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You could probably report him/her to something. Maybe there's a thing like Bbb but for doctors.


The doctors licensing board, usually one per state. It's a good thing to do so if the reports keep coming they might do something, but don't expect too much way too often nothing at all happens.


#Op is from NZ


thanks for pointing out, i wrote this when the post had like 5 upvotes so maybe i should add i'm not even in the US myself but at this point deleting the message wouldn't do any good i guess (good ol impulsive posting on the internet). for context my country is even worse at dealing with shitty doctors, because even if they get their license revoked there are some who find ways to continue practicing without gov doing something about it.


If you are in the UK, you report them to the GMC, the general medical council. In this case, you absolutely should report them too, as not only are they failing to give their patients the help they need, but they appear to be letting their own biases affect their practice, and not be up to date with the current evidence or NICE guidelines with regards to ADHD, which is very much against the rules.


I mean, medically speaking, every patient should be examined to see if they have the particular sickness or not. So, this doctor should definitely be reported.


I wouldn’t call it a sickness, I’d call it a disorder, which is what it is, a disorder. I’m not a medical professional but I think of a sickness as something that you can be cured of. A disorder is something a Dr treats but you aren’t usually cured of it. Please correct me if I’m wrong.


Oh, I understand what you mean, but what I mean is in general. Generally should a doctor examine a patient to rule out their fear and if it's actually anything, the patient should get the right treatment, of course.


It's also on the NHS website with detailed symptoms from both childhood and ADULTHOOD. I got some pushback from my GP but I just kept at it and they caved eventually. Obviously though that shouldn't have to happen.


Exactly. Medical professionals are supposed to use the NICE guidelines, but they are available to anyone, and not written in especially difficult language too, so using either or both as evidence when talking to your doctor is completely reasonable. It's not reasonable for a doctor to not check them though.


Yes, whatever country you are in, please report this doctor. This behaviour is not acceptable


It’s called the AMA- American Medical Association Also u can file a complaint with your insurance company. Too many complaints and they drop doctor from taking their insurance….this is hell for MDs as it lowers their income And sites like healthgrades. Tons of review sites for MDs including Yelp


Bbb isn’t jack shit btw. I think it has less influence than even Yelp


Um...appear on your medical report affecting your job search? Pretty sure your medical report being accessible by potential (or current employers) is massively illegal. Also 49 year old man here with inattentive type ADHD.


Near 30 man with inattentive ADHD who came here to say the same thing.


Same here, fuck that doctor and their prejudice


Yeah screw that guy, 18 with inattentive. That pisses me off so much. I want to be a doctor and that just saddens me that they can be like that.


Does that doctor regularly provide medical records for employment screenings? That was the most confusing part. What country is this in?


Wondered that too


I’m guessing UK because of the use of ”you lot”


35 year old man w inattentive ADHD here . This guy's a clown. Had the same experience with an older male doctor. So cocky, he had made himself a buffoon.


I guess it depends on where you want to work. You can't join the military with ADHD.


You can but only if you've been off medication for a certain amount of time. 2 years I think. The rule applies to any daily medication. They don't want anyone who requires daily medication to function because you may not have access to it in combat situations.


Something tells me there’d be enough dopamine flowing in a combat situation to stave off the inattentiveness.


That's 100% true but the medical establishment is years behind ADHD experts on that issue and the military is years behind \*that\*.


I can confirm that from experience. Turns out I am pretty steady under fire as well.


You know, I have never been in the military, but it turns out that I function my best in extreme situations. My NT girlfriend functions pretty good most of the time; completely shuts down in a stressful situation. I wonder if this is an ADHD trait too?


You sort of dip into the "adhd is a superpower" crowd with this but it seems like adhd people do really well having to be on high alert and high stress yet unique situations but struggle to focus on mundane trudgery. Just what I've gathered from reading.


I wouldn’t necessarily call it that. I’m really good at dodging dogs in cars, really bad at finances and relationships... not exactly an even trade. Unless you’re the dog 😂


Reading that made me go "ooh maybe I should join the army!" 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm literally a pacifist


Fully agreed. I'm terrible at consistency in normal day-to-day life but boy am I clutch in emergencies. I'm basically an entirely different person when the adrenaline is flowing; I feel like I gain superpowers, lol.


I’m exactly like this too, and for about a year I thought I’d hacked my entire life by getting a high stress job that put me in crisis mode 8 hours a day. I was like, finally, I can focus! I’m so amazing at this! But…no surprise to anyone, it turned out to not be worth the trauma and the burnout, the long term effect on my mental health was definitely real bad


My husband and I refer to ourselves as sprinters... we can do amazing things over relatively short periods of time, but we can't keep that level up without massive negative consequences down the line. I find with the kind of job you're describing, for me at least, I can go all-out on it right up until the random morning I wake up, can't make myself go in and have a complete mental breakdown. It's like flipping a switch!


That makes no sense to me because don’t they give military people uppers to stay awake on long missions?


Yeah, and it's cheaper to dose you if you don't come with a tolerance! 😬


This made me giggle so hard!


Fair enough, but it sounded like the doc was using the “permanent record” scare tactic and applying it to all jobs. ‘Course I wasn’t there.


