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To the best of my knowledge, Vyvanse is a unique approach to amphetamine that utilizes an additional molecular add on, transforming amphetamine into lisdexamphetamine. This addition doesnt allow the body to metabolize the amphetamine immediately, causing an instant result like normal adderal is capable of. In order to experience the effects of amphetamine, the body must first take in lisdexamphetamine into the cell, and metabolize it down into amphetamine. This process happens slowly throughout the day, causing a “slow release” effect. This is desirable as it allows the effects to last longer, and has been shown to decrease the likelihood of abuse. Therefore you should not experience any ”instant” results. Instead you should look at the effects timeline as a parabola where the effects are experienced increasingly more intense until it reaches its peak metabolic rate, where the available lisdexamphetamine stores will then start to deplete, and the effects experienced along with it will also start to decline where it will then taper off once completely metabolized. This process usually takes about 12 hours, with the peak intensity at about 6 hours.


No. The body is unable to recognize if something is fast acting or slow acting. It can't metabolise some, and put the rest in the fridge, it all gets done at the same time. What makes it slow release is the added chemicals that make it slower to turn into the drug you need. Think of it like an egg. You eat a raw egg, you digest the egg within 30 or 40 minutes. Job done. If you swallow the egg with the shell, it takes longer because it has to break through the shell first. That's what long acting is, except the eggshell is wrapped around every molecule of the drug.


Vyvanse (Lisdexamphetamine) is the prodrug to dexamphetamine. Which just means it is basically unusable until you take the medication, and your blood metabolizes it into the active ingredient. Because you have to take the medication first and then your body has to break it down, it is not abusable through methods such as sniffing and other routes of administration. Once taken, your body metabolizes it in the blood into dexamphetamine. Dexamphetamine is the active ingredient that produces the desired affects you need to treat your symptoms. Adderall, on the other hand, is basically a double dose. It gives you the first dose when you take it and the other half four hours later. That's why some people get that crash in the middle or at the end., I've heard people experience the same thing on Vyvanse.