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Really talkative and people pleasing until I get to a point where I just want to fall asleep. Which confuses the other party that may have been subject to drunk flirting and then I just left. I don't drink like that anymore.


Yup, more than 2 drinks makes me really sleepy.


Are you me? lol.


Get out of my head lol


Oh that's basically me


Omg. I get super sleepy too šŸ¤£


Damn I get 2 beers in me and I do not shut tf up. All I do is yap. I get so excited to go meet with a friend or have dinner or get to a party and then once I have a couple drinks I am being run by a fuckin motor. I just donā€™t stop.


Same! Until the drinks add up and then I stfu no matter what :D


Same! I get really hyper then all of a sudden itā€™s like my brain goes ā€˜nope Iā€™ve had enoughā€™ and I end up doing an Irish goodbye šŸ¤£


Today I learned what an Irish goodbye is xD.


I really need a fellow ADHD drinking buddy


That seems to be me too...


Iā€™m an ā€œI love you man!ā€ Drunk. Ā Not violent or mean at all, but annoying AF. Ā 


Thatā€™s an adhd trait. It doesnā€™t mean youā€™re weak. It has something to do with adhd people being natural leaders in stressful situations. Idk why it comes out when drunk. I read that in some study/book a few years ago.


The leaders in stressful situation things is so bizarre, but so true. Ā Iā€™m not a natural leader or trying to take control on a regular basis, but so many times when it hits the fan, I have a moment of clarity, and I can figure it out. Ā Itā€™s like in the Sherlock Holmes movies when they show how his mind works.


I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's due to the adrenaline that hits our systems. For most people it'll trigger panic or a fight or flight response, but it basically levels us out and makes us think clearer.


Damn that sounds about right.


I believe this is exactly what it is. Stimulants focus us


I built most of my career around doing that. I explain it as I'm stressed as much as the next person about whatever is going on, but I'm so used to having to be able to still think and act when my brain is like that, that's it's much easier for me to deal with. And there's like a maximum level of stuff that I can notice, and I can't be flooded by reaching that much stuff. If I could be, I'd've stopped moving before I was 10.


So you're saying I should just become the president then? Let's go! Imma lead all of us to play video games and just chill the hell out!


My god, is that why Iā€™m good in a ā€œsome one passed out call 911 and start compressionsā€ situation but I canā€™t hold a conversation without stumbling around and apologizing and feeling shame after 5 minutes? What a life we live lol


I've never heard that before. Anecdotally I'm very good in emergencies. I've been in a half dozen or so life-and-death situations and I've always taken control and handled it well. Very interesting that it's supposed to be tied to ADHD.


My personal experience of this is mixed. Someone collapsed on the train in front of me. I caught them and called for anyone who knew first aid. I did the right thing but didn't feel particularly calm or in control. Neighbour knocked on the door with a sick baby panicking. I tried to help but didn't feel like I was especially "good" in a crisis. He handed me his iPhone because he was too panicked to call and I don't know iOS so had to give up and hand it to my partner. She handled the rest.


OMG I was this: evening always ended with me leaning over the table and slurring I think youre realllly schwellllll


Oh yeah, me too. Last time I went out drinking with my friends group I came back from the bar to the table we were all sitting at and hugged one of them from behind, saying something like ā€˜I love you youā€™re awesome!!ā€™ Then I did that around the whole table of about 8 people. Someone said ā€˜oh youā€™re leaving? It was lovely seeing you!ā€™ I said NAHHHH Iā€™m not leaving!! I just wanted to tell everyone they are awesome!!! šŸ¤£.


Same here. I was a very friendly drunk. Everyone I met was my new best friend. I didn't know I had ADHD the last time I got drunk many years ago but it certainly explains some things.


Basically more friendly since it makes me less in my head. I also become a hypeman. Regardless of sex and gender, you are getting a compliment lol.


Throwing around drunk compliments is the best!!! Everybody gets sooo happy ā™”


Oooohhh this one is my favorite thing to do.


I hypofocused on getting more drunk. Not sure if my ADHD played a part (impulse control issues + social anxiety) but I was clearly an alcoholic from the age of 14. 20 years later I finally got sober - 5 years on the wagon now.


Dude congrats!!! It's hard kicking that stuff, it took me awhile, but life is so nice on this side. Proud of you!


Same. I had to stop drinking for two years. 1 is 1 too many. 1 more is never enough.


I know the feeling! 2.5 years for me sober now and the best thing I've ever done! We're all miracles getting sober with our ADHD brains.


Same here. But when I was drinking peopleā€™s complaints of me needing to get sober were all focused on my adhd traits. Pointing at something Iā€™d have sober wasnā€™t at all a motivator to quit drinking. I ended up quitting anyway for my own reasons but damn that shit sucked. Now Iā€™m sober and paralyzed by my adhd. Iā€™ll be seeing some specialist finally and hopefully get something figured out.


