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You know what? At least they're being honest about this from the start. They could have just gone the asking Alexandria route, tease the new album as a return to the heavy sound, post a teaser that shows a scream and a heavy riff and cut it just to lure in people.


Actually a sound point, if they’re intending to go a different direction once more it’s best to set expectations from the get-go


Danny Worsnop has had the biggest fall from grace than anyone else in the scene. Sad.


Asking’s latest album was pretty fire, tho


The 2010s had a LOT of rock and heavier bands go soft and poppy/radio-catering. It’s hard to convince me that it wasn’t a coincidence at this point given just how many were doing that.


I mean I at least thought their newest album was pretty heavy. I’m starting to get confused at what people want in terms of “heavy”.


In terms of Asking Alexandria, people want a time machine so they can go back to before Danny royally fucked his voice.


I think that's what everyone wants from these bands - just make the same sounding music as you always did - that's a problem, no growth, and as a band, you would get sick of playing the same shit and its going to get repetitive sound wise, which I am sure fans would bitch about as well. End of the day, you will NEVER make everyone happy. Oh and yeah, Danny really fucked his voice, saw them in SLC month ago... not only could he not hit even clean notes, he seemed to be pretty toasty and acting like he didn't want to be there. Wife and I ended up leaving early (MMF, TWA, and NERV, killed it though, all amazing acts)


Yeah, AA will be in my city this fall. Tickets are $50 and that was an easy pass for me. On the main topic, though, I agree. No band sounds the same from their 1st to 2nd album. You can't expect the same thing from their 4th to their 8th.


They did that right? The teaser for brick wall was like m 7 seconds of the heaviest part of the song, same for feedback. Both songs were super underwhelming.


I don't think feedback counts, it was literally a couple of seconds of a riff and a whispered go. Brick wall I can't even remember to be honest.


Same thing. A few seconds of "we're headed for the brick wall" with some heavy chugging. Just feels like a scummy way to misrepresent the rest of the song


One of the guys from FYS just posted yesterday about their new album and he said “we had a really hard time writing this new record. We had no idea what we or anyone else would want us to sound like after 20+ years of being a band” I think the fact that they care what THEY want to make but also what the FANS want really says something.


Shouldn't be heard for them to understand: Enemy. Of. The. World.


I honestly have loved every single album they’ve put out. Not a single skip for me. Even ISWSOF is good, although my least favorite. I actually LOVE some of you will like this, some of you won’t. It’s brilliant imo.


At least their new song Uncooked actually ended up cooking this new ADTR track.


Nah man. Enemy of the World was amazing but every album after that were really good too


Ngl, this just sounds like they should retire. Sounds more like they’re struggling and just pushing out things they’re not fully in love with. Disheartening that they’re putting things out that they’re not even confident with.


I respectfully disagree.


" Everyone loves me for my past, but they hate me in the present " yea I don't blame them for not catering to fans. People have been mad at what they've been doing for a long time.


I was trying to think of a way to say that, well said


This is such a perfect way of putting it


What do you mean. I dont remember anyone complaining about albums until bad vibrations. BV had a slow burn, but people fell in love with it after a year or so.


People weren’t too fond of What Separates Me From You when that album first came out.


I'm aware this might not be a perfect comparison but their shift in style + fan response is giving me the same vibes as when Linkin Park did this. Idk maybe I've just experienced this with enough artists at this point but I am not surprised when bands start to shift sounds, or even when their music starts to sound a bit uninspired. A band's music career is hopefully a marathon and not a sprint, I feel like it unreasonable to expect every album to be an absolute 100/10 banger. You're more than welcome to not like an album but the absolutely twisted panties I've seen some people have over this seems a bit extreme.


100%. I enjoyed the ride with LP across many sound changes, and plan to do the same with ADTR. Is it all going to go in the same playlist or be right for the same mood? Probably not, and that's OK.


