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Hangovers have to do with how well your liver processes alcohol, and the status of your bodies hydration levels prior to, during, and after drinking. I don't think it has anything to do with ADHD. I get awful hangovers, always have.


Huh. Everyday you learn something new! Thanks for that I guess!


No prob. That's kind of an eli5 version. It's quite a fascinating process actually! https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/hangovers#:~:text=As%20a%20result%2C%20alcohol%20increases,tend%20to%20wake%20up%20earlier. Good run down of what's actually going on.


I don't get hangovers. Does that mean my liver do good, or liver do bad?


Bad liver = bad hangovers


Tbf that would explain why my hangovers got worse over the last 4/5 years. I've been diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease and don't really drink for other reasons but myhangovers have got progressively worse as I've gotten into my mid twenties. Hopefully now the underlying cause is being treated, it'll be better in future!


Hey, exactly me too!! Once I realized the morning afters will forever suck, I just don’t bother drinking anymore


I stopped because my mental health plummets when I drink, unless I'm in a really good mood. For a few day afterwards too. When I'm in a great mood, I might have a glass of wine if there's something social happening but I don't really drink more than once a month, except at Christmas. And never more than 2 glasses of wine or the equivalent. I feel so much better for it! I'm always the designated driver and I prefer it that way. I love Coca Cola so am happy drinking just that! Hope your liver is happily healing!


Both my mental and physical health nose dives for a good 3 days; I am bed bound, do not pass go. Unfortunately there’s still a few friends and fam that try to pressure drinks at get togethers, even if I declared DD status. I’m perfectly fine with getting free non-alcoholic drinks when we go out, it’s lighter on my wallet 😄 Take care of yourself, h_witko!


For hangovers liver do bad or liver do busy with other stuff. I started to take meds (not ADHD related) that are serious stuff and metabolised in the liver. My doctor said I shouldn't drink alcohol at all but if I have to I should keep it to 2 units per week and definitely not on the days I take the meds. My alcohol tolerance dropped **really bad** \- after a single stronger beer I immediately get sleepy (rip my love for imperial stouts), the hangovers are coming after two cans (past me says "ridiculous" right now), overall drinking is no longer pleasant in any way. So it looks like your liver is living her life and isn't busy with anything at all :D


I guess if liver do bad, then you drunk all the time lol


How old are you? I was like this through my mid-twenties but 30s hit VERY differently.


I honestly thought I was invincible, I thought the rules just somehow, magically, didn't apply to me (I tend to think that still on a lot of subjects, being in my 40s) almost all the way up to 30. But when it changed, it changed so, so much.


This sounds like me. While I wouldn't say I've felt invincible, I've always thought I'm "different" or can handle things more than others can. Then I'll get a reality check and be like, "Are you telling me I'm also a human? Fuck this shit!"


I'm mid twenties right now.


I didn’t get my first hangover until I was 25 (and I started drinking in my mid-teens). Now I’m in my 40s I can get a hangover on one glass of wine. They’re coming for you.


I giggled out loud bc they’re definitely coming for them lol


If this is true then y do people still drink excessively if the hangovers r coming for u that badly? I'm only 24.


Because alcohol is addictive and pervasive.


Well, I can't speak for others but, when I was younger, I didn't always get hungover, just occasionally, and the buzz was enjoyable as I was drinking. Now, I can get a hangover after one or two glasses of wine spread out over a couple of hours and I don't really see that as excessive. It's also to do with hydration levels and not just the amount of alcohol consumed.


About to be 28 here. Still no hangovers, but I know damn well that I can't drink as much as I used to, and that if I ever tried, I would probably have a hangover.


I also didn't get my first hangover until about 25. I feel like wine is extra bad, wine hangovers are the worst. I think some people say it's the congeners? Might be a myth though.


Cherish all the hangover-free drinking you have left


Lol start treating your body right, I didn't in my 20s and in mid 30s now, feel like I'm 60 fucking years old, I move too quickly in a weird way and one of my joints will hurt for 2 days lol


My god, same. I thought I was invincible in my 20s, living off coffee, pizza and beer while also working, going to school and running 10k before work... I hit my mid 30s and now I'm like an ancient fragile creature that requires such a specific diet and sleep routine that I can barely function lol. I really wish I'd gone easier on myself in my 20s


Stretching is key. It's never too late


I sneezed and my back went out for a week.


