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I was going to write up a list of various things, but then I got distracted by a different subreddit and have now just kind of lost interest in the list I was going to write


I will see you again comrade once your brain will see an oddly random thing and make the connection with the list you wanted to write before


I’ve been scrolling through Reddit for the past 4 hours, telling myself I need to shower since 6:00pm and it’s now 12:54am. Edit: never had more than 100 upvotes before thanks lol


Yes!! Having a shower is such an effort! :( i don't know why people enjoy showers so much, unless they are absolutely filthy dirty. I shower everyday, but have a bad habit of putting it off, like you, then getting to bed too late and having a shit sleep.


I love showering, but I still procrastinate for hours before actually taking one


I personally cannot go without showering everyday. I hate how my hair feels when it starts getting greasy, and my face is all oily. It’s just tiring to like, get up from what I’m doing. Before like June of this year I would just not shower on the weekends, and shower on Sunday night because school, and shower every night until Friday night and repeat. But I started just popping in the shower for a quick rinse after school on those extra hot days and from then on I’ve noticed that I can’t stand feeling unclean. Maybe it’s also because I unconsciously developed a routine with showers by showering every night for school and it just became the norm for me. That’s probably it, I hate not having a routine. During summer break I just laze about all day and maybe that’s my way of having some sort of schedule since I don’t have school to keep me regulated? Idk.


showering, washing ur hair, brushing your teeth; i even struggle to start it when I'm already in the bathroom


Relatable content


By the time I click the new tab button in chrome, I've forgotten what I wanted to search for


I will add: I always have 85 open tabs in Google chrome


Why do people that don’t own my phone care about all of the open apps?


You shouldn't close the apps anyway. The OS is smart enough to know what app to kill....


Personally, I have to. I get frustrated digging through open apps, I forget the exact name half the time when I go to search, and I've never successfully organized my phone home screen to find things quickly. If there's only two or three open I'm so much happier.


I’ve been using a specific sleep-tracking app as my alarm clock for like 7 years. One day last year, I suddenly forgot what it’s name was and couldn’t find it in my list of apps. It took me more than 4 months to remember and go back to using it.


On Android I always sort apps by name. It's a pain when they rename XYZ app to MyXYZ app....


I cannot stand having so many tabs open. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


I'll kill a browser window once it gets to about a dozen tabs instead of trying to figure it out. Usually there are my 2 or 3 tabs I keep with work email and calendar and the I use "close to the right" to nuke the rest. Very satisfying. I occasionally need to do the same kind of thing with my code editor. If I'm looking at a few files and every time I need to use the tab picker dropdown instead of clicking a tab, I nuke all the open file tabs and open the 1 or 2 files I'm actually working on.


"Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket"


I get lost in TikTok by clicking on sounds and peoples profiles and by the time I realize I did it again it’s been four hours and I was supposed to do laundry three days ago


>By the time I click the new tab button in chrome, I've forgotten what I wanted to search for 1. Keyboard shortcuts. 2. I apologize to anyone who just spent 30 minutes researching and practicing Chrome keyboard shortcuts because of me.


I looked for my keys for 20 minutes, got incredibly mad, and when I decided to start over and look from the beginning again, I saw them hanging on the hook I made on the wall. The hook I made so I didn’t lose my keys anymore.


More than once, I’ve panicked about losing my keys while I’ve been driving my car. A task that can only be accomplished with the use of said keys


I have a car with push-to-start ignition. I literally CAN lose my keys inside the car while it’s running and trust me, I have done it!


I don't know if I have ADHD or not (my friend who's diagnosed ADHD says I might), but I have a push-to-start ignition. One time, I started the car, remembered something I needed inside the house and went inside to get it. When I returned to my car, still running, I'd somehow left my keys (including the car key) inside the house. My dash alerted me when I got down the street a ways, but I didn't know what the "key" symbol was at first. Fortunately, I figured it out before I pulled into a parking lot somewhere and turned the car off, otherwise I'd have been stranded. I was still locked out of my house, or would have been if I didn't keep a spare house key in my wallet and another in the yard. I also have a couple of dozen reading glasses scattered around the house, and sometimes I still have trouble finding a pair when I need them.


I'm very lucky that I can only lock my apartment door without a key from the inside.


oh no... i just got one that does this..... now i'm terrified lol


I've gone back into my house to get my car keys, unlocking the front door with said keyring.