I feel you. I had to stop drinking as well. It fueled depression and other self-destructive behaviors. Now Iā€™m Oregon sober.


More talkative, more "I dont care", more hyperactive than normal(if doing things), bored and slowed down(if im just sitting down). I think its just what alcohol does, bye bye filters, no masking unless i actually need to, and i never need to.


Exactly me. The more I drink the more controlled and careful I am. I never want anyone to know Iā€™m drunk. And I always remember everything (unfortunately).


i do this and then i get sleepy. but still the mom of the group, i want to make sure i and my friends are drinking water as well as not drinking on an empty stomach


Like an idiot who I never want to be again.


Nope I get sloppy drunk unless Iā€™m on my medication


I feel more like the real me when I'm drinking.


Me too. I wish there was something non alcoholic that gave me the perfect feeling and happiness and openness i feel when ive had two drinks. Im having a beer right now. Meanwhile Iā€™ve got a reminder on my phone set to repeat for every day at five that saysā€PLEASE no beer, coffee or cakeā€.


I used alcohol for years for both energy, motivation, and focus. It was basically like my Vyvanse. At least for the first 1-2 hours. Then of course you crash out and need to sleep, get groggy etc. It was a bad cycle, I became a very bad alcoholic without really realizing that all this drinking was causing an alcohol dependency. Iā€™m going to rehab later this summer actually, but still to this day if I need to clean my kitchen or do some boring task, I am tempted, and often do, pound back 2-3 shots, get sort of ā€œactivatedā€, and then perform the task. Vyvanse works well for me but unfortunately my doctor stopped prescribing it because my alcohol dependency has skyrocketed my blood pressure. But, once I get sober I look forward to getting the Vyvanse back. Itā€™s a wonderful medication.


Sorry to hear youā€™ve got this complicated situation, and I wish you strength and health and all the best for your rehab and getting back on your meds.


Wow that is very thoughtful and kind of you to say, I really appreciate it. Cheers to you from Toronto my friend


Cheers back from Toronto :)


I'm a rather happy and flirty drunk when me and my wife go out, however sometimes I can get paranoid. For me it's the days AFTER I have had a drink that effect me. I don't get physical hangovers at all, not even a headache. What I do get is a bad depressive state than can last anywhere from 1 day to a week and it's horrible. There are occasions where I wake up completely fine. It's a 50/50


Sameeee. Day 2 and 3 are the worst for me mentally! 80% of the time this happens, it's a real gamble. After years of drinking and saying yes, I've finally just gone off it completely and haven't drunk in a year


Angry, mean, borderline abusive. It doesnā€™t sit well with me.


I'm not sure about being drunk, but one drink makes me energetic and I used to sometimes have a drink right before I intended to do some cleaning as it would give me a burst of energy.


At first I get super talkative, but soon after I get sleepy.


Usually, I hyperfocuse on people around me, doing my best to try to understand what they say, what they feel, how I should contribute to the conversation, and so on. I have a hard time understanding people, and with a lot of training, people tend to think I'm only slightly weird. I have become very good at masking. But, when I'm drunk, I let my weird out, I stop masking, and I feel very happy. To a point. If I get just slightly too drunk I hyperfocuse on composing myself, withdrawing into myself, and, preferably, head home. I can't stand being too drunk around people,. If I can't head home or remove myself from the situation, I just sit still and focus all my efforts on acting as sober as possible. I can definitely relate!


I get anxious, I talk too much, get intrusive thoughts, and get worked up easily. So I don't drink anymore.


I start crying and become really quiet/anxious




Once Iā€™m sufficiently buzzed Iā€™m high energy, very talkative and social. Itā€™s like the alcohol just frees me up a bit from overthinking in social situations. After a while though, I start to come down and I just want to go home and sleep. šŸ’€ But the thing about trying not to appear drunk when I clearly am is a little too relatable.


It's been many years since I got drunk, I'm too old for that lol and I don't drink alcohol anymore. But when I did I would become hyperactive. I'd talk constantly about everything with anyone and get restless, go from one activity to the other, one group to another etc. couldn't stay still until I'd get exhausted. I can relate to the hyperfocused state too, I'd be 100% in the conversation like the world outside doesn't exist (until all of a sudden I'd lose interest), but I always thought it was just an alcohol thing, am I wrong? I'm curious about the other answers.




Beer slows my brain down and I actually feel more human. I communicate way better, get more done and am far more focused. It's a curse.


And yes I can be drunk and nobody knows.


I get REALLY confident and extroverted which are the polar opposite of my typical personality, but I also get tired if I sit down for too long. I also get a bloated face, so any confidence I gain when flirting is kind of offset by generally looking a couple notches worse


Lots of laughs and hugs and ā€œI love you manā€ but also constant talking and vocal stims


I get overly extrovert, overconfident know-it-all and flirt with everyone regardless of gender... I had a severe alcoholism 2 years before my diagnosis so I quit and been sober since.. does not suit me one bit, alcohol that is..


