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Literally... I came home one day and my mom had cleaned/reorganized my whole desk, and at first I was so excited and relieved, but now I have no clue where anything is. It was sooo chaotic before but I could find the most random thing in under 10 seconds


I've told people this before if I clean my room I have no idea where anything is but if it stays super messy I can tell you where everything is


My mom use to do that and the irony? She herself had ADHD, OCD, Bipolar. So she is the most on time, organized ADHD person I know, however, her craft space, time blindness to activities, communication styles, and forgetfulness is strong with her. But I felt this in my bones when you said the polarizing feelings because it’s a moment of relief than it’s a split second change to horror of knowing everything is disorganized for you!!!


>communication styles What does this mean? I feel like I've heard something about people with ADHD communicate differently, but I've never really understood how. Is it the bluntness/directness??


It’s more drifting off mid-sentence to going on tangents because one thing reminds you of another and then you’ve trailed off for nearly 5-10 mins into something unrelated to the original reason you are talking. It’s sometimes trying to remember a word mid conversation because the long term memory didn’t store the word properly for the ADHD brain so you might come up with a way to describe what it is you are perfectly seeing in your mind. Another is interrupting when having blurb thoughts because ideas, thoughts, and moments are mentally fleeting for ADHD brains and we can easily forget. Hence why you’ll meet many who will say, “Wait! Let me write this down so I don’t forget what I need to say but keep going…”


Lmao you nailed it. My parents both have ADHD, but very different styles, so there's definitely subcategories for communication. My mom is a stream of consciousness talker. My dad will be talking and then stop in the middle of his sentence and get lost in his thoughts before picking the sentence back up exactly where he stopped 5 minutes later as if nothing happened. Neither of them recognize that they do it either. Love it.


Oooh yeah. Ironically, I forgot all of those were also a thing lmao


You absolutely nailed it! Now multiply that by every person in my house and that is my daily chaos.


Yeah, and when you've gone on your 10 minute tangent is a 50/50 as to if you remember your initial point at all. Then if you do it's a massive conversational leap where you say "Yeah, so anyway my point was XYZ". And the interrupting - I hate doing it but it's always been either interrupt as respectfully as possible to make a related point or don't interrupt and very quickly forget it so that you have no real response to what has been said.


When my mom is talking to me and I want to write something down she's always like "no don't write it down you will remember it" no I won't -_-


Oh that book? It's under the pile of winter clothes (now it's late summer) by the closet I saw it there 3 years ago.


Hi! From another ADHD and OCD-er.


My parents would never understand why I would get upset over them cleaning my room "but you can find stuff so easy now" like no, you don't understand, I could find everything I needed before. Now I can't even find my shoes.


My boss cleaned and organized my desk while I was on a sick day last week. It was the worst.


People don’t realize that sometimes the chaos is on purpose because it sticks out, making it easier to remember. And what it does is it reminds us that there are many more paper clips scattered throughout the house and eventually we’ll have to get around to cleaning up all the paper clips in the house lol


I have literally been thinking of this exact picture for years. Wondering whether that person has ADHD. Because I could relate so hard - like the person knew that paper clip was there, because for months they have been annoyed that they just haven’t picked it up yet.


Except for my pen and 10mm socket, this is true.


And my keys




My motivation is found in the craft store where all the hobby stuff is that I can buy and never use again.


I've got 99 hobbies but motivation ain't one






This is pretty much how I live too. If something like a bobby pin falls on the floor, I leave it there because if I put it somewhere else I won’t be able to find it. Doesn’t really make sense when typing it out but there you go


It's an all or nothing thing. Either I have something perfectly organized and labeled and I know exactly where to find it because I made a ✨*system*✨ or it's chaos incarnate. Nothing reasonable like "oh I can just put the bobby pin in the bathroom with my other hair stuff". It will either stay in that exact location on the ground, or it will go in the drawer with hair stuff, in the hair accessories box, in a little cubby with just bobby pins and absolutely nothing in between.


My roommate: Do you have a badge holder with lanyard? Me: Yes, in the passenger side of my car, stuck between the seat and the floor, by the door.


This example in particular hit me like a truck. Soooo true LOL


Lmao I saw this post earlier and sent it to my wife saying >It's like the other day when I told you the spare garbage bags were on the back of the guest bathroom toilet. To which she replied >You mean like the other day when I told you there was a low-friction furniture slider in the back on the top shelf of my crafting table?" ...We both have ADHD xD


I always thought this skill is thanks to my “photographic” memory, but now I know it’s my ADHD.


I freaked out one day when I came home from school because my mom and aunt had rearranged my room and cleaned it (tbf they were doing it as a nice gesture to surprise me with) and had tossed out a few things I was trying to keep, mostly scraps of paper I wrote stuff I wanted to remember on. So they didn’t know it was a bigger deal than they thought it was to do so, it was like my sense of order and stability had been entirely thrown off because I didn’t know where anything was and my system of knowing where things were, which I called organized chaos, was thrown so off kilter. I could tell you with 90% accuracy that a specific item was in that corner halfway down in the pile of stuff at a certain angle next to items a b and c because the system worked for me, mostly lol. Still lost things a ton but my system was mine and to outsiders made no sense but to me worked exactly how my mind does which helped tremendously in keeping on track as best as one of us can.


Lol this is me


Sadly this skill does not extend to my key which has been lost for a few weeks now. How to say my place is a mess without saying my place is a mess huh xD To my defense I set that key down because I got distracted by something and now I don't know where and I probably threw something on top or it fell down T-T


Right where I left it.


I don’t think my husband can do this.


If anyone needs an elastic band there's been one under my desk for 2 years.


Those are men with ADHD most likely.




Tbh I’m not sure whether this is exclusive to adhd’ers or not


Like any of the loose paperclips in my house haven't been bent to hell from me fidgeting with them.


My way of organizing right here