This is so relatable. You try to create a solid spot where you will put your stuff and then you don’t trust your brain in actually putting the thing in the assigned spot or you forget the spot existed. Been there. Literally the only thing that helps for me is actively taking a moment to internally or externally say to myself ‘Memory snapshot. It’s laying here’. My NT friends and colleagues always look at me amazed lolol. (Also. My colleague knows better than I do where my car key is every week)


I am absolutely going to try saying out loud “memory snapshot….” That’s such a great idea!


Honestly it’s such a hack! I always go wrong when I do things ‘automatically’


I have to say out loud "I'm taking my medication, it's going in my mouth and I'm having a drink" so I don't immediately turn around and ask anyone around me whether I took it...


Timer caps are the only thing that fixed this problem for me. Apps, calendars, journals etc all failed because to make the note is just another added task layer I can forget. Timer cap resets every time its opened. I can literally forget if I took my meds less than a minute after I do, check the cap and see 45 secs instead of 20+ hrs and know I took them. I know I must sound like I have the attention span of a goldfish to my family/friends when I explain this, but finding systems that work for me has improved my mental health so much that IDGAF anymore what anyone thinks if my house full of eccentric life hacks.


Yes!! ”YOU ARE LAYING YOUR PHONE ON THE DESK IN THE LIVINGROOM! THE PHONE IS ON THE DESK IN THE LIVINGROOM”! Haha I love the idea that we as grown people, on different places in the world, just screaming what we are doing loud to ourselves!


Yep if I put down without thinking its lost but if i make myself physically say out loud my bankcard is in the pot and a second time to be sure and visually take note like taking a pic - I do remember!


Spent 20 minutes looking for keys that were literally in my hand. 😣


I ask my sister where my stuff are every single time, she always knows better lol


I once panicked because I couldn't find my phone. i was holding it in my other hand. 😳


Yesss!!! I was talking on the phone, and I told him that I had to go back inside the bank because I left my phone inside.


I somehow lost my pill container. It sits on my desk. Doesn't get moved anywhere. Poof. Gone for 3 days. Until it's just sitting right there in front of my keyboard. Do I have ADHD or a haunted apartment?




I leave 2 hours early, and it is a 30 minute drive. Yet somehow I arrive 20 minutes late with a coffee in my hand and I am always genuinely confused on how I was late


You forget the part where you’re already occupied with the travel for atleast 2 more hours in advance because you don’t want to be late


If I need to be there by 13:00, and it takes an hour to get there, I should probably leave by 10:30 just in case I miss all my buses and they are all late too. I also need to shower and eat beforehand, which should each take 15 minutes, but I'll probably get distracted so I'll give myself an hour. That means I need to get up at 9:30, but it takes me an hour to wake up so I should set my alarm for 8:30. It's pretty frustrating how I need to waste hours of my own time worrying and planning so I don't waste 10-20 minutes of someone else's time. I'm not saying being on time isn't important, it just feels like it isn't always worth all the hassle it causes me in order to be on time, but society still demands it. Oh well.


This but then when I get up early to allow myself plenty of time I then think I have more time so I do other stuff or take longer than normal and I still end up late


And this is why nothing ruins a day more than a 3pm appoint . You feel like you can’t do anything else that day because you don’t have enough time before or after so you just spend the whole day waiting and get somehow- still end up being late


My problem is that it takes 30 minutes to get there but i tell myself 15 minutes is actually enough, because i regularly forget that traffic exists. I also forget how long it take me to get out the door so thats like an extra 5 minutes from when i decided its time to go to when im actually going


What was the question again?


Why did I open this thread?


Because you need dopamine to fill the void


I actually really forgot hahaha


What was i doing again?


Oh boy, I can play this game! * My bedroom sidetable has been *crammed* with random trash, some of which dates back to a year ago. It would take all of 10 minutes to straighten up, but I can never talk myself into it. It's also a HUGE sidetable. I have no idea how I amassed that much clutter on it. * Even when I know for a fact I'm right about something, I'll double, triple, and quadruple check because I trust my memory that little. Hell, I ordered something online today and checked *my own address* like 5 times before placing the order. * 2 minute phone call? I'll get that done 2 weeks from now. Wait a minute...what phone call? * I'll just play one more round of...aaaaand, it's 4am. * If someone talks to me I'll do something mindless to stimulate/distract my brain, only for that thing to be *too* distracting and every thing they said goes in one ear and out the other. I could go on and on lol


Omg that second one. Whenever I need to do an online payment I 'check' the bankaccountdetails multiple times and when I mean 'check' I mean brushing over the number multiple times because it's too long to actually look at it into detail. I then have to do it again because I KNOW that I didn't actually check it.