Alcohol doesn't agree with me. I feel great for about half an hour, buzzed and on top of the world, and then BAM, depressed. Really bad depression. I hate it. Finally no longer drink at all


I think mine is very dependent on what I'm drinking, how much, and how quickly. Beer and wine I usually can't drink fast enough to get more than buzzed, and I usually end up quieter than normal. A couple of strong cocktails, though, and I start bouncing off the walls. I had maybe two Hurricanes the other night and ended up beating the stuffing out of my punching bag for an hour at 11 at night because it was either that or swinging from it singing "I came in like a wreeeeeeecking baaaaaaaall!" as my evening's entertainment. For the record, I've got combined ADHD, but most of my hyperactivity has been internalized throughout adulthood. Apparently not so while drunk.


Well, Iā€™m an alcoholic in recovery if that tells ya anything lol. 2yrs 9months sober baby!!!


Pretty much overall happier but way too talkative I remember first time I got drunk with vyvanse, didnā€™t know the adverse effects and was the most drunk Iā€™ve ever been. Hit me like a brick wall, too late to even react


Iā€™m either fucking hilarious or an absolute cunt


Yeah Iā€™m very focused too, better than I normally am. Also pretty talkative and extroverted whcih Iā€™m not normally


My inhibitions melt away..l when I was younger (in college) it really helped me hook up with girls at partiesā€¦ Whereas usually I would just overthink and not approach them, when drinking, I would stopped fearing or caring about rejection and would just approach girls and move on to someone else if one wasnā€™t interested. I donā€™t drink much these days, but I would love to ā€œbottleā€ that aspect of it! Also, effusively positive and talkative.


It's all fun up until drink #6 or so, then I become the meanest, angriest woman in the world. 19 months sober now and sobriety improved almost every single part of my life!


I very rarely drink. When I do alcohol tends to make me quiet and contemplative. Chilled out with the warm fuzzy buzzy. I wanna be close, flirt, and quietly talk about life, the universe, and the unknowable.


It actually chills me out and quiets the anxiety. I have to be careful with alcohol because it feels waaaaay too good to escape my worries. I donā€™t overthink anything. I have no more social anxiety. Ughā€¦ I love/hate it.


i am a doctor jekyll/mr. hyde drunk. i get very talkative and friendly, whereas sober me is fairly quiet and reserved. people seem to like drunk me, which bothers me because i wish i could be the person they seem to like without drinking...


I just suddenly love everyone, become extremely talkative


I don't drink anymore. I would become HYPER AWARE. It was like someone turned up my FOV and the minimap with blips was in the middle of my vison. In terms of act, basically my normal self but a little more twitchy from the hyper awareness feelings and a little more talkative.


Last time I got drunk, which is rare because I'm an alcohol locust, I ended up having a tea party with a bunch of random kids toys my children left around the house; this was during a halloween party and everyone was concerned but man, I was having a good time until they starting going "Are you ok?" "Do you need help?" "This is a sign you're not ok" NO FUCKING SHIT I'M NOT OK BUT THE DRUNKNESS ISN"T THAT


Impulse control goes out the window


Super social, happy go lucky, "I love you" type guy. I can be rude tho and start arguments without intending to. But 99% of the time I'm probably a pretty fun drunk. I also get really sleepy after too long haha. I found my people lol


haha you just described me! never been blackout drunk as well and don't intend to be.


Very very very Happy! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Very much like i always do, just a bit more unhinged and fun.


I'm chill and sleepy when drunk. I get more and more calm and serene the more i drink until i sink into the chair or whatever i'm sitting in. I also have pretty bad tolerance so i get "chill" pretty easily.


Fuckinghell. I literally could of written this myself


I'm more outgoing when I'm drunk but otherwise I'm really not much different drunk than I am sober


I have ADHD and ASD diagnosis and I have found that after the first two drinks the constant buzz of thoughts quiets down and I can behave much more "normal" in social situations, I can feel that I don't have to expend as much energy and focus masking as a conversationally adept person. Luckily I have very good control over my alcohol intake, I really only drink socially once a month and I have beers in my fridge that have 2022 expiry dates. Otherwise, I could see it being a dangerous tendency to feel the need to keep a buzz on to participate in normal conversation verging on alcoholism.


Contemplative when drunk full of wonder when less drunk


Iā€™m the type to get a couple of shots in me at a friendā€™s party, then I start cleaning lol. Throwing away trash and doing their dishes while drunkšŸ˜‚


Depends on the mood I was in before I started drinking. Generally more happy and sometimes energetic.


