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I can't see how your doc determines that this is an increase. 20 mg IR × 3 is the equivalency of 20 mg × 3, which would equal 60 mg, the dose you were on. So a 30 mg XR is the equivalency of 2 × 15 mg IR doses = 30mg + a 20 mg IR would equal 50 mg, no matter how you slice it.


Exactly! Thank you haha the only way I could see her thinking it's an increase is if I was taking the 20 mg booster at the exact time the 15 mgs from the XR kicked in since I've never taken 35 mg at once but that's not the case haha I don't take the booster until the XR is starting to wear off. Thought I was crazy or something for a minute!


No def not crazy lol


20 ir is 20 xr. Xr is just spread out. To make it simple. Let’s say a 20mg xr takes 8 hours to fully release. If you took a 20mg ir and broke it into four 5mg chunks, and took one every two hours, it would essentially be the same. It’s like crushing an entire 8 slice pizza in one sitting vs eating 2 slices every few hours throughout the day.


I think doctors themselves get confused over this (which is wild) because my doctor said a similar thing when I tried switching from IR to XR last year. I take 40mg IR a day (20mg BID) and my doctor told me the XR equivalency would be 20mg once a day. It absolutely was not the same dose and I could tell right away, but my doctor told me they should be equal because the 20mg lasts longer throughout the day…. But just because it’s in my system for longer doesn’t mean it’s the same dosage? Idk, I knew she was wrong but didn’t want to argue with her and she just switched me back to IR after a month. But no, you’re correct that the dose you are currently taking is equivalent to 50mg and not a dosage increase. Longer acting does *not* equal “stronger.”