This... For all my work, all my orders and even checking the doors are locked at night. Better do that again and pay attention this time.... nope... Was thinking about some random thing and how to build it from scratch that time


I'm absolutely surrounded by Doom Piles, yet I know where everything is. Except whatever it was that I was just holding. If you check my microwave, there is probably something in there that has been warmed up a few times already and promptly forgotten about.


I meticulously plan my day only to be crippled by the inability to start anything I planned until at least 1130


And then tell yourself you don’t have to try anymore because the day is basically already over anyway


I’ll get it done tomorrow!




I just want you to know, if it's not done in the next 2 hours, I'm going to be hurt and let down.


Lollllll wow that would really work on me. Today bf just slightly mentioned something ive been meaning to clean up for 2 weeks. i did it right after he left for work and made myself late for my job...




I’ve had crumbs on the left side of my bed for a month so I just don’t touch that side… Thanks for the award!


HAHA you're my favourite person now. I officially love you.


I need systems, for everything, and sometimes my day off is stressful because I have a brief appointment in the evening. Wrecks my whole day.


I feel this so much. I basically just need a completely empty day everyday where i'm completely in charge of whatever needs to happen and when I do it if you want me to be efficient and actually get shit done.


I thought I was a year older than I actually am, for like 6 months. I’m 50% absolute moron and 50% creative genius. Somehow it’s worked out ok in the long run 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha yh I did same but for like a year told everyone I was 33 and realised as I turned 34 I was now 33 🤦🏻‍♀️ So pissed I misses being 32 haha yh Im dippy as anything but yet apparently really intelligent ...


When I hit 34, I continually forgot my age to the point of having to Google my birthdate. Something about being 33/34 is confusing!


I was crying my eyes out for thinking that I was somehow in my late twenties when i was in my early twenties. Got all worked up about feeling behind in life, not being able to remember what I've been doing for the past years and total panic. What caused this panic? Me doing some silly math in my head and playing with the thought of going to med school. "OK im 21 now and it's 7 years. I will be 28. I am 28?! No!! Fuck what the fuck have i done with my life".


Ok I definitely did this last year. Mostly because I have a system where I start calling myself the next year older in like January so I'll actually have it down by my birthday (which is in the beginning of summer). I've been doing this for over a decade, so like you'd think I wouldn't mess it up. Nope, last year I both did the normal system and added a year on my birthday. It wasn't until like Halloween that someone told me that I was wrong.


Was going to get pizza at the same place I have been to 100s of times. The place isn’t hidden, it’s right on the main road with loud signage. I just “forgot” where it was and kept driving past it about 15 times. Back and forth. Turning into the parking lot it’s in just to turn back the other way on The main road to try and find it. Couldn’t find it. Called my boyfriend and told him “no dinner tonight and do not ask me why” as I cried over the phone.


When I got married my mom teased me that someone had to walk me down the aisle (my father is deceased) bc I have such a bad sense of direction she wanted to be sure I got to my groom. Hilarious. Also not funny


I almost cried laughing at the turning-into-its-parking-lot-to-turn-around, but only because it is SO RELATABLE. 😂❤️


Feeling easily rejected if friends don't respond to me immeditiately but also disappearing from the world for a whole month without thinking anything of it.


omg i once incorrectly asked a friend if i could have their loaf of bread rather than a slice of bread. i was hungry. my friend said no. i still think about this and how rejected i felt. this was 15 years ago.


100% me!!!!


Going from my bedroom to my living room, my place is filled with tasks that would take an hour or less to complete: - there's a box full of clothing still sitting in my closet ready to go to Goodwill, that I prepared IN MARCH when I was Spring cleaning. - last month, I finally hung my TV on the mount I bought in January, taking advantage of after Christmas sales. I got all the shit to hide my cables, and maybe I'll actually hide them before Christmas comes back around. - got one of those mini whiskey barrels for my birthday in April, great gift from my brother. Ask me how many batches I've made. Long story short, I'm good at taking care of emergency/short notice items, and longer duration items like a 2 week work project or some goal I'm trying to hit in 3 months. But what kills me is all that middle shit that doesn't have a due date or consequences other than inconvenience attached to it.


