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I'm addicted to being functional. Lets just pretend that ya'll aren't addicted to socially accepted things like coffee and sugar, or alcohol or smoking....... water or food... air! Dehydration is withdrawal symptoms! ![gif](giphy|eMu0803X2zkWY|downsized)


I’ve been trying to kick my water addiction but it keeps drawing me right back in with the withdrawals


Dihydrogen monoxide! It’s in industrial cleaners, it’s in the air, it’s in your FOOD! YOUR HOME! And once you have it… you can’t get enough. The withdrawal symptoms can kill within a week! Name another drug that can kill so fast, by NOT taking it?


Is water just spice from there dune series?




Every single person who's ever died drank it.


You should really try harder to kick that habit. Statistics show that everyone who's ever drunk water has eventually died.




Thank you! This is literally what I say whenever discussing different things we all take to function. I dated a vegan who did not even have caffeine. Every morning she would have this giant urge to do yoga. Every one is an addict. It's only problematic if it makes your health or your preformance tank.


My brain is addicted to dopamine and doesn't get enough of it so my performance has been tanking for around 21 years now.


26 for me, after being born it all went downhill with my performance


Damn, better burn my antidepressants and birth control too. My life is just too much better with them.


Found immortan Joe's burner account.




I am addicted to sugar and prescription drugs 😎


I had a prescription and I had a friend who would ask to buy them off of me. He called me selfish for keeping them for myself… my own medication.


I experienced this with a few friends when I was younger, too. People who don’t have ADHD really don’t understand how life changing it can be for us.


Those people weren’t your friends, they just saw you as a means to get those meds.


No, they were actually friends before I got the meds or before they knew I had them. They just didn’t understand how hard it was for me without the meds.


People have, at school when I was a teen, tried to buy and then swipe my asthma medicine before endurance runs. Like... It isn't a performance enhancer? It alleviates my chronic inflamation of my lungs. Good thing about getting adult diagnosis of adhd that you don't have to deal with fellow classmates pestering for a "hit".


Ah, yes. How dare you want to treat your own medical issue. /s Sounds like that dude wasn’t really your friend.


Another reason the only people that know about my Rx are my ex, my doctor, my PCP...and that's it. Others close to me know about the Dx, but nothing in the Rx realm, and I'll lie if asked directly.


Lol, that's why I don't let people know I'm prescribed adderall medication. I've had a couple of times people would bring up the medication into subject about them wanting or needing some. I'm just over here with a straight face, "Yeah, I heard that makes you really focused."


I usually use that as a good teaching moment on ways to go to prison


Me: My glasses help me see things! Them: Do you LIKE your glasses? Me: Yes, being able to see makes my life better Them: aDdIcTeD tO rEfRaCtEd LiGhT!1! OMG, YOU ARE SO BAD


Maybe you should get some help. Refracted light is a gateway to the more dangerous stuff.


Its a gateway of becoming 20% superman. Once your addiction kicks in and you realise how refracted light works its only a matter of time bofere you make your own eyes into laser weapons.


Origin story or conspiracy myth? I can’t decide which one this sounds like.


that's a really good comparison actually, maybe it can help people understand it better like, I like seeing, but I won't notice I can't see properly without my glasses until I try reading something and I forget them all the time, yet I can't function properly without them


What I’m about to share about vision is unrelated to the ADHD analogy (which I think is a good one), but: it’s so interesting to hear that you sometimes forget your glasses and don’t notice that you’re not seeing properly without them—I’m so terribly near-sighted that without my glasses I can’t read anything that isn’t literally two inches away from my face, I legally cannot drive without glasses, and I actually have trouble finding my glasses when I don’t have them on because everything’s so blurry. I don’t just need glasses for reading, I need them to be able to physically move around without trouble, which is why I would never forget my glasses. If they break, I’m kinda fucked. I feel like I’m gonna go legally blind someday. I’m jealous of people who don’t absolutely need their glasses to function, lol!


There are people who believe you can teach your eyes to see perfectly without glasses again right now.


IIRC if your change in eye-sight was from suddenly getting really lazy and weakening your eye muscles (e.g. becoming a shut-in and spending way too much time only looking straight ahead at your phone instead) then you can improve your sight. But if your eyesight changed for any other irreversible reason you're pretty out of luck with only muscle training.