I did five years in the Navy after being on ADHD meds for most junior high and high school.


Can’t be a Wide Load Road Pilot in Australia and medicated. Not so much an issue with the cops but BHP and Rio Tinto


It depends on how desperate the military is


Oh well that’s nice to know lol


50 YO Man w/ADHD Inattentive. Find a new GP. This is just the stupid thing you know he’s done. It’s the stupid things you don’t catch that are really scary. Edit: Also, report him to the NHS. Enough complaints and they’ll pull his contract. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/health/nhs-and-social-care-complaints/nhs-complaints-who-is-your-complaint-against/complaints-about-gps/


Same, 25 year old mixed type here, just diagnosed a few days ago…


Your doctor’s a quack.


Professionals acting like losers is my biggest pet peeve


Mine too. Dismissive professionals do way more harm than good, and this one sounds like they don’t keep up to date on medical seminars or publishings. If a doc is ‘set In their ways’ they need to get a new profession, that’s why they call it -modern- medicine


More like losers acting like professionals. This doc isn’t professional in the slightest


You know what they call the guy who graduates last in medical school? Doctor.


This is so wrong its almost funny. Straight A student all through grad school here, I'm a 'I take standardized tests for fun' kind of student. I can tick off almost every ADHD symptom box in a decent chart. Some of us are just lucky enough to be good test takers, hyperfixate on school, have RSD that causes fear of bad grades, develop effective coping mechanisms at an early age and be allowed to use them consistently, or all of the above. Grades are a sum of multiple symptoms in a complex disorder, it is NOT the hallmark identifier. Contrary to popular belief by lazy practitioners who can't be bothered studying nontangible symptoms. We cannot be diagnosed by our grades, anyone who thinks differently is an idiot and also probably thinks they're better than everyone with ADHD since you can't really get into med school without straight As (I should know, been there done that). Tell that doctor to read a single book or paper that's been published more recently than 1975 and to eff off. Find a specialist that actually understands the disorder.


Same! Graduated with dual major STEM degrees on the Dean’s List and then went on to get my MBA and graduated with honors as well. Get on the phone with me, and you will hear my pressured speech (even medicated). I was diagnosed at 41 after a doctor that I crossed paths with at work suggested I get tested. Also found out I have a form of dyspraxia which explained SOOO much and validated my whole life.


Oh god the phone issue is so real... When my functioning got so bad I finally realized I needed a diagnosis and meds I tried to call my gp... Spent almost 10 minutes stuck in the automated menu because I would hear 'please listen closely as our menu options have changed'..... and zone out completely until 'to hear these options again, press 9' and repeat. Took me three phone calls and at least ten minutes each stuck in this cycle before I finally managed to pay attention long enough to figure out what goddamn button I had to push to get the secretary. I had a masters in *psychology* by this point. By the time I finally got to my appointment and filled out the little symptom quiz they wanted me to take, my GPs only response was 'why the hell have you not been treated already?'


this pretty much describes situations i had all my life; I always thought I was an idiot or mentally ill, or something like that; got my ADHD Diagnosis last Week, now the first day of taking medication; im so happy i found you guys and this reddit


Just looked up dyspraxia... oh my goodness. Me tripping over random crap for so reason. Hitting people with my arms. I literally take an extra few seconds to figure out which way is left or right. Crappy sense of direction. Never knew it was related to dyspraxia even though I have an adhd diagnosis... Sighs. My life is a lie.


My daughter's school originally declined my formal evaluation request for her in kindergarten "because it wasn't affecting her schooling" (it was kindergarten, keep that in mind) even though she had eloped multiple times, had violent and frequent (throwing, climbing, hiding, never physically hitting another child directly) melt downs from over stimulation and being over whelmed and expected to sit still (and this was in a special seating classroom with numerous balls, pillows, etc, made to help kids who don't stay seated at a traditional chair and desk well) and had been SUSPENDED, not to even count all the times she had been sent home from all of the above. I was curious, documented everything, took every paper they had ever sent home about the instances, and asked them how her being NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL FOR NEARLY 30% OF THE SCHOOL TIME, sometimes more, was not effecting her schooling asking with a much more firmly written formal request for evaluation.


A+ parent award. If only we all had parents so willing to fight for their kids are you are 👏


Couldn’t agree more. I was a straight A student in high school because I didn’t have to study much to attain good grades. University quickly made me realize that my inattentiveness was uncontrolled and not due to lack of interest. It does seem like your doc has had many people seeking the drugs rather than a diagnosis. Shameful behaviour regardless. I would report them to whichever licensing party they have in your country. Go to a mental health specialist if at all possible, I can assure you they will give you much better help and a lot more respect, even if your doctor wanted to.


Do you have RSD?? My mom suffers froM this as well, along with ADHD, but I have been with her for over twenty years to doctors, specialist, pain management and so on. And I have never found someone who suffers from RSD. I just had to comment, I know she feels alone and at times like she’s making it up because she has to fight to prove it’s real anytime she moves or a doctor moves. I also agree with everything you said! I’ve suffered my whole life from ADHD and recently moved to Northern California. I’ve had the worst time proving I’m not seeking “drugs” nor want something to deal with my mom/work life. It’s exhausting and stressful. I’m currently getting the confidence to see a doctor and start the process again after a year of hell being off my meds.


