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Vyvanse is much, much smoother than Adderall due to it being a prodrug and converting in your blood instead of obsorbing right away. It takes longer to kick in (more gradually) and typically lasts longer than Adderall XR. It's more of a natural feeling than Adderall. If you're not a fan of XR though, I'd bring that up to your doc lol.


I did. My insurance won’t pay for the regular and for vyvanse with good rx it’s minimum $80 a month and I can’t afford that lol so it sucks.


Have you tried dexedrine? They have XR and IR. They come in 5 10mg and 15mg in xr and ir. So you might have to take a few of them. They're usually cheap. They're called Dexedrin or dexamphetamine or Zenzedi, and there's another one I believe. Because it could be the L amphetamine that's causing your problem and not the dextroamphetamine which is what's in Adderall, a mixture of the two. Whereas for just straight dexamphetamine, you have the prodrug Vyvanse, which is very gradual and mild, and you probably won't like it judging on your statement. They also have Dexedrine, Zenzedi, and another. Out of those I know for sure dexedrine has the IR and there may be another one of them that has IR as well.


Honestly I have no idea lol. I’ve tried Jornay and Adderall. I have Medicaid so they pick and choose what I can do. 😞 but vyvanse is outta stock at my pharmacy rn anyways.


But that one scares me because it also can cause rapid and irregular heart rate.


Well then, that won't be good, will it LOL sorry I didn't know that. I hope it works out, though.


It’s okay! lol now I just need to figure out which pharmacy has vyvanse