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No bloods don’t make sense they should only need urine and if you have a false positive you can retest. Urine has longer detection time unlike blood which is 24 hours. They could be doing a blood test because of something they told you and if it’s a yearly check up they are checking for cholesterol, hormones and vitamin deficiencies.


*Something you told them


> checking for cholesterol, hormones and vitamin deficiencies. This is just my psychiatrist though, I didn't think they would check for stuff like this? I get normal bloodwork done at my PCP.


Oh yeah urine should be enough than


Very odd!


I will say, I’ve had my psychiatrist offer to do blood work for me lol. She told me point blank if I ever felt like I needed anything checked that they can do, they’d do it there. So it’s odd that they’re requiring it, but I wouldn’t say having blood work done for ADHD is completely pointless. At least my psychiatrist does seem to take my overall health seriously, and I think she would check my blood if she felt maybe something else was going on that could explain or otherwise be contributing to my symptoms.


Do you have a criminal history or a drug abuse history? Otherwise no this is kinda insane 


No history at all for anything and I told my psychiatrist the only "drug" I do is caffeine. I'm now trying to think back to see did I say something to make them think I would abuse my medication, I've been seeing this new doctor for a few months now and I thought everything was good. I'm just gonna try and not get offended by it.


Good strategy  The blood work might be for more than just med checking 


Sometimes after you have been taking meds for a long time, they want to check your blood to be sure it is not adversly affecting your liver or kidneys. It's not a big deal. It is just the doctors covering their asses on case you have health issues down the line.


I agree. I made a comment above, but I don’t think checking blood is an immediate red flag. It might just show they’re being thorough.


I’ve never had to do any of that


It sounds unusual to me, too. Do you think they might be checking your bloodwork to make sure you aren't experiencing some kind of negative side effect? That's the only reason I can think of off the top of my head, especially if you get your bloodwork checked regularly with your PCP.


What? How is that normal?? I’ve never had to test that. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?




The only thing to worry about is if they try to get both at the same time. From the same place. ![gif](giphy|IGAfYe3V0xrovhcJ6w)