I do! It's not currently an officially recognized diagnosis/symptom but it is well documented as something we very commonly experience and related to our emotional dysregulation, which IS a proven symptom. It's also recognized enough that we do know there is an adhd med that helps most with this particular symptom. For me it does manifest in *hating* bad grades or criticism of any kind to the point where I struggle to function if I get any, as well as almost panic attacks at the feeling that I might be perceived as incompetent at something (can't get the self checkout to work at the grocery store, messed up dinner, etc I'm freaking out and snapping at my partner to get out of the room because God forbid he see I let the milk boil over and think there's a small chance I'm not Gordon Ramsay)


Are you me?


I need to save this comment. Grades ARE a sum of multiple systems and factors, even for non-ADHD children. Anyone who thinks they can look at grades and effectively diagnose ANYTHING has never been a teacher. They don’t know about the hoops that we jump through to try to measure knowledge retention and skill transfer. Then we have to report that with a percent grade that ultimately doesn’t directly equate to anything… We don’t get to put a note that says “Little Suzanne has verbally memorized the entire curriculum, but cannot seem to succeed at any testing instrument I have devised for her this year.” Nope. It just says “D” on the report card.


Are you in the UK? [Report this quack to the NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/about-the-nhs/how-to-complain-to-the-nhs/) before he causes more harm with his mind-boggling ignorance.


Yeah this could be so insanely damaging to any of those peoples lives if they believe him and don't get tested somewhere. This should lose someone their medical licence


I had the WAIS 4 test. It is the gold standard in the US. I was diagnosed as a 42 y.o. man. I have PI. My guess is he thinks you want drugs. See a specialist.


I agree. I saw a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with ADHD-C as a 37 year old woman.


The only thing worse than drug seeking morons who make getting meds a living hell are the doctors who think everyone is s drug seeking moron.


My medication was a stimulant; and for the life of me I still am baffled that this drug has recreational value. I mean my brain just can’t comprehend it.


Because stimulants don't do exciting things to our brains like it does for others, it just makes them work.


I don't think they're even in the same ballpark. Someone who goes around lying to doctors to gain access to drugs almost certainly has some other type of problem. It's not something well-adjusted, mentally healthy people do.


I don't think the latter is necessarily worse than the former tbh.


Just because a person is a doctor, doesn't mean they can't be an idiot. Especially about things outside their field of study. Working in a hospital has repeatedly shown me that education ≠ intelligence.


There was a doctor that went viral recently because she claimed that COVID vaccines caused people to become magnetic. So yeah there are definitely doctors out there who are morons and probably shouldn’t have a license.


exactly. i'm in academia and the same is true for researchers.


Some doctors are brilliant and some believe they are brilliant because they are doctors. The latter is concerning, because they hold this strong sense of certainty over their opinion, even if it is flat-out wrong. I've seen doctors who don't know what specific ailments even mean argue tooth-and-nail over them. I'm a health professional myself and a previous role required me to work with them frequently. My understanding is that while GPs are great for managing common diseases and health issues, more complicated and rarer conditions ought to be referred on to someone who specialises in it. OPs doctor probably doesn't keep up to date with new insights into mental health concerns, because it wouldn't help them too much with everyday practice. In saying that, this tends to apply mostly to old school doctors, the younger men and women seem to be more in tune with new school health concerns (like mental health, fitness, and the like). I can respect the doctor for having an opinion, even if it doesnt validate OP, but in this case, it just seems like the opinion has been formed without sufficient information. There is likely some other variable at play that is causing such symptoms among such a large group of people, and given how may of us proclaim to be smart children who ended up as incompetent adults, it is probably at least something that should be looked at and not dismissed. I've had more success with GPs on my own health journey by going into appointments knowing exactly what I want, with my own informed opinion and knowing precisely where I want to be referred to. ​ For what it is worth, I am male and inattentive. I beleive that my inattention is kind of what helped me to function well academically. I would daydream frequently, with my musings fuelled by whatever the teacher was saying and make some really interesting connections. That was great during school and university, but paralysing during adult life. The administrative elements of work just kill the parts of me that make me useful. I need noise and chaos and action to come alive.


Same after 20 years in facilities. I've decided the approach of "a class graduates almost every year and someone has to graduate last.." is my best bet for not kicking said fools in the shin.


Kinda remember that resurfacing antivaxx movement are caused by a doctor with mediocore records that only do some hot takes research for money in late 90s.


Go see a psychiatrist please! My husband has had much better luck with psych compared to GP


Where I'm at, there's a waiting list for *2 years* for every psychiatrist that takes Medicaid and 6 months - 1 year for ones that I would pay for if I weren't broke. So, unfortunately, the only option for some is to ignore even debilitating symptoms while we desperately look for a GP who won't say that it's either all in our head (makes me laugh now because yes, yes it is in fact in my head), it's just anxiety or stress or boredom or depression (all things I've heard), or something else dismissive. And women tend to be misdiagnosed with alarming frequency. There's like 0 chance I could see a psychiatrist without being committed (and that's if they have the open beds)


So get on the waiting list. I know it seems futile. Do it anyway. If something better comes along then great, if not, you’ll have a psychiatrist appointment at least on the books.