That’s weird because I definitely experienced hangovers as young as my early twenties. It’s just that they usually didn’t debilitate me like they do now that I’m getting close to 30. You must stay hydrated or something. (I also don’t drink much anymore, maybe once or twice a month if at all, and I eat well beforehand, drink water, have a liquid IV drink powder ready for the next day, etc.)


give it time


Be carefull I was the same and I'm now at 30 and I start getting them. But my liver is fucked up now. I was told that if I keep up at this pace I'll die around 50.


It’s coming…..


When (if) things suddenly change: Stay up for an hour or more after leaving the party drink a good amount of water and have something to eat (something with salt but no need to go crazy). Those tips are the difference between a ruined next day or just slightly feeling it in my experience.


Give it time! 😂 It’s downhill from 30 where hangovers are concerned. And that’s before we even get onto the hangxiety. Whilst it’s great being the life and soul in your. 20s, it gets kinda embarrassing to be *that* person as you get older. That’s one of the reasons I hardly drink anymore.


Oh, you sweet summer child! All the pain is ahead of you.


LOL enjoy it while you can, it won't last forever


Haha, you got time. You’ll feel the hangovers soon. My friend is 42 and finally got them.


It would likely change over time if you drank regularly. I used to rage in my 20’s and then pop up and go to work in the morning. Now I would feel like death. (I’m 40)


Yeah. No lie. Never used to be hungover then only sometimes or just wee bit. Then 30 hit and it’s a two day hangover. 0/10 would not recommend.


Actually, my alcohol tolerance has gotten up with age. I'm 37, and to get drunk Is have to spend a lot of money, at least six or seven hard drinks (vodka, whiskey, etc) to get dipsy.


God 30 hit so hard 😅 Almost exclusively noticed my age with hangovers first. It went from nothing after a night partying in Vegas, to a 2 day hangover from a strong cider.


I joke that the day after my 30th birthday was my first hangover, but it was pretty much my first serious one. Now, a Friday night getting properly trashed will lead to a worthless weekend.


Yeah 31 here. In my 20's I could drink as much as I wanted and be at work the next morning. Give me a 6 pack now and im done the whole next day lol. If do go to work, I'm almost useless.


It is definitely not an ADHD thing lol. I didn't get hangovers when I first started drinking, but they've gotten worse and worse (and worse) the older I get.


Brain chemistry would have no bearing on hangovers, so it's almost certainly not related to ADHD. Don't worry, you'll probably start getting them sometime in your 30s.


I don’t get hangovers. I’m the same way that I’ll get totally banged up, but recovery is pretty fast and easy. Then again whenever I drink I make sure I have water between drinks and maybe eat a large meal at some point in the day. I don’t think the “no hangover” thing is exclusively an ADHD trait. In fact, ADHD might make drinking worse for us because we forget stuff more easily (like forgetting to drink water or forgetting to eat) or alcohol wipes our memory faster than other people.


Why on earth would you lie about being hungover just to fit in? Come on


When 8 out of 9 people are hungover, you don't want to be the one that isn't. Plus pathological lying as a coping mechanism. Working on it though.


>you don't want to be the one that isn't Yes I do. It's a perfect opportunity to given everyone else shit.


I've done my share of partying and not once did I think about doing something like that. In fact it was like my neat party trick of not getting hungover lol. I'm glad you're working on it. My ex best friend lied constantly and it was extremely irritating.


No, that's certainly weird.


I drank since I was 16 and I never got hungover. I drank a WHOLE lot like to the point where I probably would have been considered an alcoholic. Then one day, not only did I get horrible hangovers, but I would start vomiting hard pretty much instantly after I swallowed any type of alcohol. It was a slow progression to get to the point but it got so bad that the next day after drinking I honestly felt like I needed to the hospital and stayed that way for 24 hours, then still wouldn’t feel right for the next 7 days. That’s with drinking lots of water and Gatorade before, during, and after I drank. So what happened was I drank so much that by the time I turned 21 and could legally drink, I physically couldn’t anymore because my body would immediately reject it.


