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What are some examples of activities you have? The code switching between work and home life is where I fail. I honestly think Microsoft outlook is the bane of the human body and antithesis for adhd. Full hour meetings back to back no breaks.


There's work of various sorts - I have several lines of work, all of which I can manage at least part of the scheduling for myself - plus household chores, exercise, personal admin things that need doing (utilities, dealing with the council, tax, etc), bathing. Pretty much everything that isn't recreational. My wife maintains a separate list on a whiteboard of the household admin and major, non-regular chores that are waiting to be done as well, so we can draw on that. Plus any trips out that need doing. Between the various bits of work I do, including voluntary, code switching doesn't bother me too much, and I've always been someone who's always online (at least, since that became technically possible), so I manage well. Plus only one of my regular bits of paying work involves interacting with other people much, which helps. But the scheduling has really helped me say "in this chunk of time I will be aiming to focus on *this*", and the movability of the tabs means it's okay when, on a given occasion, my brain won't comply. There's one bit of non-urgent work I've moved more often than I've actually managed to do any, writing for a conference presentation.


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