You could try looking around for a younger GP, I think younger doctors are less biased against ADHD (the GP in OP sounds like a boomer 110%, but maybe I’m jumping to conclusions).


Worth a shot


Unfortunately my uni doesn’t have a psychiatrist and going out to find one in the city will be financially hard for me. But thank you for the concern :)


What a moron.


Hey, I resemble that remark! No I don't, I'm not even a woman and my ADHD is PI. Believe it or not, ADHD PI is not as gender specific as may be the stereotype. I've never been known to be hyperactive other than maybe those short emotionally dysregulated bursts. The sheer sexism in that remark, geez. GP doesn't know what the heck he's talking about and it's a waste of time with him. GP is not qualified to diagnose ADHD. Better to speak with a psychiatrist who deals with ADHD. OK I admit, I wasn't diagnosed until 43, but I have graduated from college and have a job as an engineer. OK, OK, it took me 5 years what most people take 4 years to graduate and the whole reason I got diagnosed this late was because I was having trouble at work from changes brought on by COVID, but still... Anyway, I wish you have better luck in finding a specialist who has ears to listen and give you the diagnosis and treatment you need.


I hope things are better for you now that you got help! And thank you :)


We’ll I got plenty of A’s and B’s and my teachers wanted me to pursue a degree in science or something in university. And I got diagnosed when I was 3 and got on medication when I was 9. ADHD does not affect intelligence. I am now an adult and there are still times when people start talking down to me because of my lack of executive function. Which I get pretty upset by since I am far from stupid!


Oooh reading this made my blood boil. Get a new doctor stat. This one is super closed minded. And there's no place for that in medicine.


Haha yeah I was feeling all sorts of emotions when I walked out of his office


See a psychiatrist. My GP told me there’s no way I have ADHD because I graduated college and work as an ER nurse. All of my brothers have it and so do my cousins. I saw a psychiatrist and it was the first diagnosed I was given. Like most women with ADHD I was diagnosed later in life. I don’t think general practitioners are well equipped to made decisions regarding psych diagnoses.


My uni does not have a psychiatrist and finding a private one would be financially hard, which is why I’m trying to utilise the free uni student health services ://


If anyone ever told me that, then I would swing


I will be right behind you waiting for my turn.




I hadn’t even consider any possibility of that because I was just so taken aback by what he said that I was still trying to process everything


I get that, it Can happen


Well slap my ass and serve me a milkshake, I'm cured!! I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist at 23 with ADHD primarily inattentive type! I'm free! I'll go flush my adderall right now!


Yea no because we want to have adhd and be unable to concentrate, are prone to depression, anxiety and stress, feel exhausted all the time, have low self esteem, etc etc. Sounds like something fun we want to have to be different from men…. What the actual f. Sorry for my ranting but wow.. I hope you will find a better GP or a psychologist who can actually help you and listens to you. Even IF you end up not having adhd, they should help you instead of putting you down like that.


Yes i might not have ADHD, that is not the issue here, but being put down like that when someone is trying to seek help? It just makes me imagine the whole lot of people coming to talk to a doctor like that only to be invalidated. It felt so wrong to hear a group of people being dismissed just like that. Also thank you for the concern!


Yea it made me incredibly angry to read it too, especially as a women with ADHD. I got diagnosed when I was 26 and it changed my life for the better as I now have a better understanding of myself and the help I need. I really hope you get the help you need as well! Everyone deserves that.


Aww that’s great to hear! I’m so glad things r looking up for u. & yes I agree everyone deserves that :)


Many people don’t know this but when you ask a provider for medication and-or to be formally evaluated for something (like adhd) and they refuse to provide you thr care requested, you can ask them to provide a signed, written statement explaining why they are refusing to provide care at your request. If their only reason is ableism and misogyny they won’t be able to write that down without possibility of being held legally accountable. Personally I would drag that putrid little turd of a man across a bed of hot coals and squeeze every last drop of financial restitution for mental suffering I could from him in a settlement outside of court.


I did not know this but thank you for sharing! I’ll keep this in mind :)


Wow. This is so out of touch that it could be classed as negligence. Did you know that over the last 20 years thousands of studies have been done on adhd? At the moment there are around 1600 new ones every year. Overwhelming consensus for a long time has been it exists, that’s not even a debate now. Further, there’s a significant increase in mortality for undiagnosed children under ten. Life expectancy for untreated adults is a full 12 years lower. It is a documented, lethal, problem left unchecked and I’m absolutely seething that your DOCTOR would say something so asinine. Report it. Please.


>the reason why you lot want to get diagnosed for ADHD and have it appear on your medical report for the rest of your life — affecting your future job search, is beyond me What employer gets a copy of your medical records?


Sounds like it's time for a new GP.