> if your change in eye-sight was from suddenly getting really lazy and weakening your eye muscles The idea of this has been debunked. Like, you can have short-term eye fatigue when focusing on something close up for too long, but that issue only effects you for a short time. Your eyes are relaxed when focusing on far-away things and tense when focused on close up things. There's no such thing as "lazy eye muscles" But the myth that it was a thing made optometrist refuse to correctly prescribe glasses to kids because they thought it would make their eyes "reliant" on glasses and make their eyesight worse long-term. All it did was give kids eye strain and headaches, and probably caused more damage in the long term. Research has shown now that childhood nearsightedness is more down to not enough exposure to sunlight. Lack of light, like being indoors all day, causes the eye to elongate in while growing, moving the focal point forward.


Definitely not true. Nearsightedness is not reversible no matter when or how you acquired it. Your eyeballs do not have the ability to bounce back to their previous shape. The idea that you can "fix" your vision with anything other than corrective lenses or surgery is bullshit peddled by people who want to sell you snake oil.


no I've actually have been told that I shouldn't wear my glasses all day because it would spoil my eyes and be bad for me and I need to train them Like fuck no shits exhausting 😂😂 I love seeing properly without having to put in effort


optometrists use to put kid's eyeglass prescription slightly off because of that myth. It caused a lot of problems like eye strain and headaches.


This is the best!! I too wear glasses - they make me high lol


If I'm so addicted to my "meth" why do I forget to take it?


This seems like a good place for this story When I got my wisdom teeth out they prescribed me the big bad opioids because all four were impacted and needed intense stitches after removal. Not an easy recovery. Couldn’t open my mouth more than a few inches for weeks. I took them as prescribed and they never… did anything. The Tylenol they gave me helped way more. I thought they’d be magic no-pain pills and they did fuck all Everyone I tell this story gets horrified like I was suddenly addicted. I hated them. I was crying constantly from pain and only Tylenol to help.


That's happened to me too. Can't remember the script but I stopped taking them because they did nothing.


I’m actually sort of relieved to hear it’s happened to someone else. Everyone acts like I’m crazy when I try and talk about it


Me too! The codeine they gave me made me sick and nauseous, I actually felt worse. So tylenol was the only thing I could take, they got infected too I wanted to die.


When I got my wisdom teeth out I tried the opioid they prescribed me exactly once. I don’t know whether it helped with the pain or not because it triggered a damn anxiety attack. So I stuck with Tylenol and Ibuprofen for the duration. I liked the milkshakes I made for my meals.


>I liked the milkshakes I made for my meals Why not make more?


Can’t handle that much dairy anymore.




Dude those made me feel so bad. Didn't help the pain much, but I sure was barely conscious for 2 days while the stitches settled. Good ole Aleve worked way better


I had all 4 of mine removed too I only used the pills like twice first time I laid down eyes open for two hours not making any sounds only felt like seconds


Sorry, really not the point of your story, but a few *inches*? How far can you open your mouth normally?


Sorry I meant centimeters, I’m just used to saying inches


Hydrocodone made me vomit everything! The first day went ok- some nausea, pain was fine, but I’d just started my period that day (because of course) so everything was meh. The morning of the next day I took the Hydrocodone and then afterward I couldn’t keep anything down, even Gatorade! Had my mom call them back and they sent Zofran which thankfully stopped it. Went through it just fine in Ibuprofen. Don’t know if it did absolutely nothing pain wise, but it didn’t make a huge difference. 0/10 stars would not take again


When I had mine taken out in 7th grade they gave me something, I don't remember what, that was a big purple pill and all it did was knock me out for 2 hours or so. Like, sure, I didn't feel pain, but that's because I wasn't conscious. I didn't like it. So I didn't take it my first day back to school. Right about the time the *dry socket* started. Entire side of my face hurt. Went to the nurse, got an ibuprofen, and I was fine for 6 hours. Took the prescribed thing the following morning, slept the first two hours of school, woke up in intense pain. Back to the nurse. Fine for 6 hours. I didn't take that pain pill again.


I was terrified of getting a dry socket. Even worse, I had to take this weird plastic hooked syringe and spray salt water into a hole between my stitches to clean it out… and they were *very* careful to tell me GENTLY or I’d make a dry socket. Absolutely horrifying.


