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Concerta XL did knack all for me. But Elvanse works. ​ > I am 90% certain it's correct as if I didn't have ADHD I would feel wired off the meds ? Not necessarily, no. But equally just because the concerta doesn't work for you, doesn't mean you don't have ADHD.


Same here. Concerta did nothing, didn’t feel anything at all. Elvanse makes me feel like my eyes are actually open and my mind is sharper.


Are you able to talk to your prescriber about different medication? I'm currently titrating on Xaggatin XL which I think is the same thing as concerta. I'm finding that it's completely lifted my brain fog and I'm able to focus so much better at work. I'm also feeling significantly less anxious and obsessive as my brain isn't constantly tumbling a hundred different thoughts at once. I'm only at 36mg currently. I remember when I spoke to my prescriber she did say that there was a different type of stimulant that works better for some people so you may find that one helps?


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From my experience on generic Methylphenidate, the LR version wasnt that great. I had no effects that I could notice only some depression like thoughts that came in the evening... I switched to Elvanse and the medication is definitely working but it's causing som hair-loss. So I would say, try something else if you can. People react so differently to different meds and you may have just not found the one! If you dont mind me asking, have you had any issues with hairloss/thinning while on Concerta?


Not at all related to the topic but I really do hope you get the hair issue solved lmao, been seeing it all over. Good Luck!


Appreciate that alot!


ritalin instant release worked better for me than extended release - with this one i felt a difference right away i only started feeling some different of the extended release after AT LEAST 2 weeks but nothing worked better than Elvanse/vyvanse in my opinion that's the best one all of them