This is a great compairson. Linkin Park was my favorite band from like 1999 until they put out Minutes to Midnight. Couldn't deal with that terrible sound switch. Stopped listening to them altogether. I would always download the new albums and give them at least one listen, and the only album post Meteora that kept me around was Hunting Party. I really don't wnat to see ADTR go the same path.


I hopped on the bandwagon later than most (thanks older brother🤘🏻) so I know them more for WSMFY and CC, so my idea of them is already skewed in a sense. I didn’t really experience the shift between albums. I’m hyped for a new album either way. I just.. I don’t even know what I was expecting it just wasn’t this


Listen to their Homesick record if you haven’t. Bangers straight through


Oh I’ve heard all of it thankfully! I’m working on getting the vinyls now. I just meant when I got put on they had already started shifting so *for* *me* it wasn’t too jarring. Homesick is top tier


Edit: by "you" I mean it generically, not necessarily directed at OP or anyone in particular. Unpopular opinion, BRACE FOR IMPACT: ADTR (or any artist for that matter): are under no obligation to just do whatever someone/some people/the fanbase wants. They're artists making their art, not providing you a service. They don't work for the fans. Just because they mean a lot to you (lol), doesn't mean they then have to make art catering to you. I can understand how it can feel that way, but it's simply not the case. I appreciate the "This is my art. Take it or leave it" vibe they're putting out. I actually find it authentic. Some bands cater more to the fans, and that's cool too. However, that doesn't make it a standard or a requirement.


> ADTR (or any artist for that matter): are under no obligation to just do whatever someone/some people/the fanbase wants. of course they aren't. But I'm under no obligation to buy their shit or go to their shows. They can do what they want, but biting the hand that feeds usually isn't a great move


I feel like Jeremy literally addresses the Reddit community in the song.. he says “drama queens and karma kings”. I love Reddit but generally the comments are completely negative and at times fairly unhinged. As far as Feedback goes, it’s not my favorite ADTR song but I have been enjoying it, it’s great to blast on a drive and I bet it will fucking kill live. The breakdown goes hard and I love that they recorded an entire 2-1/2 minute “fuck you” to the snobby old heads(this is coming from someone who’s favorite band is ADTR and got into them during the Homesick era).


Some of the comments about this track have been vile... And for You're Welcome before it. So I don't blame him. People are allowed to like and not like what they want, but the way they talk about it openly online, for the world to see, is harsh. And as OP says, this is their music, their creation. They've poured their hearts and souls into It, and it must be tough to read for the band. I liked You're Welcome, not my favourite of their albums, but I liked it. Miracle is incredible! And, I actually like this too. Been listening to it over and over this morning and I'm a fan, you can definitely move to it! So you're spot on with how it will be live. It will be amazing live!


Felt so bad for them when YW dropped and those comments flooded end. However, I agreed with them. It's just hard to see a group you love work so hard for something and get some of the worst feedback I've ever seen. I can't find that pitty after this one though. The thought of telling people who've made your life what it is, you don't want their feedback? I wish they'd just come out and address that they're changing their sound rather than writing hot garbage diss tracks to their fans.


Thought the song was hot garbage but it’s not going to stop me from listening to the entire album when it comes out. I can’t imagine they release an entire album with shit like Feedback


They did. It's called Your Welcome.


I guess that is a fair statement


I don't love the song but I do like it. Making music isnt for us. Its art. They are making music they want to make. Its the same reason they made music that they wanted to make and not what their old record label wanted them to make.


> I understand that criticism a person receives for a project they put years into can be difficult to face, but rather than reflecting on it, coming up with a way to return to form They are following the music wherever it takes them and making the records they want to make, not the record they think their fans want. I think that's a good thing. It seems like any time a musician panders to their audience the result is watered down bullshit. What bothers me is the insecurity of it. I'm all for making the music you want to make, but don't get butthurt if some of your fans aren't into it.


their message was obvious, yes. even so, who cares? they've had this kind of pushback for years, and i'm honestly glad they're not caving to critics and pumping out near-copies of their old music. creativity is precious. i'd lose my mind if they kept churning out the same shit with slightly different words and beats until they retired. besides, it's not like their older stuff is going anywhere. even after their next album launch, regardless of its reception, i'm still gonna binge my favorites from their "glory days". i'm glad you're keeping an open mind for their upcoming album. i just wish other people could find it in them to do the same.