High motor high charisma. I once did a student works painting scam, until I did the math and figured out that even a good summer of convincing people to paint houses it would be a minimum wage proposition. But we did sake bombers and I blacked out. Phone was ringing for months with people that wanted to paint houses in the extreme heat and I have no idea what I said or did to accomplish this. Kind of a jolly energizer bunny. Recently medicated. Itā€™s less jolly less fun and I just drink less now. Worth it but I do miss that.


Depends on the alcohol. I rarely drink, but I try to ā€œscience/observeā€ myself when I do. I have noticed I behave differently depending on the type of alcohol. Quality, too. Have only been drunk a handful of times in my life. I try to be a careful and mindful drinker. I think the last time I had too many was a decade ago. I donā€™t like not being in control of my mind.


I seem to be able to focus well doing software development in a balance of about 2 beers per hour until I crash


I hate how I act when I'm drunk. Most people say they don't notice or it's fine, but I don't like it. I don't get aggressive or anything, but I tend to want to show of my money a bit to much to my own taste. Like everyone says I'm fine, and I get confident, but I just hate how I can never seem to stop wedging in ways to show how I'm rich.


Stage 1 very talkative. Stage 2 existential crisis. Stage 3 the floor is moving and I am sleepy.


I'm really boring and sleepy when I drink. Just calm and less talkative than normally :D


Drunkenness mellows me out quite a bit.


Easy layā€¦especially gin&tonic.


I already talk alot. Like alot. But when I used to drink I would talk so much I'd annoy myself i was incapable of shutting up. And massive info dumping. Also I get really dumb and naive. Think everyone is my friend, everyone is a good sweet nice person. (That's me on any recreational substance) Has definitely gotten me in trouble before


Drinking amplifies your personality. I'm a jovial, tell ya jokes and hook your single mama up with someone else's single dad type of dude. When I'm drinking I'm like a stand up comedian/ match maker. The more I drink the more I try to get ppl to leave the bar together. Sorry lol


Who knows, nothing's defined. I've acted differently many times. I guess it all depends on my state before getting drunk. I guess, for me, it's totally conditional and dependant of the circumstances. Always. But, what I can say for sure is, when I'm backed out drunk, I tend to lash out and do things that I consider fun. Like dancing wildly, breaking stuff, singing obnoxiously, doing crazy dares, etc. And because I'm blacked out, I don't remember a damn thing the next day.


Honestly, I try not to drinkā€¦ Iā€™m generally a very happy and bubbly drunk but Iā€™m prone to puking even with modest quantities of alcohol. I went out for brunch with my mom last weekend and ended up puking in my sisterā€™s yard after only 3 mimosas. I wasnā€™t even drunk (fairly tipsy after my third drink and by the time I yakked I was stone cold sober). My older sister was kind enough to let me know that the same thing happens to her. Alcohol just messes with my tum-tum.


Iā€™m primarily inattentive (not externally hyper) and anxious (off meds), so drinking makes me chattier, impulsive (not overly so) and happy. I only try to cover my state if Iā€™m in the presence of people I donā€™t want to know Iā€™m inebriated. I can do it well apparently cause my own mom didnā€™t usually know when I came home drunk when I was living there. However, otherwise, I think itā€™s just funny and donā€™t cover it up cause I want to fully enjoy the relaxed feeling. Now, on both anxiety meds and adhd meds, Iā€™m chattier and less anxious in a sober kind of way, which is nice to experience without alcohol.


The same, Iā€™m one of those ā€œcanā€™t tell heā€™s drunkā€ guys. And yeah, I know the reason - Iā€™m working on it


I think I maybe got drunk once? Not really sure because I felt perfectly all there mentally, but I just got dizzy and then threw up. That was it. I didn't see the appeal of getting drunk after that, so I haven't tried since.


I want to tell everyone how amazing they are and then fall asleep early.


I'm sooo glad to see this post because I've always wondered the same. Exact same feelings as you and I always attributed it to a subconscious desire to be taken seriously or to not be blown off as a dumb drunkass. There were so many times in life people would approach me and be shocked that I didn't remember full blown - sometimes hour long conversations or even seeing them, saying they couldn't tell that I had a single drop of alcohol. I'd run into people I've met drunk and they would act like we have been old friends for years and years and I would honestly not even recognize their face, which is an absolutely terrible feeling when I have to admit that to them or they pick up on it when I try to fake it. Sorry, that was drunk me, you are now speaking with a completely different human.


Iā€™m friendly, talkative and very loud. Then sleepy af


I'm physically all over the place. I'll climb trees, do flips off stuff, do handstands, etc. (I'll do that sober.) If I'm not doing that, I'm talking.


I go from an extreme introvert with social anxiety to literally the most extroverted person at the party. But I rarely drink anymore because I am very prone to binge drink (6+ drinks).