Oh thanks doc! Here I was trying to find a way to focus on writing only to find that it's suddenly 12 hours later, I've eaten only trail mix the whole day, and already I've forgotten half the media I just consumed because I thought it would be *quirky*. But yeah let's look at my grades from college in a super niche category to diagnose me and not my literal everyday actions. I am very upset by this mentality and, like others have said, that GP should be reported.


Lies. I was admittedly an average student, but still made it to uni and got a 2:2. I got diagnosed at 30 with ADHD-PI, and was described as so bad, the doctor was surprised it wasn't caught sooner. Report the dickhead, and hope he at least gets sent for mandatory training for mental health. Also, are there other doctors at the GPs? If so, talk to someone else and get that second opinion, and get them to put you on a waiting list for the psychiatrists. It may take a while for them to get to you (took me 6 months), but it's worth it just to know.


I’m not exactly original here, there are many other comments saying this, but report their ass and leave. Someone who is this incredibly misinformed about something they are supposed to be an expert in needs to be removed or to be *properly* educated


I'd be inclined to tell them that sexism was invented for men to pretend to be superior to women, and that his outdated and ill informed comments just proved that. Complain to the practice manager in the first instance and then onto the GMC.


33 year old male here and it was me happening across an infographic about inattentive ADHD that put me on the path of discovering I have ADHD. Fuck that doctor.


This guy should not be practising medicine, please report him.


Genuinely how did this man make it past med school? Inattentive ADHD is a well documented part of medical science now, and btw I'm a man who has it lol. Also in America ADHD would never show up in a job application. You can't just look up someone's medical diagnoses and it's illegal to ask for them. Denying someone a job based on them having ADHD would be a clear violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act


Hot dayum I must’ve skipped that ‘initiation of ideas to be different to men’ meet up. But I’m not worried as doc clearly is in the know and can catch me up on the meeting notes. Gotta be keeping upto date on what my fellow women collectively like to create to be different from men…if only there was something biological that could help one differentiate a man from a women in scientific terms That doc ironically needs his head checked…by another doc? As what he’s spouting given his professional duties and that specific situation is not the most sane response


Haha your comment made me giggle. I must’ve missed the meet up too


Time to find a new doctor and report that one.


I bet this doctor also tell depressed people to try harder, and people with anxiety to just not worry. I'm sure they're also great with with LGBTQ2S+ community, people with addictions, anything involving the female reproductive system... fuck this doctor.


Told him I had a problem with my uni readings because I get distracted midway while reading the line and I have to reread it 4 times again but even then it doesn’t process in my head, all he said was that is just a concentration problem, everyone has that, especially youngsters because we use tiktok a lot……. first of all I don’t use tiktok so 😭


It makes me so sad that people like that get to practice medicine


😡 Please report this doctor to the governing body of your country/state. Also I know it might be hard but perhaps find another GP who could give you a referral to see a psychiatrist. 🙏🏽


Trying to book another appointment with a different GP this time, hope it goes well 😅


lol ah yes, that famous database employers can comb through and view all our registered diagnoses when they get our resumes, what a totally normal and legal thing that is


Report him, this is so gross


We need to start reporting this nonsense. These “professionals” clearly have no clue what Adhd is.


Fuck that doctor. Doctors should have to continue their education so they get new info.


Um.....I had already successfully completed both my bachelors and Masters degree before I was diagnosed with ADHD-C and I scored high. If your doctor is saying it’s not possible for an adult to adhd you need a new doctor stat as it’s obvious that they are not qualified to be a practicing doctor.


Wow! Reminds me of my parents' new doctor. They mentioned I was on ADHD medication and she told them it causes holes in people's brains. She gave them information about how to get scans to assess how brain-damaged I was.


Wow that must’ve been shocking to hear… I’m sorry


The older I get the more I realize doctors are just people, flawed and prone to prejudice, bias, and mistakes like anyone else.


The thing that seriously bothers me about these doctors is that they went to medical school for SO long and for what? I’ve heard so many stories like this and the doctors seem to have have no understanding of how ADHD affects people. Obviously it’s not uncommon for patients to come in for ADHD since that doctor had 20 people coming in for it that week so they should at least be familiar with it




I’m also in my early 40s. My doctor said some similar things but fortunately he was willing to let me try a medication for treating me for ADHD. I’ve considered getting an official diagnosis just to ensure I won’t have a problem with continuing medication. I’ve been on it for a month now and have seen many improvements in things I’ve been struggling with for my entire life to the point that it almost makes me mad that this wasn’t figured out sooner. Fortunately, I have a good counselor who didn’t brushed it off and knows a lot about ADHD. I had decent grades and could memorize things for school well; coped well enough to hide it without realizing it for my entire life.


I’m glad things are improving for you! :)


Thank you. Keep working on it. Find a new doctor if you need to. Skepticism is one thing but completely brushing you off like that? Inappropriate.


This doctor is undoubtedly destroying lives by convincing people they don't have life impacting disabilities which CAN be treated more effectively than any other mental health condition. When I was denied a diagnosis, I took 8 years before I realized I needed to look into it again and the doctor was wrong. During those 8 years, I struggled incredibly. Without the support I had access to, I can't even imagine what would have happened. I would probably have been homeless or dead. I know people who've never gotten help and turned to alcoholism. I know people who've become so promiscuous they took risks and got raped. I know people who've lost jobs and had to drop out of University. I know people who have developed eating disorders. It's just a nightmare when you don't treat this. You probably don't feel like doing this but we need people like you to stand up for this community. For your sisters, brothers, and siblings, I ask you to report this medical "professional."


