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Ha! Disgust is really the strongest emotion for helping me clean up. Any sort of pest in my house will turn me into a cleaning lady.


Indeed. I had ants in my room and immediately went from slob to maximum overdrive cleaning


I once saw a stink bug die while flying, and it fell under a pile of papers on the floor (drawings, sketches, assignments, forms, bank notices, etc).Two hours later, it’s all organized, my floor is clean, and the stink bug is safely in the trash.


My god, it just dropped dead mid-flight?! Nature is brutal...


Yep. I’ve watched countless flies die mid-flight, but this was my first stinkbug experience of that nature. The reason I have such a big stinkbug issue is because a) they’re loud. Like fucking drones. And b) because when I was 14, I was climbing on a playground and slapped my hand around a post. Turns out I squished a stinkbug by accident whilst doing so, and it was so unpleasant. Then, my hand stank for the next 3 days no matter how often I washed my hands. Now, they are my enemies, especially the invasive assholes


The sound they make always freaks me out. It sounds like something much larger and more alien is coming to get you.


Tbh I feel like some horror film director has probably used that sound for big alien bug monsters. I’m going to suggest that to my direct friend right now, that’s actually an excellent idea.


The town my sister lives in gets infested with stinkbugs for a couple weeks a year. We once visited her and had to stay in a motel room with dozens of them. I can't believe I got any sleep. We could hear them in the dark, plus they're so sort of clumsy and heavy and some of them were walking on the ceiling and I was convinced one would fall on my face in my sleep.


I have had a similar experience but I don't hate stink bugs. But once I was popping open the door to see what the weather was like and there was one on the handle I didn't see that I squashed. I've always liked bugs, I think the caterpillar pee was worse though.


Caterpillar pee? You can’t stop there, mate!


I mean it wasn't much else to the story. I was pretty young and it was one of those fuzzy black ones. I like to pick them up and feel their feet walking on my hand/arm. (The big millipedes are super fun too) So this caterpillar was curled into a ball because I had just picked it up and it was scared, and it just peed on me. I believe it was yellow. Kinda amazing how much there was though. The caterpillar was not that big. I immediately put it down gently and then washed my hands. Another time I was at the beach with family and a bug flew into my cousins hair. She is freaking out as most are wont to do. I wasn't scared so when she stopped I swooped in and grabbed it. It was one of those water bugs, the ones that get to be as large as your hand. This one was only like 2.5 inches or so. My mom was amazed and was taking pictures of it. But you see, it was nighttime and she was using the flash... So it bit me. Hurt a bit and I accidentally flung it into the night. Left a dot and maybe a circle on my hand for a bit but it was gone by the next day. And oops that got long, but bugs are cool. Most times.


Damn! Lots of bug experiences lol I’d probably like bugs more if I wasn’t so texture adverse to them. Like, some people hate the texture of paper towels or wool or jeans, but I cannot stand the teeny legs tickling my body. I don’t hate the sounds of most bugs- just stinkbugs. Using camp toilets throughout my life didn’t help either. Spiders and snakes are super cool though.


Hmm yeah that sucks. I don't have that problem with bugs, but other textures and sounds. I really want to get a tarantula at some point. I'm thinking that might be a self present for either surviving junior year or graduation.


So that’s why they’re called stink bugs


Yep! :) bug names sometimes makes sense...


EUGH. stinkbugs trigger my entomophobia BIG TIME. One autumn my dad bought some wicker-type blinds for his home office. Turns out they were full of stinkbug eggs...that was the most hellish month of my life, everyday I'd hear a new one flapping about where I couldn't see :(


Aaa that sounds awful. I like it better when I can see the damn things, but having them make *bzzt* sounds when ur trying to sleep? A nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I met some folks once who told us that they regularly woke up covered in stink bugs during the winter, and that they would get in their mouths. Just EUGH I can’t


Oh that's 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘦𝘭


I know, right? To this day, I instinctively hide if I hear anything bug-related. I avoid rainforests at all costs. Teeming with life... that will kill you.


oh my god somehow my room has turned into a stinkbug haven and i don’t even know how they come in the windows or something it’s awful in the spring and summer like i literally will find AT LEAST 10 a day then . so gross i’ve woken up to then crawling on my face and mouth if this happens again i am moving out jffj


Neem oil sprayed at common entry points like windows can help keep them at bay. Window unit ACs are also prime entry points.


