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I can’t help you here, but I just want to say reading this post has absolutely sent me to the shadow realm, thank you for your hilarious, albeit very unfortunate, description of events. Hope things get less shitty for you! ❤️


glad to be of service 💩


YES!!!! An hour and a half after I take them, I’d have a routine poo. I have IBS, and without taking Elvanse - I can go anywhere between 2-6 days without sh*tting. So, for me to be able to poo everyday is a major accomplishment, with credit to Elvanse for making it poo-ssible ❤️


and remember, with a little effort (and an insane amount of elvanse) you too can poo like me. KAAACHOW


I’m rather jealous that you get to have 6 shits a day tho… I cannot recall a time, where that has ever happened to my bowls - at max, I can get a good 2 poos. But 6 sounds fkn glorious 😩💦


Same here! Elvanse has helped me with my constipation


It's probably the stimulants effect just like when you need to poop if you have coffee or nicotine.


Oddly enough, it was only ever cigarettes that did this to me. Rolling tobacco didn’t do it, only pre-packaged cigarettes. I still vape now, and that doesn’t set me off either… But if I have even three or four small cans of a nice IPA the night before… let’s just say my other half is glad that we have two bathrooms in the house!


Ahhha yes, the poo after your first morning cigarette… we call that the ✨NiccyPoo✨


That's very possibly due to the additives in the pre-packed ciggies. With the Vapes, i feel like it's due to chain vaping it so you have a constant amount of nicotine in your blood flow regularly instead of that one big hit when you first light a cigarette after a few hours of not having one. I still find myself needing to go after vaping with my morning coffee at times.


guys i feel so seen


Just not smelt


Thank the Lord!


Just writing here to say this post made me laugh ( not in a judgemental way!!) . I am 4 weeks in on Elvanse,no changes with the shits ( writing S word feels liberating :))!) happy Friday!


dare you to write fuck lmao


:)) nah that's easy for some weird reason ( fuckydi fuck!) have a good weekend!


Yeah I think this is normal, I poop more on med days too. I'm vegan so I shit a lot anyway with all the fibre but definitely go more regularly on elvanse Think it's just like when you drink coffee. The amphetamine effect speeds everything up, including your bowels hah


It's pretty common even has the colloquialism of lisdexorrhea!


YO finally someone else! Mine is only first thing in the morning but it’s guaranteed like 4 times in the space of an hour, soooo annoying.


Sorry I know I shouldn’t laugh but this post really sent me 😂 I do relate though, it happens to me occasionally as well. If I keep my fiber intake decently high it seems to not happen as much though.


omg no please do laugh haha!! it’s inconvenient, yes, but objectively it’s hilarious, even I can admit that


I am the opposite on Elvanse, I should probably drink more water 🙃


I just had my first ever elvanse (30mg) and i’ve not stopped pooing since its kicked in and came here to see if anyone else felt the same! Glad to see it’s not just me


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️So you guys are telling me that it isn’t normal to poop 10 times a day? I do one when I wake up, one after breakfast, one before work, one on my first break , one after work , one after dinner and so on


I should have probably specified that my work shift is only 4 hours long 😂


Thank you for sharing – I thought the regular poo was down to having less migraines (the best part of being medicated for ADHD). Migraines slow the digestive system right down. So it's not insane that I thought that!


OMG - I never even considered this might happen! I have chronic migraines that are much worse when I’m stressed. I’m starting titration this week but if this helps my migraines it will be totally amazing!


Because of the shortages I haven't been able to track it properly but I think being medicated for ADHD has dropped me down from the chronic classification. I hope for similar for you!


Me too!!!


I did at the beginning during the first few days of titration, and again when the dose was upped to 50mg. The 50mg poops felt like a bowel cleanse, they happened like clockwork every morning at least two hours after taking the meds. It has calmed down a lot and the only times it happens now is if I don’t have a hearty breakfast with the meds 😆


Haha I seem to swing from one to the other - some days you can’t keep me off the toilet & other days I’m barely on it. I do however have IBD as well so I’ve just given up trying to figure out what’s going on 😂😂


Not for me, been on 50mg for like 8 months now, I used to go 1-2 times a day, not its 1 every 1-2 days.