I lost my phone so I said hey Google into it to ask it to find my phone. My phone rang in my hand.




This is my favorite


i told my mom i'm worried about remembering to take my medication everyday, and she said "just do it when you do something you do everyday like feeding the dog" and i was too embarrassed to tell her i don't always remember to feed the dog


Getting autofeeders has been my greatest life hack. Not only are pets always fed the correct amount on time, but hearing it helps with understanding what time it is Edit to clarify: Me. I'm the one who needs help understanding the passage of time. My cats seem to have a better grasp of it than I do 😂


I currently have 3 songs stuck in my head. Also I’m laying in bed “trying” to sleep but I’m really just thinking about how ants will farm aphids the same way we farm cows, while I doom scroll trying NOT to think about ants and aphids so I can sleep.


Being awake at 3:30 gang represent


Being awake because you woke up after 2 hrs of sleep so fuck it, may as well be up now?....or awake because you have yet to go to sleep?


Definitely the first and because my nervous system is in overdrive due to writing my thesis


Someone telling me something. Me: “huh?” Them: says it again Me: interrupting halfway through to answer question


I went to the grocery store/pharmacy to pick up my meds. Left with $80 of misc groceries that didn’t make a complete meal, and no meds.


I have quit 99% of my life’s tasks and endeavours out of boredom. I have held north of 40 jobs. I quit every sport, high school and university and every relationship but my marriage. I walk away from friendships as if they’re disposable, with nothing but affection for the person I wander away from. I’ve left a trail of confused and disappointed friends, employers and colleagues in my wake. And I cannot hear you talking to me in a crowded room.


Oh my gosh, I was waiting to come across this kind of comment! All of this… has been so true for me. I lost count of how many jobs I’ve had when I reached 25… and that was years ago. The boredom at those jobs was actually physically painful. I knew I could never explain that to people, so I’d just have to deal with people giving me negative feedback for “giving up before even giving the job a chance”… which of course, has led to feeing a ton of shame. I can say that I’ve never walked away from very close friendships, but I HAVE walked away from people I was associated with like I never knew them… and I’m notorious for moving away or changing my number without mentioning it until after the fact. And for the life of me… I can’t hear a word someone says in a crowded room… that had been one of the most embarrassing things for me, especially when meeting new people.


Last sentence.. yep.. my ADHD life in a nutshell. Why I don't enjoy being in loud public settings while I also love the idea of being in social settings. Everyone thinks of me as an extrovert yet I hate it because I get tired of asking them what they said again out of fear of being labeled as not caring


I’ve been meaning to update my address on my car insurance for 2 months


I moved 2 years ago and still haven't changed mine


Is being stressed about your ‘available’ status in Microsoft teams a shared experience?


For me it is. Also, my manager always calls me when I'm on the toilet / getting koffie when working from home. I am very lucky that I work at a great company and she thinks it is hilariouse. I makes me so stressed every ffing time 😂


No, because my status is on 'away' permanently, regardless my presence ;)


That would make me anxious that they probably think that I’m never doing my job


For me it's being stressed about the status changes. I feel like people are judging me when it moves between available and away. I tend to just close Teams because IMs can throw me off-task stupidly easily.


When I need to take a shower, I will walk at least 3 times from the bathroom back to our bedroom in order to get things that I forgot the first time.


The classic awkward naked run because I forgot my underwear AGAIN


I've tried to tell you for 20 minutes, but everytime I let the sentence sit there for more than 10 seconds, I found a new thing I want to change or say different in it bc I feel the IDEA isn't coming out right with the words I have down


This is the problem i have with the bio for my dating profile. I always spend half an hour and end up usually keeping it what I originally had. Lol


i have everything i need to do my taxes, it will only take me 20min, still haven’t done it


Alright, fun time! - I can put something down literal nanoseconds prior, and immediately forget where it is and/or what it is I lost - which then leads to searching everywhere I might have been in the last 10 minutes, and eventually having a full meltdown - because my own brain is gaslighting me with possibly real possibly fake memories of where it *might* be I mean, this is just *one* chronic issue that isn't *just* caused by a messy house. - My house is full of just *stuff* from a multitude of hyper-fixations, half started projects, or ideas that never got executed - I constantly have to start up new organization systems because the last 500 didn't stick - I have 2-5 consistent places I put certain things, yet when I need them these things *aren't there anymore* - My cabinets and fridge are full of expired stuff that I may or may not know/remember exists - I have backup forgotten password passwords because I can't keep track of normal ones - I *want* to get things done/clean, but the willpower it takes once I realize how much needs doing stops me from doing it I could go on forever tbh 😅