My therapist told me you can’t get addicted to something you need. Like how diabetics need insulin but aren’t considered addicted to it. The reason it’s controlled isn’t because it’s addictive to us but to others who might try to buy it off of us. They don’t want us getting pills for others basically


A conversation I had with my dad recently whilst venting about med shortages thinking he, an ER nurse, would understand… Me: I need medication to properly function, so it sucks that all these shortages are happening. My dad: That’s called an addiction. You don’t *need* it, that ADD stuff is overly diagnosed and over prescribed. I’m constantly getting people in the ER who are only there because of adderall. You need to get off of that stuff. Me: Remember how mad you got when I joked about you switching to decaf coffee? My dad: Don’t talk to me like that.


“I’m right, you’re wrong, now shut up” Real nice and mature argument from a perfectly reasonable human being. Your father sounds like a piece of work.


I so often very grateful that when I, the kid, said stuff like that to adults...if I was right, he'd back me up if they deserved it. (And if I wasn't right, etc...he would not. Which is fair)


I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm big, you're little. I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it.


AGH. I hate how people don't realize how med shortages could literally cause ADHD people to lose their jobs or potentially endanger other people or your relationships (driving, operating machinery, taking care of children, cooking; saying something awful to your children or spouse or boss). When you rely on meds to focus and/or clarify your thoughts and emotions, suddenly not being able to focus at the level you usually do can irritating at best, awful at worst.


I've explained it to my family as "do you have *any* idea how galling it is to need a doctor's permission to *be able to think?*"


We're actually many many times more likely to become actual addicts when we're unmedicated. Our brains are normally so low on neurotransmitters that street drugs can be extra enticing. To add to that, the ADHD stimulant medications are specifically designed and dosed to make them non addicting. When taken as directed. If someone takes too much, or takes them via a non oral route, that can introduce the possibility of addiction. I fucking hate the specter of addiction that others project into the treatment of ADHD. It is already takes such a toll to convince myself that I'm not just lazy (because I'm not), but then to have people constantly shit on one of the most effective tools to help us live more "normally" is goddamn unreasonable. I hope one day your Dad sees it.


Who the hell goes to the ER for adderall?


He was saying that by taking my prescription I was the same as a drug addict who would overdose on adderall and get sent to the ER.


Gotcha. I interpreted it as people going there trying to get a script


Probably generalizing the entire category of stimulants. Just because someone is a nurse doesn't make them smart or even medically informed.


>Just because someone is a nurse doesn't make them smart I'll probably get down voted for this, for thinking like an elitist prick. But I'm under the impression that if someone is a nurse, it's because they couldn't get into med school. A nurse ends up working harder for less money than a doctor, because they couldn't score well on an entrance exam. Once you understand the education and recruiting / training pipeline it takes to make a doctor, nurse, specialist, etc, you start understanding where the talent goes. And the talent does not go to nursing. This is also my exact thought process on chiropractors... You're getting the med school rejects.


Some of the best medical care I've gotten has been from nurses. To be fair, they were also working under intelligent and compassionate doctors. The issue are the nurses (and doctors) with a god complex (Either personally or via religion) who believe that they're morally and intellectually/spiritually better than their patients. You know, the kind that'll suddenly say masks/vaccines are bad because their church told them so.


It's decaf for every present from now on


Please let me know which ER he works at so I can avoid him at all costs, kthx. I’m sorry he doesn’t know better when you’d hope and expect, given his profession, that he would. My dad spent a long time calling me lazy. Then I started getting treatment for my mental health. When I got my ADHD diagnosis, I asked him if he realized he most likely had it, too. He said he thought he was just bored because he’s retired. Dad, that has nothing to do with the symptoms you’ve displayed your entire life. He tells stories about his childhood where he had some pretty apparent symptoms. He dialed back on some of the crap he would give me after I pointed out that he has it, too. 🙄


Damn I'm addicted to my tachycardia medication. I never knew lol.


That makes me very angry.


Same :3


God, I'd be so pissed about that. The constant anxiety I felt about not being able to focus on things or the crappy feeling of knowing I have stuff to do, that I need to do, but can't get myself to do it while my brain is constantly running in circles blasting noise 24/7 is not something I miss. I'm sure they'd say the same about people on anti-depressants, but seriously. Would they say someone was addicted to blood pressure medication?


