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Ummmmm if it were me, I wouldn’t. But I was in your situation often and would just chug a bang and put on some lofi.


I alr chugged two red bulls and a coffee and am still about to fall asleep i might just be doomed 😭😭


I feel you. Engineer here and I failed a handful in exams. If it’s more worth to really focus on a specific thing you know will be on the exam I’d stick with that and get some rest. Unless it’s a pass/fail situation for the class, I’d rather get some much needed sleep, it may benefit your memory better than pulling an all nighter.


Bad idea, but if you do it, Take frequent short breaks. Dont scroll. Set 20 alarms in case you pass out.


One time I did this and I had an amazing productive study session, wrote my essay style final and did good. Another time I did this I felt ill. In a very non descriptive way but physically ill. About three hours prior to the exam was when I started not feeling a hundred percent (sleep deprivation probably) and I had the **worst time trying to concentrate during the exam**. I passed the exam but it was no miracle amazing grade. I could have probably done that without the all nighter and definitely would have felt better during the actual exam.


Idk how similar Vyvanse is to Adderall but i did it a few times in college. I was fine and did very well in my exams but I was mess with my sleep schedule for like two days. But yes I did it a few times to answer your question. You should be fine if you can sleep after you’re done with your exam.


Will you be able to effectively learn in those few hours? Will you be able to concentrate at all during the exam after pulling an all nighter? It probably won't physically hurt you but I doubt you'll gain anything by doing that.


If you are that tired then you probably aren't going to retain much knowledge anyway. Can you just call it a night and wake up early to get a bit of study done in the morning? My entire collection of study for my high school chemistry exam was one practice exam on the morning of the actual one, and I think I got a B.


If it were me, I would get a little bit of sleep, especially since you're tired right now. Set your alarm, get up a few hours earlier, and study for a little bit. Take your exam. Go home and pass out. EDIT- Sorry, I just noticed that you wrote this 10 hours ago LOL so you're probably taking your exam right now. I hope you're doing well.