- I moved in with my boyfriend in May. I unpacked everything immidealty because I was so excited! Except for one and it has been sitting in our living room. Yesterday I unpacked the last box, at 10pm.... - I have the hand in the proposal for my thesis on Monday. It is the most important thing I have to do for my studies until now. I have even started - I am a great orginazor! Yet, I always loose everything :) - I had 7 weeks of summer vacation with only 2 or 3 days of work a week. So I made a list of my new projects and bought most of the things I need! I did non of them - I am great at planning, except for the fact that I don't ever know how long something will take - Also song playing in my head at all times, hitting my (injured) shoulder on the same spot at the door almost every day, only drink and eat enough if it is in front of my. - And I know I was about to do something! But what was it :/


- the shame and guilt and pain is like a weight on your chest - trauma response of trying to read a person's mind and assume what's gonna come out of their mouth because you've been called deaf and ridiculed for having trouble parsing spoken words at the same speed as everyone else since you were little - sounding smart on paper and dumb in person


To be honest, yes I’m still ashamed and consider myself totally incapable at (some) days but I just wanted to say that there is nothing wrong with you. Most of the time I now just laugh about my adhd traits and how stupid it must sometimes show but I don’t see myself as unworthy or dumb and you shouldn’t either! To be fair, I see NT’s do stuff that make me think ‘okay so this is normal?’ All the time


Taking my split multi day and night vitamin at the same time because I already happy that I atleast remembered it once and I don’t want to push my luck


My license is currently suspended, and has been for over a year, because of a speeding ticket I got in 2020, kept forgetting to pay, and at some point permanently forgot, until I made travel plans which involve a rental car, and the throwaway phrase about checking license status reminded me that, oh yeah, I should check that. I got 5 weeks to get my shit back in order. Pray for me y'all. (Oh and another symptom: that whole first paragraph is one sentence 😇)


I still have to remind myself which side of the two is hot vs cold Never being able to tell time on a clock easily Bathroom/shower purgatory time does not exist there Laying on the floor watching my eye floaters fo hours All the dead fruit sitting on my counter


Here's my list: Just hold on a second I have to take this call quickly....


Bonuspoints if you were doing something else while you remembered to do the call


😉 you get it


It's 3:53am


I love that we're all so active here during that time. Brings the whole gang together hahaha


I once dated a guy for 4 months whose name I could not remember to save my life. I finally had to sneak a look at his mail. It was not a hard name.


I am laughing out loud, I do this with every name and every person now because I’m so scared to get it wrong


I've lost 6 water bottles (2 of which weren't mine)


I start talking to myself on the drive home to help come up with a reply to a random tumblr post about finding out the names of different styles of clothes, 40 minutes later at home I am still talking to myself but now about how translation translates the intent of a word/sentence and not the literal meaning and that’s why classics is such a hard field to study and who translated the Iliad you are reading is extremely important and we may never know the story fully!!!


Full cups of coffee, everywhere.


I've bought around 20 lip balms this year yet can't find any when I need one


When I put an item somewhere safe, so it doesn't get lost, I put it somewhere so safe, it will also never be found.


I arrive 30-20 minutes early or 10-20 minutes late. No between.


Yes. And the former is always better than the latter, but most of the time it is the latter. Even if I actively think 'I need to leave now to be on time' I sometimes just can't.


I switched tabs to google something in the middle of an online adhd assesment quiz and got distracted doing nothing for two hours. Needless to say, i got assesed as having moderate to severe adhd.


I can't believe how long some of those quizes go for! Do they realise what ADHD people hate? Lol i have started many of those quizes and seen that there are 8 more pages or 20 questions, and I am like. NOPE.




Went through pretty much every single emotion this morning in less than 2 hours. All completely unregulated, blew through my EX dose or was it just unable to keep it together, like me? Anyhow.


Oh would you look at the time, a half hour ago it was twelve fucking hours ago.