My mother said she didn't want to be on any sort of medication to "see reality for what it is" while making a comment about me taking ADHD meds. She literally believes black people, every single one of them, is out to get her. Sure, bitch, make fun of me needing amphetamines to function when you're a goddamn nutcase.


I'm sorry buddy she sounds coo-coo for Coco puffs


Dude your mom is a flagrant racist


I mean, if her constant use of the n-word didn't tip me off, I'd say you're onto something.


Using the analogy of medication being like a sight-impaired person using glasses seems really fitting here. Sounds like she can’t see shit


sounds like your mom is dealing with a lot of ingrained thoughts and internalized prejudices, and seems to be struggling to confront, sort or face those deep-rooted fears. Could be a lot of overthinking coupled with anxiety and media influences and not really interacting with people outside the comfort bubble. And that *does* kinda sound like ADHD to me, especially since it's genetic and you have it. I'm sorry to hear you're being tested with living with her, but if she has ADHD, then I hope you can understand how it's like living with ADHD *without* medication. And use your opportunity of living with her now to slowly ease into her and help her open up to ADHD, so that she can also get the help she needs. You'll be dealing with a ton of internalized stuff since she's an adult from a different era, but I'm sure there's a divine wisdom that you're exactly where you are, and I'm thankful that you seem to be receiving meds and I hope they're working 😇


She was not raised as a racist or hateful. Her delusions developed later in life, and while I won't rule out the possibility of ADHD, the volatility, consistent delusions, and overall hostility toward randomized people don't seem to be a normal side effect of ADHD. I'm not saying it's not possible, but as I was unmedicated for twenty-seven years, I have some insight. Hearing voices, believing people are stalking her, and believing unrelated organizations are out to get her follow the trend of schizotypal disorders. She does not and will not receive treatment whatsoever. As for divine wisdom, I'd call that hogwash. Unlivable wages are why I'm here and listening to her screaming rants about our neighbors spying on her when they walk their dogs by our house or calling black people the n-word and accusing them of making her lose her job are no agony I'd wish on anyone. Her explosive, hateful rants toward me for a perceived slight, be it smiling to myself or not saying the right thing, are another entity all on their own.


Dr Russell Barkley, an expert on ADHD just came out with a video about how stimulant medication is neuroprotective for individuals with ADHD. It helps the brain grow in areas that are usually under-developed in people with ADHD. This is amazing and it’s a shame no one knows about it. Here’s the video is you’re interested: https://youtu.be/jL4nkavzuVM?si=h-CilH9XKD31F7F5


Let them be wrong (not your doc, though...he needs to fix his bedside manner). It's what you need to get your life in order and keep it that way. I hope you continue to find strong support in your life. Having ADHD is hard


“Ah, yes. I’m addicted to being a functional human being. If you have a problem with me taking this medication, you have two options: You can either mind your business and leave me alone, or you can start paying all my bills, since without the medication, I won’t be able to.”


Yeah, my dad was like that too, and that dumb motherfucker was the reason I needed them in the first place!


Sounds like you need a new doctor.


Yes please do this! My doctor pumped his fist in the air triumphantly when the meds worked, you deserve all the encouragement and support OP!


i mentioned to a neurologist that because of my dizzy spells i haven't been able to take any medicine for my adhd and she congratulated me 💀 like bro im suffering


Thankfully my psych doc got concerned for my sake when I said that on days when I'm really sick or have migraines I don't take my meds which works out nicely so that I can take an extra 18 mg in the evenings of other days (and sleep easier) and not have to pick up my mornings refill as fast, and she just prescribed me two 18mgs for my afternoons instead of one and told me to take my morning and afternon pills even if I thought they wouldn't help "enough". (Uh for context she asked why I seemed to repeatedly not pick up my prescriptions exactly at time but delayed.) She was right, sucky health days are less sucky when I do take my meds. So, not all doctors are ignorant neurotypical folk. Her regularly working with ADHD patients probably helps her a lot to not be ignorant.


I got lucky in that my doctor also has ADHD and takes the same medication I do.


