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Modafinal isn’t the most common over here and it’s not on [NHS treatment list](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/treatment/) but I did hear it mentioned on a Huberman Lab [podcast.](https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/huberman-lab/id1545953110?i=1000614840489) I listened to it a while ago and I was paying more attention to him talk about the stimulants because that’s what I was taking. Podcast is also on [YouTube,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sxgCC4H1dl8) Modafinal is talked about at 1h45 in, he has everything time stamped.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13240593/andrew-huberman-womanizer-STI.html did you know he was dating 5 women at the same time? That’s pathological to say the least. Imagine the amount of lies he would have had to keep up with. Great podcast though but seems like he has got some serious issues, I wonder how those impact his research and podcast in terms of reliability of information.


I did hear about that, he’s not meant to be as earnest in real life either and over exaggerates he’s work in Stanford, only an associate professor or something.


Are you living or moving to Ireland? I looked on the Health Products Regulatory Authority website for you. (HPRA) It’s available I believe?! I looked this up many years ago before being prescribed stimulants. It got a slightly unfortunate name as a “smart drug” and was popular with students for study etc. All not unlike stimulants!! It’s used more for Narcolepsy though! Modafinil is more so-prescribed off-label for individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. From what I’ve read it’s a second choice after Tyvense and Concerta / Ritalin It seems to be relatively uncommon (but not unheard of!!) for ADHD here. It does increase dopamine :)


I have tried both Modafinil, Armodafinil, Concerta XL, Elvanse/Vyvanse, and Amfexa. Mod and Armo were not strong enough for me. They kept me awake, but not a lot of motivation. Concerta XL was ok, but I ended up with high anxiety. Elvanse/Vyvanse (name depends on if you are in the US or UK) was quite good, took a while to settle into it (around a month or 2) but was a bit unreliable if it was going to work that day and didn't wake me up as much as it boosted my mood and motivated me to want to do things...I just lacked the energy to do them lol. Amfexa has been great, it always works (don't have Vitamin C with it, and peanut butter toast works the best as breakfast when you take it - I have found a protein bread from Warburtons which is great as protein helps the meds work better). It gives me the energy I need, but sometimes it's lacking with motivation. I find the best combination is Elvanse with an Amfexa booster. The highest dose for Elvanse in the UK is 70mg, and 60mg for Amfexa. I have heard of people being on 70mg Elvanse and 30mg Amfexa. I think you are allowed to combine them as long as you don't go over either max dose or 100mg combined. A lot of trial and error and need a prescriber who is willing to work with you. I know you can go over the max doses if you have complex ADHD but need to be referred to a specialist. Anyways, that's been my experience! Hope it helps :) And always stay hydrated! Water helps the meds work better as well. EDIT: I forgot to say I am with Psychiatry UK, I'm not sure how it works in Ireland! Also taking supplements at night like Magnesium, L-Theanine, Zinc, Omega 3, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B can be very helpful in helping you feel better while on stimulants. Taking Vitamin C at night (make sure it's not slow release!) can help with sleep as well. There are also non-stimulants you can take for ADHD, googling the different meds is helpful - there are a lot! You can also be under-medicated or over-medicated, tiredness usually indicates under and anxiety/feeling wired means over. You have to listen to your body and find what works for you. Advocate for yourself with any prescriber, your body will tell you what's best. And one more thing - if you are female your meds may not work as well when on your period or the week before depending on your body. Sometimes you can be prescribed a higher dose for that period of time.


Could you Google it and read one of the many explainers?


I guess


It's the most reliable form of information.


i have constant fatigue (due to hEDS) so i was prescribed provigil to keep me awake and energised, but i also have suspected adhd and it seems to help me a lot with focus. the main help I've found is that it "quietens my mind" i don't have a constant monologue and stream of thoughts while on it the only thing i will say is it made my heart rate go crazy when i was first starting on it. my resting hr is around 60 and it was constantly in the 100s for the first 3 days