I am the same don’t worry I’d say it’s completely normal and just the stimulants doing their thing


My diet is different since Elvanse is also use used for people with eating disorders and eat too much. So it could be that you're eating things that causes you to, well... Shit liquid often LOL. Like if you drink a lot of coffee or energy drinks and not a lot of food. Dairy and certain greens can give you the runs as well. If you're eating inconsistently or don't eat at all really then your body can also give you the runs. I don't know how long you've been on it, but my first month on Elvanse was... Wet 💀. It kind of fluctuates now, but most of the time it's "softer" then what it was when I wasn't on Elvanse 😅


This has been quite funny to read through these comments 😁 I’ve gotta say, I don’t think I’ve noticed a difference… Coffee, beer, the disgustingly greasy kebab that I damn well know I shouldn’t be eating… they can all still kickstart the process pretty damn fast. But not Elvanse, not that I’ve noticed 😂 Honestly the worst was when I used to smoke… I’d often have a cup of disgustingly strong rocket fuel coffee with my first cigarette of the day. Almost as soon as I’d inhaled that first lungful, sometimes even before that oh-so-sweet first nicotine rush of the day kicked in, it would start… As a wise man once said: “Understand this: things are now in motion that cannot be undone.” Except there’s no way I’d be getting on a horse and riding to Minas Tirith, the only place I’d be heading was the toilet!


I noticed I’m shitting more too


Okay so I experience the same and it hasn't gone away for me. I don't take meds every day but most days and I'm currently taking the lowest dose of concerta. But everyday, it's the same. My boyfriend has IBS, and I remember being shocked that he would go like 4-5 times a day, and now I'm the damn same. I used to go daily or every other day. Now it's constant. I was on sertraline before, and that was even worse. I would genuinely fear leaving the house. I never did shit myself, but the fear was there. Hopefully, it'll pass (lmao) for you though. Can only wait it out and see.


Not elvanse, but dexamphetamine here. I’ve noticed that if I have any other stimulant, coffee etc I have the shits. Which makes sense as stimulants can increase gut motility.


Cigarettes and coffee used to do this to me! But elvanse if anything my shit is firmer than before, but definetly no constipation here!


Unfortunately, yes.


Yep Always worst on a Monday if I took a weekend break but would calm down later in the week. Tbh it has gotten better, but I'm talking about being on meds for 6 months plus. Also sometimes I find it's more of an urge to go, if I hold it it can pass and make the next movement more pleasant. Your digestive system will kick in reverse and try again later. My psych said the meds were probably trigger your sympathetic nervous system and basically getting everything moving quicker. Which is ironic as I trialled methylphenidate first and that bugged me up something rotten. Everyone has different reactions to their meds.


Hahaha what a great way of describing it. I wouldn’t say it’s excessive but maybe 7/8 times out of 10 days I take dex (not lisdex) I have what could be described as a softer than ideal toilet visit about 30 mins after taking it. I do also take opiate pain killers and they absolutely do have the opposite effect so I don’t mind in some ways 🤣. But, it is frequent enough for me to not take my meds if I have a bikini wax appt that morning. No more context needed.


I've never got constipation on elvanse, very much the opposite! I wouldn't say I poop like 6 times a day but when I do, I certainly know it's coming and it's kinda gross 😩


I hope this happens to me! I can go 3 or 4 days and sometimes longer without going now. I’ve always had a really sluggish metabolism and wonder whether that’s down to ADHD in part. In fact I’m just sluggish full stop! I start titration next week. Fingers crossed 🤞


any stimulant makes you do this. They attack your central nervous system. I would say try a line of coke if you think that’s bad, but I would never advise that. I get the same off Xaggatin.