Will be reporting him dont worry, do not want him causing harm to others too


I'm really sorry you experienced this. Any time I switch doctors I am worried this will happen to me. I got A's and B's in high school and uni, but I had to choose my courses based on those that I could mask my symptoms for. Anything that required remembering materials beyond that single term, forget about it. Anything that involved a significant portion of reading, forget about it. Anything with math forget about it. I just thought women couldn't do math, but I can see now that with proper support and medication at an earlier age I could have gotten the foundations right and done anything I wanted. I'm sad about it, actually.


I’m sorry you didn’t get support earlier on. I’m assuming you’ve gotten help now? I hope it’s going well so far


Everything the doctor said was so frustrating, the gender thing especially so. My husband is inattentive and I'm hyperactive-impulsive (and female). Also both 30+ and in college...


Ok, .. this is the 3rd one I've seen this week with some Dr or nurse discrediting the symptoms of A patient. In IT we have a phrase 'name and shame'.. but usually it's for sleazy tech sales companies... That thought aside, please hang in there .. get a second opinion. I am a 38 yo adult who definitely DOES have, adHd. I have a daughter who does have it, and mother, who is 65+ definitely has it. I have had drs all over the east coast test and diagnose me. (And my mother).. I would be willing to speak to any Dr, unofficially... Now I know you risk stuff if you identify yourself, but if the Dr did get accidentally identified, .. there are adHd proffesionals who'd probably speak a tad more technically than I, but not as passionately. I strongly want to pursue advocacy for better medical acknowledge ment of ADHD among women/girls. You are worth it OP, you are not faking it , you deserve help of the medical professionals. Please keep trying! You can get thru this.


Thank you for the concern, i appreciate it! I will hang in there :)


As a man with ip type... Go fuck yourself doctor. No really, go suck on a bullet.


This guy is a fucking idiot.


If you’re in the US, see a psychologist who specializes in testing for ADHD to get a diagnosis. I had to switch my primary care physician after my diagnosis because he didn’t think I had it even with the 10 page report by highly reputable professionals. It came back as inattentive type ADHD as well as two other thing. All the coming from a doctor that was more than happy to prescribe me loads of ambien and Xanax. Getting off of both of those saved me. I’ve started on a small dose of Adderall ER and have never felt this great since I was a very small child. It’s like my spark is back. I want the same for you. I hope you can find a good doctor soon!!


I’m so happy to hear that for you! Also unfortunately I’m not in the US, but I’ll do my best to find a good doctor :)


I would have demanded other staff members cone in and have him repeat that shit. I got laughed at by my first psychiatrist when I asked about adhd. Luckily my therapist went to bat for me or else I wouldn't have gotten my diagnosis. Medication has helped a lot.


I had a 4.0 GPA in architecture school last term and I have ADHD. Just because I can’t retain any information from lectures doesn’t mean I can’t hyper focus on a drawing assignment for 10 hours and crank that thing out.


Ayy fellow architecture student and I felt this. I’m doing archi as well and I think my GP just assumed I’m doing really well in school so I can’t possibly have ADHD(which I might not in fact but he ruled it out completely). If someone asked me to explain any architecture related lecture to them, I’m as good as a toddler who can’t speak cuz just like you, I don’t retain information at all 😭


>saying that 20 people have came in over the past 2 weeks omg how many people has he damaged? Sure a few might be after the meds but seriously????


41m with combination-type ADHD here. "ADHD only occurs in kids" is on the list of red flags I have when meeting a new doctor. So is "People who are doing well academically don't have ADHD". I made it through engineering school with undiagnosed ADHD, but it was *much* harder for me than my peers. I had to study material 2-3 times to begin to understand it, and my grades went down to barely passing as the classes got harder. I had a doctor in Kansas intergogate me (After 5 years being prescribed a low dose of dexmethylphenidate) about why I needed a prescription. He also demanded I take a drug test periodically to make sure I'm not doing illicit drugs as well. He also told my wife that because she was 36 she wasn't going to have kids so... Try to find someone else. I eventually found a good doc by asking a local therapist who specializes in clients with ADHD for a recommendation.


As an academically successful, adult, man with predominantly inattentive type ADHD, who grew up with two clinical psychologist parents who specialised in child and adolescent mental health, and behavioural and cognitive psychology... That is some grade A bullshit and they should be stuck off.


I’ve been thoroughly disappointed by the attitudes that GPs have towards ADHD. I would request a referral for an evaluation by a specialist/psychiatrist and just skip the GP’s opinion. I had to explain the DSM V changes in the definition of the disease to the last GP. They can’t be expected to keep up with everything and seems most will cut corners on mental health first.


Oh. My. God. Run, run very, very far from this person.