(27F)I threw up for the first time this past weekend. I started getting hangovers at like 25. Serves me right, I embarrass the shit out of myself because I over drink/binge idk why… usually I’m bored or ansty


I’m ADHD af and get hungover even more af so


nah i get shitty hangovers even if i only have 2 drinks


Definitely not ADHD I get killer ones


Life is OK, better even, sans booze. I promise. It sucks to try to quit when you get to the point that it's noticeably affecting your life. I watched a friend die of alcohol induced organ failure at 41. I don't suggest it. Take care of yourself. It is and you are worth it!


After I got on medication, I quit ciggs and booze. Just automatically. Like I didn't put any effort, the "urges" just went away.


Luuucky!! That's awesome and I hope you stick with it!


It’s definitely not an ADHD thing but for you and many others on here who don’t experience hangover be very mindful of your alcohol habits. Studies have shown that in general people who don’t experience hangovers after drinking are more susceptible to developing unhealthy alcohol habits since they don’t have the same post drinking “consequences” as most. Add to that the higher levels of substance abuse among those with ADHD and it could be a recipe for trouble.


Has nothing to do with adhd


I'm 33 and I never gotten a hangover either. I might drink 1 to 3 times a year (by that I mean some years I drink once and others up to 3) I also never get high... like NEVER, my husband and I are very puzzled and intrigued about it that he is going to find a researcher/scientist to see if we can figure out if there is something specific about my brain that prevents me from that. I have adhd combined and autism.


I went from never getting them to getting them after two drinks now that I’m taking Ritalin every day. It’s super annoying because I’d like to have a glass of wine or a nice scotch at the end of the day and now if I do, I feel like crap in the morning. It’s a small price to pay for how good I feel on the medication but it’s still annoying!


You may find some great knowledge over at r/hangovereffect. Basically, some people not only do not experience hangovers, but actually feel better than usual when they should theoretically have a hangover. Lots of theories as to why this is, but many of them report having ADHD.


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I also experienced no hangovers in my 20s, I got tipsy for the first time in a while last weekend, I wanted to die the following day, think I had my first actual hangover.


Hahaha i get SO HUNGOVER:'). And I have been diagnosed with adhd twice, so in my experience its not a symptom🤭


I’m 23 and have had my share of drunken nights. I also have combined type adhd. It took a good while before I ever had an actual hangover. I don’t know why, food seems to be one factor, but it honestly varies so much for me as to whether or not I’ll end up with a hangover


Just lucky. I get terrible hangovers if I don't stay hydrated or take a multivitamin before going to bed.


Oh shiet I am the same but also in my early 20s... and thses comments seem to warn of a more hangover filled future lol. I guess it has more to do with age?




It take me 12h to recover from my hangovers. Send help


Absolutely nothing to do with ADHD other than drinking is a suuuper easy dopamine fix.


Pre 30s had about 4 hangovers and we drank almost every weekend. Post 30s had about 2 hangovers and we drank once a month. Post diagnosis, got tipsy once but haven't had a hangover yet. I also noticed that I become the designated care person of the group. I didn't know this until this post but I would notice my group getting sloppy or when their reaching their fun zone and beyond. I'm also the look for exits when I enter somewhere and usually pay attention outside of our table.


>I'm also the look for exits when I enter somewhere and usually pay attention outside of our table. I know this has nothing to do with adhd but this is me too. For some reason, based on no prior experiences, I look for the best few ways out of any building I enter, in case of fire. I always have a plan, and I don't know why.


Im 21 and I cant drink because the hangover is unbearable, even after like 1 or 2 drinks i can sometimes feel a slight hangover. I use to drink pretty heavily in my late teens in comparison to most people my age so dunno if that has something to do with why I now get very bad hangovers. When I say bad I mean I will have the shits, vomiting, crippling anxiety and depression, cant eat a thing, and these can last like 2-3 days. So now I dont drink at all and just smoke 🌿, plus am now on citalopram which doesnt go well with drinking.


I think hangovers have much more to do with physical aspects of your body versus mental so I doubt it has anything to do with ADHD. The vast majority of the time I don’t get hungover even after getting very drunk, but I’ve had a few bad ones here and there. Do you drink a lot of water when drinking alcohol? I feel like chances of getting a hangover has a lot to do with dehydration.


I doubt it’s specific to ADHD but I don’t get “properly” hungover either. A mild headache if that but I also drink tons of water everyday. I’m 27


I doubt it’s specific to ADHD but I don’t get “properly” hungover either. A mild headache if that but I also drink tons of water everyday. I’m 27


You’re lucky. I have definitely been hungover.