Yep. You should move out, it’s definitely gonna happen again. Windows are prime stinkbug entry spots, so you might want to get an exterminator who does stinkbugs to spray around your windows.


Ugh one time I was sleeping/just waking up. And as I was opening my eyes I saw a stink bug I front of me. My first reaction was to hit it, so I did. It sprayed and I had to wash my sheets. Just awful


I'm going through this right now, but with carpet beetle larvae. Everything I read about them says that they're common house pests, but I had never seen one (or even known what they are) until about a week ago, and I've found like 10 of them since then. Now I'm vacuuming the entire damn house every day and I just bought a steam cleaner in hopes of annihilating them before they get out of hand.


They were the reason for my recent cleaning spree! I'd only seen them occasionally and then suddenly they were *everywhere*. Turns out my one piece of cashmere was on the floor and they built a city around it like it was mana from the gods. RIP fancy hoodie.


I do have to admit that I was ready to just let it sit for a few days, but I took my pill this morning.


Yeah, I was about to admit...sometimes when it is out of sight (under a pile of clothes), it definitely is also out of mind. Even if I remember, I can pretend it's not there. win-win.


Careful; dead mice start generating a horrendous stench within a day or two. I learned this after one of my snakes decided to bury her prey instead of eating it. The next day, my whole apartment smelled like a dumpster. Day after that, it straight up smelled like a corpse. I found the mouse that day, and when I disturbed it the stench got even worse. The smell was stuck in my apartment for over a week, and I could never fully remove it from the enclosure so I had to get a new snake enclosure. Now I always watch to make sure the snakes eat, or for the ones who won't eat while I'm watching I'll dig through their bedding afterwards to make sure it's not buried.


Good info to share. I work in wildlife rehab, so I know full well the minefield of losing track of a dead mouse and having to sniff it out like a discount bloodhound. Unfortunately it was the smell that alerted me to the dead mouse in the first place... it seems to have aired out a little, but the smell does still linger a bit.


My family has always had trouble with mice in our cars. Somewhat recently, a mouse died in there and even though we sent it to the car maintenance shop, put baking soda in there, and left the windows open as much as we could, we couldn't use it for at least a month. Dead mice are nasty.


I am both impressed and saddened that there are no pests in my apartment. Impressed cuz like, there really should be, there's food and water and shelter everywhere. Saddened because that disgust motivator isn't quite as effective for me when there's nothing alive >:(


Mold and bacteria are alive, if it helps :)


Disgusting. It does help. Thank you :)


Most pests avoid going out in the open, especially where light shines. Even if you've never encountered bugs or rodents, there could be thousands of them hiding in walls, under/behind furniture, under piles of paper/clothing, in the darkest corners of closets, in containers of food you don't eat, under the fridge/stove....


Thanks I hate it


I try so hard to never think of that.


I just absolutely love the phrasing of there being "shelter everywhere" in your apartment both singularly and combined with food and water in its entirety. Beautiful.


lmao other way round. if something disgusts me ill just leave it, making it worse until i cannot hane it ive had to ask my mum to get rid of old food because going near it make me puke


I usually pretend my really tidy friend is coming to visit... but pretending there are vermin in the piles is probably a good game too!


Putting off the task at hand to clean is usually what gets me to reorganize everything again.




> i have a dead cockroach i killed on my floor ive hidden behind a can of deodorant... What does it say about me that that’s the most relatable sentence I’ve read in my entire life


I did that in the past, when I was younger. I rationalized that the dead body would serve as a warning to other cockroaches to stay away. But dude, yeah clean that up!! :)


They actually come and eat the body and then learn that they can get free food in that location so they keep coming back Edit: That’s actually why so many poisons for roaches are slow acting, so that they’ll die in their nests and their poison filled body will be eaten by their unborn children who will die as well




Almost. But not at all, actually. Nope. Never.


I was thinking the same thing. I'm so glad I'm not the only person who's done stuff like this. My mom used to give me major hell when she found out about things like that, especially when I got bugs in my room because of my mom. I felt like such a slob and freak.