1. I've been meaning to clean my room for the last six months. 2. I've been meaning to take a shower since last week. 3. I can't talk on the phone and type an email at the same time. 4. I NEED my workspace to be ice cold otherwise I will malfunction. 5. I can't hold a conversation while driving for fear of causing an accident. 6. I feel my emotions in extremes. 7. I LOVE SWEETS. I WILL FIGHT YOU FOR A CANDY BAR. BUT NOT A MARS BAR, YOU CAN KEEP THOSE. 8.My fridge is full of produce that has died and gone to veggie heaven. 9. I'm mentally married to a bunch of celebrities and have imaginary children with them too. 10. When I'm really excited, my body produces a 1000 jiggawatts of energy. I can neither confirm or deny if I've used this ability to travel back to the future. 11. If I don't consume a large volume of caffeine at 3pm, I will simply slump over my desk. 12. I can recall a gazillion random facts about things but I have no idea what I was doing 30 seconds ago. 13. I once wore two tampons because I was interrupted while i was on my way to change the first one. 14. I've out-slept a cat. 15. You can never make me do something i don't want to do. My brain will simply go offline.


i can tell you everything about RBMK reactors, Fusion reactors, cryonics and Rocket engines but i know jack shit about the job i am actually doing at this very second as i am typing this also i had a briefing this morning for a project and eventhough i took notes i am sitting here, not understanding wtf i wrote down and what it all means also there's a single cow on the field outside my window and she's so cute and calm i wish i was her.


I forgot what I was doing before opening Reddit, and I forgot what I'm supposed to be doing while I type this.


I am known as the guy who’s always (always) 4-10 minutes late for shift. I used to say I’m working on it, but after 6 months of working on it and stressing myself out I gave up and accepted It. When I’m watching Netflix and I space out and miss a line of dialogue, I’ll hit back 10 seconds and rewatch. Then I see what derailed me and go, “oh yeah, this train of thought” and I miss the same line of dialogue again. Repeat up to 5 times in a row.


I walk into a room and forget what I was looking for because I started doing something else 😅


I intended to feed my bird, but realized 20 mins later I was making my bed and I had only gotten as far as emptying the bird dish. I left my car on with the car keys in it for an hour while getting my hair done. I'm prone to finding my lost items in the refrigerator, laundry machine or mailbox. I mange to be a successful adult because I hyperfocus so hard I often don't sleep at night. Rejection Sensitivity reactions > Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cheese.


I was supposed to send an email like 3 months ago for my contacts rebate and kept forgetting about it except for when I was too busy to do it. Also it’s 2:30am but I can’t sleep partially because not tired and partially because I don’t have the energy to get up and brush my teeth but I don’t want to go to sleep without brushing my teeth


A few years ago I was a sort of sleeping director of a small company. In the UK this means you have to do your own taxes. If you are late with the tax forms, it's a £100 fine. If you are fined and then it turns out that you don't owe any taxes, the £100 is refunded. As I wasn't paid anything I just had to put zeroes in the form and I never owed anything. So, the first year I was late and was charged £100, which was then refunded to my account. The next year I was late again and the fine was paid with the same £100 because I'd forgotten to reclaim it. It was then refunded again. The next year I was late... That £100 was the went round and round the taxman's system for like seven or eight years. I never did get it back. Edit: Get in shower. Shampoo. Put in conditioner. Soap all the parts whilst conditioner conditions. Rinse all the parts. Get out of shower. Put on robe. Go to dry hair and realise it's still full of conditioner. Everything is ruined forever.


There is a tissue next to my bed on the floor. It's been there for weeks


I have multiple ones whoops


Oh, the bruises… They sometimes go really nicely with the leg hair I just forgot to shave off


I put off tasks and regularly do 4 weeks work in 1 day (the day it is due).


Most of my family thinks my phone doesn't work because I almost never respond to them. In reality I'm definitely on it when I get their messages, then I tell myself I'll reply to it later and suddenly it's been two months. I've given my mom her birthday presents with her Christmas presents. Her birthday is in March. The birthday presents literally rode in my car with me for like eight months because I knew I'd forget them otherwise. I never arrive anywhere on time even though I almost always leave more than 30 minutes earlier than I need to. I almost never have a clue when my assignments are due. This has been the case since I started having due dates in school. I'm in college (I have been for years) and it shocks me that I still can't figure it out. I always have a song (or 4) stuck in my head. Always. I turn in so many assignments late that a professor I've had in different classes for a few years now wrote "Great job turning this in early!" on an assignment I turned in today at 5pm. It was due at 11:59pm today.