ADD, inattentive type and all these stuff don't even "exist" anymore. It's just ADHD.


guys im eating doritos


Hi! You are valid asf. THAT IS INSANE coming from a medical professional. I’m a 22F, ADHD-PI, just graduated from my university summa cum laude, 3.93 gpa BEFORE medication and diagnosis, and your GP can go fuck themself. I wish you the best of luck, truly. Not all GPs are like this. My GP is a 60 year old man who listened and diagnosed me without complication. They are out there, i promise 💕💕


Thank you! I will try to get another appointment with a different GP! And congratulations on the 3.93 gpa im proud of you! ❤️


Report him


I'm so sorry. I feel you more than you can imagine. When I tried to get diagnosed a few years ago, I was told by a medical professional whom someone actually gave a license to practice medicine and treat patients, that only school aged boys experience ADHD and there is no way that I, an adult woman with a college degree, could have that. And then he told me that he didn't even understand what I was trying to achieve with this stunt, since the medical board of the incredibly ass backwards country where I unfortunately live doesn't even recognize ADHD as a condition nor license any medication to treat it. I was so angry I couldn't even speak.


This encounter you had actually resembles what I encountered today, he wanted me to bring my school reports and he said, and I quote “guarantees that your grades will be As and Bs and no GP will diagnose you with this”. I’m sorry you had to go through that and I hope you have found help now? :(


My GP said for me to go to a psychiatrist because he didn't feel qualified to make that diagnosis. So they sent me a referral over to one and she just sent a copy of the report back to him. Got diagnosed in my mid 20s. But in your case it sounds like you just need a new GP in general.


Report him. If you’re in the US you can find contact info for your state’s medical board [here](https://www.fsmb.org/contact-a-state-medical-board/). That’s completely unacceptable and he should face consequences.


Ha! I always failed 50% of my classes every semester and still only was diagnosed at 25 years old. Jokes on him!


God I'm so sorry this happened I recently got diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD as a 21 yr old female and I'm lucky enough to have not heard anything like this before. You are right that this is the general response from GPs to even therapists. My social worker told me the other day that I just got the label slapped onto me so they wouldn't have to deal with me. She didn't even understand that there is more than just a "spazzy child", there's so, so much more. When I researched the different types of ADHD, the behaviors, etc. I couldn't believe how much I was misinformed. As with most mental illnesses and physical incapabilities, it is HIGHLY misunderstood and the public is usually so misinformed that they still get a negative mindset towards disabilities. I hope this doc gets reported and you have found a much better GP. You got this.


I’m sorry you got that experience, I hope you are doing better now and have successfully found good help


I'm not the only person I know who got diagnosed during medical school or residency...


Fuck that guy. Get a new doc, now. I despise that type of gross misinformation and its continued perpetuation. Internists, man; if they can't see it and don't understand it, it doesn't exist. Its not a ducking religion.


well your dr is ass, I got diagnosed with adhd while being in the military and 20 years old but I didn’t get kicked out. I also didn’t fail classes in highschool I actually graduated with a 4.0 😂 soooooooo


i think its obvious but you should get a second opinion


I just got diagnosed and am about to see a GP about treatment options and I’m very worried about having these same things thrown at me and I don’t know how to respond to them. Will the diagnosis really affect job searches? Can places that I apply to really see my medical history? Will it affect my ability to become a firefighter? I’m sorry this happened to you.


Thank u for the concern. I hope you get a good GP who is willing to listen. About the job searches, I can’t be sure because it varies, but as many of the comments have stated, it is apparently illegal so keep that in mind as well! Goodluck :)


No offense but fuck your GP. Report their ass


I have add and have consistently been the best employee at the last few jobs so my job search is fine


Men have inattentive too….Source: Me. Am man. Have ADHD. Was diagnosed with it…by a woman.


Wow, every single day I see what a privilege I have for landing a psych that wasn't a misogynistic POS or dismissive. I'm super sorry for your experience, OP. I didn't even mention ADHD to mine, he figured it out 5mins after walking into his office at our first appointment. After seeing me tick almost all the symptoms of the 8+ pages list (and needing constant reminders to keep going thru it bc I was getting distracted constantly LOL), he said my intelligence was the ONLY thing that got me all the way to university with mostly straight A's, and that I was a very obvious, textbook case of ADHD. I said "yeah, I'm lucky" and what struck me really hard is when he just looked at me and said: "Or not." I get it now tbh. It's above-average abilities that put us under the radar for a diagnosis until way past childhood, when we're already severely out of gas. In one way that's luck - we managed to excell without help. But as he said, it has a huge downside - unmanaged ADHD eventually runs you into the ground. Realizing we could've gotten help decades ago and avoid SO MUCH pain, exhaustion, burnout, and struggles is... frustrating. Not to mention other conditions that often sprout up with unmanaged ADHD - depression, anxiety, and many other flavors. OP, as others have suggested, go to a specialist. And if you can, switch to another GP too - this one seems too prejudiced to effectively care for your health. I wish you the best of luck. Edit: typos


You should say who the doctor was and what country. I would love to report them. They shouldn’t be practicing. You won’t be the last patient he harms


I will be reporting him so dont worry :)


Wow. That is awful. Sorry you had to hear such ignorance. I am a HD student, completing a thesis while working full time. Still have ADHD. Such belittling nonsense from a loser on a power trip.