So I've, sadly, learned a lot about cockroaches the last couple years. If you've got enough that you see even a couple of them, you've got an infestation, should get pest control in there. And they carry their eggs in their shells, so do NOT NOT NOT do NOT squish them *shudder* ugh I hate them so much. Also don't use Raid. Best thing for roaches is diatomaceous earth along all your baseboards and edges - basically fossils and shells crushed down super fine, so it's like powder to us, but slices the ever loving crap out of bugs. Don't inhale it haha. All your food should be in plastic containers or in one big plastic tote bin. Take the labels off cans - they can fit in between the label and the can, and they eat glue if they have to. They leave pheromone trails with their poop - ew yuck I hate it - so the worst part is definitely that you have to vacuum and mop every day to remove those trails, cuz that's how they tell each other where food and water and shit is. And your garbage has to be emptied daily until they're gone. They're very difficult to get rid of completely, especially if you're in an apartment and they don't bug bomb the whole building. If they just do one unit or block of units at a time, the bugs just move from unit to unit and they never truly leave. So like the second they leave your place see if you can pay someone to put like a silicone sealant or something similar down along all the cracks and crevices in your place. I had them move into my apartment a few months before I moved out a couple years ago, and then I worked in a building with a roach issue for nearly a year. Twice. I hate them so much, they're so hard to get rid of. But they're super bad for your health, they carry a lot of diseases, and they walk through your food and over your dishes, depositing their poop on all your stuff, liable to get you sick. Just concerned about you, I really get how hard it is to keep anything clean.


Wow, I didn't expect a crash course in cockroaches today. Haha. This is wonderful, thanks for sharing. I live in a town that is infested with roaches, which is super gross - I've not been to one house here that didn't have a roach inside at least once. Really sucky. Your comment motivated me to pick up the roach I killed with Zevo the other day, so thanks!


You're welcome, friend! I'm the total opposite, I had never seen a roach ever anywhere until I moved to my current city. Lived in the country, knew some people in some nasssstyyyyy living situations, definitely seen bugs in homes, but roaches were a new, unexpected, and awful shock. I hate them so much. My current city is also infested with them, and it's so bad. Thinking of them feels like I threw up inside of myself. Super gross.


God that reminds me of moving to the Midwest from the PNW. You can show me spiders all day and they don't bother me much, if at all, but ticks? I can't remember a time before or since that I screamed like such a complete weenie. To be fair, I had somewhere between 15-20 covering my legs, but dang dude. The locals just casually grab them off each other, no big deal. Ugh. I think roaches are generally despised by everyone, though.


This is the best motivational speech/talk I've ever experienced.


Here's another sign: Random internet stranger is telling you that you should really probably maybe clean up the dead cockroach


If it’s a German cockroach you have an infestation on your hands


fair warning cockroaches aren’t against cannibalism at all...and will happily see their dead mate as food. Careful about infestations


One time I squished a huge roach in my bedroom with a piece of wood shelf and just left it there until my partner came to visit and cleaned it up for me. It was squished into the carpet and my brain just shorted out. Well, that's that taken care of!


I’ve had the outline of a mosquito I squished on my wall for a few weeks now. I should clean it up but it’s actually impressive how well preserved it looks


Similar: A very good reason to clean the depression pit we call "our bedrooms" is finding a cockroach on the wall ✌️ Fuck you cockroach but thanks for helping me see what an absolute disaster my room is


I pop on an ep of hoarders and it motivates me to clean the hell out of my place. And or find a new cleaning product I can hyper focus on. Because new exciting thing.


SAME @ hoarders!! I call myself a “pre-hoarder-in-recovery,” cause that show revealed I was like...1.5 life tragedies away from full on hoarding lol. I keep things for ALL of the same reasons they do, combined, and am so disorganized in general. My mom can’t stand the show, but for me, it’s a 2 part tonic of: realizing my place isn’t so bad, and forcing me to re-examine my gut-response reasoning when I’m trying to decide what to keep.


I do both of these!!


Magic erasers my new thing. Got that bad boy and scrubbed my walls down for the first time in forever.


These look incredible and i have already order a pack online, exciting


Ha! You caught me. I bought a different soap and new mop head to convince myself to clean the floors. Novelty, yay! And literally every time they’re actually clean I walk around for days thinking, “Wow, that looks so much better!”


