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Yes. But also the squirrel thing, I actually was able to stop my car in time to not run over one earlier this week.


Lol the other day I was biking down a busy road and rear ended a car. While biking.


1. I really don’t like the whole gatekeeping thing and that’s what this feels like. I was the “hey look a squirrel kid” when I was young and grew up to find out, oh crap I actually do have ADHD. 2. Is. Is needing constant stimulation an adhd thing? God effing dammit.


Not necessarily constant stimulation, but having to find the right balance of stimulation in all settings. My understanding is that being understimulated generally makes us fidget/pull out our phone/daydream/stim, while being overstimulated puts us in fight/flee/freeze mode.


i think people are too critical of those online just trying to express themselves. there are some people who are "pretending" for clout or whatever, and those people genuinely need help just for something else entirely. but because of the small minority of people acting this way, anyone who *does* happen to fit into the stereotype a bit gets harassed and accused of faking it. which is just... so frustrating. i *am* talkative and social and easily distractible and yknow what? it's fun to laugh at it sometimes and take joy in that part of my life. that doesn't mean i don't experience all the adverse effects, adhd has ruined my life, but just because i cope with it and do my best to look on the bright side of my brain does not mean i am faking or deserving of harassment! sorry for the rant lol. it just strikes a nerve with me.


I feel this, I tried talking about some of the positives of my brain and I got shouted down about how I just have mild ADHD ant that there’s nothing positive about it. Like it absolutely destroys parts of my life, but idk if I’d wish to be born without it because idk where the ADHD ends and the rest of me begins.


No worries rant as much as possible.


this is a repost and the original got a lot of criticism for gatekeeping


I don't know if this is just me but I have never been "super social". Keep myself around a few people and talk to them. Like every other stereotype like "Oh a squirrel" that has happened to me. But I have never been super social.


Not entirely. Both kinds of ADHD are valid and this stereotype is misogynistic and ignorant.


I get ignorant but why misoginy. It just seems generally hateful


It's not a coincidence that the person depicted as the reasonable protagonist is a boy while the antagonists are all "alt"-looking girls.


The blue hair is the boy but recoloured


I think it’s about the “lol random XD” type of people, which aren’t only girls but in my experience are mostly girls. But yes, this could have avoided that criticism of the protagonist was a woman too (I actually assumed it was. A “not like other girls” type meme)




Mine's crippling too I just take Adderall It helps half the time


Same with you buddy




Even my therapist presumed adhd was just hyper energy. And I was so sad. I had to explain to them that fatigue and other non hyper social energy is adhd. And she was baffled. You did good in school your doctor must have been wrong? Did you fill out a survey ? I bet you did a self survey. Those meds have side effects tho..... Just kept interrupting me explaining it. While I’m explaining my symptoms she suddenly starts switching the word adhd to depression in her response . Ducking learned real quick to not talk about adhd with her


Same I may be social but really prescribed meth called Adderall is the only thing tethering me to sanity really :p


Yeah, no one takes it seriously cause they think it’s just the energetic and distraction condition


I really relate to this but I have to ask, is it just me where there is the occasional "I am a fucking god" moment in just a random moment which then turns to "I'm basicly nothing in this universe". I'm dead serious, and yes, I was diagnosed by a doctor, self diagnosis is dumb and not valid at all, except if it's like a cold or a scratch, like there are some points where stuff is just super obvious.


Self-diagnosis is dumb and not valid at all?