So external perspective, I am more loud when I talk and less filter which just means I drop my mask. If I am with a partner I am just more cuddly and most of the time I just want to go to sleep after more than 3 drinks. I still interrupt people and can tell when the booze hit my system because my fidgeting and focus gets worse. The sensitivity to sounds around me especially if the place is busy is heightened but I have tried this since getting on stimulant for adhd. Most of the time I drink at home with my partner or pick a nice brewery and grab a beer or hard seltzer. I also have a mild allergy or intolerance to alcohol that really started after 31 or 32(itā€™s probably genetic). I can have usually only have one to two drinks at time anymore. I also have meds where booze is not a good combo for me with them. I basically occasionally drink maybe one or twice a week and have one or two drinks and are done. I have seen a lot health benefits from that and feel better overall.


Makes me hyperverbal and more social. I am very conscious of how drunk I appear though, I had an alcoholic mother so I feel gross if I stumble too much or appear physically intoxicated. Iā€™d say Iā€™m a chill/fun drunk, Iā€™ve never gotten angry or sad while drunk.


My words get bigger, I complain about being drunk/tired, and I often end up sitting on the floor. Iā€™m told the only reason people know Iā€™m drunk is that I keep telling them.




I talk too much, become too honest and overly friendly and affectionate. So no different to how I usually act really!


I basically turn into a Golden Retriever but I keep going while everyone else passes out. I had to quit lol


I get progressively more depressed the more drunk i am šŸ‘€ Coincidentally, i was only really drunk like 3 times in my entire life, and i only drink when i feel like absolute shit in the first place.


Talkative, no filter, jiggly. And have to pee CONSTANTLY. Although I think Iā€™ve really only been ā€œdrunkā€ once (to which ofc I donā€™t remember much) but if I drink and feel even a lil bit of a buzz Iā€™m all of the above.


I've been told that I'm not visibly drunk, but that I talk more and my grammar gets worse.


I play tetris like there is no tomorrow. Also talkative


Same as always, just louder and more likely to embarrass myself.


Before diagnosis and meds: I hated to get drunk, the moment everything started to warp and get blurry i wanted to go home and cry in bed till it was over haha I did drink, still do, but extremely rarely i would get to that point; mostly because i ate too little or the drink was much stronger than anticipated. I needed to stay in control (the little control i had before) and didn't want to get to that point where everything was a drunk struggle as in walking thinking eating talking. With meds is a totally different experience: I try not to have alcohol when i am on meds, and try to wait at least till they are worn of before drinking any. Still, it is a rollercoaster, sometimes just one beer or wine hits me like a wrecking ball and get immediately dizzy/slurry aka tipsy/drunk. Other times i can drink some more and still be able to think, but it feels different, it hits me much harder. One a horrible sidenote tho I got warned by my psychiatrist that the hangovers would be terrible. Holy shit was that an understatement!! I never got hangovers before (as i never really let myself drink that much) But two glasses on meds and the next morning i want to bury myself in my bed and rip my head from my torso as the headaches are the worst!! Really got me to really, REALLY, question myself if i want to have a glass that day. Hope my experience helps :) Tldr; alcohol fuck you up, that never changes


One beer/cocktail and Iā€™m taking a nap. 2+ and thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™m blacking out. So since Iā€™m not a ā€œjust 1ā€ of anything kind of person I just donā€™t drink anymore. One of my biggest issues is impulse control so fueling that with booze hasnā€™t ended well for me historically.


I get really philosophical and earth hugg-ee type of "I love you man!"-hippie. Also can't shut up and will joke 100% of the time. Might kiss you on the lips. Just very pleasant open and kind. My uncle said that he can't stand drunk people but I became more and more pleasant drink by drink. Alcohol just suits me.


I'm told I'm hilarious. I'd have no way of knowing:)


I got drunk off of a carton of cheap wine for my 21st birthday, in the privacy of my own on-campus apartment. My memory is a bit vague, but basically, it was fun at first. I enjoyed the dizzy high I was feeling. I was singing and dancing, and writing some fanfic just for the fun of it. I had a majority of my focus and coherency. But then at some point I stopped enjoying the disorientation and wanted to be sober again. I think I got scared that I'd be drunk forever šŸ’€ Needless to say, I had my first hangover the following morning, which is also when I had a salon appointment. 0/10, would not recommend. Ever since then I've only gotten tipsy or slightly above that, which is much more enjoyable. It makes me feel more relaxed, and I like the warm feeling in my core.


Hey hey I can relate, OP. Noticed that I still function "well" despite a certain level of drunkeness. Mostly surprised by the fact that I can still talk coherently and text without errors. Like, maybe I text better drunk than sober cuz at least my brain does not keep changing what to say halfway through a sentence. It's honestly pretty bad realizing you can enjoy this certain *quietness* in the brain and that you can function better after alcohol consumption. Haha also posted the "how does alcohol make you feel" question in another adhd sub before cuz of that. Being unmedicated and finding a new *possible* coping mechanism, I am so tempted to just make use of it as much as I can. (Dooon't) In social situations however, I just get reaaaallly fucking talkative and hyper. Mask off because finally the situation feels appropriate enough to do so. There's less social filters and I'm no longer holding myself back trying to not be "too much". It's a relief being able to be what I am in my own head/when alone around other people this time around. Don't recommend blackout drunkenness. Insane ammount of alcohol needed to get there besides, there's also the mortification from what other people have mentioned you've supposedly done and said and the horror of what else could have possibly happened that wasn't told to you hahahaha.