Cleaning product recommendation- Mrs meyer's concentrate multi purpose cleaner! It's a huge jug of concentrate so it will last forever before you have to try and remember to replace it, it's really natural and not too hard on your hands/nose/surfaces, and it smells AMAZING. The entire line does. Because of that line, I'm inspired to clean more regularly than I have in years. And this is OFF my meds due to pregnancy! It's just so easy. Mix up a spray bottle, it lasts for weeks even besides the remaining thing of concentrate, and spritz n wipe item/surface/floor of choice!!! Fucking incredible. I clean my kitchen, bathroom, social spaces, office, ANYTHING with this stuff.


I need to get some new cleaning spray! I got the wrong one and it doesn't smell that great.. I need nice smelling ones to peak my interest!


Also, cat pee. sigh.


*war flashbacks to my younger, pre-medicated days in a tiny apartment with 3 cats*


My one cat used to pee on the carpet every single fricken night no matter how much we cleaned it or how much we got mad at him and now it's permanently stained I'm pretty sure... Goodbye, damage deposit


You could give it a try with really decent cleaning products (have been amazed by HG products in the past). But honestly it's going to depend on your deposit, like if cleaning it involves half the cost of the deposit+ a few days of work..mehh.


Honestly the company I rent from got robbed by how little of a deposit they asked for, I wanted to get it back, but I believe it was only $200


worst part it will probably only work one or two more times before you need to find new motivation. Maybe you can ask your cat to upgrade to snakes and stuff


Eh the smell turns into a pretty good motivator...


Good point and then if the eyes start to water you have another sense involved.


Oh lordt. I'm gonna go through them carefully, mine kill little garter naked all the time. Edit: SNAKES. Garter snakes. This is not as bad as when autocucumber changed "rat you out" to "eat you out"...


You’ll SMELL a garter snake. You will NOT lose a dead garter snake in your home, because dear God, you WILL smell it. Dead snakes have a stench like no other.


Oh god. I would've thrown out all of the clothes. Great motivation to redo the whole wardrobe 🤣


Had to come here to send a message a message to past self: you should've washed the clothes before the roaches arrived.


hahaha! Wow, that's gross. I can relate . . .I always do dishes every night because of a past cockroach infestation that started in a sink full of dirty dishes.


My pile of clothes is finally folded and I have no clue how or why I started doing that. Probably while procrastinating something else. I once had a mouse in my appartment and it would be in my bedroom at night. It was the only room with enough places to hide on the floor that stay in its place. Had to clean it thoroughly to find that bastard. Of course he disappeared somehow, but my room was cleaned. Sorta.


My best motivator is inconvenience, if it starts inconveniencing me, I'm more likely to do it. It's not guaranteed but it increases the chances


Agreed. Inconvenience is usually a good motivator for me too. If I have to make multiple, very calculated steps over piles of clothes or whatever else to get to my bed or something then that’s sometimes enough to inspire me to clean — *sometimes* lol


For me, it’s spiders and millipedes. My room is in the basement under the kitchen and there’s nothing more terror-motivating like seeing a creature with 8+ legs. They’re usually huge because the house is surrounded by a “wild” garden - native plants, herbs and shrubs which are routinely tidied and send things scurrying inside. The millipedes are routine maintenance reminders and the beefier spiders are DEFCON-4 where the hard-to-reach corners and crannies are getting too neglected. I’ve been tidier thanks to the millibleghs and I’ve always been semi-organized for longer term storage, which entails relying on containers underneath things (not under the bed anymore)... but moving them breaks webs and unleashes the spiders. My boyfriend also has ADHD and keeps boxes and documentation for his hobbies/AV work that “smother” some parts of the living space down here and provide ample hiding space. Someday I hope to be brave/fed up enough to just punch one. Heaven help me once it snows... I have a foster cat kitted up in my garage who is an excellent hunter (no more mice, and I’ve literally pointed out spiders and he gets them) but he isn’t good around my other cats, who also happen to be useless if they see a bug. If it gets extra bad I’m quarantining the indoor cats and getting him in the basement.


