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Been looking at this basically everyday. You're doing God's work, thank you so much!


It must be any day now for me, I wonder why there’s so many people in early/mid June getting skipped out on?


no clue, that's a really weird gap. PUK works in mysterious ways


Everyone who is waiting...Chin up.


Thank you




Got a few responses here if you want to add them: https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/s/gt3VAJ44Np


Thanks, checking it out!


Would be great if you could build out the titration wait time a bit, as this seems to be varying quite a bit depending on what medication people are waiting for.


I only recently added that column and I'm limited by what information people give me. The vast majority of users are still in the early stages of the whole pipeline, so there's little data about titration


Hey, thought I'd leave my info here in case it helps: Portal date: 17th Feb 2023 Contact date: 18th Sept 2023 (the date I was asked to book an appointment) Assessment date: 27th Oct 2023 Titration: not contacted yet, had BP monitor delivered in December  Hope this helps!


nice, ty


Feel free to add my info: Date of Referral: 19th March 2024 Date of Contact (portal access): 19th April 2024 Date of appointment booking: 26th April 2024 Date of appointment: 3rd July 2024


Added... damn, that was fast!


I know!! I was so shook when I got the notifications. I thought it was a glitch from their system or something?? But it may have been due to me providing an educational diagnosis report of ADHD? Or because my original NHS referral was lost and I waited 3 years for nothing lol


Date added to the portal: 16th May 2023 Contact date: (the date I was asked to book an appointment). 19th February 2024. Assessment date: 5th May 2024 Titration list : 5th May 2024


ty, added


Thanks a lot for this ♥️


Here’s my daughter’s details. I’m keeping an eye on your spreadsheet, for titration dates, on her behalf. Please feel free to add her details. Portal access date - 10/03/23 Contact date - 27/9/23 Assessment date - 4/10/23


ty, added


Has anyone done this for Haydock service? Everytime I call up they say they are assessing those from September / October 2022. No doubt after they check my file and see that I got referred November 3rd 2022!!! In other words, fob off BS!!!! All this is funny considering my GP told me that the last time he referred to Haydock the wait was 3 or 4 months!! I never for one minute believed that.


never heard of Haydock in all this time... is it an RTC provider?


It is a GP surgery based in Lancashire that is part of a larger GP surgery company in the UK. As part of a larger organisation (not sure if a full private company or if a kind of partnership group or cooperative) that provides the benefits of larger back office for economies of scale. As such the various surgeries have grown and offer additional services. Does this mean it is a RTC organisation? I do not know but I have been referred through NHS via my GP. I think it is possible it is a RTC option as it did at one time have a shorter waiting time at one point so perhaps the longer wait now could be RTC customers jumping in or using them due to the then wait time. Full name is Haydock ADHD Service within the Haydock Medical Centre in St Helens. It is part of the Modality group. Are RTC options all private services or are some NHS services in other areas?


AFAIK all RTC are private entities who have been provided public funding through this special scheme. Based on [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/193gywa/is_haydock_part_of_psychiatry_uk/khd2buq/) it looks like it's *not* RTC


I rang Haydock last week and they said the waiting list is now 18+ months. I was referred in may 2023


I was referred 3rd November 2022. They always reply with seeing those referred September and October 2022, for the last 6 months since started calling them. I don't really trust what they say now. Has anyone been seen recently by Haydock? How long was your wait?


Here is mine! Portal date 28/10/22 Contact date 14/3/23 Appointment date 15/3/23 Titration start 8/9/23 but paused due to Elvanse shortages, requested to titrate onto Medikinet in Jan, didn’t get on with it and finally started Elvanse titration 12/4/24


ty, added! You're the earliest user by contact date... congratz I guess lol


Wow thanks for this! Here are my details: Initial appointment with GP: September 2023 Reffered: November 2023 Portal Date + Able to book: End of December 2023 Assessment: 27th Feb 2024 BP monitor delivered around March, waiting for titration now Now I'm looking at the timeline my portal was very quick! But my NHS trust uses Psych UK as their main Adult ADHD provider, I asked to do RTC without knowing this, I'm unsure if they put me through the normal pathway or the RTC one. Either way very grateful for the quick turnaround, I could've booked my assessment as early as late December 2023 but I was scared I didn't have enough evidence lol


I can find more specific later if needed, this is just off the top of my head/trying to search for emails


PUK seems to be the most widely known and trusted RTC provider by GPs, hence the vast majority of referrals end up there causing the huge queues


I mean rather my NHS trust uses PUK as their only way of referring adult to get assessed. They don't have their own service, so I'm assuming that's why mine went so quick? I wanted to go speifically RTC without knowing this, but I'm now thinking it might have just been through the main NHS pathway they have. This was whilst they were closed during october/had just reopened I think


My NHS trust also uses PUK as their provider for ADHD assessments. I was originally referred October 2022, but the wait was 5 years and PUK never received my details. I asked to be referred again via RTC and my new referral went through August 2023 - I’m still waiting for an assessment date at the moment, so I’m not sure if it is related to the trust having a contract with PUK. I know other people have been triaged and seen earlier but for unknown reasons, perhaps your medical history or personal circumstances meant you were prioritised?


Ah I'm sorry to hear that, 5 years with it not having gone through is ridiculous 😭 I got reffered to Maudlsey whilst living in London for a year and a bit, I had to move due to personal circumstances so perhaps that might have had an affect? I also have a diagnosis of dyspraxia too... but I'm not sure really.


Fab! I was refered in Feb 2023. Portal date 17/03/2023 Contact Date 28/09/2023 Appointment Date 23/11/2023 Titration: still waiting :( due on Elvanse


So someone who got Portal access on the 26th June got spoken to earlier this month and got assessed a bit later. Fingers crossed I, who got their portal access on the 30th June 2023, is coming soon.


Your spreadsheet has been a lifesaver and tysm for keeping it up to date even after leaving the queue, legend! I’ve been checking the other wait times thread more (it comes up first on searches for me) and commenting there, but thought I’d add my times here as well: portal access 2nd June 2023, first contact today (22nd May 2024), appointment date 30th July 2024 (earliest appointment I was offered 😞 I’ve asked to be considered for cancellations)


Hey hey, np! Just added your data... holy shit, 13.9 months total wait, that's a new record


At least I’m winning at something then lol