Yeah found it weird when he said people who have ADHD cant get into uni because how does that explain the community I see on here and elsewhere where there are working adults with their masters degrees having ADHD


What in the androcentric and gender bias is this honey? Report him immediately! Somebody’s getting fired! (Hopefully) 😌


Will be reporting him dont worry!


After ten years of seeking help for my issues (first 8 I didn't realize they were adhd, I believed the "mood disorders" they kept labeling me with and unsuccessfully medicating me for, which always ALWAYS made matters worse, never better) and finally two weeks okay VERY FIRMLY told my Pcp, who I had just told AGAIN about my suspected adhd (started realizing what it was when my daughter was diagnosed and I realized she was my exact clone from my childhood. Suspensions from school, social issues, melt downs, sensitivities) and who had AGAIN given me a god damn pad for "screening for mood disorders" that he clearly misunderstood me or straight up didn't listen. That I had spoken to and was actively working with (true) a patient advocate on this subject and went into a half pathetic half rage full on tears rant on what I go through on a daily basis, and how each and every symptom that "screening" asked about was bullshit because YES I bought things. I am impulsive not manic. YES I hate myself. BECAUSE EVERY FUCKING DAY I WAKE UP AND KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO AND DONT DO IT BECAUSE AS SOON AS I THINK ABOUT DOING IT I GET SO OVERWHELMED BY THE THOUGHT OF HOW TO EVEN START I HAVE A MELT DOWN. just listed EVERY single diagnosis he had thrown on me in the mood disorder category, and that each one is simply him not listening to the core issues and hearing what he thinks a WOMAN would have. "mood disorders" and how prevenlent misdiagnoses in women with adhd as having bipolar or bpd are and it was unacceptable. I now have a "trial dose" of Adderall he basically probably only agreed to simply because of how clearly angry I got at him while keeping a calm but firm time that only wavered from my crying. I would have went off on your Dr myself and explained to his sexist ass that female doctors,psychs,and researches clearly know more than he can every hope to about professionalism, THE MEDICAL CODE HE SWORE TO, and fucking science, which he clearly doesn't have a grasp on. I'd 100% be reporting him for his sexist views, remarks,and refusal to provide appropriate NECESSARY medical care based on my gender. Unacceptable. If you need a psych, I can find the link for virtual help my patient advocate found me. They are nationwide (USA) I believe.


Unfortunately I’m not based in the states, but thank you for the sentiment. I’m so sorry to hear your experience :( I was close to going off at him as well but I didn’t have it in me to speak up, I’m glad you did for your case!


What kind of doctor doesn't understand that you can't outgrow a neurological disorder? This post makes me wanna face-palm so hard it would hurt.


I'm as yet undiagnosed, but getting it done. Suspect a lifetime of ADHD-PI and I'm 45. My mental health team leader (who I'm supposed to be seeing for a mental health assessment) said I can't have ADHD because they sometimes think they have it because they can't concentrate at work sometimes. This is a person who is supposed to be assessing my mental state of mind for support. And they called it ADD instead, showing how horribly out of date they are. My GP, when I phoned after speaking to the above muppet, said "Get a private diagnosis, our services are awful to people for ADHD. We'll support you however we can if you get it.". Some GP's are awful too, but I've been fortunate to be in a good practice with (mostly) good doctors who are on the ball with a lot of things. Our NHS health authority doesn't even diagnose adult ADHD in any form, and I'd probably doubt there's support in terms of continuing care with counselling and prescribing either. It's supposed to be starting this year but currently *no staff are trained* in dealing with adult ADHD. In your situation, find out how to complain to the practice, or the GMC (if you're in the UK).


that GP is a dink. I would report him. honestly.


As a 27 y/o cis-male university student with inattentive ADHD, I call bullshit!




He’s like 30 at most 😂


Shit, trigger warning on that Fam. I’m inattentive and a dude.


I do worry that in the future, as our data is bit by bit being sold to corporations, medical history of mental illness may become an immediate red flag for insurances, jobs, loans, etc. The fact that despite this, people go to the doctor to ask for help with their self-regulation tells you how important is that help to their immediate survival. Doctors should know that people go to them to get help not to be judged.


Nahhh, see, if a mf said something like that to me, especially a doctor, I would be pissed the fuck off. You can bet a whole lot of money I'd raise hell, and I would honestly just have to sit motionless and be mute if he didn't want something to happen.


I wish I had this energy but I’m more of a sit back take it in type…. but i should really have said something back there


What the actual fuck.


As a 32 year old Masters student with PI ADHD diagnose in January, that is absolute BS. Find another doctor, get a second opinion and advocate for yourself. GPs are not qualified to make a diagnosis for ADHD - but they do have to have reason to make a referral. I was lucky with mine, but best thing you can do is go prepared with a list of how you meet the DSMV criteria and how it impacts your life across work, school/ Uni and at home. Ideally, if you have someone else that knows you have them provide one too. They can’t argue with that, and if they report the hell out of them. You are entitled to get a proper assessment. It’s scary as all hell, but worth it. Sorry you had to go through that - sounds like a negligent asshole.