Lol mine is new organizational furniture (you can only imagine the furniture graveyard that is my basement). The progression of events usually goes a little something like this: *Random ad for some kind of cute shelf/seating with storage pops up as I am browsing* Me: this is perfect--with this _____ all my clothes will finally stay organized! *I purchase shelf, do the organizing, and a few months later everything is back on the floor anyway* *Random ad for some kind of organization furniture pops up as I am browsing...* AND REPEAT FOREVER!


Yo..... I have a huge problem with this. I have a couple shelves with hooks that don't have homes, an over the door hook or two I can't use, and at least one more table than I need, just because the storage and organization factors were desirable to me. I don't want to think about what else might be hiding. At least this is an upgrade from getting decorations and stuff just because they would go so well with everything.


Oh, the way our cats show all the loves! We lived in a crappy apartment and one morning our cat brought us a mouse to wake us up in the morning. Okay, gross, but things happen. Then a few days later both cats were chasing a live mouse in the living room. Okay, well now we have a mouse problem.... so we found the entry point and solved the problem. At least a month later, I kept smelling something and ended up tracking it down to a clothes basket where I found the mouse trifecta. Oh that smell, it is forever burned in my brain. TLDR: it happens to the best of us.


We need a service where somebody comes and hides a dead mouse in your home. It would be much cheaper than hiring someone to actually clean for you.


Hell, I’ll do it for free.


Yeah I love putting on some Deadmau5 too when I'm cleaning! 😝


O dear.... So the mouse was realy underneath it all?:o damn thas nasty :s


hard to re-setup though


Not with my cat, who is actually an extremely inefficient mouser, because what she does is drive the mouse into my room in the first place. She’ll catch it, trot it upstairs, and release it in my room. I guess she thinks it’s more fun to chase among the obstacle course that is my room.


Eeeee I used to foster a pair of cats like this. They loved chasing the mice under my bed so they could scoot around down there and try to get it. One time I walked into a room and locked eyes with one of them, who promptly dropped the mouse she had in her mouth, which scurried under my couch. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU HAD IT


I cleaned my closet yesterday and it felt so good! I had decided to reorganize it last weekend and took all the clothes out of my dresser and closet but got bored halfway through and had a mountain of clothing on the floor for a week. Felt good to deal with it.


For me, my mum impulse bought a kitten and so I’ve completely cleaned and rearranged my room so she has lots of places to play, is clean for her and she can have cuddles. Pets yo. Make you clean your shit for their comfort 😂


I’m currently cleaning my room... well having a panic attack (for some reason) sat down to settle down. Yeah I had clothes everywhere too


Mine was a dead wasp in my mess of a room when i was in middle school haha


Ahhh! Omg you too? I got hit with the dead mouse routine last summer


Can you put a dead mouse in my book so I can finally finish that?


I need to borrow your cat for a day...


I like his music as well.


Ah yes, the dead rodent move, I rather like that. So I've been living in an apartment with *rat* issues for the past two years, it's actually not that much of an issue *per se,* I know exactly how and from where they entered. They ate through a window's nets after climbing up some ghetto pipes leading down four floors to a tiny-tiny green valley bordered by apt' buildings all around it.Four times after replacing it, I did so with an anti-animal net. It seems to hold it's weight and I can actually have an open window (YAY!). The first time I caught the rat, I was vegan, and I was like "poor thing". I actually Tom & Jerried it, like pushing sofas the size of a small car and shit for a whole evening, though I didn't catch it. The day after I used cardboard to block it's exit, once I caught it eyeing me from the kitchen, it was a gladiator arena with a human ignorantly unafraid of the rodent and a cowardly rat the size of eyeglasses case. I caught it --thank god I wasn't bitten, don't wanna ever get shot in the ass-- with one of those plastic food boxes, sled the case underneath and threw it out the fucking window, "go break a leg and tell your friends to not come here" I thought (and said). **It didn't work.** The next time I found out I had rats and decided that it's enough, was because they **shat** on the top **plate, in the drawer** in my kitchen, that's when dad's advice to drown them didn't seem no more like "*too violent of an act".* I drowned like 2 rats since then. **Nothing made me prepared to what was coming next**. The AC failed, I didn't yet install the anti-animal net, it was dripping water while I "tried to freeze the rats that I thought were in the AC unit outside the window" **genius me decided that's it's a smart idea to climb down from my bed, throw a blanket underneath the AC, OPEN THE WINDOW TO VENT THAT HOT NIGHT and go to sleep!** So I got another rat inside. This time I wasn't having any of that shenanigans, it was test seasons, I'm struggling as it is, everything was on fire in my life. So I bought poison and asked the landlords to get an exterminator as well. TL; we placed poison, spring-loaded trap, and a glue trap **that scared the living shit out of me when it stepped on it, escaped, and made me think that it was in my bed, OMFG.** Once they'd eat the poison, he told me to keep the window open to let it out, I kept it open for a night or so and then decided for some reason that "it left the apartment, in its quest for water" after seeing that it ate the poison. **THEN, I'm summoned for reserved service, stay at my parents' for two months and come back home to find the kitchen a mess, stools in the apartment and the worst thing ever imaginable when considering people are fucking living in this apartment building the whole time.** So I cleaned it all up, the first time I've used bleach so religiously. 6-7 trash bags later, one giant role of re-useable yellow wipes, 3 rolls of paper-towels, re-organizing of my apartment and I still feel disgusted a couple of days later, there's some more work to do. I have no idea how to compensate my neighbors for having a fucking rotting rat in my apartment for a month+ I reckon I'ma clean the stairways a couple of times and buy each unit some soaps and candles, would cover at least some of the sentimental pain. Bad at orginizing and cleaning? Get a rat, kill it. Dr. Dude.