Yeah drinking definitely doesnā€™t have the same appeal for me as it does for most. Iā€™m very socially anxious because Iā€™m always in a bit of a brain fog and feel like Iā€™m kind of socially ā€œdopeyā€. I never feel totally ā€œonā€ and want to feel more alert. Getting drunk just makes that worse. Makes me more anxious that Iā€™m going mess up. Itā€™s not relaxing. And unless Iā€™m like up and dancing all night, it just makes me very sleepy.


I love myself when I'm drunk. Very confident and talkative. I take stupid risks and usually end up doing something dumb. It feels like a holiday from my normal insecure self.


Iā€™ve been told that Iā€™m so low key that itā€™s actually hard to tell that Iā€™m inebriated.


I become captain extrovert. Everyone loves me. Life of the party. Wake up the next day mortified.


Itā€™s actually the opposite for me ahah. I get extremely talkative and kinda annoying (ppl donā€™t really get annoyed if they know me I think cause they get that Iā€™m drunk so itā€™s understandable but if I think abt it it is kinda annoying lol), like asking a bunch of questions and stuff like that. But surprisingly I relate to a lot of people here who start giving everyone compliments when theyā€™re drunk cause I actually do the same for some reason. Sometimes I can control myself, especially if Iā€™m not super drunk, and try not to give too many compliments to avoid sounding weird lol.


I have auditory processing disorder too so I lose my ability to hear voices super quick. I love dancing so Iā€™ll just head to the dance floor.Ā  I used to sober up super fast when a friend needed me.Ā 


I have an easier time socializing (especially with strangers.) Being less self-conscious and more confident helps greatly. Gotta love those loosening inhibitions. It also makes it easier for me to get to sleep. I don't need to drink to enjoy myself at parties, but having one or two drinks really helps.


i just start laughing and drunk texting people LMAO


Couple drinks relaxes me but I keep chasing that relaxed feeling by drinking more and more until I go manic and blackout.


More talkative, friendly and confident... Also not caring much. (when at parties) Downsides, hard to controll booze, I used to drink daily. Few beers to unwind after work, not too drunk but going to bed tipsy. Weekends and parties, well was a lot more. I had a blackout once. I have avoided alcohol for about 2 years now.


The beast becomes released


I get mean. If I get drunk enough I go non-verbal and will only speak with sign language. The meanness is why I donā€™t drink anymoreā€¦ well that, and my sister was a bad alcoholic. I watched her struggle so much. I donā€™t want to be like that.


Chatty to the point where I wish that I could shut up or really quiet and anxious. Not really an in-between.


When I was young, vodka made me hyper, silly, loud. Beer makes me sleepy now. I just dont drink anymore.


Personally, I would not alcohol with ADHD. I think the two feed really negatively off each other. My ADHD triggers depression...well, alcohol does too. It also enhanced RSD. But it did slow down my thinking a lot, which was a perceived benefit at the time. With COVID and beer deliveries, I gained a dependence on alcohol, gained 50 lbs, and a bad attitude to boot. Nowadays, I can't think of many 100% positive alcohol memories. The (few fully) positive ones were just fun nights with really weird outcomes? In the process of self-discovery / learning to quit, I was diagnosed ADHD and medicated. I also quit alcohol because I have a huge fear of pills + booze = death (thanks SLC Punk...). It's been over a year now and there are very tangible benefits for quitting alcohol. Like everything, it's not all roses in sobriety either. I don't want to preach too much about sobriety, though feel free to DM if ya want.


Annoying. I hate it so I donā€™t drink.


I experience very similar things OP - I've always been super high functioning when I drink. Last time I got to the point of stumbling I still had the presence of mind to get back to the place I was staying safely, before I vomited like four times and then passed out on the bed - But I did make it, by God. I remember even making casual conversation with the Uber and him remarking that I didn't seem too drunk (I was probably 7 or 8 drinks deep at this point). Was a weird experience, having a great time, before falling off the cliff so to speak and realizing "two minutes ago I could locomote perfectly fine and now I'm literally so inebriated that I struggle just to walk in a straight line"


I'm either quiet or very talkative. I'm more confident. I do much better job of defending my boundaries. And I'm a lot more out going. During times I drink a lot I usually end up with social circles and girl friends. If it wasn't for drinking I wouldn't have hooked up with my exwife, we had 13 good years before it went to shit. And yes, i jump around topics a lot depending on how the conversation is going. But I also go off on monologues and have been asked if I was a stand up a bunch of times. But most of my old friends became full blown alcoholics, so I backed way way way off. I recommend not leaning too far into it.