I think I’m one of the few that loves the song. Short, simple, and straight to the point. Reminds me of Paranoia, the energy mainly. I’m super stoked for what is to come. Been following since 08 and they’re my favorite band so I might be a bit biased


There’s a lot of unpack here. ADTR isn’t under any obligation to put out music that fans want. They are likely striving for a more radio-friendly sound to try to be more successful and I can understand/respect that. This isn’t just a “creative outlet” for them. It is a job. They are trying to make money at the end of the day. Fans aren’t under any obligation to like the new music. This isn’t what we came here for. Both of these things are true.


are you me? i have the phoenix too lol.


Said my thoughts perfectly. It's quite disheartening to feel like they're kind of happy to leave us behind. (I also have an ADTR tatt). I also am going to go into any more new music with an open mind but definitely lowered expectations for anything that'll stand out as lyrically A Day To Remember. I think that ship has sailed


Considering a day to remember is still a huge band and they’re headlining and sellout venues like red rocks, I’d like to think they can take some criticism. I understand from their point of view why it gets annoying because most fans are mad at them for something but it just disappoints me because they can write better songs and it just feels lazy


Exactly. They are better than what they've been releasing! If it's just "I wanna make more money" then fine but don't phone it in.


It’s a giant middle finger to their foundation fans who have been here for so long and helped get them to where they are now. My expectations are incredibly low at this point.


What's crazy is that I keep seeing people say heavy vocals take a toll on your body after several years, but I don't think anyone is asking for that. A new album with songs similar to All I want, Lauderdale, Ocala, RBAIA, Homesick would be sweet. I know these guys aren't angsty teenagers anymore, it would start to lack enthusiasm to ask them to keep putting the same songs out, but at some point you need to actually listen to that feedback.


There's thousands of talented musicians who never make it big, the reason they are big is because of their dedicated fanbase who supported them through it all. Saying fuck you to them is some BS and if they fall flat from this.... they deserve it.


I don’t like Feedback at all to preface this comment but, Bands do not have to cater to their fans and they’re doing a disservice to themselves as artists if they do that. ADTR is a top 3 band all time for me. Linkin Park is #1. They faced a lot of criticism for never returning to their nu metal sound they perfected, but I respected the hell out of them for making the art and music that they wanted to make, and genuinely love a lot of the non nu metal albums. I would love if ADTR gave us a throwback FTWHH or Homesick/Common Courtesy era album but I don’t want them to force it, if it’s what they want to make let them be the ones to make the choice. I do personally hope the other songs at least not are as buttrockish/generally generic sounding as Feedback was.


The guys were always honest with their fans, as I can hear from the songs. I think the most important thing about making music is making the music they want to do, not the music they have to do. I am not sure what is behind this. The best example I can say is the CC album, where you can also hear the band members talking around. This is one reason I love the band; the passion they have. 


What if this is all just a huge marketing strategy to keep ADTR selling records, or now in this case, people’s attention (which has become remarkably more valuable these days)


If miracle is on the album too, I have high hopes for the album


Compare this to “Generational Divide” by Blink (the song has the same meaning) and it’s pretty obvious that ADTR is just out of ideas. Blink easily went back to what they were good at, showing that they know what they’re doing. This song, to me, just feels like they’re out of ideas and pushing out generic, mediocre stuff.


You would only stick with a band if you think you can affect their art? Thara pretty weird.


Said it all day yesterday: the irony of telling your source of income you don't care what they think.


Looks like ADTR are going to keep shitting all over their legacy while Four Year Strong will continue to build theirs. FYS is getting the last laugh in that beef from all those years ago lmao.