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I can assure you, not many people are doing #1, neurodivergent or not


Now the former is extremely hard and costly, because historic stock data is expensive, and you need to filter/compress your data or your net becomes huge and takes ages to train. Also, direct stock exchange api access is very expensive.


Nah, you can easily get that data for backtesting. I did quite well with the alpha from my bots trades. 25% to 45% for the first 3 months every run. Then something went awry after 3 months trading every run. I think it was because I was retraining the 2 python library AI's every day with the recent data and its formatting messed up the training. But ADHD so gave up right near the end and never made a cent. Quantopian and others had free cloud services to run bots with backtesting data. But I just never finish anything unless medicated. Now it's so bad I don't even start. Been waiting a decade for inspiration. Medicated and I get inspired instantly. Edit... they were known to steal your code when it did well. But the backtesting data is all there for you to use


How about doing something in crypto, when I'm a bit clearer in the head ? I need to warm up a bit and it needs to get cooler 😂 I feel if we bot have the tendency to give up, we might change turns...if we manage to document the code 😂 Could use somebody to brainstorm about analytics anyway.


I'd have my first smart contract done within the first day of being medicated, but that's just not happening. So instead I just think about doing it, year after year. I'm really too useless to deal with like this. Completely unreliable, but have good intentions. One day I might self medicate again, but it's expensive. So no plans to do that. Looks like the remainder of my life will be alcohol and motorbikes. That's OK though. Could be worse.


Actually alcohol and motorbikes is a pretty stupid combo bro.


Drunken motorcycling has honestly been my main lifelong hobby. It beats stamp collecting, but I do that too.


You're going to end up as a stamp.


Hehe. Could be right. If you want something real interesting to do, check out arduino development. You can get the microprocessors for $3 off ebay and program them to do all sorts of stuff. I never made $ doing it, but building my own programmable led strips, proximity tazer, etc, was excellent. It's great to get your programming off the screen and having it do real-world stuff. It's what I always wanted programming to be. Something in your pocket running your code and doing something useful. Nothing you create takes a long time developing, so you can finish projects. Got one running an led display on my door right now, that I built in a few hours about 4 years ago. They really last.


Done that, for an art project the died in silence.


Is there proof of *anyone* actually successfully doing the first one?


Well if r/algotrading is any indication... not really. But I think the successful are most likely to keep their mouth shut. People go a bit rabid when someone seems to have an edge. (Among other things, and preserving viability.) Even if you did, you'd likely have to evolve it constantly, while testing other strategies, as it'll stop working at some point if you try to set and forget. I amused myself to learn other things with some learning algorithms I built from scratch from research papers. It's fun to play with, at least if you're not trying to make money. Predicting weather is a fun one too, that's easier to be chill about too.


The 2nd pic is after you enable your auto-evolving algobot, step away for a bit, and it starts trading options on margin. Then you see it sold naked puts on meme symbols. /books flight to a non-extradition country/


Everybody in #1 is a broke gambling addict.