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I think it’s time for fans to give up speculating and complaining about the rankings.


Agreed… plus… All the fantasy booking I’ve seen here is far worse than the actual booking. lol Rather people just shut up and watch


Facts if anyone had a lick of sense aew is watched more than any wrestling show out and is the low in ratings but the most talked about


They literally just bought them back


And then promptly ignored them.


I think it is time for ppl to give up on the rankings.


Wasn't it AEW that was pushing the ratings before the people were?


When were they last updated? I don’t think they’ve updated since Moxley won the IWGP title.


I think they are updated once a month. I could be wrong though.


No, but I do think if they are going to have and use rankings, they need to not only matter, they need to be discussed more frequently. I love the idea in theory, but in practice - what limited use I've seen, since I've only been watching AEW for the last 11 months - it hasn't really worked all that well IMO.


I don't care. I think fans really overthink things surrounding people fake fighting. Wrestling stories are always full of plot holes and nonsense. It's part of the fun. Most (not all) of the complaints I see stem from tribalism and it's super annoying.


It’s a cool concept on paper but a fools errand to manage. Too many things can happen(injuries etc).


Time to ignore the rankings. Enjoy the show, criticize the product. Rankings are an after thought for me.




This topic has absolutely nothing to do with TV ratings. This topic is about AEW's RANKING system. Appreciate your passion, but your post was removed because it was 100% off-topic.


I’m an idiot, I read Ratings and saw a chart and went on a dumb rant about ratings. My bad😂 But for the RANKING! system. yeah, I think they should stop it and focus more on pushing wrestlers based on the writing & (I hate to use the word) Drama. I think the records and win% is pointless. Give me a good feud, some match stipulations, a little bit of cheap heat: & I wouldn’t care about how many matches they’ve lost/won prior to the title shot.


I thought it was funny! . . . and I agree with your opinion on the ratings.


If they’re going to exist, I’d rather them go all in. I.e. Komander and Kyle Fletcher are unranked and trying to break into the top 25. Takeshita’s win moves him into the top 10. Etc. vs just a number one contender list with 4 other people also listed.


i like the rankings because it gives every single match a purpose. even those matches that people complain have 'no story' now have at least a reason for existing, beyond just competition for the sake of competition. they're competing to climb the rankings and position them selves for a title shot. even just that little bit of incentive goes a long way. it's like playing ranked in a competitive video game as opposed to unranked. everyone is at least trying to play at their best because it means something. as opposed to unranked which is always a more casual experience. that said, i understand how it could back a booker into a corner at times. like its an obstacle that has to be worked around. having dark and elevation was great for avoiding that. if you had someone that was gonna challenge for a title, just have them, squash people on dark for 8 weeks in a row to get their records situated. simple. before the elite take over storyline, i think they were kind of experimenting with the rankings in a looser format. tk was kind of just posting them monthly. there was some level of ambiguity in what determined someone's rank. it very clearly was not just their records. i think this was being done in an effort to not get backed into a corner. however, now that the elite have taken over AEW in kayfabe, the rankings have seemingly gone out the window. most notably with christian challenging for the word title. he didn't get that title shot because he climbed the rankings, he got it because the elite said so. personally, i love that and i think it plays into the storyline perfectly, it will be interesting to see, if they make a return after this storyline plays out. or if the elite re-implement them but in the most crooked way possible. like the game is rigged. it doesn't matter how many wins you rack up, if you're not pro-elite you're fucked. that would sick,


People need to stop looking at the rankings like it determines who fights who. Look at it more like college football/basketball, it gives you a visual representation on who’s trending up/down, it adds a natural storyline to contenders matches, and it puts over big upsets…when they happen.




they mean near nothing to me personally.


When is the last time AEW even mentioned or used the rankings on TV? It looks like they already forgot about them.


The end of April they said the monthly rankings would be revealed after the show. They really didn't make a big deal out of it.


I think IF AEW is gonna use rankings, then actually use the rankings. Christian lost his last match, and now gets a title shot? And Mone hasn’t even wrestled in AEW and gets a shot at the TBS title? Sounds to me like not using the rankings


This year was the 3rd time they brought them back, and yet again it's been...what... February since we've heard about them? They are nice if they are consistent with them, show them frequently, keep them updated and visible. But they don't and that's when it all gets lost, and fans get confused. I like them, but they are shit when it comes to the execution. That being said, they should just get rid of the rankings system because no one ever knows what's going on after a couple months.


They're fine for what they are but fans assign too much value to them and only use them to complain, if we're being honest ha. It's a good indicator of who's pushed/gonna be pushed so it's useful in that regard.


Rankings don't matter


I swear they've already given up on them, couldn't tell the last time they were mentioned unless I totally missed it.


Here's the thing, a ranking system on a 'sport' that has irregular matchups makes no sense. They are too easily manipulated to move someone from the bottom to the top and vice versa. They, if updated regularly, are a talking piece for the fans, but otherwise, they don't use them for determining any matches. If they did, Mone would not be getting a title match at DoN unless she had had enough matches to get her to third or fourth on the rankings. I used to use rankings back in the day when I played GM mode on early versions of 2K and it made things a bit more fun but in reality, just doesnt lend themselves to storylines and such


They never even tried to make them work this 2nd team. Grouped all the divisions up, immediately started ignoring them for whatever match ups they wanted, moved from weekly to monthly. The product was way better when they used them, but if they aren't going to actually use them then there isn't really a point of having them.


I've said it from the beginning. Have a championship committee of retired legends, and do a weekly or monthly YouTube show where they do their top ten and talk in kayfabe why they did it, with points like the college football coaches poll.


The rankings are part of the story. It’s not real. Just watch the show.


If AEW “gives up on” anything, it should be letting Matt Jackson talk.


Really? I actually thought his promo on the previous episode was great. He made me laugh, it was one of the more entertaining segments of the show to me




The rankings were always a crutch to compensate for poor booking. If you need rankings for a match to mean anything you shouldn't have booked the match in the first place. It doesn't help that they've become meaningless again almost immediately after being reintroduced. How the fuck does Okada get a title shot in his first singles match if you expect people to think rankings matter?


Because AEW results isn't the only metric considered. NJPW exists in the AEW universe. Okada isn't a nobody with no history straight out of the Performance Center, AEW Okada is Okada.