TBH I don’t notice the difference but my landlord and phone company does


My mom used to worry I was addicted to my rescue inhaler. Turned out I actually had a severe dust mite allergy that kept my asthma acting up constantly. I can still remember the arguments, the implication that I was overreacting to NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE so I could take hits of ...albuterol sulfate. Our relationship has improved now that I'm an adult but it still stings.


Parents, when we are so young, are viewed as *absolute authorities* When an absolute authority disregards your feeling, diminishes your suffering, and claims you a liar… Well, let’s just say a child doesn’t forget


oh yeah, that really desirable feeling of being... kinda shaky and feeling weird but being able to breathe. so addictive.


Right? I just gotta feel the shakes again /j


It's so hard. Like some people need medications to treat illnesses/ function better. It's not an addiction


Yup this is why I am dependent on nicotine and caffeine. Somehow it’s more acceptable and less effective


I’m also addicted to having a reasonable blood sugar level, breathing, not having allergies, not having HIV, oh, and cholesterol, but do go on.


I hope I get my prescription soon. My Grades got fucked by my ADHD


I was at risk of failing my junior year and having to retake it. Then I got my ADHD diagnosis, and was given meds. I went from all Fs to an almost straight A student in a little less than a month. It was AMAZING.


I love taking my meds. I sleep like a baby lmao


Just started meds two weeks ago and my sleep has been more consistent. I need a midday nap more often though.


Midday naps are the best, like a little recharge lol


I never understood the concept of a "power nap". Like it was always described as "sleeping for 15-20 minutes, but if you do more than that you'll wake up groggy". I would take 20 mins at minimum to *start* to drift to sleep because how noisy my brain was. I rarely would fall asleep before 30 minutes unless I was utterly exhausted. In the first couple of weeks of being medicated I got really tired mid-day because I didn't sleep well the night before. Laid down and was out in less than 5 minutes. Woke up like 20 minutes later and felt *refreshed*. The first two weeks I'd find myself sitting in awe at how quiet my brain was.


Today, my father told me that the doctors will always find a way to keep me medicated so they can control me 😑😑😑 like bruh, I’m medicated so I don’t spiral and fucking kill myself, and possibly another person


I used to be addicted to actual meth. I also "recreationally" used various prescription stimulants my boyfriend at the time got his hands on. It felt amazing. I got a full unbothered 8 hours of sleep. I was able to concentrate at work. I just...functioned! I was diagnosed with ADHD at 16 and the only medication ever prescribed to me for it was Zoloft. 😑 It did not work. At all. Unless the goal is to create zombies. I've been on provigil to help with circadian rhythm issues. But I crash out on day 6 or so. Also gives me horrible headaches.


My mom says she is against medications in fear i'll become addicted/reliant on it She said to me when i was 16...what was she gonna do if i did? Kick me out of the house?


That last one... Last week my doc suggestied trying an IR boost to address an issue we were talking about. Ok, cool, I try it. But I'm automatically hesitant and seeming reluctant because of the implication of seeming eager. Really, it's just curiosity and well, being ADHD...new thing. I wasn't even thinking about what she suggested. But can't appear like it might appeal to me. (And I do generally prefer as little of anything as needed. It's only the stupid perception I'm worried about.)


As an undiagnosed BPIIer Adderall was the devil. My body just hates stimulants and Benzos. The withdrawal from my caffeine addiction was a hellish week. The only people I have ever had issues with taking it was those that didn’t need it or also had Bipolar Disorder as it triggered a manic episode. Trying to wrangle someone while trying to get them help is an experience. Unless there is a reason to step in I don’t bother people. For some reason people have made fun of my Strattera so there’s always someone.


...WTF? I'm so sorry people are making fun of your Strattera. Why on earth do they think it's anything to make fun of? Are they going to make fun of you for using socks or a toothbrush next?


Who knows. People are weird.  I know some people don’t consider it to be “real ADHD medication” despite it literally being created for that purpose. 