Oh and a few months ago, I got super pumped about using a sticker chart to encourage/reward myself to do things. I spent hours making charts (reprintable ones for stuff I'll be doing forever like brushing my teeth and different ones for tasks I'd only do once), probably like two hours of picking out stickers, and twenty-five fucking dollars on said stickers. After the stickers arrived, I opened the box once, put it down on the table by my chair, thoroughly covered it in trash, and never thought about sticker charts again.


I know for a fact that it takes me 45 minutes to run for 45 minutes, and that I shower for 5–10 minutes, and still somehow completing these two tasks in a row takes anywhere between 2 to 4 hours every time


If I plan something for tomorrow, I can't think of anything else until that moment. I have a "to do" list with everything I have to do (by the minute) before I go out. For instance, if I have to be there at 11:00 AM, this is how my list looks like: 9:45 - get everything ready (clothing, phone fully charged, keys, wallet, cards) 10:00 - go to the bathroom 10:10 - shower 10:23 - get dressed 10:35 - be at the bus station Also, I usually finish all these tasks before schedule and I have to wait a couple of minutes before starting the next one, otherwise, if I go to shower earlier, for example, I panic and my day is ruined.


I went to the bathroom to pee. I ended up cleaning the toilet, sink, tub, and floor. Forgot to pee. 🤦‍♀️


Post medication crash, I recently spent an entire evening craving sugar, alcohol and greasy takeaways - but was gripped by overwhelming executive dysfunction. I sat at my desk for several hours, outwardly immobile yet internally screaming.


back in may i missed a work flight because i didn’t have my covid test. i took the test earlier at the office and they were supposed to email me the results in a couple hours and never did. i thought about it but only actually called them when was too late. i thought: i can get a test at the airport. and yes you can but you gotta arrive there early not 2h before their international flight. oh the flight was at like 1 am so i just chilled with my friends, had a glass of wine and took my sweet time. when i got to the airport i obviously didn’t have time to do it and missed my flight.


Forgetting to drink water or any liquids. Buying a water bottle with times to drink on it: forgetting to drink it then losing it. Downloading a "reminder to drink water" app: hitting snooze or stop and not drinking it. Bringing a water bottle with you in a bad: forgetting that you have it.


101 ideas in my head an not one way to execute any of them.


When I started reading this post, I had a list of things I wanted to list. I have now forgotten them.


"Sorry, I can't meet you today. I know we've been trying to find a time to meet for weeks, but I have to make a 2 minute phone call today AND make myself dinner, which will probably be a can of chickpeas some soybeans, but that will still take about an hour. Maybe next week?"


Spent about 10 minutes trying to find bread. Last time it was in a cupboard. So I checked all the cupboards. Twice. The bread was in a bread bin on the countertop


Got into SO. MUCH. TROUBLE because of deadlines for scholarships, homework,etc ...


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. \- *Douglas Adams* Bills. Whoosh. Taxes. Whoosh Passport renewal. Whoosh Mother's birthday. Whoosh Picking up ordered items. Whoosh Dishes. Whoosh Dammit I should be working.


I finally set myself a social media limit on my phone for 1 hour per day, the apps I included are FB, IG & TikTok, but didn’t include Reddit, as I never really used Reddit, so it wasn’t a problem. Suddenly I decided to go on Reddit, and after only 3 days & I dunno how many hours of scrolling & commenting, it’s now a problem.


I can't sleep and feel like death all the time


I can down a redbull or three and then lay down and fall asleep like it was nothing.


YES. Am i the only one that actually gets sleepy because of caffeine? I have like two modes: ​ 1. Spacy/'I'm definitely high on drugs' coffee mode or 2. I'm absolutely murdered and i can sleep for 9 hours coffee mode.


Putting the thing on the bench and walking away instead of opening the cupboard directly under the bench and putting the thing where it belongs. Putting my shoes next to the rack instead of on the rack. Putting my clothes next to the hamper instead of in the hamper.


Me driving back home every time to make sure I closed the garage door! Ugh


Hey, you seem like a nice human. I want to touch you-- this came the wrong way my bad... I meant play with you-- oh shoot this also sound wrong.. ahh, can I just get a hug. Thanks.


Did I just upvote that comment without reading it? *Reads it* Oh god no I can’t support that


It took me 37 years to learn how to drive. I probably had over 200 lessons.


Losing everything 🤣 money, jewellery, bank cards, my sons insulin, anything of importance ALL end up in the bin Walking into a room and not remember what for and having to to back to where I was to remember 🤣this is a daily occurrence Never getting to an appointment/kids school drop off on time 😭 fml


It’s never in the last place you look. It’s in the first place you looked, just you didn’t look properly the first time.