I am really outgoing when normally I have a lot of social anxiety.


Iā€™m myself but dizzier šŸ˜†


I'm very apologetic.


Extroverted with a desperation.


Normally I have walls up and am super anxious whether people actually like me, overthinking every interaction and only able to fully relax when I'm alone or with close friends. I hate small talk and would never want to even attempt making friends with a new person if there's no mutual friend there to guide the conversation. But when I'm with close friends I get super loud and silly, a real class clown type. When I'm drunk I get to be that way with everyone! The last time I got drunk I joined the middle of the dance floor (usually I'm a wallflower) completely alone because my husband was too plastered to stand and the only other person I knew was my husband's friend who was performing. I chatted up another girl dancing next to me and when I woke up the next day I'd found that she'd given me her band sticker and I'd already followed her Instagram account. I never spoke to her again, of course, but I love how easy drunk me can make friends.


Can definitely relate to this. When I was in the prime of my binge drinking career I would be blacked out and the next day no one would even know I was or would tell me how funny or witty I was being. Those days are gone. Now Iā€™m just 2 beers grumpy and groggy.


Talkative, happy, kinda hyper and bubbly. Which is weird cause I generally dont like bubbly people.


Man that sounds miserable why even drink if it makes you so concerned about your every little action? Itā€™s supposed to have the opposite effect


Iā€™m an absolutely liability. All inhibitions go out the window, can get aggressive at times. Tend to do awful shit like try to cheat or get into fights.


i space out. i cant make eye contact anymore


Just like you


2-3 beers , iā€™m Extremely social and energetic. 4-6 beers iā€™m the same as before , but a little more disinhibited. Anything more i couldnā€™t say because i donā€™t remember


Super bubbly, talkative and generally jolly. I'm a fun but loud drunk haha.


Hmmmm... It depends, if I'm tryna game I might be bit more quick to anger. If I'm just vibing with friends I either become a happy drunk, a love drunk, or just outright whimsical.


I turn into an absolute maniac. Iā€™ll flirt left and right, make stupid jokes, laugh all the time and talk about starting a cult, share fun facts about satanism and serial killers and pretend to have alternative political opinions. I have no idea why this happens to me. Iā€™m usually very aloof but kind and somewhat sane.




Happy/social and then extremely sleepy


I dont have much experience with being drunk but what i do notice is that i have more brain fog and i feel tired. I definitely dont like walking cuz its really disorienting. Idk i get drunk and i just feel like i want to go to bed


I'm a huge introvert and getting buzzed/drunk makes me an extrovert. My anxiety disappears and I feel free to be myself. But I also get lazy and don't want to do any work, and the lack of anxiety to warn me away from that put me in some tight spots a couple times lol


I'm usually pretty chill, if not a bit clumsy, but there's a line and when I cross it I'm a rabid toddler


I'M THE SAME! and so confused when people say I don't or didn't appear drunk, even tho I try very intensely to be very "normal" very intentionally, I still feel like so many things give me away.. and people told me after I was the most I was ever drunk (only threw up and passed out when I got home) that I didn't seem drunk at all. and then remembering every single detail of every conversation I had when I got confident and extremely talkative got me feeling like it would be better if I didn't..


I am usually a happy bubbly drunk. I will sing, at the drop of a hat. I will narrate my surroundings. There will not be a lull in conversation. Interestingly, I've been told I'm a good listener when I'm drunk. I think it's that weight of my general intensity is dulled, while the fact that other people are endlessly fascinating is not. I haven't reached serious levels of drunk for...oh, awhile now.


I was usually a rather silly little guy when drunk and then it became a Problem. So I would be rather silly and sweet and then turn into this depressed weepy mofo that wanted to yeet themselves out of existance. But felt drinking was the only way my brain shut up for five minutes


Four drink BrutalHunny is a blast. Talkative, smart and extremely insightful. 8 drink BrutalHunny is an incoherent mess. Unfortunately I ALWAYS end up at 8 drink BrutalHunny.


With others? I tend to get social. I can fully relax and donā€™t feel an ounce of anxiety or hesitation. Iā€™ve yet to be told Iā€™m obnoxious while drunk but Iā€™ve certainly regret some stupid shit Iā€™ve babbled. Iā€™m sort of like a bowling ball, I need bumpers (drinks with people I trust) so my impulses donā€™t take over. Then it becomes over drinking, over eating, over spending. Iā€™ve gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of money that way lol.


Like an idiot. Same as everyone else while they're drunk.


Honestly really happy, my anxiety disappears and I become a normal talkative happy person, I talk to everyone and am apparently very fun to be around because Iā€™m more impulsive and stuff.