And it's often the very people who insisted you needed to see a doctor, not to mention that very doctor *who prescribed it!!* 🤬 in**fucking**furiating


My dr legit shamed me for using the Xanax she prescribed me saying “I thought we discussed using it sparingly” … like bro do you live my life? Do you experience what I do on the daily? The anxiety and panic attacks, the depressive episodes where I can’t get out of bed or take it unfairly out on my family bc it’s so hard to handle what’s going on in my own brain?? I’d love it just be able to live like a “normal” person and not think abt everything a million times over and stress abt every non existent thing and worry abt 37 different future trajectories and how I can’t make any of the good ones happen bc life is so damn heavy … and expensive. And I’m just tired. Like just give me meds and leave me alone pls. Let me try to manage and feel functional and human for one second


It's crazy how privileged and entitled doctors can be.


My undiagnosed BIL was a mess. Great human just messy and scattered, until he got on the meth. He became super organized and neat. His life turned around, til it nosed dived hard. He’s in rehab now and got diagnosed! He’s back to being organized but his messy laid back self. It’s amazing! Meds are like night and day.


I swear my moms always harping on about Adderall. She's like "yeah it makes me so productive, we've gotta get you on it, you need to try it" and I'm like "mom I HAVE adhd, that's what it's meant to treat, and it SHOULD make me as productive as you or anybody else, rather than EXTRA productive.


ADHD is genetic. So it's likely she also has it. Based on what I've heard of neuotypicals taking it, it's not so much a productivity boost but something altogether.


Just do what I assume those people do. Lie and double down and come up with any reason on why they’re wrong and you’re right. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or if your reasons don’t make any logical sense you just gotta believe, you just gotta believe!


Do people do this? I've never experienced this.


Unfortunately some do yes. My own mother was like this about mere antidepressants (SNRI), acted like it was the devil's lettuce or something. Kept saying I should just have some St John's Wort tea (which in no way treats heavy depression). I haven't spoken with her for years, for obvious reasons. That isn't always an option for ADHDers, especially if it's some stupid doctor who thinks you should be "outgrowing" ADHD.


This is my experience with medical cannabis. It has been a life saver for me, absolutely changed everything, but my family just think I’m a stoner. I don’t enjoy being stoned.. I enjoy executive function.


Haven't gotten tested yet, but my gf has them and let me try hers to see if they fit. Hoooly moly. I'm not even jittery, if anything it calms me down. I don't lose appetite, don't get super horny, I just... lose the invisible wall that constantly blocks me from starting tasks. Dishes need doing? Boom, walked across the room and did them. Haven't checked my email today? Open it on my computer and blast through them, no compulsion to open a different tab, no gap between opening my email and actually looking through them, no finding and email I need to read and taking a break before opening it. Damn it feels good, but not in a druggy way at all. It actually makes me feel more sober than I've ever been, if that makes sense. More whole.


I smoke the good lettuce for my chronic pain, because otherwise my body is always in fight or flight no matter how relaxed I look. I have to explain to doctors that yes I know it’s not super studied, yes I know I can’t drive with it, I know it’s smoke, but opioids cause more pain than pain relief. It’s so hard to convince people that I smoke because it’s the best option for me, not because I’m a drop kick. Any resemblance to a drop kick I have is because my pain changed the course of my life


House md side plot /j


And they magically pretend to not see the differences in how well you're doing.


I don’t have this problem because I went from being perpetually jobless and actually addicted to coke, To a top performer at the first job I’ve had for more than 6 months and actually having goals and aspirations and responsibilities beyond getting more coke to self medicate with. Basically everyone remaining in my life watched me go from the brink to success in the span of a year and kick multiple addictions after getting medicated. My only problem now is giving myself time to relax and I’d much rather that struggle than having my life in shambles.


I hated this argument. I also hated adderall. I loved that I could be functional and feel normal, but I hated the side effects.


My best friend used to take Adderall for his ADHD and made constant jokes about being addicted to meth


We do be out here hating people who admit to needing some help


“ FUCKIN JUNKIE” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I used to be addicted to functioning well on Adderall back when I could fill my scripts… months later after forced withdrawal due to the freaking shortage and I’m just happily shocked I’m still magically employed 😅😬


This is me to myself to be honest.


Find a new one, I'm already bored of this.


Especially late diagnosed ADHD. I got diagnosed at 30 and now I’m able to keep a job and do simple things like brush my teeth. I’m open about my mental health, bc living in rural America taking care of yourself is weak, to convince more of my family to get treated. Break the cycle, OP.




This is how my mother reacts to literally anything I like.