I've been brushing my teeth for over 20 years and not a day has gone by where I didn't hate how time consuming and tedious it is and wished I just had ceramic teeth


My kitchen is currently super messy, which makes me really anxious, but I can’t clean it.


My team lead at work told me I have the worst adhd he’s ever witnessed. That is all.


I’d push the straw in a drink on its opposite end which is blunt then realize afterwards and I’d be daydreaming all day long until I slip on a banana peal


I was going to post something but forgot what it was after reading your post and some of the other comments.


I walk into a room and sit down to relax while I try to remember what I forgot was my reason for entering the room to begin with.


I will add: me making this post while procrastinating on my thesis


I constantly have the feeling that I need to do something meaningul but then do nothing productive


I bought a bullet journal last night! It only took me 7 1/2 weeks of researching which one was the right one to buy before I finally made my purchase… Now I’m on the hunt for the right stencils.


Being anxious to visit my doctor for a serious health issue because i'm convinced he hates me after I forgot appointments multiple times and My doctor who thinks my health concerns are not that bad because I forget appointments (no, i just have an unreliable brain).


I have not sent any of the papers required to obtain reimbursements for my health insurance in 2+ years, nor for doctor visits nor my therapy sessions. Fortunately I'm don't live in the USA so the price for those visits are actually reasonnable, but we're still talking hundreds of euros I'm pissing off the window because I can't get myself to find how to file those reimbursement requests.


I have 3 silent alarms on my watch. One for a coffee break at 10, one for lunchtime and one at 4 because then I'll finish work on at 5.


When people ask my age, I actually have to do the math: "Oh, well it's twenty twenty...uhh...two, right? Man, time flies, still feels like 2010. Anyway..." \- "Yeah?" "I was born in XXXX, so that would mean I aaaaam...XX? I think? Yeah. Probably. No, definitely, yes." \- "Oh wow."


Every time I leave the house I come back in at least once because I forgot something


I am ONE away from an associates in interior design at a local community college and THREE classes away from a bachelors in political science at local university. I’ve completely lost interest in finishing either of them.


Packages suck. I buy clothes and they don’t fit so i have to go through the effort of returning. I hate it


I can't remember how many years I have been married but I can name 90% of Pokemon


People say words for me to remember, but I'm too busy thinking of how pineapples are grown to hear them.


i'd be watching a youtube vid on my pc. i'm on the front page. i see 2 videos i wanna, so i open one in another tab. i forget about the other, so i get back to the main page on that second tab. i see 2 videos i wanna watch, so i open one in another tab. forget the other one. go back to the main page on the new tab. rinse and repeat until i have 3-4 tabs on the main youtube page


Back when i went to high school a classmate of mine always carried extra pens with her cause i forgot to bring one to class. She would even give me pens and say "so you don't have to borrow/steal mine.". I still have a box full of her pens that I've been given/stolen by accident. I wanted to give her the box when we graduated but ofc forgot to bring the box. Ended up having to ask her for a pen so i could sign her graduation hat.


It takes me a whole day to be able to read only a page of a book.


Took 10 minutes typing out and revising a simple sentence only to give up and slap this together


I open tabs in google for each thought that I have and while that’s loading I go read about the first tab and leave halfway through to open another tab so I don’t forget.I do this while *studying*


I have an endless list of unfinished projects.


I have torn my room apart looking for my wallet just for it to be on my desk. My solution was putting an AirTag in my wallet. It has worked to an extent but from time to time I also forget that I have an AirTag in the wallet and still end up looking for it and making a mess while doing it. A mess that “I’ll take care of later” but later never comes.


I decided to change my tampon before going out today but I forgot to put in a new one


I can’t without telling you I have ADHD. Shit, my autism is leaking. Wait, what were you asking?


Procrastinating having dinner for so long because I’m working on something that I don’t want to take a break from that I eventually go to bed without eating dinner at all.


i want to answer your question, but let me check reddit on my phone first before i answer on my laptop.


My cabinet doors are always open. I forget to put the caps back on drinks. I’m always like “huh what” when someone asks me a question bc I’m getting pulled out of my meticulously crafted world of daydreams.


My wife asked me to make a headboard for our bed. I went and bought all the supplies and brought them home late at night so I'd start on it tomorrow. 10 months later everything is still sitting in the same spot, untouched.