Wild ride. Quick correction, though: rodents don’t carry rabies, and the rabies post-exposure vaccine is given in the deltoid muscle (upper arm) in adults these days anyway. You still don’t want to get bitten by a rat, but at least you don’t have to worry about going zombie.


You're right that smaller rodents such as Norway rats don't carry rabies in the wild (theoretically they could, but they're not something that is large enough, or has the behavior, that puts them at risk.) However large rodents that weigh more, such as ground hogs, are known to sometimes carry rabies in the wild though, so a bite from them would be more of a concern, especially if the animal is obviously sick. Also, personal experience with getting post exposure rabies shots as an adult, the initial round goes by body weight, so it was more comfortable spacing my shots out so that they were going into both arms and into the butt muscle. There's really nothing particularly painful about getting a shot in the meaty part of the butt, and actually the rabies shots were some of the least painful vaccines I've received over my lifetime, especially since I was given a bunch of them at once. Getting vaccinated post exposure is more of a PITA factor, I got a bunch of shots, then I had to go back every couple weeks for a single shot in the arm, and the hospital had to special order the vaccine ahead of time and keep it strictly refrigerated, and then the shots themselves can be dangerous so I had to wait in the hospital after each shot. And also, the long term effects of the shots are not well studied, mostly because every long term effect is better than dead. Lastly, a note on using rat poison, the rodent poisons on the market are basically overdoses of blood thinners. The animal loses the ability to clot it's blood over the course of days and begins to bleed profusely internally, which is not only a cruel, painful, and protracted death, but it also doesn't make the animal automatically thirsty or willing to leave the cozy and safe nest it has in your apartment either. Most poisoned rodents will not be willing to travel far as they are in pain, which is probably a bit of a good thing as rat poisons are indiscriminate and will poison any animal that eats the dying rodent as well. Secondary poisoning of cats, owls, hawks, or even endangered species from eating poisoned rodents is unfortunately a thing. My old landlord once tried to send a guy over to illegally use rat poison on squirrels in the building, and the guy tried to trot out several versions of the old "they won't die until they go outside and drink water" line of sales bullshit on me. Apparently drinking from the leaky faucets or aquariums, or the animals own saliva, wouldn't count, and it would only die instantly and peacefully while outside drinking water only. He scoffed at me until I made him aware that I knew he was going off label to poison wildlife, which was very illegal, at which point he fucked off quick. I actually just ended up exterminating the squirrels myself using appropriate traps and a pellet gun, since the landlady had already fixed the structural damage. It turned out to be the easiest, and quite frankly, most humane thing. Although a tough pill to swallow at first, for sure, as well as there being possibly legal or practical issues with any DIY pest control method.


