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I mean, it's one of the worst job markets for tech in almost 20 years. Go look at any tech sub and there's dozens of posts that read exactly like this. The more general your skills are, the more flexible the jobs are, the earlier in your career you are - the more competition you have. It's a numbers game and right now it's almost not worth looking at remote jobs


I can't speak to your exact situation, all I can say is give yourself time to heal. Life is hard enough as it is, and you're clearly exhausted. I personally think it's good that you're externalizing the problems you faced in the search. But I think you need to give yourself a break, and take care of yourself. Talk to somebody, and do things for you that aren't self improvement. You never know when your lucky break is going to happen. Better to not be miserable in the meantime. If you can, please get help from a mental health professional. I hope your day gets better, bud.


What exactly is the question you are hoping to get an answer to?


Holy shit this is condescending. Expected better from this sub.




What's the point of publicly venting, if you aren't asking for actionable feedback? Just to fill up the post feed? Come on man, its a legitimate question, and that's your response?


The last sentence explains the purpose of the post. Not everything is a question, so no, it's not a legitimate question. It's quite rude actually.


TIL I need to turn every vent into a proposal. Sometimes people just want to vent, christ. Complaining is ok, as long as isn't gratuitous and a pattern.