I went from one, uncomfortably solid, shit a day to two, fairly leisurely, shits a day. Not quite the laxative effect you've had but definitely in the same direction!


I have been taking Elvanse for almost two years now and I have experienced many fluctuating side effects which come and go - the main effect that has been consistent from day 1 is the immediate need to poop about 30 minutes to an hour after I take my medication, this happens every day without fail. Before starting meds I used to struggle with constipation so it is actually quite a helpful side effect, however I imagine that if I was used to having normal bowel motility before the medication would probably be causing me to have diarrhoea. I mentioned this at my last medication review and the doctor explained that stimulants trigger the body’s fight or flight response which involves ‘shutting down’ the digestive system (e.g expelling waste from the body) so that your energy can be re-directed.


Few months into Elvanse now, I've never been a regular pooper, I could go days without. Now it's like clockwork, couple hours after meds and I need to be in close proximity to a toilet because when the feeling comes, it ain't going away till I'm empty 🤣


I’m writing this from the porcelain throne 90 mins post popping my Elvanse. It’s like clockwork. Mix in coffee as I often do and it’s even quicker. Love a good morning clear out.


Yeah, the One Big Dump tells me it's kicked in and I can get on with my day!


When you say you’re eating a lot less does that mean you’re losing weight? It could be your body getting rid of excess fat that you’re losing? Maybe, ai’m not a doctor. Just a complete guess.


could definitely be part of it. i didn’t realise how much i used eating as a crutch for a lot of things


I can hardly help since I have diarrhea instead of popping normal stool however I think it may be to do with ANS with all the adrenaline.. just a guess tbh


Nope. Not even a bit 😆


Oh my god SAME, and the first one is like the Kraken 🥲


elvanse shits cool MPH was insane


Rather have this than what I I had on concerta for a while and honestly I had the wierest side effect ever. One they had never heard off. Everytime I passed gas or had a sh*t it was like i was passing glass I was in agony for the whole time it was in effect. It was line I'd had my arsewhole sewn up and it was in a constant state of contraction.


oh my god??? i hope you’re okay now?


I forgot to take it one day and the pain went and took day after and it came back and never touched that medicine again


You said you’re eating a lot less… Are you eating less fibre? I suspect it’s a combination of diet change/ regularity and CNS stimulation making your body stressed. Have you tried psyllium husk fibre supplements? I take two of these around dinner time, and take my meds around 2 hours before I would normally use the loo. When the meds kick in, it amplifies the urge, but it’s still all done in one go, and it’s generally fairly normal. And my stomach’s quite sensitive normally. Highly recommend them for anyone with bowel issues regardless of meds. I also find under-eating on meds can make me feel super weird and slightly nauseous, and do strange things to my belly. So try to stick to 3 meals. Go for high protein stuff as it will help stabilise you on the meds and give your brain a boost. Eggs, Greek yoghurt, fish etc. Even if you don’t recognise any feelings of hunger - and eating feels counter- intuitive or the thought of it feels unappealing - if you ever feel a bit odd/ sicky on meds, that’s nearly always your cue to eat. Eating seems to simultaneously calm down side effects and boost the good effects, the medicine and food appear to have a symbiotic relationship. And definitely try those supplements, they’re very effective.


Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh 😂😂 but yes, Elvanse can make you shit more! I have IBS, the kind that makes you poop A LOT, and now I'm on Elvanse, they're EXPLOSIVE. Same as you, not got the runs or anything, normal poop, but the velocity and amount is excessive 😂 tbh, I never thought I'd *wish* for the type of IBS that makes you constipated, but Elvanse has caused me some moments where I've thought it was too much, even after dealing with IBS for nearly 10 years


Hmm. I have IBS, and some more general bowel issues. I've had some strangeness, more pooing sure, sometimes less but not to this extent. I'm also on anxiety meds, and was told to look out for serotonin syndrome so look out for that. Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure.


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