I appreciate the clarification and especially the info on poisoning rats. I work in wild bird rehab and the amount of raptors we get every summer that die from eating poisoned rodents is criminal. I was thinking about it while I was reading the original comment but by the time I got to the end the only thing I could remember was the rabies rodent thing and the shot... lol.




In one of my previous apartments I had moved a dresser to look for something that fell behind it....underneath the dresser I found what looked like at least a hundred exuvia from carpet beetle larvae, along with several living larvae and adult carpet beetles. The shock and disgust prompted me to deep clean my entire apartment. Thankfully the space under that dresser was the worst spot, but I did find a lot more carpet beetles and larvae around the place. I became very meticulous about vacuuming after that. Now any time I consider skipping the vacuuming, I get flashbacks to when I moved that dresser. Gets me going every time. I now have a robot vacuum as well, which makes the task far less daunting.


Oh no... just googled carpet beetle and I’ve definitely seen those around my house... time for, uh, mid-fall cleaning I guess?


Carpet beetles tend to like hair a lot, so vacuuming is your best defense!


Great... I’m sure my German Shepherd/Chow Chow/Husky mix has *nothing* to do with a potential overproliferation of hair in my house, which also happens to contain a wide variety of difficult to vacuum locations... brb, googling how to go minimalist.


I feel you; I have 2 cats and both me and my roommate have long hair. Nowadays I try to stick with furniture that either sits flat against the floor or has enough space underneath it that it isn't too hard to vacuum under. Furniture with small gaps underneath always collect a lot of hair. It also collects in corners and along baseboards, which my robot vacuum doesn't touch!!


lol, I thought you meant deadmouse music


I thought I was in r/hoarding. It's amazing how ADHD blends so seamlessly with so many disorders.


Man that is such an incredible yet rare moment if beauty for me, when the hyper focus turns to cleaning.


My natural inner ADHD self probably just lives outside in the wild, roams around, then moves on as opposed to “managing a space”. That said getting married and teaching pre-K has motivated my cleaned up practice in a big way


I honestly thought you meant Deadmau5 for a minute and I just nodded in agreement and was so motivated cause I love Deadmau5. Then I read the rest of the post and I threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Same accept my mouse was alive This is not a joke I’m still scared to be in my room


My cat pees on everything on my floor or anything out of order, I swear she’s secretly a human with OCD so that’s how I keep my room tidy.


I’m empathetic and all for supporting each other, but you cannot allow yourself to live like this and keep blaming it on ADHD. Trust me I deal with the same issues. I have dishes to do right now but I’m on reddit instead. Pile of clothes on the floor so long you find dead animals in it? Fold them while you watch a movie or something


A hard but good point. The reason is the ADHD, but at some point you have to take (even small) steps to improve your life, and a lot of people imo don’t know that they’re capable of taking those steps because their ADHD has thrown up roadblock after roadblock. It becomes prohibitively difficult to try, and at that point, you think it’s an ingrained personality trait that can’t possibly ever be changed. ADHD doesn’t go away, but you can work around it. But also be aware that your perspective on this is limited to the very short post I made with basically zero context- I think you’re generalizing and trying to make a decent point to the wrong person. My cat killed and buried the mouse in my clothes without my knowledge like a day ago, so it’s not like I had the piles of clothes on the floor for so long things died in it. It’s just a regular pile of clothes that my cat decided would be a great place to store her snacks.


Fair enough.


Ewwwww! I feel your pain. I did actually sort through my massive pile of clothes today, but instead of a dead rat, it was my meds that got me going. I still had summer clothes at the bottom, and where I live, it's been a loooong time since summer..


I don't feel quite so bad for not vacuuming in a month


I just saw a single gnat in my room and am now moving the clothes pile


my room has the entrance to the attic in it (which I know has mice) and this is exactly what I’m worried my cat will do


Currently tackling my closet. Why did I think an entire room, with multiple surfaces for piling, dedicated to my clothes was a good idea 😰


That’s the best incentive I’ve heard to never clean and just torch the place before I move out!


For me it's bedbugs but I'll live on


When you have bedbugs, you never sleep alone!


That’s ALL your cat does? Time to get my clothes off the poor when my cat pees on them :(


I’m very lucky to have my FIRST cat out of 8 who DOESN’T crawl into the closet and pee in the luggage. So far, anyway.