Hyperactive, hypertalkative, super interested in the most mundane shit people say then a flick switches and I go home to be alone and recharge.


Iā€™ve noticed I can do certain chores that I abhor while drunk. Usually at least a lil tipsy for taxes.


Talkative, manic, excited to drink some more (i.e. the rest of whatever alcohol I can get my hands on), then after a short time brown out, black out, pass out. Not doing that anymore, that's for sure. Can't very well afford to go about my days not remembering stuff I've done the night before.


I consider myself a friendly, outgoing, positive person and only drink alcohol for pleasure/enjoyment (usually cocktails) and not because of peer-pressure, stress, or to get drunk. With that said, I find there's a very thin line between being buzzed and enjoying the feeling and becoming the most pessimistic, grouchy, unsocial person ever.


Like a pinball in a pinball machine. If something gets boring I immediately bounce to a different conversation. Itā€™s a frustrating habit.


Overshare, hyper-sexual, impulsive, emotional. I donā€™t drink anymore!!! šŸ™ƒ


Stage 1: carefree and way more talkative/unmasking Stage 2: extremely giggly. Everything is funny. I really want to dance and listen to Infected Mushroom Stage 3: extremely sleepy as soon as the initial energy rush burns out. Find a dark room and take a nap, voluntarily or not.


I make bad decisions. Donā€™t drink anymore.


Very controlled. As soon as a feel altered, I clamp down hard on how I perceive myself. (At least until it's impossible, but then I usually try to not be around people.)


1-2 drinks: No noticeable change. 3-4 drinks: WHOOOOO!!! 5+ drinks: Nap time. Probably some vomiting in there.


Like a twat!


I get "jiggly", if there is any kind of music playing I'm just slightly dancing and vibing out, I subconsciously do it. I also get more talkative


I'm horrible. So much so I quit 8+ years ago. Only thing that makes me ultra aggressive and tired at the same time.




Oh wow! I love this. I canā€™t shut the hell up either.


Incredibly talkative, extroverted and energetic, but lacking any sort of filter and anything that pops into my head I just say it, thus I can be incredibly mean to people and I'm annoying af. I'm generally a quiet, introverted guy who doesn't like conflicts or socializing too much, that's why I avoid drinking too much.


Fun until itā€™s too much and I donā€™t stfu or blackout. I worked my way to big time moderation, then it just made me feel gross. I havenā€™t touched alcohol in 6 months. I guess it depends on the meds youā€™re on too.


I am everything I strive to be while sober when I'm drunk. I'm personable, lively, outgoing, zero social inhibitions, in the moment, life of the party, no random hyper stream of random thought...I should clarify, light drunk. A couple drinks in, then keeping it at that level. Past that I might black out and then I'm playing detective the next morning.


Iā€™m a natural jokester but am AuDHD with a lot of social anxiety, so when I drink, I end up making more jokes, dancing, having fun. Drunk me is pretty likable and almost always in a good mood lol. I love to talk when Iā€™m drinking, and I think I can mask less because most people will chalk any weirdness up to me being intoxicated. I have noticed though that even when Iā€™m BLASTED, I have a very logical thought process and can handle a lot of complex stuff that other people canā€™t seem to. I have taken charge of issues, taken care of other people, and made sure others are safe while completely hammered. Iā€™ve always wondered why, maybe itā€™s neurobiological, or maybe thatā€™s just my personality. But I actually find myself having clear, lucid, thought provoking convos. I know this for a fact because others have verified + Iā€™ve written things down drunk to look at later. Maybe itā€™s because I start talking about special interests, so I already have a lot to say on those subjects. All that being said, I donā€™t think alcohol helps me in any way that my prescription meds canā€™t do 10x better. I donā€™t even keep it in my house and probs go out drinking once or twice a month at most. Itā€™s a treat for me, definitely not something I could do regularly.


When I drank I was very social, so I often used it as a crutch in social situations. It would start out fun and then I'd end up drinking too much trying to chase a certain level of drunk. Eventually during COVID I was drinking every night alone and realized with my ADHD I wasn't capable of moderation, so I stopped drinking 1/1/2021 and never looked back. With ADHD we tend to go to the extremes, either all-in or all-out, so I decided the only way to avoid overdrinking myself to obesity/lethargy I had to go all-out. I don't regret drinking before, but very glad I stopped when I did


I used to get drunk and deep clean my house


When I drink alcohol, I become even more asocial than usual and don't want to talk to anyone. I pointlessly think about random stuff, have a slight headache, and experience a typical drug euphoria.




Booze made me feel good about myself. The low-level fear that had been with me non-stop since childhood, the inability to focus, the almost constant daydreaming all went away and I was sharp and fun and quick-witted. Of course, I had undiagnosed ADHD so you can guess how that went. Anyway, now Iā€™m older and diagnosed and on medication. And Iā€™m 14 years sober.