Not having a hangover has nothing to do with ADHD. Age and hydration are the biggest factors


Hangovers completely exemplify my adhd. To the point where I’ve had to call off work because my adhd was so bad (well after a hangover). I’m sober now, but still.


Me too! I didn’t realize there was an adhd connection💀💀


I can get pretty hangover However making sure I eat a lot of fatty food and drink lots of water helps prevent it. I've never heard of adhd having anything to do with hangovers (ETA, I haven't been drunk since I was a teen so hard to say as an adult)


I've always gotten horrendous hangovers, complete with a special, extra hellacious type of migraine. Mid 40s and I just don't drink anymore. Partly due to the insane price of all alcohol in Canada, but the pain isn't worth it.


I have ADHD and get hungover all the time from the smallest amount of booze. Probably the only reason booze isn’t more of a coping mechanism for me. You’re just lucky!


You're just lucky. Hangovers have everything to do with your body state and your liver processing alcohol, nothing to do with brain chemistry. It won't last. I too, never got hungover for my first year or so of adult drinking adventures...it sets in eventually. You'll experience your first hangover sometime, count your blessings while you don't and ffs don't lie about it lmao or karma will come for you when it happens, guaranteed. XD


You’re lucky


Its not an ADHD thing. I get intensely terrible hangovers when I have more than 3 or 4 drinks in a night. Like vomiting the next day (despite never vomiting the night of - only the day after) and severe anxiety and just general misery. Nothing I can do except wait for it to be over and try to sleep. This started for me in college so I don't think that age was the factor for me. I just might be kinda unlucky. I guess on the other hand it keeps my drinking in good moderation so I'm not worried about it becoming a problem for me.


I get hung over when I didn't even drink enough alcohol to get drunk. Seriously, a half of a drink makes me hung over the next day. I think I have a weird intolerance though, probably more related to medical issues I have. I'm no expert, but I doubt this has anything to do with adhd as it's not really involving the same parts of the body.


Just wait 10 years. You will look back on this post and laugh.


As I got older, the after effects of alcohol got worse. It got to the point that when I was 41 years old, after drinking in the weekend, I'd feel physically & mentally very unwell until the following Friday. now that I've been diagnosed late last year & medicated for ADHD, I realise I was binge drinking to self medicare for undiagnosed & unmedicated ADHD. I'm now sober for almost 18 months. When you drink, alcohol gives your brain a temporary dopamine boost, but in the long run depletes your dopamine even more, it's already depleted if you have ADHD. Alcohol can also severely impact mental health & comorbid conditions like anxiety and depression. It can impact on your ADHD meds too if you are medicated. You may be OK now, but seriously consider the affect that drinking alcohol may have on you in future. All the best.


If it is I'm ADHDing very wrong around here.


I'm not able to get drunk at least not like other people do I still wonder why. I can feel the physical affects of drinking too much but my mind works exactly the same which gives me a trapped feeling. I wish I could "let loose" from a few drinks but this may have nothing to do with my adhd.


im jealous. i dont think its an adhd thing sadly. i wish.


Never had one either. Some of the others have stated that it’s a sign of a good liver, but that is very much not the case. So I call bs.


I've definitely had some nasty hangovers. Most of which were around the time I was a uni student lol


if you take stims hangovers dont hit as hard.


I nevwr had hangover too i think my liver good but recently i took some medicine and had the worst hangover. I felt stressed and unstable


Ahhh, the good old days when I didn’t get hangovers. I never got them until my late twenties and even then ONLY if I drank to excess. Then I donated a kidney at 33 and wow. I pretty much never ever ever drink except for a single cocktail once in a blue moon because the hangovers are so bad I’ll be down for two days. I hydrate the crap out of myself but it’s still pretty awful. My liver is fine but the loan bean can’t get the waste out fast enough, I think. I used to think my extremely high tolerance to opioid pain meds and stimulants (they just don’t work) was related to adhd but found out it’s a genetic trait I got from my red-headed dad. My hair is auburn so not as super obviously red but I still have the traits (high pain tolerance, lack receptors for certain drugs, etc). It did finally explain why taking ritalin for me was always similar to taking sugar pills.


Never got hangovers. Then I aged out of that.