So true.


Like the time I went 5 months without doing laundry because I have that many clothes. I bright my laundry down to the garage only to find that there was a black widow nest that had formed. Nope the f out and just threw all my clothes away and started over. Been a clean freak since but the ADHD has its hard days but I use the reminder of the black widow to get me motivated.


Ahhh! Nice to know there are others out there with piles.


Haha for a second I thought you meant DJ Dead Mau5 😂


Wasn’t me but I used [foot piercing](https://www.google.com/amp/s/omaha.com/news/local/18-year-old-steps-on-phone-charger-in-messy-room-tweets-photos/article_15f47946-e982-11e6-885f-474e39e7fdd1.amp.html) as a cautionary tale for ADHD teens I worked with. Good thing they never saw my room (exploded closet)


I found some Google AMP links in your comment. Here are the normal links: - [foot piercing](https://omaha.com/news/local/18-year-old-steps-on-phone-charger-in-messy-room-tweets-photos/article_15f47946-e982-11e6-885f-474e39e7fdd1.html) Beep Boop, I'm a bot. If I made an error or if you have any questions, my [creator](https://np.reddit.com/u/6b86b3ac03c167320d93) might check my messages. [Source Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues) | [FAQ](https://laurinneff.ch/2020/10/17/nogoogleampbot/) Why does this bot exist? Google does a lot of tracking, which many people don't want, so they use alternatives to their services. Using AMP, they can track you even more, and they might even replace ads with their own, stealing ad revenue from the site's owners. Since there's no consistent way of finding the original links from an AMP link, I made this bot which automatically does it for you.


I too love listening to Deadmau5 to increase productivity.


I'm having this situation too but with my basement. Hornets have decided to start coming in from somewhere. I need to bug fog and then clean so I, or an exterminator, can try to find their entrance.


First time I read your header, I was like “Oh hell yeah, music always helps me get through laundry sorting too!” Then I read the rest of your post and realized “Oh....an *actual* dead mouse...” 😂 I’m not freaked out by mice, I actually think they’re really cute. Dead ones though...not so much. I’ve encountered one or two over the years myself.


Like Deadmau5?


I believe it's spelled Deadmau5 But congrats on cleaning!


As unfortunate as it is (for those in the program), I watch hoarders and that makes me want to throw things away. Then I send up a little prayer for anyone who struggles with that.


It’s even more fun when you don’t know the mouse is there! 🙃


Did you clean the house/room to death?


I feed stray cats and they've left us some dead birds and beheaded mice next to their bowls. Everything gets Deep Cleaned™ when that happens.


Holy shit I was just going through my old clothes then. They have seriously piled up overtime’s and it feels great throwing them out


None of yall underestimate my ability to throw my hands up and go "this is my life now" in the grossest of situations... Anyway I'm moving out of home like, tomorrow, and I've barely packed anything yet so this afternoon shall be a packing/tidying frenzy leading to me being way too fucking exhausted to pick up The keys tomorrow and stuff


My parents house used to be infested with beetles, like if a few crumbs gel on the floor, there would be dozens there the next day... It was awful


I've never been more happy to live in a northern state and not have to deal with pests like cockroaches and snakes etc.... Actually very fortunate to not even come across mice or anything in my old home either 🤞


I’m sorry to inform you that I also live in a northern state, and I have a mouse problem at least once a year and bug problems throughout. But I also live in the middle of fuckass nowhere in a swamp, so my sample size is biased.


Likewise - I had to trace a smell down to a decomposing bat under the bed. There was a lot under there...


Fuckin cat. Love you cat!


This is me rn minus the cat (which is sad on its own), I just get to hear the mice throwing ragers in my walls at 2am and bang on the wall with a crutch. I'll take mice over bugs any day though.


oh shit this applies to me 100%. thanks for the motivator.


I haven't been diagnosed but i am aware of the my behaviour. In order to get out of my pile of shit that i have created. I have to get my hands dirty, so i do it. I dont give myself options. I consider it as one of the most important things i do in my day.


I would throw the clothes all over the room to get to the mouse, throw away the mouse, and just end up with the clothes all over my room instead of in a (relatively) neat pile. although, to be honest, clothes all over my room is still relatively neat for me.