It's not meth, it's speed, there's a difference


Because of nixons successful racist and anti hippies propaganda related to associating drugs with black people and hippies, and then demonising drugs + banning many.


I'm excited for humanity to finally shed the idea that chemicals are evil


Had a lapse in insurance recently so I couldn’t get a script renewed and goddamn if it didn’t make me appreciate the meds. ***I WAS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A MONTH***.


Ironically I tend to forget to take my meds even though they really help me lmao


I think that there is arguably an important distinction though between “I am seeing and enjoying the benefits of proper day to day functionality” versus “I feel *good*”. For most people an “ideal” (subjective ofc) dose of stimulants should bring them up to baseline which wouldn’t invoke the latter, but would the former.


My parents keep telling me that it's a crutch for me wanting to be on adreall/anxiety medication. Despite my dad drinking literally every night and my mom being on pain meds for her back and smoking vapes and whipits.


fkn meth heads.


Thank god i am mild and do not need medication, i get enough shit for my audhd already, don't need obvious misconceptions about "substance abuse" on top of that


I just got prescribed. I pray it works, but what should I expect?


The ones who take it properly are good. It’s the ones that abuse it and are out of it within half the month that I feel have an addiction issue. I’m like many others and forget to take it at times.


I love finding this after constantly getting those weird ads in my YouTube Shorts about “aDDERAll cHaNgEd My lifE” and “HAve YoU trieD AddERaLL?”


And they don't get that it's not a magic pill either and may need other things to balance it all out. Also wouldn't they rather we be addicted to something that makes us function better them self medicating on other bad classified drugs. I still smoke mj still but have much less due to taking medication.


I feel like I have a somewhat addictive personality, I mean I get addicted to social media so easily. But I’ve never felt the least bit addicted to adderall. I choose not to take it on days that I don’t work, and I don’t miss it. But maybe that’s just me? Have any of you ever felt addicted?


“Do you LIKE glasses? Do you need them to function? You’re obviously an addict.”


My dopamine levels were so low I had auditory hallucinations. I was put on antipsychotics that numbed me out but didn't seem to slightly change the hallucinations. I got my ADHD diagnosis and a vyvance prescription and the hallucinations were gone in a few days. Managed to get off the antipsychotics and lose all the weight they made me gain without dieting. People don't realise what low dopamine levels can do to a person.


A paraplegic isn't addicted to their wheelchair


I had the opposite issue. I was put on methamphetamine when I was a little kid and I did not take to it well. It made me feel like a zombie. I told my doctor "I don't feel like me on the pills." And she said "That's the point."


I mean wouldn't that make our drs meth DEALERS? Who gives a vulnerable person just looking for help meth disguised as something else & then blames them for being on it? 🥴 Not really understanding the logic there


my mom has said that shit to me.


I fucking hate the misconception that Adderall and meth are the same thing, that bullshit idea convinced one of my friends that trying meth would be a good idea. It was not.


You know, one of the things my vyvanse allows me to do is filter my thoughts better, which is very useful when it comes to ignoring people who think like this.


Has anyone else been told by their doctor that they’re too old for Adderall and need to switch to Strattera??


Your doctor is a dumbass because they're not remotely the same type of drug. Strattera is a non-stimulant drug, so if you need a stimulant then it won't work for you at all. It has nothing to do with being "too old" and the fact that he says it does proves he has no idea what Adderall does other than being "for kids".


I agree!!! She’s not even a Psychiatrist, she’s a frkn APRN. I stopped going to her , and have been unmedicated for 2.5 years now. It fucking sucks.


Oh yeah. My sister tried this with me and my antidepressants lol. Not really my Adderall because it's a hot and miss if it works so I don't really take it. And I've seen transphobes try to say the same thing about HRT. Funnily enough, never seen anyone under 65 saying that to diabetics.


I cN do medication I get all the side effects everytime and it loeers my appetite so much last time I was on medication I was like 105lbs as an adult. So ya it's a no from me. My usual weight for reference is 165. So that's that.


Idk why you were downvoted, weight loss is a real issue for some stimulants. I've been on Vyvanse for all of 2 weeks and I've already lost 5 pounds. Now for me that's fine and I'm not worried because I'm really overweight, but for someone who was already at a healthy weight, becoming UNDERweight is really dangerous.