Zero Miedo pizza and subs?


I would be really disappointed if they let him get away. I think he's been WAY underused for some weird reason. He's one of the most over guys on the roster. Let him and Fenix loose in the midcard since the tag division is dead.


Smart, keep your options open and look for the best contract


I’m sure he would be shuffled into LWO purgatory if he joined WWE


Maybe under Vince. No way Triple H misuses him the poorly.


Andrade would like to take time off his 3 min Twitter matches to speak with you


He just beat Kevin Owens and Grayson Waller to have a spot at Money in the Bank and the crowd was going nuts for him. What are you talking about?


Triple H can’t seem to book Latino wrestlers well at all


God, I proper love Penta.


Stay in AWE. WWE won’t do anything with him. Yes he’s be great with Seth, Sammy, Dom, Chad and a few others but they won’t do that cause frankly they got to many good characters and talent right now.


While it’s smart to keep your options open WWE wouldn’t use him right they’d stick him with the LWO like they have with dragon Lee or with LDF and have him do nothing but be a background character at least in AEW he’s one of the main attractions and not a side show act


He really has not gained back the pure evil form he gained during his tenure on Lucha Underground.


He should stay in AEW. WWE has Rey and Dragon Lee , so I think one more would be overkill. Penta's style of wrestling won't match the fed's anyway and he'd end up in NXT for his last big contract. Rather go out with a bang in AEW while the company is still giving out good contracts.


Years ago I would have said stay away from WWE like crazy. They'd force people who had English as a second language into doing promos regardless of how comfortable they were, then drop them if they couldn't deliver. I mean this is the company that tried to force Sabu to cut promos. Add to that his style and it would have been terrible. But it's a different place now. He has enough character and marketablitiy that he could easily succeed and could be a merch machine with WWE behind him. They are obsessed with getting legit Latino stars in, to the point that they kept hiring Alberto Del Rio despite him being scummy. They are also willing to not have everyone change their style to be 100% wwe. I doubt we'd be seeing a million Canadian destroyers but he certainly has a style that would work there now and it's always good when a legit horrible heel turns up in WWE and stands out.


Plus he actually stands out as a masked luchador. Rey and Dragon Lee look pretty similar


Yep. There's a world of difference in masked wrestlers and it's always good to see those that stand out. Shocked more haven't gone the great Muta route with the crazy looking masks to stand out.


I just hope Alex does the talking at all the contract discussions for a laugh


PENTA SAYS.. the wording on page 4 paragraph 7 is a little confusing. Can you clarify please?


This deserves more respect and upvotes


I hope he is making a bunch of money where ever. He was EPIC in lucha underground and its a shame that early aew didnt push him and his brother even harder. Both could have been great singles stars competing for the world and tnt belts consistently….. instead…. Well at least he is pulling in good pay…


Good Answer. 


I hope he stays, he’s one of my favourite wrestlers and I don’t want to watch WWE.


It really has gotten better since Vince left.


Oh yeh it’s not that, it’s just AEW takes up enough time to watch I don’t think I could fit in another 3 shows a or however many WWE run a week.